This brings us back to the present day, 24th of Akodo in 1123 (Month of the Horse). We’re a few hours outside of Toshi no Omoidoso and have come to a larger bridge usable by those on the Emperor’s Road. The sides bridges that others used had scouts saying Shadowland Shades had been seen. Many of the samurai were divided up and sent to each of the bridges. I found out from one of the aids (who bought my book), Donoha san was assigned to Akodo Asahi san’s group, which also had Bayushi Airi with them as well.
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While all groups did encounter shades that appeared to learn from the Battle of the Emerald Shades and have better tactics. It was Akodo Asahi san’s group that had something different happen. I’m telling you, some kind of epic destiny follows Donoha san! The dead shades tried to deliberately go after Asahi san! So Asahi san used that feature to make himself bait, so his companions could attack from flanking! Then the shades merged into a giant, singular, version of the shades when they were getting hurt heavily.
What is even more exciting was hearing about Bayushi Airi san jumping into the fray with just wielding knives! She stood toe to toe with Donoha san in the battle! In fact, the aide that brought in the report said that he got the details from Donoha san. When I asked what he did, of course he did not brag about anything regarding himself and chose to talk up his teammates. I gave the aide the low down on what Donoha san likes to do about bragging, and they nodded saying they’ll pass that info along.
This is a new world for me and him growing their legend.
25th of Akoko in 1123 (Month of the Horse) – The caravan was able to keep moving thanks to the efforts of those involved with clearing the bridges. It was the Hour of the Hantei (Serpent / 10am-Noon or Zenith) when the caravan of 93 wagons ground to a halt. The team being sent to Mori Kage Toshi was assembled and the gear requested was handed out. The only one whom got the servant request filled was Doji Hoto san. It was only four heimin and myself to maintain the tents and cooking. It was also the only four that did not shirk when the destination was mentioned. They also managed a number of the other pack horses. The Forest Shadow City team:
- Akodo Ashi san
- Bayushi Airi san
- Seia san
- Kitsuki Donoha san
- Doji Hoto san
- Isawa Kyoko san
- Shiba Ogawa san
- Bayushi Akiyama san
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Once they were separated the caravan began to lumber forward like a great serpent of legend. Heading down the path to Mori Kage Toshi our heroes quickly saw the ravages of time. Trees that appeared untouched for ages bearing the slow rot of a curse around 350 years old. A mist hung in the air as a sort of warning, “Unless one seeks danger turn back!”
At a fork in the road the group knew they would need to search for a place to sleep. Hoto san, Akiyama san, Kyoko san, and Ogawa san headed off in one direction while the remaining four followed the path forward. For several hours each group wandered and Hoto san’s group found a good spot to make camp while the other four met an ill-omened welcoming party.
The leader of the trio spoke to the group asking them what they were doing there. When our group replied they were head to the castle the three laughed. Only to stop when they realized the samurai were not joking. The dark trio revealed themselves to be followers of the ninth Kami. They offered to escort those present to the castle as brothers and sisters.
Our heroes elected to eschew their offer when mentioning they had come to apprehend Doji Hengo and try to remove the curse of the castle. The dark trio of ronin descended upon the ground and pair off with the trio. Seia san had disappeared from the area as the fight began, likely seeking safety in case she needed to warn the other group. The female of the group squared off with Bayushi Airi san on the left flank. The group’s purported leader and Kitsuki Donoha san began walking towards each other. Akodo Asahi san drew and arrow and nocked his yumi and shot between Donoha san and their opponent to hit the one on the right flank! Enraged, they began to circle around to fight the Lion samurai.
It is rare to see a battle between two people that are completely and evenly matched. Such was the situation Bayushi Airi san found themselves in with the female ronin. Wielding her red & black aiguchi in one hand and a plain black lacquered tanto in the other. She was grateful for the light armor that had been procured for her. Back and forth they went without more than landing a minor hit on each other.
Akodo Asahi san got a wonderful hit on the ronin that chose to track down to him. The only reason his life lasted that long was that he avoided Donoha san. As fate would have it he would survive the two arrows buried in him and close the distance to rokuganto (Rokugan Sword) combat range! Asahi san began to sing a funeral dirge for the ronin and you really want to hear that voice sometime! Ladies, gentleman, and every other pretty person reading this volume, Asahi san can sing and sing WELL! I don’t think I can stress the talent needed to sing in combat where breathing is crucial!
Now, I would like to explain the difference between my perspective and Donoha san’s. Donoha san’s description of his fight was and I quote, “I hit him twice and he died, he also was not good at math or strategy.” Yeah, that’s it! Thanks to other people present I can explain in greater detail.
