Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 35

Once More Unto the Breach

They turned as more of the mist pulled away to reveal a set of stairs. Slowly they began to ascend them as time did not hold the same meaning in the realm of the hungry dead. Donoha sama was worried about exhausting the kami or asking for to much help. However, he stayed quiet so as not to interrupt the conversation between Otaku Gunba san and Shosuro Hanzo san. In time they reached to top of this stairway to a cut, stone laden, landing. Before them was a temple that one could suspect held the Karmic Key inside.

Slowly, from the sides of the inner courtyard and the mist floating on the ground six more creatures appeared. Two of them looked like the shadow samurai many of the group had faced before. Then they were joined by three identical creatures of this realm of the hungry dead. The five samurai moved quickly to deal with this new challenge.

Shouro Hanzo san moved into and up the tower on the group’s right hand side to provide cover fire. Donoha san was not sure if he tried to throw a handmade explosive of some kind at the enemy. The throw seemed to go poorly and created a small cloud of smoke as he made his way inside and up the tower. Donoha sama posted up in the entrance closer to the left tower, while his Lion cousin did the same by the right tower. Gunba san tried to stay just behind the front line ready to support as Tamaki san began to unleash the fires of the kami upon the creatures!

As the world around the creatures continued to burn in spiritual wrath, they charged forward at the Dragon and the Lion. Trained as a courtier whom specialize in investigations Donoha has never been shy to engage in combat. It shows how brave their soul is to face off against the hungry dead in their own spirit world. This also showed the difference in training for a bushi and a courtier. Asahi sama was able to fare better due to their training from the Akodo school! Both of them were hurt as they took the brunt of the assault, but the Lion lived up to their name with the amount of strikes they were able to dish out!

Tamaki san was able to control the movements of the enemy with repeated uses of the area wide fire magic. Gunba san would make targeted attacks at the creatures, as would Hanzo san using the reclaimed jade arrows. One would think they would shatter on the ground but it would seem Donoha sama is a competent knapper. It was not lost on the Scorpion that the hard ground was an illusion from the maiden of the void, Chiasa san. The ground still felt like stepping on someone’s stomach, which Hanzo san was certain contributed to their ability to recover such treasures as these.

During the fight they learned that the hungry dead could pass through the structures but not each other, nor the five samurai. Then they engaged the trio of new beasts and realized that their strikes could ignore the armor they wore! Donoha sama and Gunba san ended up on one side fighting one of the armorbane creatures and dealing with laying low its cohorts. Tamaki san and Asahi sama engaged the other two. Outnumbered at first they stayed focused and everyone worked as a team to bring the threat to a conclusion!

It was then that they noticed a light coming from the temple. The glow had likely been subdued until the threat guarding it had been dealt with. The group of samurai saw the Karmic Key within the doorway of the temple. However, they set down to rest by the towers they had won their victory from. The Dragon, Lion, and even the Unicorn had been hit hard during the skirmish with creatures that were stronger and outnumbered them. Yet the champions Emma-O mentioned they were won twice against the odds. They bandaged their wounds and felt Chiasa san’s magic keep them from needing food. The battle with the Queen of Hunger lay ahead, yet this uncommon group held firm to the task they had been entrusted to perform.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 33

The Perils of the Climb

Festival of Lady Doji and Lord Kakita and the 1st of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}). You think the Dragon and Lion cousins would remember to have rice every day, but guess whom left with their companions without a morning bowl of rice. Fate made sure this was noted as they passed the gates of Kyuden Tonbo on their way up the great climb to Shiro Kitsuki, otherwise known as Last Step Castle. The official gateway into the lands of the Dragon Clan. They were entrusted with several scrolls of discourse between the Emerald Ambassadors and the Dragon Clan champion. All of them were sealed in a chest they were bringing to the High House of Light, Kyuden Togashi.

About and half and hour of the day (OOC: 60 minutes. Remember a Rokugani day only has 12 hours so that is two earth hours) north of Kyuden Tonbo they came upon a most peculiar sight! An incredibly handsome man standing on the side of the road, freezing because they were unprepared for the cold weather they found themselves in. Wearing a beautiful black, metallic, mask and the mon of the Scorpion clan upon their crimson, silken, kimono. Donoha sama pulled the beleaguered Scorpion up onto Yukiabo, his personal horse. Also providing this person his bedroll so they could stop shivering. Once on the back of his horse with their belongings they learned this Scorpion’s name was Shosuro Hanzo san.

After a short period of time and a promise to take Hanzo san to Shiro Kitsuki for aid. The four companions came to understand that magic had whisked the Shosuro from a tea house in the Scorpion lands! Only to dump them on the side of a well protected road between the Dragonfly Clan and the Dragon Clan! If you ever meet Donoha sama please make sure he eats rice in the morning or fate may whisk you away to whatever adventure he is upon!

Around the time a full hour of the day had passed (OOC: 120 minutes. Remember a Rokugani day only has 12 hours so that is two earth hours), the sounds of battle began to fill the air! Some of them were monstrous and others appeared to be from a human or humans, it was hard to tell. Donoha sama with Hanzo san behind him, Asahi Sama, and Tamaki san raced ahead. Otaku Gunba san had to stay at a slower pace because his Unicorn horse was carrying their supplies and he was riding another Rokugani smaller horse that had a similar breed as the Dragon. While smaller these horses had been bred in either Dragon or Phoenix lands and were used to the terrain.

The Unicorn shugenja was not far behind them as our tale will tell, so fear not he has his hand on the share of glory inbound. Initially Donoha thought the monstrous sounds might belong to trolls, but to his surprise they were Yeti! Facing off against four Yeti was a lone Dragon bushi whom had just been knocked back upon the ground after killing three of the four Yeti BY THEMSELVES! Truly a magnifcent battle was underway, and the samurai present wasted no time to render aid. The Lion and the Dragon cousins raced to face against the last Yeti. Following the battlefield acumen of Asahi sama, Donoha sama changed directions to help the Dragon bushi. Isawa Tamaki got into an advantageous position should he need to call upon the kami for aid. Even Shosuro Hanzo san, only slightly less frozen found a defensible position from which to fire arrows in support of the bushi and the courtier rushing into the fray!

The Dragon bushi told Donoha sama to return to the fight for he would live and the blood on him was from the dead creatures he had slain. With a quick nod the sword and hammer wielding courtier spun to aid his Lion cousin. Only by that time his cousin had deliver a set of strikes to fell the fourth Yeti on his own merit! A shout from Gunba san alerted the group to another Yeti approaching from a nearby ridge. When it burst through the tree line, our Unicorn shugenja was getting up to the fight in progress.

Tamaki san threw fire magic at it and Hanzo san let arrows fly, which caused the Yeti to jump down to where he was! Talk about your day taking a hard turn. From teahouse to snow bound fight with a monstrous beast many think are folk tales, welcome to the Dragon lands!

Donoha leapt down after the Yeti and would have cut the creature in half if their katana had been an Odachi! As the red spray of the creature’s blood painted the snow. Gunba san used their magics to hurl rocks from the surroing area at it toppling it over! Calling out to his cousin not to help Donoha strode up and beheaded the snow beast and bringing the fight to a conclusion.

The introductions to the amazing bushi that had felled three of these beasts caused Donoha sama to bow so deep his face was in the snow. Standing before everyone was Togashi Hoshi, the son of the current Dragon Clan Champion! He knew everyone by name which was a little off-putting for the assembled samurai. Our Dragon investigator was only slightly less surprised because of his knowledge of the Dragonfly Clan and his own family were experts at gathering information. Certainly someone had provided this information to the son of the Clan Champion.

Togashi sama made an off-hand comment that the group was not supposed to run into Shosuro san until they were leaving for the caravan. That bit of knowledge was leading Donoha sama to other questions but manners would not let him ask them at this point. The very impressive Dragon offered to share his camp with everyone and it would be found on a shortcut to Shiro Kitsuki. When they arrived they only had to set up the tent Asahi sama had brought to accommodate Hanzo san. While Gunba san tended to the animals where they were far more comfortable, the rest of the group shared a meal and tea.

During the meal Hanzo san began to act strangely upon learning of Asahi’s family name. This sparked a line of questioning from Donoha sama which culminated in learning that Shosuro san maybe have been born in a spirit realm that looks nearly identical to our own Ningen-do! Donoha flatly refused to share any further details about that world he visited and is fairly certain this Scorpion is from there! Needing a break he brought food and tea to Gunba san before returning to the fire. Not long after sitting down everyone began to feel sleepy as they felt the warm taste of a Scorpion spice, known as cinnamon.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 32


The word was sent out to the attendants of the Emerald Ambassadors about the poison being applied to the communal food. Next, the four samurai shared it with the healers of their respective clans knowing word would soon spread that there was no curse following them, and more lives could be saved. Word came back soon that the Dragon, Phoenix, and Unicorn ambassadors would meet with the group in the morning for a report about the news. The morning of the 28th of Shiba in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Monkey {OOC: September}) entered the sky to close out the month as attendants brought the four to the Emerald Ambassadors at dawn where they were given rice, cooked meats and a tea that would provide a small boost of energy.

