Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 13

Kitsuki Donoha’s Day Off

22nd of Akoko in 1123 (Month of the Horse) – If my lord has a weakness it is knowing how to relax. It could be the fates have decreed such because even when he tries we end up on an adventure. He came back to the wagons and Doji Hoto san was off somewhere. Donoha was spending time grooming his horse, Yukiabo. The with his as the great potoo bird (from claw to head was just under two “shaku” or feet), Shirogane he was playing fetch games with dried fish and fruits. After each catch and praise the bird would land and bow their head, wings spread wide.

I had to eventually inform him he had a guest in Bayushi Akiyama san, from the Scorpion Clan. When he told me to bring him over he took a seat and asked if they would like tea. They were gracious in their acceptance of the tea and sat. Before he could utter anything to me I put down two cups of tea I had made and gotten ready before telling him about his guest. His smile and nod was genuinely appreciative.

Akiyama san asked if Donoha sama knew of the legend surrounding Morikage Toshi? My lord remarked that he knew about it vaguely since it involved an Agasha shugenja that went by Yuiko or Yuriko, he’d only heard the tale once when he was nine. He got the impression the Phoenix husband was mean and beat her to death. He apologized but the memory was a decade old. Akiyama san mentioned the version he heard was different.

In the version they were familiar with a young Dragon bride, Agasha Yuriko, was married to the lord of the castle, of Shiba Kojiro. Kojiro dono was unloving and callous in nature. Causing Yuriko san to take her own life in 782. What most weren’t aware of was that her mother was the Oracle of Air! They cast a powerful curse upon his castle, which caused vines and trees to reach out and reclaimed the castle! The Phoenix were forced to abandon the castle completely as they were unable to undo the Air oracle’s spellcraft. It was said that the castle laid vacant, home only to a restless dead and spirits. They also mentioned that their version said nothing about abuse directly against his wife, just callous apathy from Kojiro dono.

Donoha sama nodded and apologized once more that it was a decade old memory. It was interesting because I have watch Donoha memorize and perform a play hours later! I suspect he overheard a telling by someone that had embellished their telling for some reason. Akiyama san told Donoha their is a statue to the very Oracle of Air that cursed Morikage Toshi all those years ago in this very city. This made my lord’s eyebrows perk up in interest. The Scorpion asked the Dragon to help him find it.

My lord agreed and said to come back when the sun was at its zenith. For he had been up all night and needed rest. Then he queried if it would be alright to pose some questions of his own. Akiyama san consented and looked intrigued from the very slight twitch of an eyebrow. Donoha sama asked if he was familiar with the Shosuro family, to which they nodded since it was one of the great familes of the Scorpion Clan. He mention he was aware of a member of the Shosuro house that was attempting to kill him because one of his ancestors helped the Lion Clan during the battle of Kenson Gakka.

I asked Donoha if I might add to his statement, which he nodded was acceptable. I related the tale of how we met and subsequently the capture of Matsu Mayumi san. I was clear that this was an abridged re-telling, and handed him a copy of “In Defense of Honor; vol. 1” for him to have to get any details. The ronin had denied the offer of employment by my lord because the Shosuro lady had offered more koku. Akiyama san appeared genuinely offened that someone of his clan behaved in such a fashion.

Then my lord pointed to his face scar, the silver-copper amalgam fixed tooth which spawn his name at his gempukku completion ceremony. Held at the last winter court where Hantei the XXXVIII attended at Kyuden Ikoma in 1122-1123. And finally the scar on his left shoulder. He explained the attempt on his caravan taking him to Kyuden Ikoma at Kenson Gakka by bandits of which one had a Katana bearing a Bayushi mon engraved in the blade on one side and “何よりも忠誠心 (Naniyori mo chūsei kokoro) Loyalty above all else” on the other.

He nearly cut the assailant’s head off with his wakizashi and the bandit fled leaving the sword in his chest. Once he had escorted the maiden back to the caravan was he informed that she was the daughter of the Ikoma Daimyo! He was careful to say bandit armed with a katana, and not a Bayushi bandit with katana. I think Doji Hoto senpai would have been proud had he saw that. Donoha did mention if anyone among the Bayushi was missing a katana like that it is sitting on a stand in the grand hall of Kyuden Ikoma. They just have to show up and ask for it back.

