Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 35

Once More Unto the Breach

They turned as more of the mist pulled away to reveal a set of stairs. Slowly they began to ascend them as time did not hold the same meaning in the realm of the hungry dead. Donoha sama was worried about exhausting the kami or asking for to much help. However, he stayed quiet so as not to interrupt the conversation between Otaku Gunba san and Shosuro Hanzo san. In time they reached to top of this stairway to a cut, stone laden, landing. Before them was a temple that one could suspect held the Karmic Key inside.

Slowly, from the sides of the inner courtyard and the mist floating on the ground six more creatures appeared. Two of them looked like the shadow samurai many of the group had faced before. Then they were joined by three identical creatures of this realm of the hungry dead. The five samurai moved quickly to deal with this new challenge.

Shouro Hanzo san moved into and up the tower on the group’s right hand side to provide cover fire. Donoha san was not sure if he tried to throw a handmade explosive of some kind at the enemy. The throw seemed to go poorly and created a small cloud of smoke as he made his way inside and up the tower. Donoha sama posted up in the entrance closer to the left tower, while his Lion cousin did the same by the right tower. Gunba san tried to stay just behind the front line ready to support as Tamaki san began to unleash the fires of the kami upon the creatures!

As the world around the creatures continued to burn in spiritual wrath, they charged forward at the Dragon and the Lion. Trained as a courtier whom specialize in investigations Donoha has never been shy to engage in combat. It shows how brave their soul is to face off against the hungry dead in their own spirit world. This also showed the difference in training for a bushi and a courtier. Asahi sama was able to fare better due to their training from the Akodo school! Both of them were hurt as they took the brunt of the assault, but the Lion lived up to their name with the amount of strikes they were able to dish out!

Tamaki san was able to control the movements of the enemy with repeated uses of the area wide fire magic. Gunba san would make targeted attacks at the creatures, as would Hanzo san using the reclaimed jade arrows. One would think they would shatter on the ground but it would seem Donoha sama is a competent knapper. It was not lost on the Scorpion that the hard ground was an illusion from the maiden of the void, Chiasa san. The ground still felt like stepping on someone’s stomach, which Hanzo san was certain contributed to their ability to recover such treasures as these.

During the fight they learned that the hungry dead could pass through the structures but not each other, nor the five samurai. Then they engaged the trio of new beasts and realized that their strikes could ignore the armor they wore! Donoha sama and Gunba san ended up on one side fighting one of the armorbane creatures and dealing with laying low its cohorts. Tamaki san and Asahi sama engaged the other two. Outnumbered at first they stayed focused and everyone worked as a team to bring the threat to a conclusion!

It was then that they noticed a light coming from the temple. The glow had likely been subdued until the threat guarding it had been dealt with. The group of samurai saw the Karmic Key within the doorway of the temple. However, they set down to rest by the towers they had won their victory from. The Dragon, Lion, and even the Unicorn had been hit hard during the skirmish with creatures that were stronger and outnumbered them. Yet the champions Emma-O mentioned they were won twice against the odds. They bandaged their wounds and felt Chiasa san’s magic keep them from needing food. The battle with the Queen of Hunger lay ahead, yet this uncommon group held firm to the task they had been entrusted to perform.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 34

A Starlight Quest

Donoha sama described being pulled into and through the Void into the sprit realm of Meido. The land where the dead go before they meet Emma-O the Fortune of Death. Initially the new group of five samurai could not see each other or much of anything. A voice spoke to them explaining a problem of a karmic nature. The Dragon could tell to voice of the woman he loved anytime he heard it. The group soon knew the love of the Dragon as their guide and quest giver.

Composed of stars and light against what appeared to the the black of night or the Void. Hard to be certain if one or the other, perhaps both. As they focused upon her they became little orbs of light that could discern each other. If not directly “see” because they did not have eyes in this form.

How Chiasa san and Togashi Hoshi sama were apparently working together was a question the Dragon wanted to ask but weighed it as selfish compared to the task laid before them. There is an issue within the spirit realm of Gaki-do wear the hungry dead wander. It threatens the balance of the karmic cycle. In order to set the spirit realms back to the way they function. The group must go to the Gate of the Dead and convince the Fortune Emma-O to get passage to Gaki-do and retrieve the Karmic Key to defeat the Queen of Hunger.

Chiasa san warns everyone she has cast a spell to make us see Gaki-do in a manner different than how it would truly appear. To keep from possibly going mad and breaking the group’s minds! While the group asked after points of the challenge before them. Donoha sama made sure she knew her father was doing well, and if she felt safe where she was. She thanked him and assured him she was safe where she was. After she left the group to proceed their march toward the gate. Donoha reminded his Lion cousin of the time he healed Asahi sama in the cave with the stairs. A beam of what appeared to be stars shown down and he was completely healed when the bandage was applied. His cousin acknowledged the memory and Donoha sama mentioned that Chiasa san whom just left was the one he was talking about.

The group had been told about finding the Tori (Gate) of the Dead. Apparently, every path one could take would lead to the gate and the speed at which you would find it had to do with the purity of your soul. After moving through what appeared to them as a barren wasteland they found lines of people filing into a common direction. Everyone in the group had slightly different ideas on how to approach this but Donoha sama simply walked up to one and got in line with the souls of the dead.

When Gunba san, Tamaki san, and Hanzo san looked upon the faces of those in the line they found something unsettling. They had no face to speak of! The legends about this spirit world mention the wiping of your old identity to make way for your reincarnation and that was the closest guess the group could make about what was happening here.

Upon reaching the Tori (Gate) of the Dead the five samurai approached and stood before the throne of Emma-O, Fortune of the Dead. Once proper reverence was given to the fortune sitting upon their throne. They queried the group about why the living were traveling where they should not be? When they gave their explanation about the Karmic Key and the Queen of Hunger, the Fortune of Death’s tone changed to a more pleasant one. They welcomed the champions and bid them pass one and meet the one that would grant them entry into Gaki-do.

Donoha sama said that this part has to be vague. In part because the name of the individual they met was stricken from the imperial records by the first Hantei. This was told to them by the one they met! The person guarding the entry into Gaki-do was the tenth and youngest child of the Sun and Moon! The Tenth Kami, according to an excerpt from the Tao of Shinsei.

