Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 14

Double Thunder Strikes 

23rd of Akoko in 1123 (Month of the Horse) – Shànzi (yep, that’s me) left a note for Donoha that Doji Hoto had invited them for tea. He got dressed in the lighter version of his heavy armor. The kogake (foot armor), his plate suneate (shin guards), kikko gane obi (armored belt), agiote kote (connected armored sleaves), kikko gane (armored kimono), and tate-eri (shoulder protection). While under garments were different he was very fond of his new knee length, raw green silk haori (samurai and ashigaru jacket). The obi on the outside today was yellow raw silk with green shashiko to counter the haori’s golden shashiko.

I guess I should say his four items because the copper fan has become a mainstay of his wardrobe. He washed himself and wiped his face before dressing and coming out to join me. I fell in behind my lord as we walked over the wagon Donoha sama had lent or given Doji Hoto sama. You know, if he had given it to him that might explain all the wardrobe stuff going on. Both wagons were pulled by multiple oxen and could sleep four each with plenty of room for storage inside. Ramparts edged along the top if even more storage was required.

However, today I had two items of information, one personal and one professional I needed guidance on. When we entered Doji Hoto sama had forgotten about the tea invite. I was prepared and had brought it along to pour for us. As we sat I explained that I was worried I had insulted Shiba Ogawa san. He had been avoid making eye contact or even conversations.

Donoha put his hand over his mouth to hide his smile, poorly I might add. Fans don’t help, sama, if you don’t use them! He kept asking if I had not noticed and I could see Hoto sama perk up, as though he smelled gossip on the wind. Donoha sama made it clear he was not an expert among the ladies. Hoto sama tilted his head and made a face that bore only one conclusion – no lies detected. My lord went on to explain that even he could see how Shiba Ogawa was interested in me!

I was shocked, “You must be mistaken!”

Hoto sama raised an eyebrow, ready and fully awake, “It would appear breakfast is served.”

After that though Hoto sama was very kind and respectful of my feelings. It was decided I needed to decide how I feel and if I chose to pursue this he would arrange for us to have tea. It was his closing line that stuck with me. “Bushido has more to do with love than most samurai want to admit,” he said with all the grace the Crane are known for.

The topic then turned to the dead women found two nights ago. Among the Lion Clan a shugenja was missing by the name of Matsu Yoko. Donoha sama asked if I could take them to the wagon they were staying in and I affirmed I could. We finished our tea and the three of us headed off in that direction.

We passed by two guards that were 4th and 5th ranks in their schools! You could tell by the marking on their obi’s around the waist. I think one of them was Matsu Kanbei given the naginata at their side! Hoto sama seemed curious why such distinguished samurai were on guard duty. Donoha sama felt they were trying to show their juniors that all tasks are important and any order from above should be obeyed.

The three of us arrived at the collection of wagons Matsu Yoko san was said to reside. Akodo Maki san was present and she had a brief exchange with Donoha sama regarding the vase he had repaired for her at Benten’s shrine. Afterwards he explained they were coming to see about a missing lion that was found dead two nights ago. Maki san confirmed it was Matsu Yoko when Donoha sama had me show her the picture he painted of the victim.

Donoha sama turned to me and said, “Shànzi san, this is now an official investigation.” He turned back to Maki san and asked to be shown where Yoko san had slept and her belongings. She directed him to a chest and mentioned a group of the new Lion Shugenja, fresh from their gempukku had taken a room at the Red House. His demeanor and posture changed and the most Doji Hoto sama had added was his enjoyment watching Donoha work.

Pulling their traveling chest next to the wagon side so he could make use of a fold down shelf on the wagon. He removed and examined each item and stated what it was and described it. I documented all of it to turn into the Ambassadors. The two items that stuck out to him were two scrolls:

  • a letter from her grandfather,
  • a set of notes detailing research into Matsu Hitomi and the shrine.

Her grandfather was encouraging her to greet and talk with one Nichibotsu, whom he referred as the old, never dying monk. If an immortal was living here he imagined that would be a bigger deal than some random note on a letter with a bucket list of things to try out. The strokes of the letters on the letter were measured and even. One or two spots could display a shaky hand. This person was well practiced in their calligraphy despite their age.

When it came to notes about the shrine to Matsu Hitomi. Studying history was a passion of the young Shugenja. She mentions having relatives with the same interests and Nichibotsu comes up again. The letters mention they are still old and Donoha has two thoughts seeing the smooth and steady hand that wrote these notes.

  • Either Nichibotsu is a generational name or title passed down to the monk of Matsu Hitomi’s shrine.
  • The other is a celestial being of light or dark has been hiding in plain sight among the people of Toshi no Omoidoso.