Akiyama san asked to be involved if at all possible should Donoha sama find the person that had perpetrated such a disgrace of honor to abandon their soul over their life. To him this filth was ronin if they had been a samurai and not just a lucky bandit. Donoha nodded and bid him once more to return at the zenith. After the Scorpion had left he asked me to look into clues about the statue so we would be informed somewhat about the city since his last visit three years ago. I took my leave as he rested Shirogane keeping an eye out for his master.

As the Hour of the Hantei (Serpent / 10am-Noon or Zenith) drew to a close Bayushi Akiyama san appeared at a respectul distance and stood in the shade of a tree with his customary menpo that most Scorpions are want to wear. Some masks are more ornate than others. Women tend to wear veils that obscure as transparent colors of silk, but you need koku for those as that type of sheer fabric is expensive to make.

I provided Akiyama san with a cup of tea while I went to wake Donoha sama. He dressed lighter version of his heavy armor. This consisted of kogake (foot armor), his plate suneate (shin guards), kikko gane obi (armored belt), agiote kote (connected armored sleaves), kikko gane (armored kimono), and tate-eri (shoulder protection). To those of you reading this it seems like a lot but I guarantee you his full outfit is insane!

If he’s not careful someone will confuse his kabuto for a much higher ranking samurai. Well it may not be a problem much longer he’s been getting the beginning of instruction for the Kitsuki school’s second rank skill! It’s amazing that he’s developing so fast. His ability to learn and retain information is nothing short of a fortune’s blessing.

To not scare people with his armor he donned a knee length haori (samurai and ashigaru jacket) of raw green silk. His mon on the left lapel, the Kitsuki mon on the right and his Dragon clan mon very large on the back. He got it this morning from Tanetsu sama as a reward for his efforts so far. The golden silk, shasiko stitching makes it look like he has a formal sash draped over him like a magistrate may wear at a trial. A yellow silk outer style obi half dyed a dark green made him look like a lord. Good grief I want Doji Hoto to pick out my next obi as he is really making Donoha’s wardrobe explode.

Note to self: set aside some koku to see if Doji Hoto sama can acquire me a few finer items so I don’t dishonor Donoha sama.

His three customary items adorned him and he walked out to meet the Scorpion. At this point I explained my research and that I knew where to find the statue. Akiyama san seemed surprised but Donoha bowed and when he stood up, “Shànzi san we are in your care and shall follow your lead.” Off we headed into the city!

During the trek through the city Akiyama san noticed Donoha appeared distracted as though he was looking for something. When he queried him about it Donoha sama mentioned they we being watch and possibly followed. Either, Akiyama san is very new, or not all Scorpions are the great spymasters people think they are. The mask did a good job of hiding what appeared to be surprise, again just my opinion. After a few more streets Donoha blurted out, “Ah yes, this way.” While we exchanged looks the Lion and the Scorpion followed the Dragon.

About ten shaku down the alleyway he turned and stopped, looking past both of us. His head tilted slightly and as we turned in the direction of his gaze two Phoenix samurai rounded the corner and the four of us looked surprised. Donoha read the situation of the guard and his charge and just said, “Greetings Shiba san and Isawa san, how may we be of service today?”

The Isawa shugenja mentioned they were visiting the city of Phoenix governor, Isawa Fumihiko, because they two were trying the find the Statue of the Oracle of Air. The Shiba guard looked at his charged, “Why did you think following them would work?”
“It seemed like fun!”

Donoha told me later he had gotten lost in a memory just then as everyone talked and introduce themselves. Shiba Ogawa san’s and Isawa Kyoko’s personalities reminded him of time he spent playing with his sister, Kitsuki Hoshikiba. She would often act like Ogawa san and Kyoko san had a personality much closer to Donoha sama pre-gempukku.