“Of the nine children of the Sun and Moon; myself, Doji, Akodo, Shinjo, Hida, Togashi, Bayushi, Shiba, and Fu Leng…” began the Emperor.
“No,” said Shinsei”
“No?” my brother asked quizzically.
“The Sun and Moon had ten children, though you will never know your youngest brother.”

The Tenth Kami stated he would only let pure souls through the gate to Gaki-do to prevent their corruption by Jigoku’s taint. The group’s souls were tested and Donoha sama was the first to pass with Asahi sami passing just after him. The other three began to fade out of existence! The Tenth Kami asked the Dragon and the Lion if they would be willing to bear the others karmic burdens. When they do the others become solid once more.

The Tenth Kami asked if we need anything before entering Gaki-do. Donoha sama was not sure if his sword, Mittsu Tamashi 三つ魂, the Three Soul katana, would be able to harm creatures that you would normally use jade or crystal for. His Lion cousin had that jade katana now, and both the Unicorn and Phoenix shugenja had access to the kami spirits. Tamaki san also had Hisuitsume 翡翠爪, the Jade Talon, that Donoha sama had made for him. Hanzo san was without a weapon he could discern that would harm the creatures they were anticipating meeting!

Donoha sama asked for a weapon to be provided to Shosuro Hanzo san so they could defend themselves. The Tenth Kami said he did not have one to provide him. However, if they needed time to make one he could halt time for a bit around him to allow for such a task! Hanzo san mentioned being very good with a bow and between the Dragon and Lion they had enough fingers of jade to allow Donoha sama to craft eight jade arrows.

As the Dragon began to knap the jade using the edge of the head and handle of Chikai kodzuchi 誓い小槌 the Oath-hammer. Asahi sama began to sing song that somehow lasted the length of indeterminate time Donoha sama needed to make the eight jade arrows. I will list the song below.

In the mountains high and old
Kami’s whisper soft and bold
Waves of time in silence roll
Mysteries of nature unfold

Lanterns flicker in the shrine
Ancient spirits intertwine
Moonlit path our lives align
With hearts a humble sign

Oh Kami hear our song
Guide us where we belong
Your breath makes us strong
Oh Kami hear our song

Cherry blossoms kiss the breeze
Life and death a sacred tease
In the rustle of the leaves
We find truths that never freeze

In the stillness of the night
Kami’s presence pure in sight
Folded hands a prayer’s light
We honor ancient might

The Tenth Kami stretched there arm out to a rolling storm cloud and it tore in half. Through the cloudy cleft came a light that flickered not unlike flame. The five samurai approached feeling no heat but a chill in their very bones. With purpose they left Meido the realm of waiting and entered Gaki-do the realm of the hungry dead.

Chiasa san’s enchantment on the five samurai’s eyes went into effect. They saw a cracked and rocky, barren, wasteland. Despite the ground feeling like soft, and well… Donoha mentioned it felt the same as when he punched person in the stomach. While he was not sure what the other were thinking he was personally very thankful for the visual enchantment.

Then the sounds in the distance of people crying out, dying began to set in. When Hanzo san mentioned it, Donoha sama mentioned that he was having flashbacks to the time he was visiting Kaiu Kabe. He was given permission to visit and collect the blades of a group of fallen samurai.

Their blades had broken during a raid by goblins. Donoha had wanted to restore their honor in his new sword. Every name fresh in his memory: Hida Shimazu san, Hida Nagahide san, Hiruma Kenji san, Hida Moriyama san, Kuni Asakura san, and Yasuki Saigo san. He only had a small moment in time to share his memory of the screams before Asahi sama had sensed the hungry dead found them.

The Lion drew their jade katana as his Dragon cousin drew Mittsu Tamashi. Hanzo san knocked a jade arrow as the Phoenix and Unicorn prepared to draw on the might of the Kami. The plan had been to use the Lion as bait because the creatures of Gaki-do sought him out over everything else back in Rokugan. However, that soon fell apart as the creatures split equally to attack the Dragon and the Lion!

Six total monstrosities of the hungry dead approached and two had been transformed by Chikushudo to each have as many limbs as a spider! The skirmish was fierce and both the Lion bushi and the Dragon courtier were lucky for their armor, school training, and the respective war fan and smithing hammer they carried in their spare hands.

Even with all of this helping them they were getting hammered to keep the attention on themselves. Thus allowing Tamaki san to cast the spell, Jade Strike multiple times. Gunba san to rip rocks from the ground, transform them into jade and throw them at the enemy. Last but certainly not least Hanzo san proved their skill with their yumi bow sinking jade arrows through the creatures and they did not shatter upon landing. Now Donoha suspect part of that it from the true nature of Gaki-do since the ground feels soft to the touch. Only “looking” the part of a rocky wasteland.

This was definitely a team effort. Donoha sama learned something about Mittsu Tamashi during the fight. His sword was warming up when striking the creature only harmed by magic, jade, or crystal! When his blows landed they cut and hurt the creatures as much as the attacks made from jade did! It was a gamble because he was concerned more for the Scorpion courtier that got pulled into this than himself. He trusted his sword would get him through and its clearly an awakening nemurani at this point! After they won, Tamaki san had their magic available to heal both the Lion fully and the Dragon to nearly full health.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 23


Upon arriving at the eastern wards of Shiro Shiba, Kitsuki Donoha sama was met by Shiba Akihiro san, karo (high ranking advisor of a daimyo) of the guard for the Phoenix Clan Champion, Shiba Ujimitsu sama. The area had been quartered off by the samurai and ashigaru working under Akihiro san. It was here he learned of the death of Asako Eiko sama. The elderly priestess of the Temple of the Eternal Flame. Both Akodo Asahi sama and Hiruma Gombei sama had been awaiting his arrival with a pair of eta for touching the dead.

So began the examination of scene of the murderous act. Per knowledge of Donoha sama’s preferences they left the scene in the garden untouched. Asahi and Gombei samas were watching over it so Asahi sama’s cousin could look over the moment of death.

Their was a drizzle of rain coming down. The murder weapon was a ceremonial dagger in the chest. It had the artistic renderings of the firebird the Phoenix clan was named for but no mon present. The garden had been surrounded by a low wall and to aid the Kitsuki, Gombei sama searched the perimeter. He found scuff marks and blood on northwest corner of the garden. Heading back to the castle and the celebration.

