Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 16

The Lion, The Scorpion, and some wardrobe

After hearing the recounting of the vision, the Ambassadors conferred amongst themselves. They returned to announce that the quarantine will continue until this evening, where their respective Ambassadors would meet with them, the scribe Matsu Shànzi to discuss the situation and give further direction. Either Donoha or Hoto’s wagon may be chosen. It would be moved outside of the caravan’s grouping for the duration.

It was then they announced that two samurai recently arrived that morning would be assigned to the group. Bayushi Airi of the Scorpion clan and Akodo Asahi of the Lion clan. I should point out earlier during his waiting for the Ambassadors small conference he had made eye contact with the Lion samurai in question and gave a small nod which was returned!

The Crane ambassador, Asahina Tadane sama, offers the aid of her attendants and care. The Crab Ambassador calls upon the Kuni witchhunter to accompany. The Lion ambassador calls upon a retinue to stand guard over the place of quarantine. Arrangements were made immediately as the two new samurai joined our group!

At wagon Donoha sama had loaned to Hoto sama because we were low on people in our group. The Crane attendant took all of our clothing and explained it would be mended and cleaned to be like it was new. We three were tended to and refreshed. All three of us were given simple white kimonos, with a simple rendition of any relevant mons above the heart, and encouraged to keep our weapons with us. The attendants fed all five of us and provided jade petal tea, as well as a jade sliver to be worn as a pendant. The jade’s color did not shift in the slightest.

Ladies you missed a wonderous sight of Donoha disrobing! Bayushi Airi san and Akodo Asahi san got a good peak. Akodo Asahi san kept finding reasons to be very interested in the floor of the grand wagon we were in. Airi san even got a show when Hoto sama changed into the white kimono’s as well! The crane is one handsome man even I have to admit where Donoha’s appearance gives off the “a warrior with a troubled past looking for love” vibe.

OH MY FORTUNES! The hits just keep coming!

Akodo Asahi sama and Kitsuki Donoha sama are cousins! Donoha sama’s father Kitsuki Orochi was arranged to the then Ikoma Hana at the wedding of his younger sister Kitsuki Hotaru to Akodo Isoroku. Making her then Akodo Hotaru. Sadly, I picked up on a problem when Donoha clearly only asked how his cousin’s mother was doing. I learned later from Airi san that Asahi sama’s father had died in battle.

They both have long dark hair and similar mannerisms as you see when they both try to avoid looking where they feel they should not. Strap up reader because – HERE WE GO! Extra helping of spicy! I know its frowned upon for a Lion to have a Scorpion friend, but I am starting to really like Bayushi Airi!

I thought Hoto sama was a good courtier but wow is Airi smooth and unassuming. The cousins shared some tales about their previous encounters. We started sharing stories about the arts and Asahi sama apparently quite the singer. Donoha sama seemed relieved remembering their last encounter at a Winter Court left him with hoarse voice. When Asahi sama spoke about the Tao of Shinsei his cousin’s reaction was so shocked it almost made it seem like he didn’t know Asahi sama could read! Laughter was had in this private wagon.

Hoto sama would rouse periodically and then fall asleep again. As the topic turned to crafts it did not take long for Airi to direct the flow of the conversation to learn what she wanted. And here it comes, drum rolls in our heads!

She got Donoha sama to talk about Mittsu Tamashi (Three Souls), the eight-man-cut katana! Everyone had grabbed space on the four beds to talk and get to know each other. Donoha removed his katana from his obi which still had his Oathhammer in the front and his Wakizashi in the back. While still in its saya (sheath) tip to the floor and removed it about half of its blade length.

He was explaining where each piece he made came from. When Bayushi Airi san leaned forward to get a good and close look at the sword. To say politely, Airi san is endowed enough to make a geisha blush and while her kimono was on snug and proper. I am sure some men would have murdered Donoha sama to get the view he had.

As calm and serene as he wanted to project, Seia san (Airi san’s handmaiden), myself, and well, Airi san could see Donoha sama’s neck muscles straining to lock eyes with her and not look below her nose. The struggle was indeed real!!! Now why Donoha had a tendency to look up and away his cousin immediately found the floor off in a corner of the wagon fascinating!

Meanwhile Airi san was able to study Donoha’s face up close, see that Asahi sama and he had a lot of similar features. Asahi favored a more pronounced, but groomed, beard. Both Donoha sama and Asahi sama take care to groom their long night black hair. Asahi sama weaves a number of golden colored silk cords through a warrior’s braid over the rest of his hair. A common trait among my clan when I dyed my hair completely the color of golden wheat.

She got to examine the black blade of Donoha sama’s katana, the dark waves of folded steel held forever apart from the harder steel edge by the copper hamon line. There was no other katana like it. She got to examine his scar on the left side of his face at the same time. She’d learn later that he’d acquired it, the silver and copper tooth, and the wound in his upper left shoulder by saving the first lady on his list. The daughter of the Ikoma Family’s Daimyo. However he did not know her identity at the time. As far as he knew she could have been a commoner or eta and yet he leap to their defense and safe return!

On the outward side of the tsuka, when worn off horseback, was blade edge up in saya. That side had the Phoenix an Lion menuki. On the other side was the Crab menuki. These were the three clans that contributed blades to Donoha’s gempukku. Donoha had not slighted the Crab with their menuki placement. He wanted to honor the Crab standing alone on the wall for centuries. Below the green silk wrapping was black rayskin he acquired on his prior visit to Toshi no Omoidoso.

What surprised everyone was not that Donoha had made the blade, but he crafted ALL of his katana! He made the Tsuka, Habaki, Tsuba, Seppa spacers above and below the tsuba. The fuchi collar and kashira pommel all of it based on copper and adorned in dragon motifs covered in shakudo gold. He wrapped his tsuka and the saego cords (he keeps two in case he’s riding and one snaps.