Oddly enough, Donoha sama had not been trying to dismiss the bandit with the Mantis daisho when they said their sister was attending the Kakita blade academy of the Steel Gardens. It seems there was a bet between a Kakita and a Mirumoto pair of samurai. The Mirumoto in this case was aide to the Daimyo of Great Fall castle and the Kakita was an aide to the Daimyo of Kyuden Kakita.

They had agreed to swap children for each other’s schools. When the Mirumoto’s child was killed by bandits in the West Hub Village. Kitsuki Orochi offered one of his children to help fulfill the promise. Since Kistuki Hoshikiba was the acceptable age and had passed her gempukku, she set out the following morning with two Mirumoto guards whose mission it was to see her to her school, the Steel Garden, in Kyuden Kakita.

Donoha never met the Kakita samurai sent to study the Mirumoto’s Niten Style of swordsmanship. Truly, I’d love to meet the person sent from the Crane clan. Alas, that will have to be another tale for another time.

When he had snapped out of his reverie he overheard the Phoenix shugenja mentioning a nefarious set of nemurani known as the Bloodswords. One of them may have driven Shiba Kojiro mad? My lord asked if we should all just go see the statue together. They readily agreed mentioning a living descendant of Agasha Yuriko still resided in this city, but they had been unable to meet with her. So onward we went as a group.

We arrive in the stone courtyard to the beautiful statue that was suppose to be the Oracle of Air from roughly 350 years back. The crown, the hair, the statue was so life like. Donoha sama was nodding and mentioning he’d seen states like when he had visited Kyuden Doji during his gempukku. I don’t if he was aware he did this but a number of times when he remembers something from then. He runs his finger down the scar on his left cheek. I could see him having experiences that I was only just beginning to understand with the Emperor’s Gift. He mentioned that the sculpture was clearly the work of a shugenja that talked to the kami to get some areas like the hair and folds of the fabric.

When asked I provided the tools so he could paint the statue. Donoha sama looked up just three times yet he wielded that brush like a sword. He’d tied his sleeves back with a spare mint green raw silk sash. A warrior, investigator, and artist. I had a lovely time discussing stories with Shiba Ogawa san so he could keep his charge within eyesight. Kyoko san and Akiyama san were both discussing the myriad of tale variations surrounding Morikage Toshi.

After nearly one and a half hours of the day (META: 3 hours for us). He handed my tools and supplies back to me and return to the painting on the ground. “The three of you will want to keep these, because, after today if I am right the statue will never look the same. Before that I have questions for this living relative.” Then he tossed the painting in the air and drew his wakizashi and swung it twice severing the paper into three parts. The matching size smaller pieces he gave to Akiyama san and Kyoko san. The larger one he gave to me so we could remember the trip today.

When the day comes that I travel no more, I will always remember the faces of people that first hand experience the art my lord is capable of. Akodo Maki, Bayushi Akiyama, and Isawa Kyoko now share that wonder together. When Shiba Ogawa saw it he said, “How did he flatten the statue on to paper?”

Next, Donoha sama wanted to visit the descendant of Agasha Yuriko. When the two Phoenix said they had already tried he asked what happened. They said her monk attendant said she was unavailable. Donoha gestured for them to continue after an awkward silence.

Ogawa shrugged, “That’s it, we left.”

“You left,” asked Donoha?

Kyoko replied, “Yes.”

Donoha gestured with his arm, “I believe we should try again, please lead the way.”

Once we arrived at the home of Agasha Yuzuki sama, Donoha sama rang their welcome chime. It was suppose to alert people of guests and chase away spirits. My lord stepped back and waited for the door to slide open revealing the Brother of Shinsei attendant mentioned before.

Donoha bowed and dropped a verbal hammer on the monk, “We’re here to see the lady of the house about the Bloodsword.”

Perplexed and astonished the monk retorted, “Bloodsword?”

“The lady will know what it means, please take all the time you need. My companions and I will wait, right here, for as long as required.” Donoha sama then turned around and looked at everyone with a small grin. Hoto sama he’s really trying.

After a bit of time the door opened up and the monk bade us come inside. Those with katana were provided with stands and we removed our sandals for outside travel. Then we were led upstairs to a receiving room with nice, if hastily put together presentation. Soon Agasha Yuzuki joined us bringing a long case. Donoha sama had been sat closest to her with the Scoripion kept to the farthest distance. If Akiyama san was put off he did not show it.