Asahi sama had watched his Dragon cousin go through the recreation of a crime scene during the days liberating Mori Kage Toshi. So he knew the look when cousin began to focus on the dark event before them. While Donoha sama was examining the ceremonial dagger in the old priestess’ chest. Asahi sama focus on the immediate surroundings and her extremities. He mentioned to Donoha sama that she was clutching a torn piece of cloth and very little in the way of a struggle.

The Dragon nodded approvingly and told them she had been attacked from behind and the right arm of the assailant held their victim to them. While the left one delivered the fatal blow, also it happened roughly 30 to 60 minutes ago, so a quarter to half and hour of the day (OOC Note: Rokugan Hours of the Day are two hours long on Earth). Additionally, the position of the handle suggested the attacker was the same height as the later Asako Eiko sama. Quietly, he could fine no parallels between Matsu Mayumi’s kidnapping and this murder. Ever was the lady Shosuro in his thoughts

The eta were allow to remove the body and our group went over the wall in the direction of their quarry. After checking out they could find no more clues and the Lion and Crab both agreed they would have had plenty of time to change garments. The torn kimono would no longer be counted as an identifier. However they all agreed searching for those seeking repairs to kimono. The Dragon realized they had let the eta take the scrap of cloth!

Upon coming out of the alley they were soon joined by Shiba Akihiro san, and the guard he had blocking the area off. The trio was asked if they were done with the investigation. Donoha sama said they were but they were heading to the palace to try and locate the murderer. Akihiro san informed them he had orders to bring them to the Phoenix Clan Champion. There were things Donoha sama still wanted to accomplish, but he could not refuse a summons from the Daimyo of a great clan.

“Perchance there is a way everyone can get what we want,” Donoha mentioned in a suggestive tone. He asked Akihiro san if one yojimbo could quietly go and let the guards in the palace to be on the look out for a torn kimono and whom has it or wearing it. Next, if another yojimbo could be sent to the eta and retrieve the torn cloth. Akihiro san nodded in the affirmative and the two men ran off. At that point the rest of them left back for the celebration.

Back at the celebration they were led to Shiba Sono sama, Asahina Tadane sama, and Hida Mikoro sama. It would seem Shiba Ujimitsu sama had retired for the evening. Leaving the task of hearing the report to the Emerald ambassadors. Upon hearing the details the trio were tasked with solving the murder, quietly. Then Shiba Sono smiled, “Oh, and after you have rice.” Donoha sama could not hide his grin.

There was a chance by spending time being “on display” might afford them a chance to overhear some useful information. Since the party and celebration was for them after all, they should avail themselves of the opportunities it might provide. At least the Dragon courtier thought so as he was discussing with his friends. After being excused from the Emerald ambassador’s area. The Dragon’s Lion cousin wanted to check out the late Asako Eiko sama’s domicile in the Temple of the Eternal Flame.

While Donoha sama thought it was great intuition on his cousin’s part, he implored him to take Hiruma Gombei sama with him so they could act as each other’s yojimbo. Donoha sama promised to create a distraction to cover their departure in case they were being watched. In a rather uncharacteristically Dragon approach Donoha sama called out to see who wanted to hear the tale of the first damsel he saved – daughter of the Ikoma Family Daimyo? The crowd roared to life as the Lion and Crab made their escape.

During the tale the Dragon’s ears feasted upon the talk going on around him.

  • There’s talk of Lady Shiba Ren’s recent pilgrimage to the ancestral shrines deep in the mountains. Some whisper she seeks divine guidance amidst personal turmoil, while others speculate it’s a strategic move to solidify her spiritual influence within the court.
  • Lord Asako Takumi has been seen in heated discussions with emissaries from the neighboring clans. Rumor has it he’s negotiating a trade agreement that could significantly boost the Shiba’s coffers, but others suspect ulterior motives at play.
  • Word has it that Lady Shiba Ayame has been delving into ancient texts and forbidden scrolls, searching for lost knowledge hidden within the library vaults. Some fear she’s tampering with dangerous magic, while others believe she’s on the brink of a groundbreaking discovery.

Just after he finished the tale for those attending the celebration and the hundred or so attendees that could crowd close enough to hear. An older woman approached him and grabbed both arms of the Dragon. Her eyes milky white as a horse, raspy voice came forth, “Your friends are in danger hurry to them now!”

Donaha sama smiled as he replied, “Thank you Chiasa.”

The glazed eyes returned to normal and a very shocked older woman began to repeatedly apologize for touching him. Donoha excused himself before someone of higher rank could get angry on his behalf. Once free of the celebration he made his way to the temple of the Eternal Flame.

When he arrived to a location about halfway he found his friends waylaid by assassins in dark. Still dressed as though he was heading into battle. The Dragon leapt into the fray! It did not take long to turn the tables on the assassins and blood soon soaked the ground. One assassin did slip away into the night while the Lion, Crab, and Dragon were engaged with other combatants. At the end of the engagement Donoha sama was able to save one of the assassins that was bleeding out. He had questions and hopefully the wounded assassin had answers. His Lion cousin showed him some documents while he was mending the wounds and the Dragon noticed two names written among the papers.

Asako Takumi sama and Shiba Ayame sama. It woulld appear Asako Takumi sama had been seen in heated discussions with emissaries from the neighboring clans. Rumor has it he’s negotiating a trade agreement that could significantly boost the Shiba’s coffers, but others suspect ulterior motives at play. While Shiba Ayame sama had been delving into ancient texts and forbidden scrolls, searching for lost knowledge hidden within the library vaults. Some fear she’s tampering with dangerous magic, while others believe she’s on the brink of a groundbreaking discovery.

Donoha sama suspects that of the three he heard rumors about these two bear further investigation. The Dragon, Lion, and Crab met a Shugenja going by the name Isawa Tamaki san. They bore the Phoenix Mon and the mon of the Isawa (consisting of the five elemental symbols arrayed in a star pattern, arranged clockwise from the top, Void, Water, Air, Fire, Earth). Tamaki san’s sensei sent him to meet and Asako Eiko (our murder victim) and their apprentice Agasha Rei san. Whom both the Lion and the Crab met at the temple of Eternal Flame before being waylaid by assassins on their way back.

When questioned about Chiasa by Donoha. Isawa Tamaki san was selectively honest about knowing of Chiasa, but appeared to be under some imperative to not discuss the person in question further. They instead steered the conversation to their mission they were on. Isawa Tamaki san is to bring Agasha Re san into the Emperor Gift caravan. The assassins may have had her as a future victim. Everyone made it back down the hill and seeing the seen of death has prompted Agasha Rei san to become involved in trying to find out whom had her sensei murdered.