He’s also been practicing Hojojutsu with them as well. It is the art of binding an opponent without killing and minimal harm to them. He’s gotten better with rope knots from begining to learn the drums and tuning them with cord tension.

His saya was no different. The center strip was put together with dotsugi (copper joinery; using gold is kintsugi), and broken green marble. If you want to understand Donoha the saya is the best place to start. every piece was considered cast off parts from other artists, or broken items of green pottery and stone found along his gempukku. Nearly all of Rokugan is represented in the pieces of that dotsugi section of his saya. The koiguchi was horn given to him years ago by Otaku Kai, a friend of his in the Unicorn Clan. The design of his fittings came from katana he’d seen a Scorpion have on theirs. The Scorpion had taken the vow and became one of the Togashi’s Ise Zumi tattooed monks.

He believes his path of enlightenment will come from building objects of art to lift a person’s soul. He is a very spiritual person. However, this has also led to him finding broken things and nearly compelled to fix them. Such is how he saved his third damsel, Akodo Maki.

Airi san eventually had her answers and sat back down, and the conversation shifted to learning about each other’s clan. Donoha sama mentioned he had planned to wear his menpo mask the entire time he was in Scorpion lands in an attempt to honor them. Airi san had to correct some misconceptions he had about those masks. The way she describe their personal nature was akin to how a swordsmith describes making a sword. Then Donoha sama asked Airi san if he might have her permission to touch her chin!

It took everyone back a bit but she consented and Donoha sama walked over and took her chin in his thumb and index finger and leaned into her face and began to study her mask in detail pulling the same stunt back on her! His voice was low and softer, but all the words he was saying merely a few shaku away from Asahi sama and myself. Were about artistic lines, design choices, the shakudo ornamentation on her mask. Several times their noses were a katana’s thickness apart from each other!!!

Then she offered to show him the straps of the mask, and his cousin asked if he should leave to which the Dragon said, “No. No you should not.” He again asked for permission to touch her hair, and consent was granted. His hand grazed the back of her neck as his fingers encircled her hair to hold it to the side exposing the straps of the mask. He got close once more and from our vantage it looked as though he was whispering in her ear! However, the words were all about the pattern of the cording.

He finished his examination and released her hair and chin. When he sat back down saying, “Thank you for allowing me to examine such an exquisite piece of art.” I have to say it was lost on no one in this wagon that he did not clarify between the mask or Bayushi Airi san! She offered to teach him enough to not offend anyone by wearing a mask.

Never take Donoha sama’s compliments at face value. This man spent three years writing amazing haikus and even nested haiku’s in a larger poem. All to hide his love letters to Chiasa! Airi san mentioned he was welcomed to examine her mask at anytime in the future. I’m sure there are ladies that will read this wishing they had been born a Scorpion now.

Before the attendant came to gather us for dinner with the Daimyo. I could see Doji Hoto sama had been awake and quietly watching the interaction between Donoha sama and Airi san. It was also decided the wagons would back to male and female divisions. Seia san, Bayushi Airi san, Isawa Kyoko san, and myself in this wagon. Shiba Ogawa san, Doji Hoto sama, Akodo Asahi sama, and Donoha sama in the other.

As we were all walking to the dinner. Akodo Asahi sama asked his cousin about his scar. Donoha sama smiled and said, “Oh, that was from the first lady I saved. We can talk about it later.” Alas dinner awaits and the night has grown long.

24th of Akoko in 1123 (Month of the Horse) – Matsu Shànzi (yep, that’s me) checking in as we depart towards Shiro Shiba. Last’s night dinner was serene and yet so exciting! So this will be a small departure from Donoha san, yeah san is weird to me too. I was promoted last night to Nidan or second rank if this book ever gets traded beyond the borders of my country.

To further illustrate for those readers from other lands or gaijin. Before your gempukku, your progress is noted by kyu ranks. After your gempukku your rank in the “status” hierarchy of the samurai caste is determined by dan ranks or grades. Dan status ranks are harder because your in a mild competition with everyone of the samurai caste, as opposed to a single dojo (school).

24th of Akoko in 1123 (Month of the Horse) – Matsu Shànzi (yep, that’s me) checking in as we depart towards Shiro Shiba. Last’s night dinner was serene and yet so exciting! So this will be a small departure from Donoha san, yeah san is weird to me too. I was promoted last night to Nidan or second rank if this book ever gets traded beyond the borders of my country.

To further illustrate for those readers from other lands or gaijin. Before your gempukku, your progress is noted by kyu ranks. After your gempukku your rank in the “status” hierarchy of the samurai caste is determined by dan ranks or grades. Dan status ranks are harder because your in a mild competition with everyone of the samurai caste, as opposed to a single dojo (school).

  • 1st dan or Shodan – 初段 – Normally one might think ichidan, 一段, or first grade and you’d be right but Shodan means beginner grade applied here.
  • 2nd dan or Nidan – 弐段 or 二段 – The older kanji for “2”–弐–is usually used.
  • 3rd dan or Sandan – 参段 or 三段 – The older kanji for “3”–参–is usually used.
  • 4th dan or Yondan – 四段 – The word for four is pronounced the same as the word for death, hence Yondan is generally used in place of Shidan.
  • 5th dan or Godan – 五段
  • 6th dan or Rokudan – 六段
  • 7th dan or Shichidan – 七段 – Sometimes also pronounced Nanadan.
  • 8th dan or Hachidan – 八段
  • 9th dan or Kudan – 九段

So the reason their is no tenth rank if because that would always be the emperor or empress. The voice of heaven’s will on our world. It would also be fair to say 9th dan is unlikely something someone reaches in their life time. As Kudan would be the consort of the ruling emperor or empress, the Shogun, Emerald Champion and Jade Champion. A Legendary Hero would be Hachidan. Great Clan Family daimyo’s would be Shicidan. Most samurai would likely cap out at Godan. Anyone over that is a legend or on their way to being one.