The group’s leader had misjudge how far Donoha san could move. Donoha san had tilted his head briefly to one side and strode forward his Oath-hammer in his left and the Three Souls katana in his right. With one swing pieces of his opponent’s light armor and blood went flying! With his second hit the same thing happened again and the ronin fell! A crimson “X” beginning to soak the ground around him. Then he turned his attention to Airi san’s opponent.
In nearly the whole fight Donoha san did not speak. Now, the one whom was speaking was Airi san. She had uncovered the one Donoha san had killed was the lover of the ronin she was fighting. Her blades were her pincers but the stinger was her words! She waged two battles at the same time, one in the physical world and one in the void of the mind! As Donoha san walked up to the battle twixt Airi san and the female ronin he was becoming distracted by the battle beginning between Asahi san and his walking pin cushion of an opponent. He was so distracted that he absently swung his sword at the ronin that was trying to fend off Airi san’s strikes and words. Now again perspective is important. Donoha san recalls swinging his sword at her from the side. However, he was not actually looking at his target. The katana hit in her lower back, ripped about two sun deep (0.2 Shaku) through her light armor, and came out the front with another burst of blood! When he felt no more resistance he quickly pulled it out of that fray to avoid hitting Airi san.
As Donoha san moved off to go aid his cousin, Asahi san. Airi san did not waste the opportunity given to her and finished off their opponent with not just cutting barbs as her corrupted soul would join her lover in Gaki-Do! Donoha san had closed enough of the distance to be near a stone column in the road. He began a loud shout at the ronin to leave his cousin alone! It drew the attention of the last ronin and Asahi san, whom shot his cousin a look! Conveying the notion to stay out, this one was his!
He let the wakizashi drop back into its saya. He fished a mint colored cloth from under his scaled and shakudo clad do chest piece. Putting the Oath-hammer back in his obi. Wiping his blade clean he returned it to its saya as Airi san joined him. He leaned up against the stone column lamenting to Airi san as much as to the wind, “Please don’t make me tell my aunt her son died in battle like his father.” (edited)
When she stopped at the column he offered his copper fan he’d received from the Centipede Clan’s daimyo. She accepted and they began to talk as his cousin continued his fight. Their conversation took an unexpected turn, it began to follow the notions of love and whether or not the two ronin were really criminals. Donoha san said they had allowed their love to corrupt them. He had told Chiasa san in his vision the Phoenix Emerald Ambassador had noticed him having. That if he was ordered to marry it would be the only way he would touch another woman. Airi san retorted with, “If Chiasa san is forced to marry then would you be okay with another man touching her?”
“If that is the wish of her lord and he treats her well, then yes. My heart might belong to Chiasa san but I don’t want the person assigned to marry me to go through what the Agasha bride did with the Shiba that had fallen for an Ikoma!” His hand gesturing off in the direction of Mori Kage Toshi.
Removing the nose portion of his menpo, shoving it below his Do chest piece and looking at Airi san, “No one deserves that level of callousness from a partner. I won’t be that cruel to anyone.”
The Scorpion stared at the Dragon until they heard the voice of Akiyama san, Kyoko san, and Ogawa san. Calling out to Asahi as he had just delivered the fatal blow to his opponent! Winning their first real fight. If the Scorpion had more to say to the Dragon they chose to save that discourse for another time.
Seia san had appeared from behind her Bayushi mistress as though she had been there the whole time. As the two groups converged to congratulate Asahi san. Doji Hoto san also began to appear in the distance coming to join everyone. It decided that despite this location being a decent campsite no one wanted to sleep near decaying bodies.
Seia san had collected the katana of the fallen, specifically the lovers. Their bodies would be left to the animals of the forest to provide sustenance. Airi san made a remembrance of for the fallen lovers and Donoha san composed a haiku on the spot when she finished:
Dead lovers’ lament,
Katana’s blade stained with blood,
A hate turned to love.
The reunited group returned to the encampment Hoto and his four, loaned, Crane servants had set up everything. The surprise of a hot spring within the encampment was a joyous surprise to those that had not seen it before. Akiyama san and Hoto san had arranged everything with the four servants on loan to the Crane. It was an impressive encampment to behold!
Airi san offered to help Donoha san with removing his armor, and he graciously accepted. Both Seia san and Airi san got a chance to see the armor box with a unique mon that was also on the waist plate of Donoha san’s scaled Do chest plate. His clan’s mon was where his heart would be. The Kitsuki family mon was on the left shoulder while the mon for the Dojo of the Mirror was on the back of the left shoulder plate.