They gathered among the two wagons given to Donoha from his grandmother and partook of the unending Sake of Hiruma Gombei san. Donoha mentions treating the investigation as an experiment of “Akkam sama’a Tanto.” Eliminate all other possibilities and whatever is left, however strange, must be the truth. Of the third name the Dragon had garnered rumors regarding: Shiba Ren sama’s recent pilgrimage to the ancestral shrines deep in the mountains. Some among the crowds whisper she seeks divine guidance amidst personal turmoil, while others speculate it’s a strategic move to solidify her spiritual influence within the court. Agasha Rei san confirmed she is a name spoken about replacing Asako Eiko sama, however, it was Eiko sama that invited them to visit and study their ways. Of the three she is not considered a viable subject at this time. Agasha Rei san is staying the night in one of Donoha’s wagons and Tamaki san is staying in the bunk above Gombe san’s.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 15

Visions of Love, Benten’s Bloom

23rd of Akoko in 1123 (Month of the Horse) – Matsu Shànzi (yep, that’s me) was watching from the side and behind all SEVEN of the Emerald Ambassadors as Donoha sama tried to take a step while holding the unconscious Doji Hoto sama. Their was a brief 3 seconds where his eyes shut and he looked like he might fall over. Then he came back to his senses. He slid Hoto sama’s right arm over his shoulders and held it with his right hand. His left arm around Hoto sama’s more lithe and graceful frame. Under the Crane’s left arm and putting his left hand on the back of Hoto sama’s neck. Bracing his left foot on Hoto sama’s right foot both he and the unconscious Crane made deep bow. It looked as though he was refusing to let Hoto or the Crane clan look unable to be polite even in this moment.

Upon standing he cocked his head slightly to the side and gave an almost imperceptible bow of his head before speaking.

“Indeed, it’s finished, and we killed the Oni responsible.”

In my life I can say I have never seen a single samurai make SEVEN damiyo, and everyone else present gasp audibly with a single sentence! In courtier circles, Donoha sama, is going to be known as Ryuū Ōtsuchi 龍 大槌 (Dragon Hammer) for the way he delivers news. The information hit everyone with blunt force trauma, shock, and awe.

The Ambassadors exchange glances, turn to quickly talk, spin to make immediate demands on the situation. They want the scene cleared. They want the two samurai quarantined and given jade petal tea, as well as a review by the Kuni witchhunter present in the caravan. After cleansing is ensured, they will convene at the Ambassador’s Circle to debrief.

At the Ambassador’s Circle: all of the Emerald Ambassadors turn their attention to Donoha sama. “You’ve had an interesting morning Kistuki san, Doji san.” commented Mirumoto Tanetsu sama.

“Oddly enough, all before having rice, sama,” he replied with a bow of the head.

Hida Mikoro sama gave a playful sounding harumph, crossing their arms. Hida Mikoro motioned for the Kuni shugenja to come forward. Once there, Hida sama said, “If he lies, embellishes, or omits the truth, we need to know.”

The Kuni nodded and the Scorpion’s Emerald Ambassador stepped forward mentioning he’s had some experience at ferreting out liars.

The Kuni a crystal pendant about to fingers thick was produced and walked over, “Please say that the sky is a color that it is not.” Donoha sama nodded and looked up. The kuni made sure he was holding the crystal so all could see it. Donoha remarked the sky was green. The crystal turned black before everyone!

“Now admit the lie I asked you to say, please Kitsuki san,” the Kuni shugenja asked once more. As Donoha admitted he was asked to lie and did so. The crystal became clear again!

All of the Emerald Ambassadors nodded that this was acceptable. “Kitsuki san,” stated Emerald Ambassador Kitsu Tsuguri sama of the Lion Clan, “We have the skin of a once human creature and I am told by your scribe. This skin kimono and the creature that wore it are responsible for the death of Matsu Yoko? As well as, by the account of this scroll…(holds the record of names of spirits)…many others prior?”

Shiba Sono sama could be overheard mentioning one or two of the names were 80 years ago! In the brothers case 120 years ago! Kitsu Tsuguri sama spoke, “Now, Kitsuki san, please spare no detail. The area is being kept clear of anyone not needed for this scenario. Start at whatever you consider the beginning.”

“Yes sama.”

With the Kuni standing a few feet away Donoha began an exhaustive recollection, thanks to his amazing memory, of the events from when he noticed Matsu Yoko’s leg from under a bush. A copy of the painting he had made to show people was on a table next to the scrolls. A number of the Emerald Ambassadors remarked his style was very life like, and unlike anything they had seen before.

He mentioned being ordered to take the next day off and relax, pausing long enough to ask if they wanted to know about that, but that it had nothing to do with Matsu Yoko san’s murder. He was permitted to skip the day he had spent helping Bayushi Akiyama san, Isawa Kyoko san, and Shiba Ogawa san.

Donoha sama mentioned trying to find more courtly methods to conduct investigations realized he lacked the evidence to convict the gardener, Nichibotsu. He high light Doji Hoto sama seeing through the deception forcing the Oni to attack by directly provoking it with a duel.

He explained how he figure out it was trying to channel the ring of Void and let them feel the honor of their souls. Hoto sama had used a greeting at court where their hand would stop in the ghost at their heart. The ghost would then glow as though the light of Amateratsu was showing them the way back to the celestial order! They would remember their name and ascend. Donoha mentioned his katana, Mittsu Tamashi, which he gestured to and asked permission to draw it so he could show them. A few looked to the crystal in the Kuni’s hand and then gave him the go ahead.

He slowly drew his sword and took the hammer from the front of his obi. He showed them he placed Mittsu Tamashi on top of his Oath hammer and push them into the ghost and ask them to remember. They glow golden and ascend after stating they remembered their name. He then put the katana and hammer away and continued on. He spent a fair amount of time on the architecture becoming more like a stone castle room on the second floor down.

When describe the third floor every single Emerald Ambassador looked at the crystal in the Kuni’s hand multiple times. When he mentioned using his grappling hook he patted a tied his sword should to the opposite hip. It was clear to all what he was getting at since he mentioned it in the beginning as to his preparations after tea this early morning. He apologized that while they saved the tamashi (souls) in the orbs focusing on their void and honor. They did not get any additional names.

