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Toshi Ranbo wo Shien Shite Reigisaho

Toshi Ranbo wo Shien Shite Reigisaho, Violence Behind Courtliness City, is a city currently under control of the Crane Clan inside the Lion Clan lands. It has gone back and forth between their control over the hundreds of years since its creation. It was commonly referred to simply as “Toshi Ranbo”. It was intended as headquarters to coordinate the Akodo military efforts against the Crane. Tumultuous would be an appropriate description of the political and military atmosphere laying upon its citizens.

The Iron Fans
A group of disillusioned ronin began patrolling the city, and they were known for their weapon of convenience, the Tessen. The Crane had been concerned that the war-weary populace might revolt against both sides, and had issued an edict forbidding any non-Crane residents to bear weapons within the city. Many ronin had been angered that the endless war between Lion and Crane left their samurai little time to keep the streets safe. They had organized themselves, assuming the role of vigilantes and carried the iron fans that were their namesake, the Iron Fans, in the place of forbidden swords.