Donoha san was particularly gracious with their praise and everyone else was as well, even the new companions of Akodo Asahi san, Bayushi Airi san, and Isawa Kyoko san. Shiba Ogawa san will still barely say a word, even when I brought out the bottle of Cherry Plum wine I had acquired to celebrate. Embracing Donoha san’s advice to treat members of a clan as individuals and not whole of their clan has made me some connections among the Unicorn.

I knew how Donoha felt about my promotion to being a Scribe of the Emperor’s Gift when he caught my attention and said, “Those ronin were hontōni ōbakamono 本当に大馬鹿者 (a really big idiot / stupid).” In a month of meeting this man my life went from having lost everything effectively, nearly getting robbed and probably raped then killed on the road. Yeah, he quite literally saved my life. Now, I have been into the Forbidden City, joined the Emperor’s Gift caravan, and been promoted to being a scribe of the caravan. My works for them will be documented in the official histories of the country. I am so blessed and honored to know him. Trust me these tales will continue as I feel anyone around him will achieve great things. Doji Hoto san (ooh that feels weird to write much less say) and he defeated an Oni on their own!

Donoha San, Asahi san, and Airi san were with Shiba Sono sama and are part of a team to investigate Mori Kage Toshi. The others on the mission are Kyoko san and Ogawa san. I made sure to leave a stylus, ink, and paper for Donoha san to notes and have them sent to me if I cannot visit him directly.

Apologies for the forced transition but at the celebration’s end I left for the bath with Airi san and her servant Seia san. It was nice to get pointers on some things from a courtier that held themselves with an air of authority. Then she gave me some tips about how to get Ogawa san to open up. Not long after I left and went to move some small items and setup my area in the wagons belonging to the leadership of the Emperor’s Gift.



Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 15

Visions of Love, Benten’s Bloom

23rd of Akoko in 1123 (Month of the Horse) – Matsu Shànzi (yep, that’s me) was watching from the side and behind all SEVEN of the Emerald Ambassadors as Donoha sama tried to take a step while holding the unconscious Doji Hoto sama. Their was a brief 3 seconds where his eyes shut and he looked like he might fall over. Then he came back to his senses. He slid Hoto sama’s right arm over his shoulders and held it with his right hand. His left arm around Hoto sama’s more lithe and graceful frame. Under the Crane’s left arm and putting his left hand on the back of Hoto sama’s neck. Bracing his left foot on Hoto sama’s right foot both he and the unconscious Crane made deep bow. It looked as though he was refusing to let Hoto or the Crane clan look unable to be polite even in this moment.

Upon standing he cocked his head slightly to the side and gave an almost imperceptible bow of his head before speaking.

“Indeed, it’s finished, and we killed the Oni responsible.”

In my life I can say I have never seen a single samurai make SEVEN damiyo, and everyone else present gasp audibly with a single sentence! In courtier circles, Donoha sama, is going to be known as Ryuū Ōtsuchi 龍 大槌 (Dragon Hammer) for the way he delivers news. The information hit everyone with blunt force trauma, shock, and awe.

The Ambassadors exchange glances, turn to quickly talk, spin to make immediate demands on the situation. They want the scene cleared. They want the two samurai quarantined and given jade petal tea, as well as a review by the Kuni witchhunter present in the caravan. After cleansing is ensured, they will convene at the Ambassador’s Circle to debrief.

At the Ambassador’s Circle: all of the Emerald Ambassadors turn their attention to Donoha sama. “You’ve had an interesting morning Kistuki san, Doji san.” commented Mirumoto Tanetsu sama.

“Oddly enough, all before having rice, sama,” he replied with a bow of the head.

Hida Mikoro sama gave a playful sounding harumph, crossing their arms. Hida Mikoro motioned for the Kuni shugenja to come forward. Once there, Hida sama said, “If he lies, embellishes, or omits the truth, we need to know.”

The Kuni nodded and the Scorpion’s Emerald Ambassador stepped forward mentioning he’s had some experience at ferreting out liars.

The Kuni a crystal pendant about to fingers thick was produced and walked over, “Please say that the sky is a color that it is not.” Donoha sama nodded and looked up. The kuni made sure he was holding the crystal so all could see it. Donoha remarked the sky was green. The crystal turned black before everyone!

“Now admit the lie I asked you to say, please Kitsuki san,” the Kuni shugenja asked once more. As Donoha admitted he was asked to lie and did so. The crystal became clear again!

All of the Emerald Ambassadors nodded that this was acceptable. “Kitsuki san,” stated Emerald Ambassador Kitsu Tsuguri sama of the Lion Clan, “We have the skin of a once human creature and I am told by your scribe. This skin kimono and the creature that wore it are responsible for the death of Matsu Yoko? As well as, by the account of this scroll…(holds the record of names of spirits)…many others prior?”

Shiba Sono sama could be overheard mentioning one or two of the names were 80 years ago! In the brothers case 120 years ago! Kitsu Tsuguri sama spoke, “Now, Kitsuki san, please spare no detail. The area is being kept clear of anyone not needed for this scenario. Start at whatever you consider the beginning.”

“Yes sama.”

With the Kuni standing a few feet away Donoha began an exhaustive recollection, thanks to his amazing memory, of the events from when he noticed Matsu Yoko’s leg from under a bush. A copy of the painting he had made to show people was on a table next to the scrolls. A number of the Emerald Ambassadors remarked his style was very life like, and unlike anything they had seen before.