He mentioned between the first and second orb was the first they heard the Oni threatening them to leave or terrible things were implied to await them. He mentioned in great detail about the armor plated ox with smoke and fire coming from beneath them. It was then mentioned they had to let the beast attack them to free the tamashi in the second orb!

The Crab’s Emerald Ambassador asked him to continue, as glances to the crystal in the Kuni’s hand continued. Donoha sama turned back around and then spoke of Doji Hoto sama’s slicing of a limb with his Kakita blade! Next he mentioned the jump onto the pillar and pushing himself high into the air as the Oni reared back on two legs. He then said he split it from head to crotch!

Next came the fact the flesh parts turned back to stone but the eye shapes are still in the stone walls on the third floor. He talked about how they came back up and here we are. He bowed again and said the Case of Matsu Yoko’s death has been resolved.

Kitsu Tsuguri sama asked for Doji Hoto to recount from his perspective what he observed, what he took away, and anything he felt had been omitted thus far. The Kuni shugenja moved in front of him with the truth crystal and the Crane began their recounting. It was clear Hoto sama had changed and was proud of doing this on his own without relying on the name of his father. He was rightfully proud of his accomplishments alongside Donoha sama. He praised Donoha’s efforts in the investigation and while his explanations were more colorful, not one was a lie.

Phoenix Ambassador will speak to Donoha, noting that he was void-touched when he returned, but Hoto was not. What transpired to create that distinction? The Kuni shugenja moved back to Donoha for their reply.

OH MY FORTUNES! You’re not going to want to miss this!

He told everyone assembled about what “actually” happened when he looked dizzy coming out of the Oni’s lair. So Donoha ended up in the spirit world and ran into his love, the Phoenix maiden! She’s being trained in the mystic arts and he was able to let her know about Genji san, the missing letters, and that he’s stayed chaste for her! He said the only thing that could break that would be an ordered marriage. He would want to make sure they were happy as well. Especially if they were not excited about the arrangement. She understood and accepted that!

He also learned about the alluded to person going by Doji Hengo and how they fell to shadow. He also noted that he found it hard to believe a member of the Doji family ever being so destitute. Each of the four visions recounted a moment of Hengo “san” saving his sister and the Dark one coming to the child’s aid and corrupting them over time! How despicable is that!

He also publicly announced that, “I CAN FINALLY WRITE IT” Chiasa was the name of the Phoenix maiden he fallen in love with on his gempukku! He delivered it with a statement of fact tone and moved on. Going on to describe that while he is not certain it appeared to him Chiasa maybe in training to become an Oracle of one of the elements!

The crystal remained clear.



Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 11

Tōchaku-sai – Festival of Arrival

20th of Akoko in 1123 (Month of the Horse) – We have been at an inaugural festival for the last few days. Called the Festival of Arrival for more than one reason. The Agasha family is taking over these lands after leaving the Dragon Clan for the Phoenix . Then there’s the arrival of the Emperor’s Gift.

Hida Eiji was called home for what most suspect is his upcoming marriage as a bride was likely found. I’ll miss games of Go with the Nezumi, Gru’Vi. However, I will miss being a big sister to Miu, Eiji’s daughter, the most.

The city will be opening up tomorrow on the 21st of Akoko which will be declared a new festival called: Tōchaku-sai Festival of Arrival . Today however is the Festival of Lady Shinjo, the Unicorn Clan’s Kami. Food stalls, merchants, street performers, and contests to see whom among those of the city and the caravan can become champion of the elements.

It’s been difficult to determine how Donoha feels about the loss of some of his family to the Phoenix or why did this happen in the first place. Since this is where the Agasha are going to show up Donoha is strictly following the tone set by Mirumoto Tanetsu. It is a wait and see approach due to a lack of information on this issue bearing further investigation. Since this would seem – from an outsiders view – take most of the Dragon Clan’s shugenja away.

Alas that will have to wait readers. Today is about fun, frivolity, and fantastical flights of fancy and fear! Isawa Genji participate in the Element of Void Challenge where they had to guess the elements in large jars with lids to seal them off. For Genji this was a easy thing to do.

  • The first one he was able to determine it was Sand (Earth)
  • The first one he was able to determine it was a Burning Candle (Earth Fire)
  • The first one he was able to determine it was a cupcake sculpted into a tsunami wave by a Crane artisan (Earth, Air, Water). They told me later that this one was touched by the Kami will make the user feel better.

After winning the were gifted with the cupcake and they found Doji Hoto going between meetings he was being ordered to attend. He went right up to him and holds out the cupcake and in his stereotypical slightly condescending voice he said, “Doji Hoto San, I earned this cupcake by the intervention of the Kami. And of all the people at the whole of this festival, you are the one I feel deserves this most. Please, I would be honored for you to enjoy it.”

Kitsuki Donoha sama was happy today and often could be found staring off as though in reverie. Today he had entered the Element of Air Challenge. In which they had to avoid being hit by one of the newest inventions in Rokugan! Water filled Gomu ゴム Barūn 風船 (Rubber Balloons)!

Maybe invented in the last 20 years by the Phoenix working on new compounds to try and match the chemical compound knowledge of the Kitsuki family. They have, with information freely shared by the Kitsuki when asked, invented a substance from the trees in their lands they called gomu (rubber). It was discovered that this substance can stretch and while fragile in this state it can carry several times it’s size in liquid! It was a pair of children of one of the shugenja researchers that began throwing them and many years later it is starting to catch on!

Part of the issue for people’s reluctance to use it is the name Gomu. If written with certain characters desccribes a scoundrel or someone that acts in bad faith. Yet another set of characters and you could be saying a assassin, jackal. Alas they went with it and have slowly been working on showing how useful it can be. They have certainly created a children’s toy.

To coin a phrase, Donoha sama is a kind and gentle soul, however he’s also traveled the breath of Rokugan once already and has the scar to prove it. He has a bit of resting grumpy face. I will also point out that I have – in private – made him aware of this fact. He does indeed work on it during social occasions like this one.

All of his opponents today would be children of the city and caravan throwing the aforementioned, water filled, gomu barūn. Here is a rundown of the rules: destroy the gomu barūn without getting their watery contents on themselves. Donoha walked into the circle wearing the kimono Lord Akodo Tozawa had given him. Just to remind everyone that it shows a Lion Clan’s savannah at sunset and the embroidery only enhances the dyed silk. It’s worthy of going to an imperial banquet.