What caught both women a bit off guard was the reverence he paid to the smithing hammer with Crab designs etched into the head. The one he would wield in his left hand during fights as though he’d replaced his wakizashi with it to perform Niten. No matter what was being removed from him the hammer was either in his field of vision or he was holding it. Even down to waist level undergarments so he could go and bath. The hammer never left him, not even when he helped undo a few catches on Airi’s armor before leaving them in his tent so they could take care of their preparations in privacy.
Stools and buckets had been setup by the hot springs for washing before the soak. Scars people don’t normally see were on display. The one below the left collar bone and the other one going from his right shoulder to to left side of his stomach. He did not talk much during the soak but when he shut his eyes in the hot springs the hammer was present and gripped in one hand or the other, constantly.
Eventually Airi san, Kyoko san, and Ogawa san joined. The Dragon asked about his cousin, to which the Phoenix shugenja mentioned the Lion had been fully healed of wounds. Asahi joined the soak shortly after this. Both of the ladies began to tease Ogawa over how he likes me but Donoha came to his rescue after an hour or so. He mentioned guard duty and that he would start it. Ogawa would patrol just Kyoko’s tent but Donoha san would go first and Akiyama san would go second. His cousin had retired and he stuck his head in during his meditation letting know he’d get the third watch.
He told Akiyama san later that they would split the shift and let Asahi sleep. The Scorpion was fine with this and so night fell upon the caravan. When Donoha san went back to his tent he found a red cloth and threaded it into his menpo’s neck plates to be sure he’d ask Airi san about it later. He slept in most of his armor which proved to be advantageous upon awakening.
A cackling sound came for the woods across the fire pit from the tents. A type of half Human, half Oni not seen before by the tree leans back with his hand on his stomach, the other clutching the peculiar glowing orb. His deep laughter chills to the bone on an otherwise clear and pleasant night. His laughter fades, but his grin does not, as he gestures toward the campfire that still burns in the deep hours of the night.
Shadows pour forth like a fog that begins to envelop the area. Each breath becomes encased in frost as movement is slowed…then halted…
The shadows twist about the campsite as vision fades into darkness, souls wrapped in torment!
No one was quite certain what had just happened when the shadows cleared. Nor was this the time to talk about any horrors the shadow magics had borne down upon them. They endured and came out the other side. Now was the time to deal with their interloper. Upon the hill stood the Maho Shugenja screaming, “Hanjen does not fail! How are they coming to?!?”
As our heroes came to their senses they saw the Maho Shugenja stab their hand with a finger nail of the other hand! The smaller hot spring in front of them began to glow green and bubble! Out of the eerie water arose three glowing specters thought banished to the realms beyond! The faces bore no emotion and unlike the last dead spirits they encountered these three did not appear drawn to Asahi san. The ronin couple Hayashi and Reika, along with their companion, Matsuda, began to move to various target suggesting that either the other incident was a one off event or these are not undead specters!
The Maho Shugenja began to weave another dark piece of bloody spellcraft. Donoha san said he would hold would hold off the three specters if everyone could go and attack the blood magic user. Airi san seemed doubtful but Donoha san assured her it would not be the first time. As he moved in Matsuda met the Dragon’s advance! As the spell finished manacles of dark, rusty iron burst from the ground and ensnare the Doji Hoto san, trapping him and holding him in place! Rendered immobile and helpless, unable to take any physical actions. He mentioned it would be nice if someone could cut these chains off.
The ronin specter’s blade flashed crossed the Dragon’s heavy armor but could not find purchase. Airi san moved to help free Hoto san and was successful! However, the Crane had a look of terror for when the spell was broken, the manacles melted away into a disgusting black ooze. Seeping into the kimono they were wearing!
While this was going on the Reika’s specter was going after Asahi san. This was due to the Lion bushi firing an arrow into the Maho Shugenja and then watching it turn into a black piece of blood that glopped onto the ground. Donoha’s second swing decapitated Matsuda and he turned his attention back to Hayashi whom had moved up on Hoto san and Airi san. Each of them had landed a hit but Hoto had received some wounds of his own. Mittsu Tamashi flashed once more leaving vaporous reflections of black and copped as it finished off Hayashi. While both the Crane and Scorpion moved to end the Maho Shugenja. Donoha checked in on his Itoko-san (cousin), and with a grunting nod Donoha left him to finish off Reika’s specter.
As he turned to head off to the villain on the hill he saw the effect of another blood spellcrafting. Airi san’s left left leg had been withered and she was being forced to drag it to move forward! Even Donoha had his soul withered, making it easier to kill him! As a comparison his great pooto falcon, Shirogane, and he were about the same durability now! The group was getting a first hand lesson why maho magics were dangerous and corrupting because resisting them did not appear possible! Doji Hoto san then threw his wakizashi and hit the Maho Shugenja! Follow up by a tanto from Bayushi Airi!