Upon leaving the encounter they met back up with three members of the Ronin Otokodate known as the Iron Fans. Our group had seen their members briefly as they had docked and then left Toshi Ranbo wo Shien Shite Reigisaho on their way here to Kyuden Tonbo. This group had asked an eta among the caravan to lead them to Akodo Asahi sama as they felt a need to pledge themselves to work for a reputable samurai among the Lion clan. Among them was:

They brought additional news of a group of bandits that had broken away from the caravan and where to find their encampment. The Dragon investigator was eager to learn more about this group and their machinations. Quickly the group gather means and headed out as a band of seven samurai.

To say fate is forging the souls of Kitsuki Donoha sama and those that travel with him may be the biggest understatement of this current decade! Fourteen well trained bandits comprised of assassins, swordsmen, and archers descended upon our troop about a half an hour of the day from the camp. The group began to regret their life choices as Isawa Tamaki san let loose with a kami-gifted fireball engulfing four of them! Throughout the battle the Phoenix rained fire down upon various groups softening them up for the rest of the team, and one did fall to just his flames.

In the most awkward, spontaneous, competition the Akodo bushi and the Otaku shugenja began to see whom could kill more bandits! Where Tamaki san had large areas on fire to control the mobs. Gunba san used fire more akin to a skilled archer and sniped targets to death individually with controlled flame bursts! Clearly used to moving around in battle and making use of his fiery, ranged attacks. Not to be left out was Asahi sama’s new cat companion, Kitagawa. The cat managed to take down one of the assassins that Tamaki san had lit on fire!

The three Iron Fans took down an Assassin using nothing but their iron tessen fans! It was a gorgeous display that almost looked like dancers whittling away their target. Then they were directed to subdue another assassin but keep them alive for questioning. A task they performed with ease!

The Dragon was not left out during all the fighting. He moved through the opponents like a specter of death, removing two heads! Then injuring the one he left for the Iron Fans to capture. He almost had a third kill but an arrow from his Lion cousin claimed it with skilled precision. The final tally ended up as a tie for Asahi sama and Gunba san at four kills each, Donoha sama with two and the others with one each.

The interrogation of the last assassin brought forth statements that the group which had backed Asako Takumi was still after Donoha sama! Even more disturbing was their wish to sabotage the caravan! Claims were made they had been with the Emperor’s Gift since Otosan Uchi! The Dragon had Ginzan the ronin kill him once they were done. Upon returning to the caravan he asked the Iron Fans to write their testimony down so he could submit it along with his report to he Ambassadors. Portents of doom about a potential peasant cult trying to overthrow the whole of Rokugan was not the news he wanted to bring to light but there it was.

This was all reported to the same Dragon, Phoenix, and Unicorn ambassadors. After which the group was told to rest because they had received word the four of them – and only the four of them – had been granted permission to enter the Dragon lands and they would leave tomorrow. Upon the Festival of Lady Doji and Lord Kakita and the start of the Month of Bayushi, or Rooster in low Rokugani.

They returned to the wagons and Donoha asked his cousin to have them watch wagons alongside Agasha Re. Ginzan would be allowed to stay in the wagon with Re san while the two men would make a tent outside. Donoha wanted to give the ronin a chance to prove they could make decent retainers for his cousin. He cited to me that merit and skill should not be overlooked when finding a good team. It also followed the orders of the Emperor that all ronin should seek service among a lord. Donoha sama saw great potential in his teammates and never doubted his cousin would be a powerful lord or general someday. Growing that powerbase now was important and setting the cornerstone to build upon had to start at some point, why not now. Next, they began to go about the steps to prepare for such a journey as the last day of Shiba wore on.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 31


The morning of the 27th of Shiba in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Monkey {OOC: September}) was welcomed to Donoha sama baring a missive received telling him not to return home at this time, disguised as as a completely other missive. It also mentioned that explanations would come later, and not to worry as it was not an issue of peril or shame. They told him they were proud and he should continue on his path.

When he arrived at the communal fire pit set up outside the two wagons gifted to him by grandmother he found his Lion cousin standing there. He just tossed his crumpled up missive in the fire which prompted Asahi sama to query his Dragon cousin if he’d gotten a cryptic missive as well. Donoha sama nodded and they mentioned that they would talk about their missives later since they were being joined by Gunba san and Tamaki san. Back from various duties and a morning meeting before breakfast rice had been acquired.

They conversed about the issue plaguing the Emperor’s Gift caravan:

  • Depleted Supplies – The caravan’s food and water supplies have dwindled significantly due to the prolonged journey, and the merchants are worried about reaching the next town.
  • Infected Travelers – Several caravan members have begun to show signs of illness, raising concerns that the Darkfever Plague has spread to the caravan.
  • Suspicious Strangers – New faces have joined the caravan during the group’s absence, including a few suspicious characters who keep to themselves according to this author’s sources.
  • Tension with the Dragonfly Clan – Upon nearing the Dragonfly lands, the caravan encountered a group of Dragonfly diplomats who express concerns about the caravan bringing the plague into their territory.
  • Damaged Wagons – Several of the wagons in the caravan have suffered damage during the journey, slowing progress and risking the loss of valuable goods.
  • Rumors of Bandits – There are whispers among the caravan members that bandits have been spotted in the area, possibly lying in wait to ambush the caravan.
  • Discontent Among the Caravan Members – Tensions have risen among the caravan members during the group’s absence, leading to disagreements and minor skirmishes.
  • Mysterious Disappearances – A few members of the caravan have gone missing over the past few weeks, leaving behind no trace.

During their morning meal it was decided to take an hour of the day (OOC: Remember a Rokugani day only has 12 hours so that is two Earth hours) and look into the problems of the caravan. Then they would reconvene and decide on a course of action. Donoha sama mentioned wanting to show them Kyuden Tonbo and his favorite tea house there, so it was agreed upon to meet there for lunch. While the others pursued their own endeavors, Donoha sama investigated a number of the wagons and determined the damage was not wear and tear, but actual sabotage! Upon meeting back up they did not discuss anything immediately but entered Kyuden Tonbo. It was obvious that the mysterious thing most Dragons have is cryptic talking where Donoha sama’s cryptic nature is how talkative he is.

Mentioning as they were walking to the teahouse, that they were in the Shinpi province. Which held not just the Dragonfly Lands and Kyuden Tonbo but Shiro Kitsuki further north. He had grown up in the Kaitou province in a smaller copper mining village just north of Great Falls Castle. Tapping his smithing hammer in his obi he mentioned that Great Falls Castle was built by a Togashi monk whose birth family was Kaiu! It was designed with running waterfalls going through the ground floor! Along the way he pointed out some of the people he knew in town as they would pass by on the street:

  • Tonbo Isamu – possibly the most venerable shugenja in the clan.
  • Tonbo Hideki – a renowned diplomat and poet, his son lives in Phoenix lands as a scribe. This person has helped Donoha sama become a better poet with a few pointers when he was younger.
  • Tonbo Ryuu – a skilled negotiator whom Donoha sama admires for his endless curiosity and travels.
  • Tonbo Koji – while they have not spoken in person to this date he did have correspondence with the legal expert among the Dragonfly clan.

When they arrived at the Glass Window (Garasu mado) tea house the group was greeted by the owner, Tonbo Eiji sama. The owner was also the younger brother of the Dragonfly clan daimyo, Tonbo Kuroto sama! The teahouse had long experimented with a newer art style brought by the Unicorn into Rokugan, stained glass! The tea house was divided into four quarters an each had a unique set of stain glass windows to catch the light of the sun throughout the day. Eiji sama had his staff sit them in the room with the most light and food and tea were brought out to the delight of their palates.

During their meal among the quiet anonymity in their part of the teahouse, they began discussing matters. The others had similar concerns that the caravan’s woes were being coordinated by someone or something. It was decided to have the group split up and with Asahi sama acting as Gunba’s yojimbo and Donoha sama would perform that role for Tamaki san. They would use entreat with the kami to try and find out as much as they could about these issues and decide upon a way forward. Donoha sama’s main reason for splitting the group was to get two independent observations that could, potentially, corroborate each other. At the very least the kami could shed light on past events otherwise shrouded in the veil of the past.

