Visions of Love, Benten’s Bloom
23rd of Akoko in 1123 (Month of the Horse) – Matsu Shànzi (yep, that’s me) was watching from the side and behind all SEVEN of the Emerald Ambassadors as Donoha sama tried to take a step while holding the unconscious Doji Hoto sama. Their was a brief 3 seconds where his eyes shut and he looked like he might fall over. Then he came back to his senses. He slid Hoto sama’s right arm over his shoulders and held it with his right hand. His left arm around Hoto sama’s more lithe and graceful frame. Under the Crane’s left arm and putting his left hand on the back of Hoto sama’s neck. Bracing his left foot on Hoto sama’s right foot both he and the unconscious Crane made deep bow. It looked as though he was refusing to let Hoto or the Crane clan look unable to be polite even in this moment.
Upon standing he cocked his head slightly to the side and gave an almost imperceptible bow of his head before speaking.
“Indeed, it’s finished, and we killed the Oni responsible.”
In my life I can say I have never seen a single samurai make SEVEN damiyo, and everyone else present gasp audibly with a single sentence! In courtier circles, Donoha sama, is going to be known as Ryuū Ōtsuchi 龍 大槌 (Dragon Hammer) for the way he delivers news. The information hit everyone with blunt force trauma, shock, and awe.
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The Ambassadors exchange glances, turn to quickly talk, spin to make immediate demands on the situation. They want the scene cleared. They want the two samurai quarantined and given jade petal tea, as well as a review by the Kuni witchhunter present in the caravan. After cleansing is ensured, they will convene at the Ambassador’s Circle to debrief.
At the Ambassador’s Circle: all of the Emerald Ambassadors turn their attention to Donoha sama. “You’ve had an interesting morning Kistuki san, Doji san.” commented Mirumoto Tanetsu sama.
“Oddly enough, all before having rice, sama,” he replied with a bow of the head.
Hida Mikoro sama gave a playful sounding harumph, crossing their arms. Hida Mikoro motioned for the Kuni shugenja to come forward. Once there, Hida sama said, “If he lies, embellishes, or omits the truth, we need to know.”
The Kuni nodded and the Scorpion’s Emerald Ambassador stepped forward mentioning he’s had some experience at ferreting out liars.
The Kuni a crystal pendant about to fingers thick was produced and walked over, “Please say that the sky is a color that it is not.” Donoha sama nodded and looked up. The kuni made sure he was holding the crystal so all could see it. Donoha remarked the sky was green. The crystal turned black before everyone!
“Now admit the lie I asked you to say, please Kitsuki san,” the Kuni shugenja asked once more. As Donoha admitted he was asked to lie and did so. The crystal became clear again!
All of the Emerald Ambassadors nodded that this was acceptable. “Kitsuki san,” stated Emerald Ambassador Kitsu Tsuguri sama of the Lion Clan, “We have the skin of a once human creature and I am told by your scribe. This skin kimono and the creature that wore it are responsible for the death of Matsu Yoko? As well as, by the account of this scroll…(holds the record of names of spirits)…many others prior?”
Shiba Sono sama could be overheard mentioning one or two of the names were 80 years ago! In the brothers case 120 years ago! Kitsu Tsuguri sama spoke, “Now, Kitsuki san, please spare no detail. The area is being kept clear of anyone not needed for this scenario. Start at whatever you consider the beginning.”
“Yes sama.”
With the Kuni standing a few feet away Donoha began an exhaustive recollection, thanks to his amazing memory, of the events from when he noticed Matsu Yoko’s leg from under a bush. A copy of the painting he had made to show people was on a table next to the scrolls. A number of the Emerald Ambassadors remarked his style was very life like, and unlike anything they had seen before.
He mentioned being ordered to take the next day off and relax, pausing long enough to ask if they wanted to know about that, but that it had nothing to do with Matsu Yoko san’s murder. He was permitted to skip the day he had spent helping Bayushi Akiyama san, Isawa Kyoko san, and Shiba Ogawa san.