During these attacks Kitsuki Donoha pushed forward knowing his life was more fragile than ever. Trusting his armor would do its job given it had been assembled from various pieces of Seppun Miharu armor. The Miharu are the Imperial legions after all. Being a good judge of distance he was able to not impede the thrown attacks and in a battle of wills managed to break the Maho Shugenja’s focus (Out of Character = Spent a Void to raise initiative and made the NPC do it as well so they could not use it during the round) and bring it to the dragon. Even with all that you can imagine what happened next. I’ll even describe the way Donoha told me.
“I assisted Doji Hoto sama and Bayushi Airi san in their work and finished off the Maho user.”
You can trust in one thing always with Kitsuki Donoha san. He’ll never boast about himself and he’ll always defer to his companions in terms of glory. Now let’s revisit this from the version his companions shared. Donoha made a single slash that started at the left collarbone. Through the ribs and almost coming out the right side, but he turned it similar to a seppuku twist and freed Hoto’s wakizashi. Continuing back left through the ribs and stomach he knocked Airi’s tanto free. Then another twist and back right and out over the right hip!
It should be noted shortly before the foul maho user was cut down they had inflicted another curse! Pain was wrought upon Doji Hoto san and the Crane resisted showing him any, and I mean ANY sign of pain! Even though he’d been knocked down! The Emerald Champion should be proud of this son, their honor is strong indeed!
After their death, the Maho Shugenja and their spell effects turned into black colored blood and seeped into the ground. The wakizashi was laid next to Doji Hoto san, and the tanto returned to Bayushi Airi san. Donoha san cleaned Mittsu Tamashi and tossed this cloth in the fire, which made it flicker weird colors before buring off an acrid smoke that dissipated over a short time.
They sat around the fire until Akodo Asahi san noticed the lack of sound. They began to look around with Kitsuki Donoha san while Bayushi Airi san tended to Doji Hoto san’s wounds. In the other part of the encampment Donoha san was able to find footprints thanks to their training in the Nazado (Investigation) – Ichi Maru (First Glance). He started to act out the battle and was able to tell his cousin whom was he was imitating based on the stances, depth of foot print, sized of imprint, and spacing of feet.
What caught the Dragon off guard was the sudden stop of the battle and EVERYONE else walking off to the castle of Mori Kage Toshi! They must not have woken up from the dark cloud and are still under some form of spell. He explained to Asahi san they have poked the proverbial tiger. Their enemy is actively marshalling forces against them which is telling in its own way. Donoha was even able to confirm Seia san’s location in the woods before she too, just walked off to the castle as they were heading back.
When they had arrived Hoto san looked to be in much better shape than when the Lion and Dragon had left. The Crane recommended the Scorpion’s hands as “soon to be legendary” since Asahi san was still suffering from the battle with Reika’s specter. When Donoha mentioned knowing Seia had gone to the castle along with the other because they did not wake up like the four of them did. Airi san was quick to suggest going after everyone, even if that meant her going alone. While Donoha was fine with a glorious death in service to the Empire, that seemed like a foolish errand and tossingg your life away was wrong because it was not in service to your lord.
Hoto san got caught off guard when Asahi san did not use “sama” with him. They talked about it Doji Hoto presented Akodo Asahi with the fan from Moshi Jukio sama, Daimyo of the Centipede clan, when they offered to do so. It was emblazoned with the clan mon. Made with tempered copper from the Dragon lands, or more succinctly, Donoha san’s family copper mine.
When Donoha suggested leaving in the morning so some of the wounds could mend. The rest felt they would not have such time. He promptly agreed to follow the mission leader’s direction. Akodo Asahi declared everyone should gather what they need and they head out afterwards. Donoha suggested then a preparatory tea ceremony to Megumi, the Fortune of Heroic Inspiration. Everyone was on board for this idea and Doji Hoto san brought out their chrysanthemum tea. While Akodo Asahi san brought out his father’s tea set.
With great care and even greater skill, Hoto san prepared the chrysanthemum tea. Its been said in the last book that they could teach a class on how to do this correctly. Akodo Asahi was given the honor as the mission leader to determine if it was good. In quick measure everyone was sampling Hoto san’s handiwork. Rejuvenated in body and soul, the quartet head out to Mori Kage Toshi.