The plan was to meet back at the wagons and then advise the Emerald Ambassadors on which path or paths might prove fruitful in solving the issues of the caravan. Upon their regrouping, they were able to corroborate the following from Gunba san’s communing with the Air Kami and Tamaki san’s communing with the Water Kami: Depleted Supplies, Suspicious Strangers, Damaged Wagons, Rumors of Bandits, Discontent Among the Caravan Members, and Mysterious Disappearances. Were part of a plot that came to fruition about 6 days prior. Someone or some group had orchestrated the Eta and Heiman members to acts of sabotage, theft, and disruption of the caravan before fleeing and splitting up among nearby territories to disappear among the populace.

It was Isawa Tamaki san that thought to ask about the illness via the Fire Kami and learned it was another facet of the same plot by using poison on the communal food supplies! They learned that no one was still currently poisoning the food and those afflited would either pull through or die. At least by telling the healers it was poison and not a curse they could perhaps save more lives.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 30

The Return and the Rot.

It was three additional days when the four samurai and their rescued companion finally made it out of Mori Isawa. Given the girl’s amnesia and chance at a fresh start he gave her his mother’s given name of Hana. After further discussion it was decided to head on the road back to the Temple of Brilliant Rebirth (Striking this from any publications to protect the victimized woman). It would allow her the grace and anonymity to start a fresh life. The temple idea was proposed by Otaku Gunba san, or as they have stated in kawaii fashion, “I’m just that Unicorn guy.” Ladies that Unicorn has manners and is humble to boot. Just so we’re clear they’re also very easy on the eyes!

When they exited the forest by the fate of the kami they ran straight into the area of my encampment. I have had a friendly wager that the forest did not consume them despite how long they had been missing despite the curse being stopped. I informed them it was not the 16th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}), but in fact the 16th of Shiba in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Monkey {OOC: September})! They were stunned by a time jump as I was to see them stunned. I joined up moved into the wagon and we headed south once more.

During the travel weather appeared to be perfect so it only took a day to make it to the temple. I went inside to escort the woman known as Hana and explain why the group was leaving her in the monks’ care. An important distinction is that in their presence no ritual of Jade Strike or any fingers of jade hurt Hana or changed colors to black. Remarkably, no taint has befallen her! Donoha sama keeps saying he did not save her, because Isawa Tamaki san healed her wounds. However, his actions of removing her from the ritual area is likely what saved her from taint seeping in!

Oh, one needs to also mention that Akodo Asahi sama has been blessed by the neko sama from the hidden village in Mori Kuroi. The kawaii neko they named Kitagawa and despite every attempt to proven them wrong it understands low Rokugani! Surely the kami of cats has blessed this adorable kawaii neko! While it seems to like everyone in the group it follows Asahi sama everywhere it can.

On the 17th of Shiba in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Monkey {OOC: September}) the group departed to catch up to the Emperor’s Gft caravan which had set its sights on Kyuden Tonbo, Palace of the Dragonfly Clan! Also known as the gatekeepers of the path to the Dragon Clan. In order to try and catch up Donoha sama had an interesting plan when he asked Gunba san if they would like to visit the Shrine of the Ki-Rin! The Unicorn shugenja agreed and the Dragon courtier did some math and stated we could likely spend three days there if we left soon that morning.

I want to say the adventure was fraught with peril, but in a lovely change of pace this trek to catch up to the caravan may have been one of the nicest travels in my life. We saw a number of sight through the road through Mori Isawa on the way to Aojiroi Oku Shiro (Pale Oak Castle). Where Emperor Hantei the XVII is buried beneath the pale oak tree that is said to have bark which can be made into healing tea! It is also said to be the place where Donoha sama fell in love for the first time.

Once back in Mori Isawa, Otaku Gunba san noticed an old, weathered torii gate stands alone on a hilltop, its wood cracked and faded by time. One of the gate’s pillars had fallen, lying across the path it stood over leading away from the road. The remaining structure of the torii still stands tall. The area around the torii was barren of trees as though the clearing was the shrine, with only a few tufts of grass and scattered stones. The Unicorn crafted the following haiku:
Broken but unbowed
Immobile but a gateway
Sister, do you see?

At the western side of the forest another path, winding through the forest away from the road was spotted. Consisting of vibrant red maple trees. Within this autumnal season, the entire area was ablaze with the colors of the leaves, creating a tunnel of red, orange, and gold. The ground was carpeted with fallen leaves, and the crisp air carried the scent of earth and wood. The Phoenix crafted the following haiku:
Path of red and gold,
Whispers in the autumn breeze,
Peace found in each step.

Upon arriving at town surrounding Pale Oak castle Donoha visited briefly with Unmei san and acquired a single bokken for his cousin Asahi sama made of the same pale oak as his were. Biding Chiasa’s father a farewell they continued onward to the shrine. Upon leaving on the path that would be the final leg of the journey to the shrine he showed everyone a grove of cedar trees shown to him by Chiasa. Dense, the air within the grove was filled with the sound of rustling leaves, which he mentioned that some locals say are the whispers of ancient spirits. The trees were unusually tall and straight, with soft, moss-covered roots that seem to invite rest and reflection. A small stream ran through the grove, its clear water reflecting the sunlight in dappled patterns. The Dragon also mentioned local legend speaks of a group of shugenja who once meditated here, seeking wisdom from the kami. It was said that those who sit quietly within the grove may hear the advice of long-passed ancestors. He also crafted a haiku regarding this beautiful location:
Cedar giants stand,
Whispers of spirits in the air,
Moss invites to dream.

There are a total of three waterfalls that feed the waterway funneling into the lake south of the Shrine to the Ki-Rin. The shrine was located on a remote mountaintop in westernmost Phoenix lands, roughly a half-day’s travel from Shiro Gisu in the mountainous Asako provinces, with the Dragon Heart Plains unfurling due west. It boasted a massive torii arch, clearly visible above the surrounding lands. While there was no main road, the path was subtly marked at regular intervals by stone lanterns. Beyond the second peak was a plateau, where several housing living quarters and the shrine’s priest had a single room administrative office. The shrine consisted of a single statue, a marble Ki-Rin entwined with sculpted flames facing the Great Wall of the North Mountains. Its eyes are set with jade, and a thick shimenawa rope encircled its neck. Across the stone pedestal it was carved: “Look to the horizon, for the visions there are footsteps of the future.”

While it only took a day to reach it from Pale Oak Castle, along the path they took in the distance a solitary stone watchtower stands on a hill overlooking the surrounding countryside. Though the tower was empty, and upon investigation by the group. Found the stairs within have crumbled, the view from its base is still magnificent. The surrounding area was a peaceful meadow dotted with wildflowers and tall grasses swaying in the wind. The Lion crafted the following haiku:
Ancient stone sentinel,
Silent in the wildflower breeze,
Time’s whispers linger.

Once they arrived Donoha sama sought out a Monk tending to the shrine and was given an introduction to a senior member. The senior monk confirm that in three days a would be arriving with a few supplies on its return from Shiro Gisu up north. This river barge is how he crossed from Nanashi Mura to Ukabu Mura during his gempukku. Since it was on its returning trip then they would be able to use it to load the wagon and traverse all the way back to Toshi Ranbo wo Shien Shite Reigisaho on the northern edge of Lion Clan territory!

While the city is hotly debated between the Lion and the Crane it is currently a Crane held location since Rokugan’s year 1120. In the days leading up to the barge’s return Otaku Gunba san began to seek martial training and even he was surprised at the courtier being the one he knew the most about hand to hand combat. The Dragon nodded when he was asked to be his sensei and began to instruct him with a focus on improvised weaponry. During the river trip he practiced a technique called slow form, where both the teacher and the student never went above a quarter speed. It allowed for instruction to be given during motion.

When he wasn’t training Gunba san in the evening he was building a new saya for the jade katana in Asahi’s possession. Using wood collected in Mori Isawa he constructed it in three segments. Leaving the small rings of bark to separate three sections. He carved the haiku Asahi sama had created into the publc facing side of the saya to commemorate the event: Ancient stone sentinel, Silent in the wildflower breeze, Time’s whispers linger. On the side that faces Asahi’s leg he carved: Jade fangs, claws of green, A king of beasts, a creature rare, Power in his eyes.

Our arrival in Toshi Ranbo was brief, we hit the docks on the eastern side of the city and I paid for the extra help getting the oxen and wagon back onto dry land. While I can’t be one hundred percent sure I believe some of the helpers were from the ronin group known as the Iron Fans. Well, basing that on the iron tessen stuck in their obi and a complete lack of swords. All of us were forced to leave any, and all blades inside the wagon once we had docked. We were told we could retrieve them once we left the city and having the wagon bearing the Seppun mon on a small plaque above the door. Along with papers proving we were a part of the Emperor’s Gift, allowed us to avoid a bureaucratic nightmare. Peace in that city felt like a gilded cage.