Donoha sama had made sure to follow all the etiquettes required for such and impromptu gathering. We learned that Shiba Kojiro to was trying to break his wedding to Agasha Yuriko to marry into the Ikoma. It broke Agasha Yuriko’s heart and she died from it. Those children of that union had it rough but survived. When their mother began haunting Shiro Morikage the Phoenix called into the Kuni of the Crab but they were unsuccessful in dealing with the ghost.

Then came the curse of the Oracle of Air in the “tree that bleeds.” She removed a scroll from the long case and provided it to Donoha sama. On one side it bore the tree that bleeds with with a castle in the background. The reverse long set of Haiku written by the Oracel of Air – known as ‘The Song of Regret’ (後悔の歌 Kōkai no uta). The Song of Regret is a series of haiku, but my lord was also able to determine with one read that there were three larger sections. Each dedicated to Fear then Desire and lastly Regret. The form of haiku is represented in the whole song as well as its pieces, layered in expert form. It tells the story of her daughter’s life, death, and the curse of Morikage Toshi.

Kyoko was astonished she had not caught on when Donoha ask the matron about it. Yuzuki sama secure a promise that the scroll would be returned and they allowed us to take it so their ancestor may find peace. From there we headed to the Red tea house when Kyoko san and Ogawa san were staying. In the Phoenix Shugenja’s room with the group she provided two scrolls.

The first scroll was the story recounted here is but one version of how the Nothing – also known as the Shadow, the Living Darkness, or the Lying Darkness – was able to survive the naming of all things, and how it came to become allied with Lord Moon. Other tales of the Nothing’s origins circulate in hidden circles of Rokugani scholarship, or are whispered between crazed cultists of the Darkness, or can be gleaned from forgotten pages of Goju’s Celestial Agonies. In one version of the tale, the Nothing cloaked itself within something that had already been named: Shadow. Thus it escaped the attention of Onnotangu and Amaterasu, and thus was born its sinister affinity to darkness and shadows of all kinds.

In the second scroll another version was described. Onnotangu actually saw the Darkness hiding in the shadows. He spoke with it, and the Darkness whispered back that he should leave it unnamed…in case he ever felt the need to unmake what he had made. And Onnotangu, who even then noticed how much his wife loved the new world and felt the stirrings of jealousy in his heart, listened to the Darkness and allowed it to remain unnamed.

Donoha spotted a bound book, “If I help I want that Book of the Tao of Shinsei as a reward.”

Kyoko san asked, “You want my copy of the Tao of Shinsei?”

With a slight smile, “Yes, rewards should be handed out after quests.”

“What do I get in exchange?

“You may call upon me for a favor in the future.”

The Phoenix and the Dragon bowed to each other and I could tell the Scorpion felt like he now just here as a witness to events unfolding. Then he turn to the Scorpion and said he could call for an additional favor because this was entertaining. Mask or no mask Akiyama san was smiling.

Donoha mentioned we needed to hurry and get to the statue before the shadow of sunset hit. Off we headed and with maybe a half or quarter of the day left with sunlight on the statue Donoha sama climbed up to raised dais it was on. He was studying it and explaining everything about the statue and the shugenja artisans of the Crane from Kyuden Doji. Just before the rays left he said, “Yes, there you are!”

With two fingers one either side he LIFTED the stone crown off the statue! Once it was freed and lifted into the whole thing cracked and the golden crown was exposed as the stone veneer fell away! Everyone was stunned as he set it in the joint hands of Akiyama and Kyoko. We were about to leave them to figure out what they would do, but suggested they may want to join the caravan for a short time. The Phoenix agreed and will be staying in Donoha’s wagon short term. They said after Morikage Toshi they would return the scroll so Donoha’s word could be kept. What a day!


Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 7


26th of Hantei (Month of the Serpent) – Morning came and Donoha was not the first one awake. Shànzi reminded him Hoto was probably still at the geisha’s wagon. Both of them had ducked out after the third round of sake and screaming Hida Eiji’s name because of the tales of glory Hoto recounted. Soon Eiji’s name had turned into Sukoshi Yama (little mountain)! Donoha was certain the Crab could hear it all the way back as loud as the crowd was. This Dragon was happy to see the Crab get recognition they deserved, after his travels to their lands.