He mentioned being ordered to take the next day off and relax, pausing long enough to ask if they wanted to know about that, but that it had nothing to do with Matsu Yoko san’s murder. He was permitted to skip the day he had spent helping Bayushi Akiyama san, Isawa Kyoko san, and Shiba Ogawa san.

Donoha sama mentioned trying to find more courtly methods to conduct investigations realized he lacked the evidence to convict the gardener, Nichibotsu. He high light Doji Hoto sama seeing through the deception forcing the Oni to attack by directly provoking it with a duel.

He explained how he figure out it was trying to channel the ring of Void and let them feel the honor of their souls. Hoto sama had used a greeting at court where their hand would stop in the ghost at their heart. The ghost would then glow as though the light of Amateratsu was showing them the way back to the celestial order! They would remember their name and ascend. Donoha mentioned his katana, Mittsu Tamashi, which he gestured to and asked permission to draw it so he could show them. A few looked to the crystal in the Kuni’s hand and then gave him the go ahead.

He slowly drew his sword and took the hammer from the front of his obi. He showed them he placed Mittsu Tamashi on top of his Oath hammer and push them into the ghost and ask them to remember. They glow golden and ascend after stating they remembered their name. He then put the katana and hammer away and continued on. He spent a fair amount of time on the architecture becoming more like a stone castle room on the second floor down.

When describe the third floor every single Emerald Ambassador looked at the crystal in the Kuni’s hand multiple times. When he mentioned using his grappling hook he patted a tied his sword should to the opposite hip. It was clear to all what he was getting at since he mentioned it in the beginning as to his preparations after tea this early morning. He apologized that while they saved the tamashi (souls) in the orbs focusing on their void and honor. They did not get any additional names.

He mentioned between the first and second orb was the first they heard the Oni threatening them to leave or terrible things were implied to await them. He mentioned in great detail about the armor plated ox with smoke and fire coming from beneath them. It was then mentioned they had to let the beast attack them to free the tamashi in the second orb!

The Crab’s Emerald Ambassador asked him to continue, as glances to the crystal in the Kuni’s hand continued. Donoha sama turned back around and then spoke of Doji Hoto sama’s slicing of a limb with his Kakita blade! Next he mentioned the jump onto the pillar and pushing himself high into the air as the Oni reared back on two legs. He then said he split it from head to crotch!

Next came the fact the flesh parts turned back to stone but the eye shapes are still in the stone walls on the third floor. He talked about how they came back up and here we are. He bowed again and said the Case of Matsu Yoko’s death has been resolved.

Kitsu Tsuguri sama asked for Doji Hoto to recount from his perspective what he observed, what he took away, and anything he felt had been omitted thus far. The Kuni shugenja moved in front of him with the truth crystal and the Crane began their recounting. It was clear Hoto sama had changed and was proud of doing this on his own without relying on the name of his father. He was rightfully proud of his accomplishments alongside Donoha sama. He praised Donoha’s efforts in the investigation and while his explanations were more colorful, not one was a lie.

Phoenix Ambassador will speak to Donoha, noting that he was void-touched when he returned, but Hoto was not. What transpired to create that distinction? The Kuni shugenja moved back to Donoha for their reply.

OH MY FORTUNES! You’re not going to want to miss this!

He told everyone assembled about what “actually” happened when he looked dizzy coming out of the Oni’s lair. So Donoha ended up in the spirit world and ran into his love, the Phoenix maiden! She’s being trained in the mystic arts and he was able to let her know about Genji san, the missing letters, and that he’s stayed chaste for her! He said the only thing that could break that would be an ordered marriage. He would want to make sure they were happy as well. Especially if they were not excited about the arrangement. She understood and accepted that!

He also learned about the alluded to person going by Doji Hengo and how they fell to shadow. He also noted that he found it hard to believe a member of the Doji family ever being so destitute. Each of the four visions recounted a moment of Hengo “san” saving his sister and the Dark one coming to the child’s aid and corrupting them over time! How despicable is that!

He also publicly announced that, “I CAN FINALLY WRITE IT” Chiasa was the name of the Phoenix maiden he fallen in love with on his gempukku! He delivered it with a statement of fact tone and moved on. Going on to describe that while he is not certain it appeared to him Chiasa maybe in training to become an Oracle of one of the elements!

The crystal remained clear.



Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 5

Donoha removed the Three Souls (Mittsu no Tamashi) katana in its green and copper colored lacquered saya (sheath). While bowing he offered it to the Dragon’s Emerald ambassador – Mirumoto Tanetsu sama saying, “Until you choose for me to leave your service. Myself, my skills, my retainers and my possessions are yours to command, Mirumoto sama.”

“Your service to me begins on the 26th of Hantei (Month of the Serpent) Kitsuki san. Until then, please give my regards to your Grandmother and Grandfather. Please clean for at least the remainder of the Hour of Bayushi and I will make sure your katana is waiting for you. I accept your pledge.” The Dragon’s Emerald Ambassador accepted the present katana.

The golden clothed with emerald accented garb of the Miharu imperial samurai of the Forbidden City with the Emperor’s mon and their imperial hiemin staff escorted Donoha and Shànzi past everything on the Way of Elements road to the clan bathing houses. While he did not display it at all, Donoha internally smirked every time they passed by someone that whispered they had been arrested. He remembered two of the samurai from when his Seppun relatives had met him in Ryo Bannin Toshi a few years back.

He was very happy about the fine kimono Tozawa sama had provided him. He had almost decided to wear the yellow one with the green shashiko patterned trim, but decided he should try and look his best when showing up. The leather shoulder pad was a fortune sent idea for keeping Shirogane from shredding it by just circumstance. When Donoha began walking the great bird took its place and Donoha asked it if it understood “bow?” Shirogane performed it again on his shoulder and was duly rewarded with a treat by its master.