The group arrives at Kyuden Tonbo on the 26th of Shiba in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Monkey {OOC: September}). Donoha sama appeared very excited to be back in lands he was familiar with. We first visited with an attendant of the Emerald Ambassadors. We were instructed to get baths, eat, rest and we would have dinner in the evening. Both Otaku Gunba san and Donoha sama visited the stables. The Unicorn checked in on animals left behind by owners that had succumbed to the plague. The Dragon reconnected with his great potoo bird, Shirogane and his horse, Yukiabo.

When the baths were set up it was in a line at our wagons with small dividers. The food was good but everything seemed a bit demure and less than the onset of the caravan’s opulence. Afterwards Donoha sama wrote a thank you letter to his Grandmother, Seppun Sora, asking about his eldest aunt and Grandfather. Then another letter to let his parents know of his arrival at Kyuden Tonbo. Asahi sama spent the time either training or shadowing his cousin when he trained Gunba san. Tamaki san wrote to the master that had trained him as a shugenja.

When evening fell they were brought to a dinner with Mirumoto Tanetsu sama and Shinjo Akiba sama. The Dragon and Unicorn Emerald Ambassadors. Shiba Sono sama had sent word to Tamaki san to meet with him tomorrow morning at dawn. Kitsu Tsuguri sama had left Asahi sama a note to report if anything felt worthy to pass on, otherwise they were to stay the course they had chosen. The Dragon and Unicorn Ambassadors explained how morale had dropped with the group’s disappearance. They also explained the plague had ravaged the caravan’s supplies and everything was being managed and allocated in a more strict manner. They talked about the time distortion effect of the woods in Mori Isawa. Once that was done the current problems had been shared regarding, supplies, morale, and awaiting word from the Dragonfly clan to allow them passage to Shiro Kitsuki.

The group made plans after leaving the dinner with Donoha sama letting the craft trades people know he was back and ready to help. They kept him for a few rounds of sake before allowing him to find sleep. The others were excited about seeing a teahouse Donoha has visited a few times and enjoyed for either a midday or evening meal. The Dragon was also awaiting a reply from his parents asking him to come home so he could easily bypass Kyuden Tonbo and show his friends the Dragon lands.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 29

Closing a gate and a loose thread.

Eventually Gunba san mentioned the wagon could not get any closer and still be able to turn around. So they set for the return trip and moved forward on foot. Continuing on the group fought another collection of tree spirits animating fauna to attack. While they were successful in defeating this group as well, it was the aftermath that bears note.

Embedded in one of the vine’s larger trunks was katana with a thin, jade green, colored blade! Having studied nemurani weapons Donoha sama was familiar with the tales of the Phoenix blades that had jade permanently infused during their creation. These tales talked of wakizashi sized weapons, so the katana sized version was exceptionally rare. Asahi sama took possession of the jade katana until he could figure out how it might be returned.

While that was unfolding, Gunba san had been communing with earth kami that had been trapped and animating the trees and vines. There was no telling how long some of them had been bound to the roots, trunks, and vines here. Now they were free once more as we cut our way through the cursed land.

The quartet continued onward until they reached the lost village inside of Kuroi Mori. Unsure of what to expected the town did not look like a disaster had befallen it. It was more a sense of abandonment followed by the elements beginning to reclaim it over the years. A blessing of the kami upon the samurai was Kitagawa-neko. They found a rather curious cat living among the abandoned town. Until Asahi sama named it Kitagawa the others had been calling it neko sama.

The reason for such deference was not to any kawaii nature of the animal. It seemed to understand low Rokugani when spoken to. It then led the group through the city to the Gate of Jigoku! Inside a humble temple near to center of the town did a longstanding thread become tied up.

In a rather large lower chamber was a ghastly sight. A circle of salt marred by blood and the body of a woman. Donoha sama recognized her even though he’d only seen visions of her when she was younger. This was the sister of the man whom went by Doji Hengo! Her blood was being drawn from a wound on her, and moving of its own voalition to the center. Where floating just off the ground in a column of green light was the possessed form of the man known as Doji Hengo!

The group leapt into action even without the context of Donoha sama’s realization. Asahi sama began to shoot the jade arrows into the shifting form as differing personalities began to show themselves. Gunba san began to entreat the kami to aid his newfound friends. Donoha sama pulled the woman from the circle to prevent more blood from entering this dark ritual. Tamaki san aided Gunba san in a binding ritual to seal the portal once more. Part of which was entreating the kami to lift the small section of blood soaked salt away. Then it was reapplied to make it whole once more.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 28

What’s One More Curse?

As the evening of the 9th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) was coming to a sunset. The sky over Shiro Shiba was inundated with hundreds of birds that fell to the ground. Upon hitting every last one turned to ash! Our group of intrepid samurai raced off to the Temple of Eternal wisdom to track down Shiba Ayame sama and coonsult her once more.

While the avian calamity appeared to be continuing, the four were led to the same internal chamber. Donoha sama got on his knees and bowed to the floor, “Shiba sama, it appears the curse you’re following has made its way to the city.”

Even with signs of a lack of sleep Shiba Ayame sama straightened their kimono and the air of a noblewoman adorned them as though it was the finest silk. The Lion followed his cousin in action and the two shugenja bowed at the waist. After the pleasantries were exchanged, the newer points of her researched was discussed. The hidden castle or fortress Tamaki san had uncovered on the map was indeed the source of the curse in Kuroi Mori (Black Forest). It would take days to reach as the length of all of Isawa Mori, of which the Kuroi Mori lies in its northern most part, is over 150 miles. Pressed against the Northern Wall Mountains that mark the northern border of the Phoenix, Dragon, and Unicorn lands. While not all maps are equal in their quality, the distance of the trip was thought to be about 49 Ri (120 Mi).

It would seem there has been a seal or gate to the realm of oni. This oni’s aura is what is spreading the disease affecting Shiro Shiba, and probably all of the northern Phoenix lands. It seems to be a curse on the Phoenix clan for when the Phoenix shugenja called upon the void kami is what brought the disease down on those around them but not the shugenja in question. However, cruel irony of the oni is that to keep it from spreading you must keep those that spread the plague around you!

The group knew they needed to do something but wanted to check in with Shiba Sono sama first. Leaving with the blessings of Shiba Ayame for success in resolving this. The four samurai made it to the cluster of caravan wagons and the Dragon was to direct, scarring an attendant. The next time he remained vague and the attendant mentioned they were expected and led them to the Phoenix ambassador’s wagon. When they entered Phoenix ambassador had the placements arranged minus a criminal Asako courtier among them. With bows everyone took their seats and tea was poured. While it tasted to the Lion and the Dragon as horrible their faces kept a stoic expression. Both the Unicorn and Phoenix shugenja thought it was some of the finest tea they ever had.

When it came time to discuss the dilemma the elder samurai wasted no time, “How long do you feel you’ll be gone this time?”

It was easy for everyone to see that the Dragon was happy at such a frank opening to the discussion. The caravan was preparing to leave in the morning and begin making their way west and south to Kyuden Asako, the Morning Glory Castle. Requests were made of supplies and tools for the road including a bag of jade finger stones since they knew they would be facing another Oni. Throughout the evening attendant brought the needed tools and supplies. Asahi sama spent time help Takami san into wearing a suit of light armor he had. Donoha was working on coordinating but would make his back up light armor available to Gunba san if they requested such. The Unicorn shugenja was busy arranging the mounts because they were taking one of the two wagons for this trek!

Agasha Re was loaned the other wagon for their lodgings in turn for keeping it safe and secure while they were gone. Donoha sama was happy to loan it to a distant cousin in the Agasha family, but it was Tamaki san that delivered the news and updated her as to the fate of Asako Takumi sama. Re san was fired up for vengeance, but Tamaki san extracted a promise she would work her fury through Shiba Sono sama and do nothing rash. With supplies set at the dawn of the 10th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) the caravan began to head west as Donoha sama’s group began to trek north.

They were told they were not allowed to stop at Kyuden Isawa or any other northern settlement unless it was a dire emergency. The settlements farther north had already been inundated with the plague and were struggling in helping their own populations. The last thing they needed were outsiders taxing their resources further. On the road that day Asahi sama requested his cousin make some jade arrowheads. After a discussion that these would be his first arrowheads from a piece of jade he agreed to try. Each arrowhead consumed a jade finger and was styled to match an armor piercing tip and then affixed to two shafts from the supplies acquired from the caravan. Being on the road was good as cleared 16 and a third Ri (40 miles) that day.