He started thinking out loud as put the items back just as he had pulled them out. I was recording everything he said. He began drawing in the air to help him understand locations for a map only his mind could see.

“Leaving from the Shrine of Hitomi and on the way back to wagon but attack was still somewhere else and body placed in the beautification end cap of the block where Hoto sama and I found her.”
Just then his head snapped up, “We need to go to Hitomi’s shrine!”

Doji Hoto sama simply nodded, “I’ve seen that look before, lead on I shall follow.”

At the Shrine of Remembrance we had apparently missed the morning rush, there was an old man working on a bush, but Donoha sama went to pay their respects first. He took his time to honor the shrine and apologize for what he expected to happen very soon. Hoto sama did the proper ritual and time of meditation to pay honor to the shrine. Since I had gone yesterday I abstained this time. It was said that if you did not visit this shrine at least once a week, Hitomi’s curse would fall on you.

Donoha sama had gone over to the gardener and tried to ask for the one called Nichibotsu. He expected their might be more than one gardener and everyone used that name. Perhaps the old Matsu Sofu san (grandfather) was wrong about. Later he told me he wanted it to be any normal thing rather than what he was concerned it was. It could have been a yokai or spirit taking the shape of a monk and doing heavens knows what. He’s been on constant alert for supernatural threats ever since the Battle of the Emerald Shades.

The gardener replied that they were Nichibotsu. Internally, Donoha sama sighed and tried to ask further questions about being old when a associate’s grandfather had come to visit when they were young. He kept replying he’s just an old gardener. Donoha finally asked how long had he been alive, 100, 200 years? He smiled and told my lord he’d stop counting and he’s just an old gardener.

Without more evidence the Kitsuki samurai wondered what would the public perception of Mirumoto Tanetsu sama or their self be if he threatened an old gardener? Rather than risk his lord’s face he was about to pull back. Strategic retreats to lure the enemy into making a mistake worked in battles and criminal investigations.

“Why don’t we drop the pretense and speak plainly?”

Doji Hoto sama had entered the garden, a practiced courtier, he could see through the smile and knew the old man claiming to be Nichibotsu was bold face lying to Donoha sama. Donoha sama knew but realized his actions could affect others. Trying to learn by the lessons he had been getting from Hoto sama, it would seem the reverse is also true. Hoto sama’s hand was on his sword and the gardener hopped backward from merely standing still by ten shaku!

Shouting, “Now, now boys! Let’s not do anything you might regret!”

His form shifted to bit more muscle and hunched forward shoulders. Hoto sama glanced at Donoha sama and my lord was allowing him the first strike because he had figured out a way through the lie. Nichibotsu’s fingers cracked the nails off as claws grew and they leapt at Hoto sama! There was a flash of their Kakita blade and then I could not believe my eyes!

Making a cut on Nichibotsu’s face a black smoke with glowing red eyes escaped a now deflated flesh suit of the person that once was Nichibotsu! We all saw it fly down behind a group of bushes into the ground. I was sent to acquire two Eta while they guarded the evidence. When I returned Hoto sama demanded they watch the skin of the deceased but not touch it. I was sent to inform Mirumoto Tanetsu sama and get help. With that in place the two samurai descended through a hidden door among the bushes to the underground of Toshi no Omoidoso.

Without more evidence the Kitsuki samurai wondered what would the public perception of Mirumoto Tanetsu sama or their self be if he threatened an old gardener? Rather than risk his lord’s face he was about to pull back. Strategic retreats to lure the enemy into making a mistake worked in battles and criminal investigations.
“Why don’t we drop the pretense and speak plainly?”

Doji Hoto sama had entered the garden, a practiced courtier, he could see through the smile and knew the old man claiming to be Nichibotsu was bold face lying to Donoha sama. Donoha sama knew but realized his actions could affect others. Trying to learn by the lessons he had been getting from Hoto sama, it would seem the reverse is also true. Hoto sama’s hand was on his sword and the gardener hopped backward from merely standing still by ten shaku!

Shouting, “Now, now boys! Let’s not do anything you might regret!”

His form shifted to bit more muscle and hunched forward shoulders. Hoto sama glanced at Donoha sama and my lord was allowing him the first strike because he had figured out a way through the lie. Nichibotsu’s fingers cracked the nails off as claws grew and they leapt at Hoto sama! There was a flash of their Kakita blade and then I could not believe my eyes!