Donoha remember that meeting in Ryo Bannin Toshi a few years ago and thought how amazing being a Seppun must be. Seeing it on the scale of Otosan Uchi left him at a loss for words. This made keeping a stoic face easier to do. Crowds parted like waves on the ocean! Shànzi was getting a “potentially” once in a lifetime view of the city from the position as a guest for one of the imperial families!

She was given a Seppun guard and heimin to guard and attend her in the Lion bath house, as the rest went with Donoha. After cleaning and settling into the bath the staff could hear her laugh once and say, “Ano rōnin-tachi wa bakadatta (Those ronin were idiots)!” Meanwhile Donoha was trying to maintain the manners his father and mother had drilled into him when it came to anything with his Seppun relatives. So even though everything felt great he was treating this as a meditation practice to retain his composure.

It was a quarter into the Hour of Shinjo (Dog / 8PM to 10PM; so about 8:30PM) when both of them had finish bathing, taking the customary milk tea and eating before being given a new set of clothes being told theirs would be delivered after laundering to the Seppun Palace. For Shànzi it was the first time she’d heard the word “palace” in association with the Seppun!

Before her was metallic crimson silk kimono with gold and copper colored shashiko stitching showing a lion stretched out in a crescent curve, attacking from the bottom to the trim at her neck! If someone walked around the kimono it would look like the lion on the front was fighting the one on the back, a grand battle! The Matsu mon on the trim of the sleaves, and Donoha’s mon over her left breast. Around Donoha’s mon is the arch you would find at a shrine to Ebisu, the Fortune of Honest Work. It also meant if someone else wore this besides Shànzi, they would likely be killed! If she wore it after leaving Donoha’s service the same fate could befall her. This was a gift and a warning.

Donoha’s was a metallic green silk and was covered in various shades of yellow shashiko stitching. It’s patterns appeared to trap the eye if stared at for to long. You could meditate looking at nothing but the kimono! One the Miharu samurai had the Three Souls katana and a message from Tanetsu that he has not personally wielded a finer sword. Donoha bowed and return it to the spot in his obi. His hammer front and center with the Wakizashi in the rear. Shirogane landed on his shoulder when it saw him, blessing to that shoulder pad!

Thanks to the L5R game team for this image from the Atlas of Rokugan.

As night had fallen upon the city it came alive in a wholly different way. It glowed in so many different shades of light! They boarded on one of three river boats and were carried over the waterway back to the River of the Sun. From there they traveled between the Toshisoto (Outer City) districts of Hojize and northern Juramashi. They crossed the river gates leading into the Ekohikei (Inner City). Initially between the districts of Karada and Hito, their sights were soon eclipsed and held hostage by the ten stories of the Imperial Palace of Hantei the XXXVIII!

It may have been dark but it was as though light and shadow danced across their view in ways that stunned their senses! While not showing emotion in public was the way of Rokugan, both Donoha and Shànzi had gasps on their faces. Donoha had such a great time because he could share this with someone and that realization dimmed his expression. Chiasa was not here to share it with. His chest tightened in pain, and he tried hiding it by taking in breath to cover up tears. He quickly rubbed his face and stared some more.

He hoped Akodo Maki had really found peace in the haiku he wrote her:
A lone lioness cries
Her mate is gone, her heart is torn
She will never forget.
His heart ached for Chiasa, a heimin maiden of the most talented wood-worker he’d ever met in the Phoenix Clan’s Aoijiro Province. He had a hard time looking about places of beauty and not wanting to share them with her. Now that she had gone to the Temple of the Elemental Masters he felt a kinship to Akodo Maki. Could he love again? As the myriad of lights played acrossed his face he was grateful for every shadow to hide a bit of his pain within.

Grateful when they docked at the border between the Karada and Hito districts. Donoha followed Miharu on the road around and entered the Forbidden City by the “Necessary Gate” located between the Hito and Kanjo districts. The Kanjo district still very animated with lights, sounds, smells, and night life! When the “Necessary Gate” shut the world felt quiet in a way you can’t quite put a finger on. Light was softer but not darker, it was as though the world pass the wall “almost” didn’t exist.

The 22nd of Hantei (Month of the Serpent) ended with the arrival at the Seppun Palace. To say this was opulent did not do it justice. Having been to Kyuden Doji in the Crane clan lands, Donoha, had a frame of reference to compare it to. To say it was more aesthetically pleasing than Kyuden Doji was bar he did not think he would see in his lifetime, but here they were. At the Seppun place the Sanbō-chō (majordomo / chamberlin / chief of staff) explained that Seppun Sora had retired for the evening and Seppun Yūshū was away on matter of the court. The lady would meet with them at breakfast.

Shriogane was provided a roost to rest, as there were other birds in the Emperor’s menagerie. He was cared for like a visiting prince. Donoha knew Yukiabo would also be well looked after while he was here. As they were shown where to stay on the second floor of the palace. In each of their rooms was a geisha performer. They waited for each of them to lay down and began to play lullaby songs until they had fallen asleep before removing themselves. The songs were all ones Donoha had grown up with from the Dragon lands. Incense had been lit that reminded them of scent of the trees in Dragon lands during autumn.

In the Forbidden City the Imperial palace shares its space with a grand neighbor inside the inner most walls protecting it and the Otomo Palace. Home of the oldest or simply the first of the Imperial Families. Snaking along the east to north side of the Imperial Palace, home of the Hantei family. They act as the “Voice of the Emperor” and often lead the Sentaku. The Sentaku decide whom can enter the forbidden city. Woe be upon the fool that attempts this without permission.

The Miya are the youngest of the Imperial families created on or near the 47th year of the Emerald Empire by the son of the original emperor Hantei Genji. They have been granted three buildings inside the Forbidden City. Two in the Northern corner, but on the opposite side from the Otomo Palace. The third is the building near the Necessary Gate. They are the “Heralds and Cartographers of the Emperor” often needing speedy departure for important missives.