11th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) led to a discussion during breakfast to distract from the food’s taste for the Lion and the Dragon. About what would happen if a shugenja ran out of spells. Donoha sama asked Tamaki san if they felt they could learn the basics of wielding a knife in a fight. The Phoenix said they felt confident they could pick up the basics. Thus began their day of training with the Dragon courtier with his vast knowledge of weapons. It’s really no wonder many confuse him for being a bushi. At the end of the training some five hours of the day (10 hours to us) later. Tamaki san did indeed have the basics down but was physically and mentally exhausted! What surprised him the most was the dual focus of breathing and situational awareness. The Dragon kept beating into him all day that if you can’t breathe, you can’t fight. That day they made just over 12 and a quarter Ri (30 miles).

On the 12th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) Donoha sama took three fingers of jade and made a jade dagger in the shape of a tanto with a sheath. In a form of reward for Tamaki san for their work of learning the knife fighting basics. Named Hisuitsume 翡翠爪 for the Jade Talon. For their time while Gunba san was keeping the wagon moving, Tamaki san had been pondering the nature of the curse with meditation. They came to the conclusion that this may not be a thing that can be stabbed as much as a door or gate that needs to be closed and sealed once again. It was during this day that they entered Isawa Mori followed by the southern portion of Kuroi Mori.

It was the 13th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) when the group had to start clearing the way forward. Eventually they found the hidden pathway in the Kuroi Mori to the location obscured in Shiba Ayame sama’s research. They began following it as the afternoon began to continue onward. It was then they encountered truly their first obstacle, six animated vines that began attacking them. The battle was fierce but the Lion was skilled at engaging with multiple targets with the Phoenix combining water and fire magics to prevent burning the forest down but hurting their foes. The dragon’s black and copper blade made purchase and severed two of the vines so perfectly it looked as though something of the blade’s kami had been awakened. Onward they would push with Gunba san bringing the wagon up behind them.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 27


The castle town of Shiro Shiba was far more vacant than usual this day. Going on what they knew about Crane clan rumors, which was little. They were under the impression because beauty and art was valued by the Crane. They began looking for a shop that would handle kimonos and other fabric based artistry. It took a bit of time before they came across the Nasu Silk & Satin, and its proprietor: Nasu Meiko san.

Asahi sama said that he was shopping for a custom kimono for a member of the Dragon and Crane clans. There was some back and forth about the custom specifics for each kimono before Meiko san asked if these were for the duel. The notion of a duel quickly becomes gossip in many castle towns. Why the duel was happening became as important as sand in a storm. What became important was that a Dragon was facing off against a Crane! The rivalry went back to the near founding of each clan as to whom could produce the better sword saint or kensai if you speak High Rokugani.

Meiko san became far more talkative about options, needing a rush project, and the Kakita duelist Donoha sama would be facing. Eventually Asahi sama and Gunba san found out the name because that Crane did frequent this shop while visiting their distant relative, Asako Takumi sama. Kakita Ozaki was a Crane duelist of the same rank as Donoha sama, and they possessed one of the famous Kakita blades. Weapons only given to proven warriors of excellence.

During this revelation of information Tamaki san headed off to the Temple of Eternal Flame once more to meditate. When they passed the “Slaughter on the Hill” they noticed the bodies had all been removed at this point. Upon reaching the Temple of the Eternal Flame they found it cleaned but devoid of anybody upon the grounds. They set about creating a vison quest into the Void. In order to get answers about the maladies. They did not return to the caravan until dinner time when the others made it back.

Back at the Nasu Silk & Satin, Meiko san and the Lion were discussing how payment would be arranged when he let slip he was Donoha’s cousin. Meiko san latched onto the chance of a lifetime. She explained she would heavily discount Donoha sama’s kimono for a favor. When the Lion queried what that might be she produced a large scroll-based copy of “In Defense of Honor” from a chest.

“If he could sign this copy, you will have your discount and they will be ready for the duel tomorrow.” The Lion took possession of the copy of Matsu Shànzi san’s work. The two left the store and began to head back to the caravan. Thinking their ailment had abated, Asahi sama offered to make yakisoba for dinner. Everyone was excited and when done both the Unicorn – Gunba san and the Phoenix – Tamaki san both loved the dish. Even Donoha seem to enjoy it while Asahi still had the taste of ash in his mouth.

After dinner Tamaki san went to check in on Agasha Re and update her about the proceedings. While Asahi sama asked his cousin about what he had been up to. Since he had been practicing with Mittsu Tamashi upon their return. He mentioned working on a haiku all day and then read it from the scroll he finalized it upon.

Steel whispers its song,
Clash and spark, a breath escapes,
One falls, silence reigns.

At which point his cousin mentioned running into a fan of “In Defense of Honor” and would like them to sign their copy. Smiling and shaking his head at how popular Shànzi san’s work had become. When his cousin handed him the scroll he noticed this copy had a reprint of the picture he had drawn for her. Whomever made the woodblock of his painting was a skilled artisan. He asked his cousin about this fan and what they did for a living. When the Lion mentioned they were a skilled artisan with textiles he became inspired not just to sign it. He took a few more minutes to write a haiku for them before handing it back to his cousin.

Needle dances light,
Fabric dreams take shape and form,
A world, thread by thread.

9th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) – In the morning their was a check on the Dragon’s and Lion’s jade. None of it had dulled or turned black. Asahi sama learned that sticking to a single ingrediant helped to make things go down easier and stay down. Eating ashes or food that tastes that way is horrible and not recommended. Gunba san displayed their magic by making a bland but nutritious meal. It still tasted like ashes, just less than the other food.

Around mid morning both Gunba san and Asahi sama told the Dragon they were headed back into town to deliver the signed book to Meiko san at Nasu Silk & Satin. While they were gone Donoha sama sent a missive to Matsu Shànzi san making sure they knew about the duel and were invited to witness their first official duel. Following that they practiced all day long with the brush and the sword. Drawing a singular character over and over with brush and blade. The character for peace: 平 or “hei” in High Rokugani.

When the setting had reached the horizon Donoha had finished bathing. He dressed in his kimono presented to him by Akodo Tozawa sama of Shiro Akodo. The golden landscape stitched into the green was still resplendent months later with all the travel.

His group was led to the duel, held within a courtyard inside Shiro Shiba’s castle proper. All of the Emerald ambassadors were seated on one side with Asako Takumi position in the center next to Shiba Sono sama. Directly across from the ambassadors were all the spectators that had come to witness a sanctioned duel. Even the ambassadors had to acknowledge that one of the four champions involved in lifting curses. Being a part of a duel was hard pressed to be kept a secret. In the far side from their entrance was three samurai he’d met before. Yasuki Minoru san of the Crab clan, and both Akodo Maki san and Mastu Mayumi san of the Lion clan. Kneeling in the center of the courtyard was his opponent, Kakita Ozaki sama.

Donoha sama joined them in the center of the courtyard as the rules of the duel were read aloud. It was to be to first blood, neither opponent was allowed to die. Killing your opponent would result in the other’s death. The reason for the duel was not disclosed since the public was present. Ozaki sama stood and bowed to the Dragon, which Donoha sama returned the bow to the Crane. While he was not feeling well, and fully aware this was a professional duelist across from him. He had promised his daimyo he would have to win, hs honor was most deffinately on the line. However, he was a direct descendant of Agasha Kitsuki, and not pursuing the truth would stain his family and his ancestor.

It was also not lost on him that his sister, Kitsuki Hoshikiba, would hear of this duel’s outcome. In an agreement his father’s daimyo almost failed to honor, his sister ended up being sent to study at the Kakita school of swordsmanship and a Crane child was sent to the Mirumoto school to study. Now he was sent to test himself against one of the most feared practitioners of the sword.

They bowed to one another and took the center stance. Eyes locked on each other and assessing their opponent. While Takumi sama grinned from the sideline, sure of the Dragon’s defeat by the Crane wielding a Kakita blade. Hands went to the grips of their katana as the duel shifted to focusing on which one of them could draw faster. Time slowed to a crawl as everyone waited with held breath. Donoha sama changed his grip to a reverse grip from the standard one. Then in the span of a second it happened!


Mittsu Tamashi – 三つ魂 the blade of Three Souls’ blackened steel with the copper hamon flashed in the setting sun! Very much like the talon of a dragon he struck Kakita Ozaki sama’s right hand holding their blade’s tsuka with just the kissaki tip. There were five hyper quick flicks of his wrist holding Mittsu Tamashi. All of this happened in the span of Kakita sama only getting their blade a tenth of a shaku out of their saya!