Making a cut on Nichibotsu’s face a black smoke with glowing red eyes escaped a now deflated flesh suit of the person that once was Nichibotsu! We all saw it fly down behind a group of bushes into the ground. I was sent to acquire two Eta while they guarded the evidence. When I returned Hoto sama demanded they watch the skin of the deceased but not touch it. I was sent to inform Mirumoto Tanetsu sama and get help. With that in place the two samurai descended through a hidden door among the bushes to the underground of Toshi no Omoidoso.

Armed with their normal accessories and Donoha sama retrieved the bag I had been carrying for him. They found themselves in a great underground cavern with walkways and various passages leading off. Among this macabre scene were a total of six ghosts. It took a few tries but Donoha figured out how to free the trapped spirits. When Hoto put his plan into motion and it worked they began helping the ghosts remember whom they were! This allowed them to return to the Celestial Order and the Great Cycle! Freed upon the first floor in this order:

  • Isawa Riho – female shugenja – saved by Doji Hoto sama
  • Moshi Yukiko – female shugenja – saved by Kitsuki Donoha sama
  • Isawa Kudo – female shugenja – saved by Doji Hoto sama
  • Shiba Hanjen – male bushi – saved by Kitsuki Donoha sama
  • Isawa Jun – female shugenja – saved by Kitsuki Donoha sama
  • Matsu Yoko – female shugenja – saved by Doji Hoto sama

Two of the ghosts had required Donoha sama to use a grabbling hook to reach but it was accomplished. The ghost of Matsu Yoko san warned that the further down they went the environment would become more hostile. The second subterranean floor looked as though it had been sculpted into a dark fortress with torches that bore flames only in the color of blood! Donoha sama said they should stick to the same approach. The ghosts here had weapons and would likely attack if met with aggression. The two decide to approach with the intent to heal and restore the lost souls.

Two souls were monks from the Asako family and would not leave without the other at the same time. It took some coordination between the two samurai but they freed them as well. The last ghost warned the Oni could be found on the layer below. The final saving order came out to the following:

  • Shiba Onita – male bushi – saved by Doji Hoto sama
  • Shiba Megumi – female bushi – saved by Kitsuki Donoha sama
  • Shiba Manabu – male bushi – saved by Doji Hoto sama
  • Asako Jado – male monk – saved by Doji Hoto sama
  • Asako Gedo – male monk – saved by Kitsuki Donoha sama
  • Shiba Kojima – male bushi – saved by Kitsuki Donoha sama

When the two samurai appeared out of the tunnel leading down to the third floor the ground felt soft. From the shadows pairs of red eyes would blink and stare. They came across a round dais with a column and a floating, glowing red crystal orb just above it. Donoha mentioned they may have to try this one together and they both laid their hand upon it and said for the souls into the orb to remember their names and honor. It flash bright red and then turned a golden color before becoming stone and dropping the column.


The two samurai looked at each other and made nearly the same face, clearly they had decided to reject the Oni’s offer. Climbing up walls made of flesh with eye embedded in them they found a second orb but it was flickering. Donoha sama cocked his head, “This one might require us to infuse it with Void to bolster the souls to remember their way to Tengoku 天国 (Heaven).”

The Oni appeared on a higher ledge as they reached this second orb and tried to repeat the process. It failed and Doji Hoto sama growled, “Dammit Donoha san you’re right!”

Turning their backs on the Oni that had taken the form of a armored, demonic looking ox. Smoke and fire billowing from between the armored plates. They considered saving the soul more important than their safety. Each of them received a MIGHTY swipe from the Oni and were injured but they gave of their Void or souls and released the last of the trapped souls!

They turn to face the Oni and silver flashes as Doji Hoto sama manages to cut one of the arms off! It roars in pain standing up on its rear legs. Then Donoha sama jumps up to column on the dais to propel higher and brings his Mittsu no tamashī 三つの魂 (Three Souls) katana down through the head, body, and crotch finishing off what Hoto sama started.

Hoto sama smirked, “Still only counts as one.”

Donoha allowed a smile to be shared with his friend. Hoto sama used their amazing Calligraphy to make a list of the names of the deceased, thanks to Donoha’s amazing memory. When the scroll was finished they noticed the cavern floor has returned to stone though the formations of eyes still appeared in the rock. They began making their way back and out.

Before they realized whom was present they both called out, “It’s finished.” When Doji Hoto sama looked up to see all SEVEN of the Emerald Ambassadors standing around the skin of Nichibotsu, he began to pass out from exhaustion. Donoha sama caught him and pulled an arm over his shoulder to support him.

二つの雷の調査へようこそ (Futatsu no kaminari no chōsa e yōkoso) !!!