Being the closet followers of the emperor created some issues within a few generations. The number of Princes and Princesses born to the Hantei family were so many, that rather than challenge the claim of the Emperor’s eldest child, at adulthood these other heirs joined the families of Hantei-no-Kami’s original followers, Miya and Otomo and Seppun.

Now the Seppun was the second family to be made at the same time as the Otomo. They are the “Protectors of the Emperor” which means the Miharu are the bushi Imperial Guards. They also act as magistrates, and most of the artisans and shugenja among them are the Astrologers of the Imperial court. Though it may seem like the Seppun have most physical presence in the Forbidden City that is due to there role as body guards not just to the Hantei, Otomo, other Seppun, and the Miya. They have studied every clan’s techniques so they can integrate them into the defense of the Forbidden City! They work with mostly Lion and Phoenix bushi samurai at the gates. You can find every clan represented upon the wall protecting the heart of the Emerald Empire. They also act as guards for every single guest welcomed to the Forbidden City.

Donoha woke to sunlight streaming through an open wall panel. When he noticed the servant they averted their gaze and froze like a deer afraid to move. Donoha greeted the servant with thanks for taking care of him and hoped he would not be a burden for the few days he would be staying. When the ask for their name they gave Oimo. Donoha thanked Oimo-san and made it very clear if the door to his room was shut he would be happy if Oimo-san would relax around him.

He stood and walked over to shut the door and asked him for help picking what to wear to the morning meal. Oimo bowed and showed him that his complete set of gear – everything – was laid out! His Three Souls katana and the Wakazashi that got him through Kenson Gakka were on a stand and his smithing hammer right in front. Just as he had it at his home. Oimo-san explained his Grandmother had been given a report of his attire and she had the Light Armor, Traveling Pack, Small Iron Box replaced with items that would not shame the family (upgraded from Poor to Fine).

Since breakfast was to be a private affair his yellow, cotton, kimono with the green shashiko pattern on the trim would be fine. He helped Donoha get ready. While doing so he mentioned another servant of his Grandmother was preparing Shànzi san as she was interested in the woman he had been traveling with. What Donoha did not know was Shànzi san already being at breakfast for half of the Hour of the Sun (Hare / 6am – 8am)!

Seppun Sora had made sure the young lady of the Lion clan was dressed in a red and yellow cotton kimono with similar designs from her silk kimono the day before imprinted and “some” shashiko pattern stitching on the trim. Her Mon was on the left breast this time directly below Donoha’s with Ebisu’s arch (Fortune of Honest Work) surrounding it. She let her know any anything she had that may have been poor quality has been replaced. When Shànzi woke that morning she had seen that someone had been in the room and laid out “ALL” of her things. Though some had been replaced with finer versions! Nothing of her possessions was missing and the greatest level of care had been given to arrangement.

It was about 30 minutes into their meal that Shànzi realized whom had ordered her stuff gone though. Her conversation was the most polite and engaging she’s had in a long while but this woman more fierce than a starving lion in the wild. If a vase could hold a hurricane was the impression she had from the glances she got the longer she talked with her. Seppun Sora clearly adored her grandson and was not unlike a mother protecting their cub. After seeing the care with which Shànzi was chronicling the tale of her mago-san (Grandson). The fire burned down and out of the older woman.

By the time Donoha joined them it had turned to making sure she had access to any supplies to help her continue the tale. It was also clear Donoha’s possessions had been gone through and upgraded when he kept thanking her for the gifts trying to say he was unworthy. He accept on the third time she told him he was worthy and then asked why he did not have heavier armor?

He went over the costs of learning how to make Mittsu Tamashi and it had taken a little over 500 koku over the three years. He talked about Supaku (Spark) having a straight blade and actually being the first sword. But because the temper did not use the clay techniques Kaiu and Kakita did, the curve did not happen naturally! Shànzi was stunned to learn he had made another sword and that first one had a seven man cut! Seppun Sora asked if he needed anything else and he mentioned because of Shirogane’s claws he’d love to get some heavier shoulder armor to save on kimono replacements. She smiled and said she would arrange something for a small favor and two Koku. Shànzi knew that’s all Donoha had since they’d been talking. So it was really for the favor.

She provided them both with jade pendants in the shape of the Seppun mon. She explained they were enchanted and would alert the guard you and anyone in direct skin to skin contact are allowed past the gates of the Forbidden City. They were never to take them off or show them outside even in the Ekohikei (Inner City). Be very careful of whom you come into direct contact with was the warning. With that breakfast came to and end.

When they went to leave three of the Miharu and one heimin clothed in the mostly gold and green accents (Seppun colors) followed them out. The heimin was Oimo and he had a chest strapped around his waist and another support strap going up over his shoulders and around his neck. Donoha understood that “ANYTHING” that required payment would be covered by his Grandmother. That was a responsibility and a gift.

Traveling had awakened in Donoha the notion that the heimin (commoners) did a lot of work and were often not treated well. The system should be in place to work together. A lot of samurai he felt did not deserve the respect they demanded. Naturally he’s never written this or shared it with anyone. If he ever was made a member of the Justicars he could see him happily spending his days destroying pompous samurai that did not deserve there “tax” of the Emperor’s rice.

During the 23rd of Hantei (Month of the Serpent) Donoha was thrilled to run into a friend at the markets from his early teen years, Otaku Kai. During two winter courts they got to hang out and bond as friends. Her detractors among the Agasha clan called her the Agasha Gaijin, which was due to their fear of her height, a smidgen above SIX SHAKU (6ft.)!

She came from the Otaku family of the Unicorn. Her father was Gaijin and the reason she was so tall, and when her dark hair was against the sun it reflected deep crimson-red tones. Donoha san and her spent two winter courts having adventures in the northern lands and through social and physical confrontations, Donoha san never left her side. He fell in love with horses having been given rides upon her great steed.