Donoha sama mentioned trying to find more courtly methods to conduct investigations realized he lacked the evidence to convict the gardener, Nichibotsu. He high light Doji Hoto sama seeing through the deception forcing the Oni to attack by directly provoking it with a duel.
He explained how he figure out it was trying to channel the ring of Void and let them feel the honor of their souls. Hoto sama had used a greeting at court where their hand would stop in the ghost at their heart. The ghost would then glow as though the light of Amateratsu was showing them the way back to the celestial order! They would remember their name and ascend. Donoha mentioned his katana, Mittsu Tamashi, which he gestured to and asked permission to draw it so he could show them. A few looked to the crystal in the Kuni’s hand and then gave him the go ahead.
He slowly drew his sword and took the hammer from the front of his obi. He showed them he placed Mittsu Tamashi on top of his Oath hammer and push them into the ghost and ask them to remember. They glow golden and ascend after stating they remembered their name. He then put the katana and hammer away and continued on. He spent a fair amount of time on the architecture becoming more like a stone castle room on the second floor down.
When describe the third floor every single Emerald Ambassador looked at the crystal in the Kuni’s hand multiple times. When he mentioned using his grappling hook he patted a tied his sword should to the opposite hip. It was clear to all what he was getting at since he mentioned it in the beginning as to his preparations after tea this early morning. He apologized that while they saved the tamashi (souls) in the orbs focusing on their void and honor. They did not get any additional names.
He mentioned between the first and second orb was the first they heard the Oni threatening them to leave or terrible things were implied to await them. He mentioned in great detail about the armor plated ox with smoke and fire coming from beneath them. It was then mentioned they had to let the beast attack them to free the tamashi in the second orb!
The Crab’s Emerald Ambassador asked him to continue, as glances to the crystal in the Kuni’s hand continued. Donoha sama turned back around and then spoke of Doji Hoto sama’s slicing of a limb with his Kakita blade! Next he mentioned the jump onto the pillar and pushing himself high into the air as the Oni reared back on two legs. He then said he split it from head to crotch!
Next came the fact the flesh parts turned back to stone but the eye shapes are still in the stone walls on the third floor. He talked about how they came back up and here we are. He bowed again and said the Case of Matsu Yoko’s death has been resolved.
Kitsu Tsuguri sama asked for Doji Hoto to recount from his perspective what he observed, what he took away, and anything he felt had been omitted thus far. The Kuni shugenja moved in front of him with the truth crystal and the Crane began their recounting. It was clear Hoto sama had changed and was proud of doing this on his own without relying on the name of his father. He was rightfully proud of his accomplishments alongside Donoha sama. He praised Donoha’s efforts in the investigation and while his explanations were more colorful, not one was a lie.
Phoenix Ambassador will speak to Donoha, noting that he was void-touched when he returned, but Hoto was not. What transpired to create that distinction? The Kuni shugenja moved back to Donoha for their reply.
OH MY FORTUNES! You’re not going to want to miss this!
He told everyone assembled about what “actually” happened when he looked dizzy coming out of the Oni’s lair. So Donoha ended up in the spirit world and ran into his love, the Phoenix maiden! She’s being trained in the mystic arts and he was able to let her know about Genji san, the missing letters, and that he’s stayed chaste for her! He said the only thing that could break that would be an ordered marriage. He would want to make sure they were happy as well. Especially if they were not excited about the arrangement. She understood and accepted that!
He also learned about the alluded to person going by Doji Hengo and how they fell to shadow. He also noted that he found it hard to believe a member of the Doji family ever being so destitute. Each of the four visions recounted a moment of Hengo “san” saving his sister and the Dark one coming to the child’s aid and corrupting them over time! How despicable is that!
He also publicly announced that, “I CAN FINALLY WRITE IT” Chiasa was the name of the Phoenix maiden he fallen in love with on his gempukku! He delivered it with a statement of fact tone and moved on. Going on to describe that while he is not certain it appeared to him Chiasa maybe in training to become an Oracle of one of the elements!
The crystal remained clear.