By the time it was halfway out he was returning Mittsu Tamashi to be readied for returning to its saya! Kakita Ozaki sama’s face looked crestfallen. Returning their blade and holding up their right hand to show the streak of crimson flowing from the cut on the back her right hand! The three souls within the sword: Shiba Tsukasa, Hida Nagahide, and Akodo Chun were in harmony with that swing. Among the ambassadors Asako Takumi sama was no longer smiling. The Dragon’s opponent walked to the edge of the courtyard next to the Crab and two Lion samurai. Donoha sama turned to the Emerald ambassadors and bowed to them all, then bowed to his sword, and finally kneeled and laid his sword in front of himself.

The gathered crowd began to cheer at such a masterful display of “to first blood” in a duel. While it was likely faster than their eyes could catch. Nothing would stop the sharing tales of the deed with the phrase – Beware the Dragon’s Claw or Ryū no Kagi Tsume (竜の鉤爪) in High Rokugani. Donoha gained his first nickname that day – 竜 爪 or Ryū Tsume, the Dragon’s Claw.

Shiba Sono sama made their way out to the kneeling Dragon, “It pleases me that you were able to keep your honor this day. Now your words, testimony, witnesses, and evidence can be weighed on equal footing as the accused. Thank you for giving us the path forward to avenge this crime.” With that Shiba Sono bowed to Donoha from the waist in front of all to see. The Dragon returned the grand gesture by bowing and touching his forehead to the floor. As this display of honor was happening two Phoenix bushi showed up on either side of Asako Takumi and escorted him away.

After the Phoenix ambassador returned to the others Donoha wiped Mittsu Tamashi down and return it to its saya. His cousin joined him in the center of the courtyard with Tamaki san and Gunba san each holding a black lacquered box. Asahi sama requested Kakita Ozaki sama join them, to which they did so somewhat reluctantly. Asahi sama took the box from Gunba san and presented it as a gift for participating in the duel. The contents of which were a light blue fading down into a light gray. A silk screened dragon encircled the shoulder above a crane just above where the obi sash would sit. Included from Gunba san was a copy of “In Defense of Honor” so they could appreciate the art and the information about their opponent. Both the Lion and the Crane went through the customary three rejections of the gift and three offerings before Kakita Ozaki sama accepted it and then bowed before leaving. They waited only long enough to be returned bows by all present.

Next, Asahi sama presented the box Tamaki san held to his cousin. He explained this was a kimono designed to replicate the blade of Mittsu Tamashi. Donoha opened the box and beheld a work of art. A black kimono with a copper obi and a coppery wavy line separating the wave designs below that. Meiko san at Nasu Silk & Satin had outdone themselves and Donoha returned it to the box saying he would treasure wearing it. It would be what he wore tomorrow.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 26


Sharing their findings with the other two spurred the Lion into looking at the mon in case he recognized it from any battles he had studied. Its markings did not lend themselves to any of the Shiba mons or those of a martial bent. Asako, as a family had more to do in courtier circles than the bushi. He couldn’t discount a shugenja of the Asako also being the owner, but it seemed unlikely. Finding no additional information to be gleaned from the document they made the trek back during the Hour of the Serpent (10AM – Noon).

Unicorn attendants took the loaner horse and Yukiabo back to the tents where they’re being kept. During their return they stopped to hand the document with the stylized mon over to Shiba Sono sama’s care. One of his known attendants handled the matter for Donoha sama. Before they could leave for food a very recent missive was presented to the Dragon mentioning his horse feeling uneasy. The group indulged the Dragon to have Yukiabo checked out.

Making their way to the outskirts of the caravan, they came across the large, round, tents of the Unicorn Clan called a Ger. These were the makeshift stables the horselords have maintained and operated from since their departure from Otosan Uchi. According to the note the Dragon was looking for the Unicorn samurai known as Otaku Gunba.

With a bit of guidance he was led to the correct tent. Making introductions he found out that there was nothing acutely wrong with Yukiabo. It was a general sense of unease he could still feel among them. The Unicorn had hoped time from the last appearance of Dark Kami in the sky would stop leaving a lingering malaise, but it never really lifted. He went on to vague mention he’d been tasked with getting closer to the issue. So he asked to join the group on whatever mission they had undertaken.

As it would turn out they’re a shugenja of the Unicorn, and the Dragon was excited to another member of the Otaku family. Given how well he’d gotten along with Otaku Kai, he had high hopes this new addition would become a friend in time as well. Gunba san mentioned needing to clear a few items and leave instructions for the other horse attendants. Donoha sama said to meet him at the two wagons the group calls home and he would have a midday meal waiting.

This also gave the group a chance to get out of blood splattered clothing and armor. Everyone headed off to their respective destinations within camp. Attendants mending and cleaning kimonos and armor, while others prepared the meals for the samurai. Since the group had been decreased to three, Donoha sama had asked that the armor stand boxes be moved to the second wagon. It also gave the attendants a place to work, even with a fourth member once more it could still function as a utility wagon.

Once the midday meal was had, the group began to head into the higher end residential area of nobles’ houses. Querying a ashigaru spearmen outside one of the large houses. They found the directions to Lord Asako Takumi sama’s residence. Approaching the two ashigaru spearmen at the entrance to the home’s garden before the house proper.

“Do you have an appointment with our lord?”

Donoha replied, “No I do not but I would like to schedule a meeting with your lord if possible.”

One of the ashigaru nodded and headed off to the house to enquire about an appointment. The four samurai waited patiently for a significant amount of time. When they returned they informed the group, “Our master is ready to see you now it would appear. If you would follow me I will escort you to meet him.”

The group followed the ashigaru through gardens, courtyards, and one onsen! On a mostly enclosed part of the house with orange flowers floating upon its steam accented water. Finally they approached a room with a additional guard. The one slid a door open and inside was lord Asako Takumi.

The group was graciously welcomed. Donoha noted the same mon embroidered upon haori (samurai jacket) as on the document left with Shiba Sono sama. After they were seated and weapons placed on the right of the wielder to make them harder to draw. Takumi sama made it clear to thank Donoha for their service to the Phoenix clan. Clearing out problems that had plagued them for 150 years. He mentioned he considered himself honored to be visited by the Dragon and Lion spoken of among the populace. Afterwards he wondered what had brought him to his home.

“Do you know of Shiba Sono sama,” queried Donoha sama.

“Certainly,” replied Takumi sama.

“I have been tasked with the investigation of Asako Eiko’s murder. My assignment is to clear names off a suspect list by ascertaining where certain people were at the time of the murder.” Donoha realized to late that Lord Takumi sama was Roku-Dan or 6th rank, with quite a bit of status and glory to go with their rank. He had to keep calm, make sure he didn’t cause a scene that would force Shiba Sono sama’s hand, and prevent anyone with him from suffering social backlash. In fact this may be a bigger wave than Shiba Sono sama would like.

“Dreadful business that was, such a shame,” said the Phoenix lord with a sorrowful look draped across his face as though he was a Noh theatre performer.

“I’ll try my best to make my questions brief, I don’t want to waste your time,” Donoha sama bowed his said as he then dropped the proverbial hammer. “There was a document that had a stylized mon on it. Found in the lair of a group of thugs my team and I had finished eliminating. Perhaps you could help me to identify it?”

Takumi sama gestured for him to continue, and Donoha pulled out a small piece of washi paper with Lord Takumi sama’s mon upon it.


“Begging your pardon but until I came in here I had no idea this was a close match for your mon.”


“It was on the document directing the group of thugs to interrupt and thwart the investigation of Asako Eiko sama.”

“WHERE, where is this document now?”

“It is with Shiba Sono sama.”

Standing he began pacing back and forth, “Donoha san, it is very rude to suggest I had anything to do with this you understand.”

The Dragon nodded, “Again, as I have said this entire time. I am trying to get your name off this list and came hearing seeking your aid in doing so.” Donoha sama needed him to see a clandestine offer of help in order to get him to confess his involvement. The reason Donoha sama had a group here is to have witnesses of the events.

Pacing back and forth once more while the Dragon strained his hearing. Concerned there may be additional guards showing up due to the lord’s outbursts. The tension in the room could be cut with a tanto. Lord Takumi sama stopped and turned to the Dragon with a smile, “Donoha san, what is it that you desire most?”

He had taken the bait!

“I suppose it would be to know my family is doing well,” Donoha tried to reply with an answer that would leave crumbs for the rat to follow.

“Ah, I see, so if money could be directed to your family then. I’m sure that can be arranged,” then turning to face the Lion and golden, braided mane of black hair, “and you Akodo san, what is it that you desire?”

Asahi sama spoke succinctly, “My desires align with my cousin.” There was a brief tilt of the head toward Donoha sama.

“Uncommon bond but certainly not unheard of,” remarked Tamuki sama, “and what of you two in the back.”

