Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 10


18th of Akoko in 1123 (Month of the Horse) – I have spent this week working out deals with various merchants to distribute the first volume of the Book: In Defense Of Honor. I asked Donoha to try that drawing style of his out as a picture for me. Next, I had another painter copy it and make it into a cover. I can’t wait to see how this does! All my time is spent quietly making copies and keeping up on the gossip about Donoha. I trade a story about him from our travels in exchange for informants watching my lord and reporting back. They’ve all been made aware about the book to be released in the Phoenix lands.

He laughed about this picture because he said this body would be a hard goal to obtain. Let me tell you ladies and gentleman! He’s to self critical as he is well on his way to being as structured as this picture. I have traveled with him on the road, seen him change kimonos, and cared for him in Shiro Akodo. He is in shape, everywhere it might matter, trust me. I don’t know how into pillowing he might be but we’ll save that for volume two.

Keeping track of Donoha this week was a simple task.

  • They met with the Ambassador Damiyo of the Dragon per the ambassador’s request to get a full run down of the encounter.
  • I know he was going to ask more about Kai leaving with the Agasha. Since the Kitsuki family was founded by Agasha Kitsuki, his ancestor. What “if any” does that bode for Donoha since he has distant family (at this point maybe 3rd, 4th, 5th cousins) among them.
  • Talk with the Dragon ambassador further about Doji Hoto’s offer to have Donoha work as their Yojimbo. Unlike a lot of Samurai on loan to the Emperor’s Gift. Mirumoto Tanestu is “actually” the first Lord that Donoha is in service to.
  • Finishing the ring for the Phoenix took up the lion’s share of this week.
  • Disassembling the lantern to use its components to craft Netsuke (toggle), Ojime (fastener), and Inro (suspended pouch, containers, or object from an Obi sash/belt) containers with elements of the brass and glass of the lantern. He called it a reincarnation of sorts for the lantern. This would become his gift to the Dragon
  • Giving his friend Isawa Genji the time and peace to settle in and speak with their clan’s ambassador.

I have had a wonderful time taking with Genji about mystical matters and the spirits. Their focus is not upon the temporal as much as it is on the spiritual. They are powerful in the void and it has marked them. When we reached Toshi no Omoidoso (City of Remembrance), the gates were bared and we have made camp outside in the rough shape of a horse’s iron shoe. It would be easy to surmise the issue is the change in power from the Shiba family to the incoming Agasha family. It’s possible it could indeed be something else.

Donoha has been practicing their fighting techniques on a boulder nearby the camp at night. He’s begun training with a wooden tessen he made from scrap wood, when I asked him why he said, “Come back at dinner, and I’ll show you.” When I returned he had made a very simple and delicate tessen from paper and bamboo. Then he has hold up a piece of washi paper. “Toss it in the air when you’re ready and step back.”

A second or maybe two after I let go he cut it in half with the paper edge of the fan! “With preparation even soft things can find a hard edge,” he replied and then lunged at me and locked my wrist with the fan. Twisting me into him so he could stop my fall! He then held the open fan, above us. I could see the tiny diamonds he had cut into the fan, so that when folded shut gave it teeth! Putting me upright he gave me the fan and went off to find dinner. I was left alone so suddenly, by Benten’s bountful blessing what a heart slayer.

Yet, this was an insight into how the investigation techniques of his worked. Everyone is capable of darkness or light given the right motivation. This fan with paper teeth and the wrist were examples of one way. His catching and showing me the night sky was the other.