High House of Light
The High House of Light was formerly Kyuden Togashi, the oldest palace of the Dragon Clan. It was the chief monastery for the tattoed orders of the Dragon Clan, which had been popular figures in Rokugani literature. The Ise Zumi rarely ventured outside their monastic castles, but when they did their bizarre actions reflected their unexplainable attunement to the Five Elements. It was located within the Togashi provinces.
Old Road
The Dragon Way was the road that lead up to the palace, a sharp-angled steep climb, and any armored man attempting the climb would surely fall. The old road to the castle when it was known as Kyuden Togashi could be seen on maps leading from Shiro Kitsuki to the castle. In actuality the road continued only for a few miles more before ending abruptly. There were rumors of a hidden path, but they were only rumors. There was no true path to Kyuden Togashi, and each of those who made their way to the palace had to find their own way. Travelers who were seeking the palace told stories of how they had the palace in sight, then lost it in a passing mist.
To those few who actually found their way to Kyuden Togashi it had been described in many different ways. Some said it had to have been carved out of the side of the mountain itself, while others claimed to have found it at the bottom of a ravine, surrounded by waterfalls. This led some to speculate that Kyuden Togashi was in fact several smaller castles, and with so many different ways to approach the castles there would be many different accounts of what it looked like.