Unsure if the two new commers had caught on to what Donoha had been working out on the fly. He spoke up, “They are my new retainers and I will see to their desires as their lord.” He quietly prayed they didn’t speak, and was delighted by their continued silence. He was going to have to get to know each of them better in order for them to work in harmony.

“Then you’ll take responsibility seeing to their needs?”


“Then all that remains is to see how that “false” document can be dealt with.”

Donoha sama stood, leaving Mittsu Tamashi, and took the washi paper with Tamuki sama’s mon upon it. Heading over to a nearby lantern he dipped it into the flame. As it caught he held it and looked back at the thick bodied Phoenix lord, “I think I understand what you’re wishing for.”

Watching it evaporate the lord replied, “I believe you do.”

Donoha sama walked back over to his blade as the conversation came to an end. The group left and were escorted out by the ashigaru spearman that had been stationed at the door. Donoha sama half expected to have to fight his way out. Once they were at least at the next house he whispered to everyone that he’d explain everything at the caravan. He asked Tamaki san and Gunba san to make sure they are not followed.

Gunba san asked Donoha sama to take a circuitous route back through the city to the caravan. The group veered to take the long way back. Unicorn magics are strange even to other Rokugani. It seemed like a spell was cast but no one could tell. About midway back the group stopped at a shrine to the Fortune of Rice and Good harvest, Inari. Tamaki san succeeded in casting a difficult spell to spy on a room he’d only just been in. His eyes rolled up as his gaze was tossed back to the Phoenix Lord’s house. He saw him preparing letters warning his compatriots and crafting a defense for himself if he needed such an out.

Back at the caravan Donoha sama sent an attendant to seek an audience with Shiba Sono sama. The reply that came back was he would be available at the crack of dawn. In one of the wagons Donoha explained that he acted nefariously in order get Tamuki sama to admit his involvement and incriminate himself in front of witnesses.

When the attendants mentioned being done with the blood cleaning. The group had been talking about nemurani they had come across, and how much they missed Gombei sama’s tokkuri of endless sake. Donoha mentioned his smithing hammer, Chikai no kodzuchi 誓いの小槌 (Oath-hammer), his ancestor received from the Crab’s Kaiu family. Gunba san asked Donoha sama if he could see his armor. The Dragon was more than happy to oblige the Unicorn. While he did not understand what the Unicorn shugenja did, magic happened nonetheless. When it was done his armor was pristine clean and every repair that could have been made was finished!

As the 7th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) wound to a close the group began to change into sleeping attire. Akodo Asahi sama found a gift left upon his armor stand. A small, unremarkable, but well made tokkuri. No missive accompanied the gift, but the Lion knew it could only come from one person. Hiruma Gombei sama had left his prize possession with the Lion samurai! When he brought it over for everyone to see, the shugenja were fascinated with it! Upon checking it out with magic it was determined to be nearly as old as the Emerald Empire! What tales could it tell if it could speak about its travels, but night descends. The four decided sleeping together in one of the wagons was best. Attendants were told to rouse them an hour before dawn and have rice ready at that time.

8th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) – Sunrise came in its allotted time during the Hour of the Tiger (Tenth Kami / 4am to 6am). While Gunba san and Tamaki san felt fine, both Donoha sama and Asahi sama felt off physically. There has been a light partaking of Gombei sama’s gift, but nothing that would cause the food they ate to taste like ashes of a fire. Test by the two shugenja cleared them of taint, but a warning was given to carry jade upon themselves. Donoha broke out the last of their jade fingers, giving three to his cousin and keeping the other three on his person.

They made haste to the area of the caravan that was the encircled wagons of the Emerald ambassadors. Informing an attendant, they were escorted to the Phoenix wagon. Internally Donoha sama felt an eagerness to get Shiba Sono sama’s take on things and how to proceed. When they entered, Lord Asako Takumi was sitting next to the Phoenix Emerald ambassador. The Dragon felt the churn in his stomach of anxiety while he kept his face calm. Donoha sama needed a plan IMMEDIATELY!

When the two made eye contact Takumi sama was nothing but smiles. This was a man that felt he had all of his pieces in order. Donoha sama knew he had one avenue left before his companions paid for his learning how to deal with opponents that out rank you. Full attack stance was what went through his head because the worse they could do to him was demand his death. As long as he could shield his friends then that would be fine for him.

The group was asked to be seated, and they were offered tea. Shiba Sono sama offered tea to everyone new to the gathering. Then it was couched as a question that Donoha was to make an accusation toward Takumi sama? The Dragon nodded in the affirmative and then asked permission to make his case. The Phoenix Emerald ambassador nodded and Donoha began.

It was exhaustive as Donoha described the battle becoming know as the Slaughter on the hill. The isolation of suspects, the interrogation of the one Donoha sama kept from dying. Then came the trek to the cove and finding the scroll bearing the custom mon of Asako Takumi sama. Unlike nearly every other member of his clan, Donoha sama is detailed, clear, and very courteous while slamming the facts they had learned. Then came the attempted bribery and Donoha sama had mentioned his witnesses. After everything was laid out the stoutly framed Phoenix was still smiling. It was at this point Mirumoto Tanetsu sama made his presence known.

They politely suggested that everything should be discussed now and everyone should leave and wait outside. The Dragon, Lion, Phoenix, and the Unicorn left first and were shown to a bench where they could wait. Asako Takumi sama left afterward and were shown to a different seating area a bit closer to the wagons. The time then was well into the waning portion of the Hour of the Hare (Sun / 6am to 8am). It was not until the waning portion of the Hour of the Dragon (Moon / 8am to 10 am) that the two Emerald ambassadors came out and discussed something with Takumi sama first and then Mirumoto Tanetsu peeled away from the group and began approaching Donoha sama.

“You seem to have seen the storm coming Donoha san and have stepped in it.” Tanetsu sama continued with the statement Takumi sama believes the Dragon courtier set this up to provoke a duel. Donoha sama admitted he tried to angle for it when he saw him at the meeting and panicked regarding options to move forward. It was decided a duel would be had tomorrow evening at sunset. Tanetsu sama asked if the young Dragon would represent himself. Given that he bore a katana which he made himself, Mittsu Tamashi.

Donoha sama affirmed he would represent himself, and the group was informed a distant cousin of Asako Tamaki would be representing him from the Crane clan. With that the parties were dismissed to see to their affairs. By the time the group of four made it back to Donoha sama’s two wagons it was the Hour of the Serpent (Hantei / 10am to Noon) . The Dragon made a request of the others to go into the city as a group and find out what they could about their opponent. Asahi sama and Gunba san agreed to go and look. Tamaki san decided they wished to pursue the mysterious ailment afflicting both the Lion and the Dragon. When they asked Donoha what he was going to do he mentioned calligraphy and iajutsu practice. As the wrist motion of the brush nearly mimics those of the sword.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 25


6th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) – Isawa Tamaki san rose first among the wagon compatriots. Preparing their ofuda talismans used in their spellcraft while watching the Dragon and Lion cousins decide how morning practice would go. The air was light with clouds and dappled the ground in a mix of light and shadow. A light breeze was blowing in from the coast. Even his rice was the perfect texture for a morning meal.

He began to practice his calligraphy when Donoha sama asked him to write a report for Shiba Sono sama. The Dragon noticed his calligraphy skills exceeded his own. Tamaki san agreed to help and quickly realized why the Dragon needed the help. Donoha’s writing style is akin to a financial accountant. Meticulous, thorough, and completely dry. Tamaki san took it upon himself to enrich the reading experience to make the investigator look good.

Donoha sama had promised Asahi sama another match but a skirmish. However, his cousin asked for another duel to start the skirmish off. The Dragon promised not to disarm him this time. Inwardly to himself he knew that if he was incapable of knocking his cousin out with his first strike. Then the longer the fight went the more likely his cousin was going to win. For a courtier of the Dragon clan Kitsuki Donoha sama was exceptional with a katana. Watching his cousin battle his way through hordes of enemies, he knew the Lion had the upper hand on him in any skirmish.

The crack and ear popping the Dragon left on the side of the Lion’s head with their bokken. Is the only reason it took four strikes from the Lion to make the Dragon concede the match. Maybe with Lions amongst the first or second Dan ranks could he still win, but large scales skirmishes he’d be hard pressed to stand toe to toe with veteran bushi. Still both of them went over things to learn, improve upon, and it was a bonding experience for the cousins.

After another half an Hour of the Day (OOC: Rokugan is on a 12 hour clock where Earth is 24 hours, so time units should be doubled) on horseback with Yukiabo going over polearms and spears. Tamaki san had finished the report and Donoha sama went to turn it into Shiba Sono sama. When he returned they talked about the next steps in pursuing Asako Takumi sama.