When the child of 4-5 years came forward, Donoha squatted down and cup the sides of his face so almost no one saw what he did next. The child however began to giggle and laugh out loud. Perhaps I’ll need to talk the ladies directly behind the child that brought him up. They made such adorable faces and said, “Oh, he’s good with children!” Just before covering their excited expressions with fans.

His Chikai kodzuchi 誓い小槌 (Oath-hammer) in the front of his obi, Mittsu Tamashī 三つ魂 (Three Souls) on his left, and the wakazashi Kitsuki Inoki bequeath him on his back. He pulled folded scarf from his obi and tied it around his eyes. Then he bowed to the child and took his stance. The crowd was already starting to grow! The child double hand heaved it and in a flash Mittsu Tamashī was alive and visible as Donoha caught it on his blade, fling it up overhead and when he cut it the people that got some water on them were the ones behind him!

When he came back to center up his katana had been wiped and was sliding into the sheath. He folded his blind fold back and not a drop of water on him. He waved to the child as the women led the little one away and the child waved back excited! Returning the scarf to inside their Obi he looked for his next challenge.

Three children came up between 7-9 years of age and Donoha regarded each for a moment. Then he bowed low enough to be at eye level with each of them. The crowd seem stunned and surprise because his eyes were pointed down at the ground and not to them. It was a noted act of deference to the children. Nods came from the adults because he did not know their status and chose to respect them by default! A LOT of samurai could learn manners from Donoha. He squatted to be at eye level and asked if they were ready, and did they mind being wet. All of them said it was okay as their kimonos weren’t fancy because they wanted to participate in this.

Nodding to them each, he stood and took his stance facing them. They reared back and launched their volley! He cut one so the water went back on its owner! Slashed the next so the third child got wet and returned the favor with the third water-filled gomu barūn back onto the second child! Wiping his blade it went back into his sheath and he bowed to each child as he had done before and the crowd really began to turn favorably to the scarred Dragon Samurai.

The next group was five children about 10-12 years of age and Donoha repeated his bows to each child. They were returned in kind to Donoha. Once both groups were ready they threw the balloons and Donoha lept into the air spinning as he destroyed them all. The crowd was cheering and a Crane Clan artisan stopped working on their current project and began sketching Donoha performing that feat! He bowed to the five and asked them to hold out their hands. They did so and he rested Mittsu Tamashī 三つ魂 (Three Souls) upon their hands so they could see it up close. People were talking constantly about how kind he had been with the childern and only moments before had been frightening the adults with his skill! (edited)

Then came the last challenge to see if he would go to the finals. Seven children, one from each clan dress in the predominant colors of their clans. Between 14-16 years of age just before their gempukkus would begin. The bows were exchanged and he asked them if they would like a moment to confer amongst themselves. They did and he walked to the far side of the ring. When they motioned they were ready he came back and stood calmly before them as they launched their volley!

He destroyed the Phoenix Clan balloon first! Then the Dragon’s, spinning into the Unicorn’s, slashing through the Lion, and piercing the Scorpion’s balloons! The swings came flashing by quicker than I can write! The Crab’s was cut in half and for the Crane he flourished his katana. He smack his tsuka (handle) making it spin like an auger to drill with and the water spun outward like a chrysanthemum!

The crowd went wild and the teens were astonished! After wiping and sheathing Mittsu Tamashī 三つ魂 (Three Souls), he personally thanked each of the teens for helping make the day special for him as he was sure it was for everyone else. Genji got to see the last match and overhear everyone talking about how nice he was to the participants, truly honorable. Then other talks circulating were how NO ONE wanted to cross swords with him! They all knew the name Kitsuki Donoha and Mittsu Tamashī 三つ魂 (Three Souls) before they left that day. It would seem stories about the eight man test cut had made it out here as one person claimed to be there and saw it.

I have to wrap this next part up because of a mission I have been given. Genji and Donoha perused the food stalls and no one would let Donoha pay after realizing who he was with the scar and stories about the talented samurai of the Dragon. From the Lion stall – a sweet root mash garnished with a sturdy sour leaf (used as utensil & edible). From the Unicorn stall – roasted Kabobs! Very popular with the youth it seemed and Donoha seemed to enjoy them as well.

They paused for a bit at a particular play of interest is presenting the curse of the city, a major legend prior to that of Matsu Hitomi (when the city was The City of Suffering). A spirit recounted that the city had once been a home to a powerful maho-tsukai, a villain so evil and ruthless only the combined powers of the Jade Champion and the Council of Five could lay him low. Before dying, he cast a terrible spell on the city – one that would allow him to return one day.

Donoha asked me to keep this part brief for Doji Hengo’s sake but I am so spilling Tea with Hoto sama later.
A Yasuki gem merchant and a Crane samurai argue over jade purchased by the Crane’s sister the previous day. Through Genji and Donoha’s efforts they were able to determine the Crane, one Doji Hengo, was trying to pull a fast one on the merchant. The honorable merchant, Yasuki Han san, was very grateful.

Apparently Doji Hengo and their sister have been living in Toshi no Omoidoso for about six months. Donoha felt sorry for the Crane knowing his own money woes and Doji Hengo’s sister spending their koku wastefully. He gave him his Koukai and Kozuka from his sword so he could try and help the family. He sent me after him to quietly gather more info! My first mission!!!

Oh by Fortunes I have never seen someone clearly at the whim of so many as my master. I believe he has the favor of Xing Guo (Fortune of Steel) and Sadahako (Geisha and Artists). As I’ll explain later, but I am two tables away and if what I hear is correct then Benten (Romantic Love), Natsu-togumara (Travel and Experience), Megumi (Heroic Guidance), and Ebisu (Honest Work) are testing him like you temper a sword!

I am going to describe somethings that you will think matter and then in all great tales comes the moment where you should have taken a left turn at Toshi no Omoidoso. I am mildly concerned this could be my last entry. Well here we go!

While I went off to find out information Donoha sama and Genji san went to speak with the ambassadors. Since Donoha’s actual lord is Mirumoto Tanetsu sama he felt it wise to seek his counsel. Mainly to make sure information was being shared and they were following their lord’s will. His aid was present as he was in disposed of at the time they arrived. Mirumoto Odayakara I found out is a storm under a still sea. Apparently, the word under the tea leaf is that Isawa Genji had a loud outburst about their reaching out to the void and trying to find Doji Hengo – if that’s their real name. What he found was Fu Leng staring back at him!