To say Matsu Shànzi shared his excitement would be a gross miscarriage of justice. While she kept her opinion to herself the Unicorn Clan burned her town and is the reason she has no immediate family. Donoha tried to explain that she accidentally killed a boy of a noble making inappropriate advances on her. She was exiled and more Dragon than Unicorn since her Shugenja training was a Dragon Fire school. This did little to help Shànzi accept her and she just nodded and said, “As you wish, Donoha-sama.”

Donoha let it go for now. Both of them were awkward around him for differing reasons. Kai hated crowds, and Shànzi was not the least bit fond of Kai-san.

During the 24th of Hantei (Month of the Serpent) Donoha made a new acquaintance that would be traveling in the caravan with everyone else going, Dojii Hoto of the Crane Clan. Hoto had noticed him the prior day being followed by Seppun Miharu. That meant he had imperial relatives close enough to warrant a guard. This Dragon had a Lion retainer that did not like his friendship with another Unicorn. This seemed like a pleasant distraction from the “oh so close” thumb of Hoto’s father. Not only was Donoha sama thrilled to make his acquaintance. Hoto sama mentioned he knew all the stops Donoha sama was trying to find the day before when he ran into his Unicorn friend.

When Doji Hoto had taken them to an armorer that in his words – “Make even the roughest Crab shine like polished emeralds.” Oimo looked up at his guard and received a nod. When a Miharu chooses to move it is best to stay still so they may perform their task. The Miharu leaned into Hoto’s ear and whispered (PM to player & GM). Hoto winked and leaned into the other three (Shànzi on the opposite side of Donoha from Kai), “So our friend there (nodding to the Miharu that went inside the armorer shop), has a lady friend and a small portion of that box was so a gift could be acquired as a reward for something he did for your Grandmother. She’s going to make sure its delivered discreetly as a present. Oh and look, a candle maker! Let’s check that out until they’re done.”

Hoto kept them so busy that only Shànzi noticed one of the Miharu act as a go between from Oimo and the guardsman at the armorer and their group at the candle maker’s shop. When their group’s Miharu noticed Shànzi, the Lion shugenja nodded quietly and drew two fingers across her mouth suggesting her lips were sealed. The Miharu returned the nod and went back to looking for threats.

After a fashion the group at the candle shop was alerted the side transaction had been completed and could join. Hoto had watched Donoha and noticed he had a passion for questions and observations. He also seemed be trained to do nothing to upset Seppun Sora. Likely because was trained hard to be nice to her, and perhaps enjoyed her company. When queried about being to Otosan Uchi before he mentioned the closest he’d been was Ryo Bannin Toshi where his aunt and grand parents met him. If Seppun Sora left Kyuden Seppun for a day trip to see her grandson stopping by for three days and then leaving again! She really liked her grandson, in fact doting Grandmother might be a better moniker.

When the group entered the shop Donoha mentioned his issue with Shirogane and showed the smith the leather shoulder pad. Then the smith noticed the hammer in Donoha’s obi where the wakazashi would normally be and everyone present got the story about an ancestor beating a crab and returning the Kaiu blade to the family. In exchange they presented this smithing hammer. It was eventually given to Donoha and he made his katana with it!

The smith lit up in their expression at a craftsman in their shop and a samurai! He asked if he could examine the part he made (gesturing to a table and stools). Since very few smiths make anything other than the blade. For Hoto this was a goldmine of info about Donoha as he explained that he made every single bit of the Three Souls katana. Even Shànzi got a few extra details as he named every craftsman that taught him enough of a craft to make this entire sword!

Donoha and the smith discussed things and Shànzi realized the smith was trying to see if Donoha was lying about any of it. The way the conversation got deeper and deeper into a craftsman language, it was clear Donoha had passed some hidden test. Dutifully she record the details she did not have written down before. After two whole hours of the day (4 hours for us) they got back to the bird and Donoha’s issue.
[6:38 PM]
Donoha and the smith discussed things and Shànzi realized the smith was trying to see if Donoha was lying about any of it. Donoha was likely aware, they thought to themselves, but he appeared to be paying it no mind because he could answer all the questions. The way the conversation got deeper and deeper into a craftsperson’s language, it was clear Donoha had passed some hidden test. Dutifully she record the details she did not have written down before. After two whole hours of the day (4 hours for us) they got back to the bird and Donoha’s issue.

They quickly got into measuring Donoha at various stages of dress and he assured him that despite only needing some robust shoulder armor to stand up to large bird talons. The smith, Teppeki, assured him he would be back for a full harness, and Hoto had told him he could make a Crab into a diamond. It was as much a compliment to Teppeki as it was a dig at the Crab Clan. They made plans to meet up the following day for the celebration tomorrow.

The day of the Doll/Kite Festival: 25th of Hantei (Month of the Serpent) – this festival was originally only for girls but the custom now includes male children. They receive expensive gifts from their families, intended for use when they become adults, and the girls gather doll sets in tiered plaforms and the boys fly brilliant kites. The dolls represent the Imperial court, and it’s traditional for girls to go around and appreciate each other’s doll sets.

When Donoha woke up there was an absolutely gorgeous set of of aigote kote (chain mail and plate connected armored sleeves) which stopped the chainmail just below the elbow plate’s disc! It could be worn under a kimono for court! Each side also came with attached waki-baki yoroi (chain mail and plate armpit protectors). All of the plates were a mix of green-lacquered tempered steel and tempered copper.