In order to gather information Donoha sama thought of the working tradesman for information. They would be the ones to do the labor and skilled laborers needs plans and instructions to carry out their tasks. This means that they would know a base structure of how the plan will work on the day to day. Thus began a venture to the working tradesman’s saki houses.

It was worth noting that first sake house did not have any useful info but their patrons speak now of Donoha sama, the dragon samurai that can breathe fire! It was a trick down with spitting the overly potent saki out of his mouth and through a candle flame – igniting it! He pulled the same trick off at the second bar with the help of Isawa Tamaki san urging the fire kami to help him out. He overheard one table discussing items about a new river trade deal. Inviting them over to drink with the three samurai. There was the three offers and two refusals before they accepted and join people far above their station in life.

The group shut the bar down and they learned a great deal. That this new trade deal Asako Takumi sama put together would affect sea and river trafficking of goods and services. If people decided they were against it then they would often disappear! The deal had not been finalized just yet but it should be soon and then the flow of koku would begin!

7th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) – When Donoha sama and Asahi sama awoke they felt hungover from the amount of saki, fermented fruit drinks, and other forms liquor they went through last night. Having rice in the morning made them feel better but training that day was skipped. Their next moves was the topic of conversation.

They decided to go and visit the prisoner they had taken from the Slaughter on the Hill. This has been the name that’s become the descriptor of the battle. Agasha Re has confirmed it was Kitsuki Donoha sama, Akodo Asahi sama, and Hiruma Gombei sama that performed the bloody deed. It’s only been two days and Donoha’s legend involves flying off cliffs to cut the head off an opponent in a dive before a spinning landing on their feet! Breathing fire thanks to the tales from the lower end saki houses! As they left Donoha had a camp attendant send word to Shiba Sono sama they would visit with a report after the interrogation.

Arriving at a repurposed home in a reclusive district of Shiro Shiba did our three samurai find themselves. One of a few guards offered to escort them to the prisoner, which the group accepted. When they entered the room the prisoner looked upon the three with angered contempt. The Lion and his wooden bokken, tinged with the sneer of authority. The Phoenix and his half hidden face staring out from the ofuda talismans hanging from their hat’s brim. Last but not least, the Dragon with the scar over their left eye and his thin smile.

He soon gave up his name to the Dragon, after hearing him describe how an investigation was not unlike forging a rokuganto (sword). I believe the removing of the smithing hammer nemurani from his obi. Accentuating his sentences smacking it into their hands as they talked may have influenced a more communicative attitude. Fujiwara, fled an accident in his village deep within the Phoenix lands. Donoha noted his first crime was travel without permission of one’s lord.

He grew hungry and desperate and became a robber, his second admission of a crime. Then he robbed a noble that decided to hire him after he caught him in the act. Recruited into a group the noble used to remove obstacles to their ambitions. From waylaying a Lion merchant transporting blades, to scaring and cajoling merchants, tradesmen, and even some public officials. The third type of crime in the given confession.

It was when he mentioned that they would make people disappear with murder or cover up murders the lord had outsourced. His fourth admission of a type of crime. Then he said it. The night of the murder of Asako Eiko they were to cover the tracks of the assassin! In addition the majority of them were told to go to the hill with the Shrine of Eternal Flame and obstruct the investigation. While a calm smile remained on Donoha’s scarred face, internally he was elated to see events aligning with the investigation.

This prompted Fujiwara to begin spilling all the secrets he could. A hideout about three quarters of an Hour of the Day (OOC: Earth time 1hr30min) north by northwest of Shiro Shiba. A cave hidden in a cove along the coast. Next came further information about the leader of this band of criminals. The noble was a member of the Asako family, and they went by a moniker never said to their face – the Fat Man.

Having been emotionally broken by Donoha talking about smithing, Fujiwara nearly wet himself at Donoha’s promise when he insulted a noble, even one that was a guilty of crime. That he would live a full and long life. Many Rokugani consider death the return to the karmic cycle and the chance at a better existence in the next life. By denying someone a return to the cycle they must endure their existence. Donoha made sure he knew that no matter happened to him here, he would be healed to full health to live out his days in a cell.

To flesh out some of the details Donoha’s Lion cousin asked some follow up points. Getting clarification they left and Isawa Tamaki san followed a few moments later. Having tried to offer the man some solace that the right path could be found again. This left Fujwara in a sobbing heap upon the floor. Asahi sama told the guard to have him bathe and double his food for today. The guard nodded and the group left for their meeting with the Phoenix Emerald Ambassador.

The meeting was straight forward if a pleasant respite. The Dragon presented his findings to the Emerald Ambassador. Shiba Sono sama was happy to learn about the reason for the Slaughter on the Hill. What surprised him was Donoha san’s willingness to mingle among heimen (merchants and tradesmen) and eta (untouchable peasants) to find information. Most Dragon Clan samurai are stoic, loathe to speak, and enigmatic, at best. However, getting information from the one in front of him was as simple as asking for tea. It was this dichotomy that made him an even greater mystery.

As discussed in the meeting the group made their way to the hideout of the brigands when they left. The Dragon on his trusted Rokugani pony, Yukiabo. The Phoenix shugenja rode behind him on the same northern horse, while the Lion rode alone on a loaned mount. The trip there was uneventful and the group secured the two mounts where they could graze a bit. Checking their gear, with the Lion and Dragon in heavy armor, while the Phoenix shugenja made sure they had adorned their hat with enough of the ofuda talismans along the brim.

Fujiwara mentioned the cave was very small and if standing might be able to squeeze in 12 to 15 people. The layout was reported as a circular room with carved stairs on both sides from the mouth of the cave. Leading to a raised area for a speaker to address those present. Below the raised area was a small alcove for important items to be stored there.

Upon arrival there were six members present and one of them was arguing about something. Feeling confident the Dragon decided to try and leap into the room surprising them and then defend himself as his cousin shoot them with arrows. It was arrogant to actually not think of their shugenja companion as a combatant. Hyped to finally put the last of the brigands down and removed the pieces of the rotund Asako noble from the board. Donoha sama rushed in declaring his intent to finish what they started on Slaughter on the Hill.

Followed quickly by the Lion bushi and Phoenix shugenja. To say a fight in a cave poorly lit by lanterns, holding now nine combatants swinging weapons, was dangerous to all was an understatement. Things took a turn for the worst when a lucky shot from a brigand stabbed Akodo Asahi sama in armpit after he loosed an arrow into another brigand! It nearly killed him with that thrust and the nature of the fight’s tone shifted from bravado to surviving the conditions of the battle.

It cannot be overstated in saying Isawa Tamaki changed the landscape of the fight by summoning kami of fire and air! Causing balls of flame to erupt or create boiling pockets of steam to blind and broil the enemy. The Lion was forced into dropping his bow and defending himself and the Phoenix while the Dragon swung the black blade, Mittsu Tamashi, the three soul katana!

Each stroke of Mittsu Tamashi did not just kill the opponent, but cut the brigand in HALF! Of the six brigands four were cut in half by Donoha. One burned to death in the Phoenix’s fire spell. The last one was a joint effort where the Lion whittled him down and the Dragon dealt the final blow. The fight was a humbling lesson not to get to full of one’s self.

After a moment of gathering their breath Donoha sama went to Asahi sama and began to bandage their wounds. As he applied the bandage there was a flash of light as though a beam made of the starry night sky erupted! Bathing the Lion in starlight during the day! After a second or two it was gone, the bandage applied, but all of Asahi’s wounds were gone!

“I did not know you had a kami of the Void watching over you Donoha,” uttered Tamaki san.

“I do indeed and their name is Chiasa,” replied Donoha sama, “cousin make sure to thank her for that gift when you meet her.”

“I will indeed,” said Asahi sama.

With that out of the way, the Dragon began to explore the alcove below the raised area. In there he found instructions to gather on the hill to impede the investigation surrounding the murder of Asako Eiko upon a scroll. What is more is that scroll bore a customized mon of the Phoenix! Finally, they had evidence and just needed to tie the mon to its owner. Tamaki san offered to check the scroll further with the help of the kami. The Dragon was all to happy to hold the scroll up so the Phoenix could inspect it.

Taking another of their ofuda talismans Tamaki san performed a spell slightly different from the Reflections of Pan Ku. This one would show the essence surrounding the document. As the kami began to swirl in an unseen dance to all but Isawa Tamaki san. They began to feel the emotional context as the document was being written. Sensations of haste and anxiety began to flood them as the feelings gave way to a vision of an indoor onsen with orange flowers floating within. The vision fades as the stamp of the highly stylized Asako mon is stamped upon it.