Odayakara sama was beyond gracious and benevolent. In forgiving this outburst since a Phoenix Shugenja of much high renown and honor than Genji had a similar outburst before falling into a sleep, unable to be woken from! Donoha put his neck on the line for Genji and nearly lost it. Which would have meant my death as well! When Genji offered seppuku alongside Donoha my master thought he had learned his lesson.

Let’s be blunt if that had happened to the Crab aid Genji would be dead and possibly Donoha as well. Genji is presenting themselves as a sheltered, man-child that does not appear to care for anyone other than themselves. They see their connection to the Void as so superior that all else is meaningless to their power.

The sad part is they actually have similar thoughts to Doji Hoto on fighting evil. Both were willing to forgo the festival to hunt down Hengo and find out what was going on here. Donoha would have gone but he had stuck his neck out for Genji and I could see they were hiding the fact they were frustrated and hurt. Genji was about run off after Donoha had gotten him the meeting to speak with the caravan leadership in the Dragon ambassador. Getting the ear of your Damiyo on the same day you ask for it – is – not – common!

Once Donoha explained this to Hoto and that he had to represent his clan in the final competition and attend the meeting he set up for Genji. Hoto nodded and they would wait and assess after the festival. Now to Genji’s credit since they still had yet to introduce themselves to the Phoenix Clan Emerald Ambassador. They won their Void competition, however, I am not documenting more of it than that because my head is on the block again for a situation I can not control!

Donoha’s final match was against none other than the women he saved for Akodo Tozawa sama! Matsu Mayumi is a beautiful samurai. I could see Donoha was honored to see she had similar sword skills. Their competition was around the curse of the city.

A major legend prior to that of Matsu Hitomi (when the city was The City of Suffering). A recounting that the city had once been a home to a powerful maho-tsukai, a villain so evil and ruthless only the combined powers of the Jade Champion and the Council of Five could lay him low. Before dying, he cast a terrible spell on the city – one that would allow him to return one day.

When Matsu Mayumi gave her rendition of the tale I was worried because my lord said he’d only heard the tale twice. Once three years ago and earlier today. Her voice was commanding, her posture grand, and her gravitas was beyond one of her years. It was stellar.

When she swapped places with Donoha, whom was dressed in a green and gray kimono picked out and purchased by Doji Hoto! The embroidery showed green dragons dancing in the grey sky and silver dragons bathing in rivers on the green part. Donoha bowed to her, then to the judges, and lastly to the crowd because he saw this as a duel still.

He produce several colored scarves from inside his kimono. I know he’s been testing out other colors than mint and forest green. Laying the scarves out he spoke not a single but with some snaps of his fingers the musicians present caught on before the crowd and they began to play music. He began a ONE-MAN performance of the play earlier today using the scarves as a stand in for Noh Masks! He memorized the play! For someone not an actor or even trained to be going through the motion from rote memory was astounding! The Crane were nodding in approval, even the Scorpion were comparing notes and recall seeing him watch the play earlier, but not taking any notes. The memorization of the performance was flawless!

He was declared the winner. To be honest in my reflection, they were so different and yet you could see the strength of each opponent. I did not envy the judges making this call one bit.

Then came the meeting with the Dragon Emerald Ambassador – Mirumoto Tanetsu sama. Donoha waited with utmost patience and when his lord poured a cup of saki and set it across from himself at the table Donoha knew it was an invitation. I moved quietly to a table nearby in case I was called for, but did not presume to be invited.

At one point Donoha needed to explain further some items his companions might have a better grasp of and he is a man of inclusion, not exclusion. Requesting permission to ask his companions to join, he waved his gifted Centipede copper fan to catch their attention. He almost caught the attention of two other samurai but Doji Hoto sama explained Donoha was still learning fan etiquette. Both Hoto and Genji joined and at first everything seemed to be going well.

Then the group realized their were three gates and they each monitor one. Being kind my master opted for the Eta gate so Doji Hoto or Isawa Genji would not have to and someone had to do it. There was the main gate and the Heimin or worker / merchant class gate. Genji proved in this moment to have learned nothing about working with others.

He explained – in front of the Dragon Ambassador at the banquet – which was thinning out but still public! That he had Void spiritual things to do and we could do what we wanted but he will figure this out as he sees fit. Then when Doji Hoto tried – and I do emphasize, tried – to explain the situation he compared all courtiers of the empire to be equal to geisha! What clearly infuriated my lord, whom has a high appreciation of the arts, is his reference to geisha as whores. With what he remarks courtiers do best.

For those that don’t know geisha are the highest of the Eta class – Hinin. For the hanamachi (flower towns) that provide them as entertainers the vast majority do not engage in carnal acts. To have a Danna or patron that they would engage in such acts only with this individual and sometimes would be adopted into their house. That part is a small fraction of the most affluent Danna. It would also signify a retirement.

So like I said readers this may be my last entry if Mirumoto Tanetsu asks Donoha to commit seppuku. I don’t know whom the Phoenix maiden is that befriended this shugenja. But Genji is putting Donoha’s love of her and by extension him through the Shadowlands. Makes me wonder if the Shadowlands taint here is trying to bring the Maho-Tsukai back???

When Mirumoto Tanetsu sama spoke it leveled the field, It was as though a soft rolling thunder makes sense but his presence carries more weight. He flashed his fan and asked that Genji give him some time with tea to discuss his concerns. His fan flicked and snapped shut. He walked out with Genji, but it was Hoto that surprised me.

“Donoha-san, your master wants us to wait for an hour here before we turn in. He’s taking care of this and will excuse anyone present of any loss of glory or honor they may feel.”

The spilled tea that began to circulate as we were waiting was news of a shugenja that had saw something in the void causing them to become ill and lash out. A rising temper and excuse of etiquette, which caused him to be called back home for further instruction/correction. Any ancillary parties have been absolved of any association or involvement. Whew!

It’s believed that Fu Leng’s lingering presence is somehow corrupting some samurai and upscaling their emotions. For most it is anger, some it is sadness…for the worst, the THREE greatest sins of FEAR, DESIRE, and REGRET. Genji appears is not the only victim and healing will take time. In that regard the compassion Tanetsu-sama displayed is amazing. Donoha has an excellent lord!