As though that had not been enough both shoulders had tate-eri (shoulder protection consisting of a steel and copper trimmed shoulder band over silk with hidden reinforced little six-sided hexagon plates of steel. That have thick lace cords of woven silk going trough four holes in them – not unlike a button – for even more shock absorption.) added on as extra support. They were removeable as well with toggles. Green silk, golden dragons slithering among the clouds on the emerald sky. Donoha never had a nicer Doll/Kite gift in his life!

Two reasons this was amazing is that: 1) normally wearing armor to court is a no go. Unless something about your role demands it, if its wartime, situations like that. To have armor that can be worn beneath was amazing for keeping one safe in all kinds of situation not the least of which could be court. 2) The “Do” (Chestplate) normally supports the armor for the shoulders and arms. Putting this on a garment underneath the Do removes the cords and ties on the shoulder from being cut and removing most of the armor.

Donoha wrote at least five haiku’s just thanking his Grandmother, Seppun Sora! He tried to refuse each piece three times as one does with gifts citing how unworthy he was. Shànzi watched all of it quietly taking notes. It was a longer breakfast than normal several pieces of his armor might cost around 25 koku each. A requisite amount of groveling was a steal for what he got in their opinion.

During the day Donoha and Shànzi visited the merchants of the caravans setting ways for him to have access to supplies and tools. Being able to display Mittsu Tamashi as an example of his skill was super useful in setting up deals as long as he made an extra item they could sell. Donoha was hoping to make friends / contacts and having a tanto to present using his design would be a good gift in help cement his clan’s blade among the two giants in the realm.

The reason Donoha had to meet so many craftspeople of the heimin class was the same reason the armor maker quizzed him for so long. You typically need “SEVEN” different craftspeople to make a katana, naginata, wakazashi, nagamaki, tachi, tanto, odachi, etc. The Katanakaji (Swordsmith/Bladesmith), the Togishi (Sharpener/Polisher), the Shiroganeshi (Habaki Crafter), the Sayashi (Sheath Manufacturer), the Tsukamakishi (Handle Wrapper), the Nurishi (Laquer Painter), and finally Kinkoshi and Tsubakoshi (Metal Fittings & Tsuba Manufacturer). Donoha was an artist with an attention to detail he plied for the Empire as a Kitsuki Magistrate. Matsu Shànzi and Lord Akodo Tozawa have seen first hand how that focus can be directed to solving crimes.

After that he met up with Otaku Kai and then Doji Hoto. Hoto-san was kind enough to treat everyone to the town they called home! He introduce Kai to his merchant friend from the Crab clan, Yasuki Minoru. Donoha was quick to shut up and just sit nearby as Hoto helped Kai work out a deal for supplies to gift out to places they visit. It was an impressive discourse and Kai hates social encounters because she can’t see the enemy’s weapon.

During this time we met another Crab bushi coming along on the caravan, Hida Eiji. What Donoha found even more impressive was that Eiji was just a bit taller than Kai, possibly six and a half shaku tall! Not just tall but stout! I think sumo entertainer may think twice before wrestling Eiji!. His voice had a softness to it though, as though they had spoken to children or small pets a great deal, the Dragon found him interesting.

Under Hoto’s guidance: Kai, Eiji, and Donoha followed him to eat at a variety of restaurants that evening. Matsu Shànzi was sent back with Donoha’s jade pendant wrapped in a mint green handkerchief before being removed and given to her to return to the Seppun House in the Forbidden city. She was to arrange for their belongings to be moved to the Dragon portion of the Emperor’s Gift caravan and secure a wagon or wagons that can sleep up to 8 people and supplies. She nodded, thrilled to put distance between her and Kai.

Dragging into the evening Kai opened up more and more. Donoha was having a grand time watching Hoto and Eiji help pry her social walls open. He took a moment to jot down a haiku about the Crane’s efforts:
Graceful crane, you soar
Through the sky on silent wings,
A symbol of peace.

Donoha slid that to him on a slip of paper and Hoto read it and slid it into his kimono without anyone else noticing. The smallest smile was made as he did so. He said nothing else about it. In his travels among Kyuden Doji he over heard one resident say to another, “It’s okay she did not respond. When you write something on paper it is because you do not wish to discuss it aloud.” Donoha understood this statement much clearer than before.

They made their way back to the caravan staging area outside the Hojize district and its north gate of Otosan Uchi. Once Eiji saw the wagon(s) Donoha had arranged via Shànzi’s efforts with the Seppun’s assistance. They brought over their traveling companions. His daughter Miu and the first Nezumi that Donoha had seen!

He’d heard about them while in the Crab lands and the legend they were immune to taint of the Shadowlands! However, he’d not seen one but was very curious to learn more. Then he paid attention to Hida Miu and the way this giant doted on the little girl. All of Eiji’s soft spoken tone made sense now. Hoto and Eiji went outside to speak for a bit but had come to some accord. Meanwhile if Matsu Shànzi could meld into shadow she would when she found out she was traveling with Kai because she was considered part of the Dragon clan. Also Donoha saw this as practice for learning to see what other clans are like. Walk ten thousand shaku in someone else’s tabi and you’ll understand them in ways you never could before.

Donoha tried to get Gru’ Vi to play “Go” with him while the Crab and the Crane were outside but trust and games would seem to take time to build up to. Shànzi began to play with Miu to distract herself from the giant in the wagon. Kai found a bunk and once it took her weight she kind of recoiled into her shell like a turtle. This was not how you’re supposed to ride. Donoha remembered she’d been particularly unfond of wagons unless they were open atop.

As everyone began to prepare to sleep since the caravan would be leaving on the morrow. A horrendous sound split the nighttime low sounds of packing and drums to drown out the commotion of the packing. The drumming stopped and the ground across the road from the caravan began to split open with an eerie green light and smoke belching forth with sounds no mortal would make! Shapes began to appear! Ghost, Oni, some other supernatural menace? The heroes prepare as Donoha howls for Shànzi to protect Miu!