All the samurai had to check in with their respective Emerald Amassadors – caravan Clan Damiyo’s before the caravan departed. Because Otaku Kai had been adopted by the Dragon she had to accompany Donoha to meet Mirumoto Tanetsu sama. Donoha released Shànzi to meet with the Lion Ambassador, but remember to mention she was his retainer. Shànzi walked away and remembered her conversation with Seppun Sora. Her kimono she wore was one Donoha’s grandmother had given her. The style was elegant and timeless, mentioning a Lion had gifted it to her when she was much younger. Donoha’s mon was embroidered on the left side to almost blend into the flower designs.

After all the meetings in the morning hours of the clans and the Emerald Ambassadors. The tents were nearly all down and stored away. The group was starting to see the caravan beginning to move as it was stretching into its formation for the road. A small richly decorated wagon showed up with an imperial Miharu guard, mentioning they were looking for Donoha. A large square chest was dropped off and Shànzi received it on Donoha’s behalf. Donoha had been helping Eiji and Kai load a few items into the wagon’s attic space. It helped they were so tall!

Hoto noticed the name of the a master craftsman on the bottom front leg. “Whom, may I be so bold to inquire is Kitsuki-san’s grandmother?” Shànzi explained the story Donoha had told her about second child of Donoha’s grandfather, Seppun Yūshū, formerly Kitsuki Yūshū. The first was to be a Seppun but the second would be returned to the Kitsuki family.

Shànzi explained further that Donoha mentioned the first meeting he had with his grandmother was when he was seven. She fished a tiny pile of notes out of her kimono. “Here it is,” she said and let him read her transcribe notes of the haiku Seppun Sora-sama had shared with her. His grandmother has visited the Great Falls Castle where Donoha had grown up on a few occasions. the last time was when he was 13 years old.

A new face appears,
Shining like the sun, a goddess.
Amaterasu, reborn.

Shànzi continued as Hoto read Donoha’s first haiku, “There’s an internal waterfall there and Donoha had been working on crafting his first haiku and was having a hard time. Seppun-sama wanted to meet her grandson without court pretense. She wore a kimono with no mons anywhere and walked up behind him to ask him what he was doing. When he turned around his eyes lit up and recited the words on that paper.”

Shànzi indicated the washi paper Hoto was holding, “She helped him to remember to write it down. It seems he kept bowing to her for any guidance. She had been getting mad that someone leaked her status. So she asked him if someone had told him she was coming? His reply was that he had prayed for help to Amaterasu because he was having a hard time with words and structure. Then today Amaterasu visited him in person. He was unworthy of such a visit from the kami, but would remember it forever.”

Shànzi finished about them sharing a wink when she was later introduced as his grandmother. Even when they met again and she asked him about the haiku. Donoha told her there is no reason for him to disbelieve that the Kami did not answer his prayer when she arrived. He gave her another haiku before she left from that visit when he was ten years old.

Grandmother’s smile, bright
Like the sun she is named for, warms
All who see her face.
Hoto returned the washi paper and indicated the master craftsman whom had made the box. Citing this his work goes for around 10 koku or more per piece. Donoha came around and saw the box and Shànzi bowed to Hoto. Whom noticed the embroidery almost hidden among the patterns and color changes on her left breast of the kimono she wore: her Mon was directly below Donoha’s with Ebisu’s arch (Fortune of Honest Work) surrounding it. She was indeed his retainer. She then informed Donoha of the package from his grandmother and that there was a missive inside.

The Missive of Seppun Sora – 26th of Hantei (Month of the Serpent) – Year 1123
Dearest Mago-kun (Grandson),

I know the cost you endured to make the new style of rokuganto (Rokugan styled sword) with fitting the view of wabi-sabi into it. The view or thought of finding beauty in every aspect of imperfection in nature. Your passion with the idea that nothing cannot be fixed given time and work. You have never failed to amaze me, being able to take wabi-sabi and apply it to tsugi or tategu. Your kindness to souls you have never met and can never repay you for seeking to restore lost honor.