21st of Akoko in 1123 (Month of the Horse) – The new festival day of Tōchaku-sai – Festival of Arrival had finally come. My master and Doji Hoto had met up that morning and the Crane was able to see the Dragon was in a deep mood. He offered his ear and ask if the affair should be a private one. When told privacy would be preferred he offered to go through practie katas with him someplace quiet. Donoha smiled and grabbed the bokken he’d gotten from Pale Oak Castle in the Aoijiro Province of the Phoenix Lands. Made from branches of the tree above the burial of Emperor Hantei the XVII. He handed one to the Crane and they headed off. Nothing about this was secret but others realized as they passed by this was a private affair.

Now as Kitsuki Donoha sama’s bard let me tell you “why” he was in a deep mood. In the wagon we share a knock came and he was delivered a package of Genji’s belongings. Since our group has dwindled Donoha offered Genji to other wagon to borrow as needed. Now Donoha sama is aware of Doji Hoto’s desire for time with geisha, and figured this arrangement would allow his friend to indulge and he can get the rest his masters Kitsuki Inoki and Uesugi Mirumoto drilled into him at the Dojo of the Mirror.

You thought this was a misdirect, oh no here we get to the package of Isawa Genji! Here are the contents:

  • Metallic Pipe with opium inside
  • A wrinkled letter from Genji’s Mom. It had a cipher written on the edge asking for information on: Kitsuki Donoha, Doji Hoto, Matsu Shànzi (I know! I’m in this mix!), Bayushi Akiyama, and Hida Kawada. Some of you will remember Bayushi Akiyama san as the opponent of Doji Hoto in the final challenge of the competition of Fire. Hoto was the winner just put a feather in this. Don’t worry there’s more to come on this.
  • Stack of Unopened Letter from Donoha sama to their Phoenix maiden. There was at least ten letters here that would seem Genji never sent to the Phoenix maiden. Did she think Donoha broke his promise to write to her? Did Genj think he was doing Donoha a favor to prevent love blossoming between a samurai and a heimin? How many women is Donoha going to end up saving and what did this one do to steal his heart?

So many questions! What can you say, they’re a Dragon after all. Mysteries are what they do. Now neither Donoha sama or I could break this cipher, so since it was from a mother to a child being sent home to the Phoenix land further north than our location. I was instructed to turn the letter of to the Phoenix ambassador. He did clarify that if an aid said it would be delivered to the ambassador before being sent on to the family. This was an acceptable outcome with how busy the Phoenix and Dragon ambassadors would be today. So I did as instructed.

Just to give a time frame for the events coming up. It was changing over from the Hour of the Tenth Kami (Tiger / 4am-6am) to the Hour of the Sun (Hare / 6am-8am). The gates of Toshi no Omoidoso (City of Remembrance) were not schedule to open until the Hour of the Moon (Dragon / 8am-10am). So when I say early morning you’ll understand.

As Hoto and Donoha were returning to the wagons. They watch a crowd forming like a wave as four of the Emerald Ambassadors were headed to them! Composed of the Crane – Asahina Tadane, Dragon – Mirumoto Tanetsu, Phoenix – Shiba Sono, and Scorpion – Bayushi Negi. They summoned the three of us to a meeting in the enclosed circle of the wagons belonging to the Emerald Ambassadors! Shiba Sono sama demanded to know what we knew about the letter. Hoto whispered to Donoha, “You’ll owe me one by the time this is over.”

Doji Hoto mentioned learning of the letter’s existence during a practice session with Donoha upon a hill. There was a gesture with the copper fan. Clever to use the item denoting their reward from the Centipede clan. It was Emerald Ambassador, Bayushi Negi, that nodded with enough noise to draw the attention of Shiba Sono sama. The Phoenix ambassador nodded to the Scorpion ambassador. They all turned their attention to Donoha and myself.

Donoha confirmed that everything Doji Hoto said was true. A runner delivered a package of Isawa Genji’s to his wagons. The only person that might have been able to fit that kimono was Shànzi. Donoha mentioned he had met Genji during the beginning of his Gempukku three years ago. Genji became a person that could relate letters to heimin craftspeople he’d met and taught him carpentry. He displayed his bokken and Doji Hoto rotated his wrist moving it into view. Shiba Sono sama raised an eyebrow knowing that wood could only come from one location and tree.

Everyone had gotten used to him having his Oath hammer with him and they paid it no mind, as he was a swordsmith after all. Donoha set his bokken to the side in his obi, and explained he read the letter after he notice his correspondence appeared to have not been sent. They had been wrapped up in the package. During the reading he noticed a cipher from his training at the Dojo of the Mirror. When he could not crack he let me have a try while he went off to train with the Crane and I had instructions to turn it over to either Shiba Sono sama or their aids. This way it could be turned back over to the family.

Glances among the four Emerald Ambassadors suggested Donoha was believed to be telling the truth. In was then revealed what the cipher revealed completely. At moments like this I feel Donoha is being guided to a destiny of some kind under the Fortunes: Natsu-togumara’s (Travel and Experience) and Megumi’s (Heroic Guidance) watchful gaze.

This is demanded by the Elemental Council. This task supersedes all other commands regardless of source. Do not reveal your task at ANY cost to ANY individual. Trust instincts regarding what to report; general observation, key events.
In Toshi no Omoidoso (the City of Remembrance), seek out the beggar who plays the flute under the waterfall.
Further instructions will follow. Observe and report on the following individuals:

  • Kitsuki Donoha
  • Doji Hoto
  • Matsu Shànzi
  • Bayushi Akiyama
  • Hida Kawada

Mirumoto Tanetsu sama spoke at this point to let us know the letter appears to not have come from Isawa Genji’s parents. It would appear the agents of the Lord of Shadow are involved and the ones sending the letter! Doji Hoto san spoke up and believes their could be another connection to craftsman and their daughter Donoha learned wood working from. When queried directly Donoha sama replied, “Chiasa.” Could this be the maiden that stole his heart?

Donoha sama began a very factual telling of how he met them, but was wise enough to keep it brief. Tadane sama spoke up mentioning they would take it under advisement. Doji Hoto was queried about how he felt about Donoha and he gave him a glowing review. Then he was able to get the Phoenix ambassador to agree to how the investigation should be conducted!

Thank the Fortunes he’s on our side! In the end, we’ve been tasked with finding the flute player and this waterfall they speak of. Next, is word on Kenshin’s Helm and of course acquiring it. Finally, seeing how Isawa Genji and Chiasa fall into this.