26th of Akodo in 1123 (Month of the Horse) – Matsu Shànzi (yep, that’s me)
As the Hour of the Tiger (4-6 AM) crested into its turn for the day the Lion, Crane, Scorpion, and Dragon move towards the abandoned but not deserted castle of Mori Kage Toshi. Clearly, the fight they had with the maho shugenja, Hanjen, and the trio of ronin has proven it is very much alive in nefarious fashion. Tired but riding on tea and determination they made their way into the city. The came across another group of seven Emerald Shades and two Ogres guarding a person in what looked like Phoenix shugenja robes.
Donoha san wrote a set of haikus describing the battle, enjoy them.
Mori Kage Toshi weeps,
A city of shadows deep,
A call for samurai’s sweep.
Through the haunted gates,
Four samurai, hearts ablaze,
To cleanse Mori’s haze.
A lone shugenja stands,
Drawn to Mori’s mournful plea,
Five swords seek to be free.
Roar of the lion,
Strategist’s mind weaves victory,
Foes fall to the plan.
Crane’s arrow takes flight,
Piercing the spirit’s dark heart,
Evil fades to light.
Agile Scorpion,
Dagger flashes, troll’s flesh rips,
Evil’s bane stands tall.
Crane’s swift wings unfurl,
Katana’s flash, a foe falls,
Honor’s light ablaze.
Sharp blade swiftly gleams,
Troll’s roar echoes through the night,
Headless beast falls still.
Amidst the clashing swords,
A warrior’s song pierces air,
Courage knows no fear.
Lion swordsman’s stance,
Seven foes press, blades clashing loud,
Reinforcements charge.
Dragon’s fierce embrace,
Shields Lion’s roar from harm’s way,
Kin’s unwavering bond.
Dragon’s fiery wrath,
Crane’s wings slice through the mist,
Evil spirits fade.
Scorpion’s stealthy crawl,
Through shadows deep, hope takes hold,
Freedom’s grasp eludes.
Through moonlit pathways,
Crane’s wings unfurl, aiding the quest,
Together, hope blooms.
Scorpion’s touch so light,
Mending wounds with skillful art,
Healing’s gentle grace.
Through haunted streets they stride,
Katana gleaming, shadows hide,
Mori’s taint shall subside.
So they freed the Phoenix Shugenja from seven emerald shades and two ogres. At this point they were all hurt again to varying degree except for Doji Hoto san. Slaying an Ogre in a single strike and working with Bayushi Airi san on the other is no small feat! Again Bayushi Airi san rushed headlong into battle against a set of foes that would make many a courtier quake. Their bravery is to be commend as much as the healing they provided later. Even Doji Hoto san aided his companions in mending wounds! Donoha apologized that he had a bit of a hard time fitting that part into the haiku report.
I don’t think any Lion could appreciate a fan given as a gift any more than Akodo Asahi san. With it they held off seven undead samurai assailants until the Crane and Scorpion could finish off the ogres! Now that’s to say Donoha did nothing, as his own grand haiku tells he fought his way to his Itoko san (cousin) and then weathered a hit that would have ended the Lion’s life. Those two are a frightening pair as much as the Crane and the Dragon. It was noted by the Crane that Donoha mastered his feints in heavy armor. When the Crane came to reinforce the Lion. I think the group actually enjoys seeing the Crane and the Dragon talk like lifelong friends or an old married couple.
Now to a final reflection on the Grand Haiku of the Assault of Mori Kage Toshi. The Lion devised a plan and it carried out exactly as they intended. He and Donoha held up the seven emerald shades because dead things appear to be drawn to Akodo Asahi san’s chi! Once the others dispatched the ogres the Scorpion went to secure the Phoenix prisoner and the Crane to help eliminate the emerald shades. We have a battle leader in our midst and on the rise!
After an intense discussion about not having time to wait for rest to save everyone here were the major viewpoints:
- Doji Hoto san and Bayushi Airi san felt the captives (of which, I am among them) may not have much time.
- Kitsuki Donoha san felt that their lives were not theirs to throw away since they belong to their lords and Tanetsu sama had not sent him there to die but to succeed.
- Un-named Phoenix shugenja was still in need of care to wake up.
- Akodo Asahi was the arbiter and final call as to what the group would do next.
It was decided to rest because if they had wanted to kill everyone then they would have done so back at camp. Whatever the Maho users were planning would need time. They had also removed one of the group’s maho users and some of their forces in the three engagements since entering the woods. So they spent four Hours of Hare (6-8 AM), Dragon (8-10 AM), Serpent (10 AM-Noon), Horse (Noon-2 PM), taking watch and resting. Wounds mended prior to rest were checked and re-applied upon getting up for the next leg of the journey.