Omio has given me a detailed report of your scars and how you came to the motto: pain is traded for wisdom. Please try to avoid any further scars on the face dearest grandson. Although your grandfather is very fond of your motto and constantly wishes he had your face scar. As though his accomplishments weren’t enough for him. We both love you dearly and will miss you.

Since you have agreed to undertake this quest of the Emperor’s Gift and fought against Lu-Feng’s revenants in what Shànzi-chan is calling the Battle of the Emerald Shades. I have taken your two koku and decided on my request. Everything in the box and the box itself is yours in exchange for your first sword, Supaku (Spark). Do not tell your grandfather or let it slip to anyone. It is to be a gift for him. I will allow your clan the one year from today to study it. The Miharu whom dropped this off is being sent to Great Fall Castle

The smith assures me this suit will fit your style of your sword. It has been made or assembled from a variety of suits of Miharu armors and embellished with tempered copper and shakudō (a copper 90-92% and gold 8-10% alloy). He said the shoulders will be easy to distinguish since one is for Shirogane to rest on. All of the mons have been added. He is particularly proud of the horns on your kabuto. Stay safe or at least come home alive and with glory my mago-kun.

With love,

Seppun Sora 

He could not believe his fortune, and let Shànzi read the letter. His grandmother had taken a shine to his retainer and that made him happy that he’d chosen well. After helping him get dressed so it would be easier to get the box in the wagon he just stood there looking at the armor till Kai walked over and looked at him up and down. She noticed the scale thigh armor had splits in the front and back. Clearly useful on horse back so she nodded and walked on.

Eiji smacked him in the back, “Not broken, lacquer is still in tact, that’ll do. You can’t stand there looking at yourself. That’s what women do to the Doji, not us.”

Donoha laughed quickly and pulled his face back together, nodding. He got on Yukiabo to ride out along with the caravan as it left. He did his best to avoid the stares as his armor could be mistaken for a high lord’s suit. The mons on his armor made its ownership very clear though. Shriogane landed on his right shoulder and chirped their approval.

Setting his fine light armor in the box once they stopped for the night, he thought about making some modifications to it. The travel to the outpost of the Centipede Clan took until the 8th of Akoko (Month of the Horse), the trip was as uneventful as one might hope for after the Battle of the Emerald Shades. Donoha spent their time between patrols on the caravan in the morning or evening shifts. The middle of his day was spent with the artisans and making full set of fittings for a rokuganto (Rokugan styled sword; which could work on a katana: uchigatana / tachi, wakizashi, tanto, nodachi, even a nagamaki). He made one set with cherry blossoms that the merchant providing the tools and supplies could sell. His other set focused on using Centipede motifs in them for the clan they were comming to visit.

  • Habaki – The shoulder jacket of the blade to help disperse shock from strikes, sitting above the tsuba (Hand guard).
  • Tsuba – Hand guard
  • Kozuka – A short knife that slide through one of the holes in the tsuba into a “mostly” hidden spot on the side of the saya or sheath of the blade.
  • Kogai – A decorative tool used for tying and pinning hair. The kogai was attached to the saya in the same way as the kozuka (a small knife inserted into the saya).
  • Seppa – Two pair of thin metal spacers on either side of the guard (tsuba) of a sword (rokuganto).
  • Menuki – Ornaments display on the tsuka (handle) of where they can catch the eye and display a symbol about the sword or owner.
  • Fuchi – The cap of the handle against the tsuba.
  • Kashira – The pommel (end cap) of the handle.
  • Kojiri – The end cap of the saya or sheath of the blade.

The set he provided the merchant with cherry blossoms used iron and and shibuichi (alloy of 70% copper and 30% silver) to make the flowers pop to the eye using the nikuboi (relief carving). The set of Centipede Clan fittings used iron, copper, and shakudō (a copper 90-92% and gold 8-10% alloy). The tsuba stood out for the nikubori (relief carving) one could flip it over and over to watch the shakudō centipede crawl through from one side to the other four times! The rest of the tsuba was carved to look like cracked, rocky, ground.

