Herbalist Assessments Lead to Duel Inspiring Accusations
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They entered the pantry from the home of the Doji attendant to the young lord. The Scorpion courtier checked the herbs hanging as they had practiced herbal medicine. Nothing in here could do any more harm than making food taste bad at the least. At the most causing incontinence if taken in a large enough dose or a prolonged period.
Seeing the home was not well lit, Donoha sama took a lantern and handed it to Hanzo san. Asking him to see about getting it lit and bringing it back. While the Scorpion was away the Dragon began checking the front room and found nothing of note. Moving through the main hallway to the back residence wing they came upon a small family shrine. A number of small haiku were kept upon it among some incense burning in a bowl. Donoha sama quietly chuckled to themself about the light source he had sent Hanzo san on an errand for.
When Hanzo san returned with the Crane’s ornately made and now lit lantern. He found the Dragon in a room filled with stands, each holding an incredibly ornate kimono. Each were thoroughly searched to make sure nothing had been hidden within the stands, sleeve pockets, or the lining. From there they moved to the residential room in the back of the abode.
Behind a shoji screen in the room, Donoha sama found a covered plant. He asked Hanzo san to check it out and discovered it was a yama kaji 山火事 pierisu, or mountain fire pierisu on low Rokugani. Once the Scorpion saw this they put gloves on! While the plant could come in many colors the red flowers is what earned this version the name – mountain fire.
The Dragon asked the Scorpion why the need for gloves, and he mentioned it was his herbalist training. Explaining the plant was found in many gardens throughout the empire because of the color and beauty it can have. However, his teachers explained that it could not be cultivated for teas or food. Ingesting even one piece of the flower or leaf can cause voracious amounts of drool, headaches, and vomiting. Any more than that has been known to cause spasms and death. What Hanzo san said he was unsure about is if physical contact would do the same thing.
Donoha sama had the Scorpion cover the plant up and they left the Crane’s dwelling, with Hanzo san safe-guarding the plant. Intent to go and check out the domicile of Bayushi Koruma san. He now knew why the cook the former lord favored had been made to help. He knew the Crane was involved and he needed to know if they were working with the Scorpion.
During the time of the investigation Otaku Gunba san had walked over toward Tetsuo san and Haru san. Wanting to casually speak with them about what he felt in stillness and how he thinks his senses could feel yet further. They felt comfortable doing so after being in a conversation with Haru san and Donoha sama about working on some smith work in the next day or two. Taro san had been hanging around the two shugenja after noticing Donoha sama disappearing into the Crane’s house. Isawa Tamaki san kept their watch on both the pool fed by the waterfall and the road back to the castle.
As the Dragon and the Scorpion emerged his new master suggested the boy hang out around both Tetsuo san and Haru san. There was a tone in his voice that Taro san had heard from people in charge many times when trying to phrase an order as a request. He fell in step behind them until he saw the two monks and dutifully broke off to follow the command. He tried to absorb any wisdom they might discuss but Haru san, the former Mantis samurai was reflecting on the errors of their life, including some time as a pirate.
Tamaki san had informed the Dragon and the Scorpion that Gunba san had gone to lay down to be ready for watch tonight. The three samurai went to collect their fourth member before going into Koruma san’s rather modest, single room dwelling. Hanzo san tried to warn Donoha sama about the little things a member of their clan would leave in a room to know if it was touched or disturbed in some fashion. However, the Dragon slid the door as wide open as he could and made it clear he wanted people to know he walked into two homes because there were no ashigaru or samurai guarding this place.
In a box that had a puzzle locked compartment in the lid Donoha sama found two scrolls. Upon checking them both he instantly recognized the writing he saw in the Crane’s home. It was the same handwriting from the haikus on the family shrine! The first scroll detailed to a mentor how they had gotten control of the young lord and would soon rule the city of Mountain’s Anvil through them as a puppet. The mentor’s reply cautioned this was a risky path to attempt. Then they laid out some steps to try in the second scroll!
Inside he also found some candies that Hanzo san confirmed were just what they appeared to be. It would seem this particular Scorpion bushi had a sweet tooth. The Dragon gathered up the candies and tucked them into his kimono. The group headed back to the loaned house to discuss everything and make their next move. That meeting ended with Donoha sama saying, “Time to go and pick a fight.”
I feel as the author I should remind my readers that if you meet the Dragon Investigator and they looked pleased with themselves. The same way the Ise Zumi monks of the Togashi family look before they leap off a cliff! Guard yourselves because if they have a tell when a plan is going their way, it is that. Now thinking that makes them predictable would be a mistake, it makes him dangerous. When he told me the next part of the story he had that look! He got exactly what he wanted from that encounter.
Few people can say they out maneuvered a Doji in ANY court within the Emerald Empire. Kitsuki Donoha sama is one of them. No one in that room expected the Dragon Inquisition! They were invited in and he flatly explained to the servant that he had found out how the lord actually died. He bid them let their lord know and they were quickly shown upstairs! He delivered the news with all the gracefulness of a two-handed tetsubo crushing in your opponent’s face.
The accusation of the Crane courtier was as swift as his exoneration of the Scorpion bushi. His flourish for the Scorpion and the young Dragon lord was tossing the candies at the older bushi mentioning, “I believe these belong to you.” The Kitsuki had thrown oil on the fire and just stood there to watch the social fire burn. Waiting patiently for the moment he wanted since he learned of the foul play. The Crane was as offended as you could expect and demanded trial by combat. The young lord quieted everyone and stated that Koruma san would stand in as the yojimbo for Kyouji san. A duel would be set up behind the castle and in front of the shrine. Everyone was to meet there in one half hour of the day.
As they were leaving Hanzo san was going to watch the exits of the city in case the Crane tried to flee but the Unicorn shugenja was quick to point out that would cause him to die on the road. Otaku Gunba went on to engaged their Phoenix counterpart while making their way out of the main castle doors, “Tamaki-sama, what a great time to inspect the shrine… what do you think? Maybe a half-hour?”
While the two shugenja headed off towards the shrine, and Hanzo san pursued their concerns. Donoha sama took the time to have tea with Agasha Tamori san, Haru san, Tetsuo san. Taro san waited patiently in the corner of the room. He brought everyone up to speed as they enjoyed tea together. Afterwards he spent time crafting another haiku.
Steel clashes in night,
Dragon roars, Scorpion stings,
One will fall to shade.
As everyone gathered for the duel. Hanzo san noticed the Unicorn shugenja offering quiet prayers to Osano-Wo and his attention through this storm. All present watching as they determine the fate of his child.