Each of the Kozuka were small knives forged in his style he told his father would be the Kitsuki Kiba (Fang of the Kitsuki) blade style. Both of them had folded, blackened blades with the signature copper hamon line separating the harden edge softer core. These two Kozuka though were also a departure from the norm as they had double edges to them and the copper hamon ran up both sides. The work done in such a small size! It was remarkable to the merchants and the one smith he decided was competent enough to help him. That smith went by the name Tsi Sadayoshi, a ronin samurai.

The handle on the merchant’s set was Umimatsu (Black Coral) set in copper. Netsuke (scrimshaw) carvings to show the cherry blossom tree. The leaves being chased in shibuichi to make them stand out against the black and occasional fleck of red coral. Framed in and against the copper base.

The handle that went to Moshi family of the Centipede was made from clear lacquer resin! With his training in Kagaku (chemical reactions) he was able to build upon the nakago (tang) after wrapping his makago in shin copper sheath. Allowing him to create a surface for small layers of clear lacquer resin. Building on each layer he used amber dust to make a rocky landscape and then inset a special copper menuki of a centipede! When done it could be viewed from the sides and above as a centipede of the valley crawling over rocks of amber dust!

Using an orange ito silk and weaving in a flat braided copper wire version. He made a very unique ito wrap criss crossing metal and silk. That tsuka’s ito wrap by itself was a work of art! When you add in the amber dusted resin handle with copper menuki adhered to their spots, it was so beautiful to just look at.

During this time Doji Hoto and Hida Eiji spent most of their time on caravan patrol. Kyūjūsan (93) wagons was quite the caravan indeed! Hoto and Donoha had spent very little time together despite sleeping in the same wagon. Donoha was avoiding the Doji because he felt as though he had made him mad. Since he was the son of the current Emerald Champion he had no wish to infringe some court problem on to his Seppun grandmother. When Shànzi told him later that Hoto had been asking about his background, Donoha said to hide nothing. Answer all questions as truthfully as you could. Donoha also knew he snapped at him when he had been physically hurt. Emotions were high all around that night, and that may have been the first battle the Doji had been a part of. Rather than sparing verbally and making things worse no matter his intent. Donoha sent his retainer, Shànzi over to heal him and he walked away.

Even at the party he threw Donoha made sure Hoto had seen him and both raised saki cups towards each other but neither made a move to get within range to talk. Otaku Kai could feel the tension like a sixth sense and Donoha made it clear several times any tension was being directed at him this evening. However, an invitation was sent and to work as a team you must learn to work through rough moments and still have your teammate’s back. That is why he came with Shànzi and Kai. That night Donoha made it clear to Shànzi not to say any accolade about him. Tonight was Eiji’s night and he “EARNED” it.

Eiji and Donoha would spar when time permitted over the nearly two weeks with bokken and a training tetsubo (which is to say a simple but large wooden club made from many pieces of rattan). Donoha is trying to learn tetsubo tips and then provide similar guidance with swords or bladed weapons. Eiji helped him understand how to use his hammer as a sole weapon or things he could try if using it in his off hand.

Donoha was the most surprised and happy with Kai having made to friends! The first one was Hida Kawada of the Crab Clan. Whom was hoping to learn some of the Unicorn Clan’s techniques for firing bows on horseback. It took about three days for her to really open up and she did seem to get brighter each day because Kawada never cared about her size of roku shaku (6 feet). Until then the only person to treat her this way was Donoha. She was starting to really appreciate the Crab Clan members she had met.

The second friend she made was one of Kawada’s close friends and also an archer – Bayushi Akiyama. Kawada and Akiyama were near opposites with Kawada being relaxed and willing to even joke and laugh. Akiyama was always refined and followed all the rules in public. Their bickering between each other could not hide the fact that they were close friends and bond that had developed over time. Akiyama also did not care about Kai’s height in the slightest! Donoha was thrilled to hear about a Scorpion Clan member that did not seem to want to do him harm. He had high hopes that perhaps he could make friends with one as well. At the very most, overcome the hatred the one from the Shosuro family had for him.