Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 46

星が落ちる Hoshi ga Ochiru, the Starfall

Tamae, the Wandering Storyteller, stood upon the other side of the door panel as it was moved out of the way by the Dragon. Donoha sama invited her into the house’s engawa (veranda or porch in low Rokugani). Thankfully he had begun to heat a tea pot so even with the mostly wooden shoji to protect from the elements it began to heat up.

He explained that his purpose for greeting her was to congratulate her on telling his story. This garnered the same look of disbelief. Not one of surprise, but more akin to – you can’t possibly be him. As courteously as his training taught him he explained that if she knew the story then seeing Mittsu Tamashi 三つ魂 the Three Souls Katana should solve this. Setting it down so she could verify the engravings, and calling upon Akodo Chun san’s spirit to make them flash in green light. They exclaimed that the burst of light had not been written about and the Dragon told her to check out book six when it is released in the Crab lands.

When the conversation and questions finished about his identity and some of the adventures. He realized most people would not believe him, or the tales. Inwardly, he thanked Akodo Chun for their help in validating his identity, releasing them from active duty. After seeing his guest out he finished his tea, cleaned the set, and settled into sleep. Outside, by the pit, both Isawa Tamaki san and Taro san watched over their prisoner, Doji Kyouji san. The Phoenix shugenja made sure the peasant boy went and bathed because for some reason Donoha sama wanted to try and educate the only survivor of the most recent attack upon their person.

When the 6th of Shinjo (Month of the Dog {OOC: November}) began as Lady Sun started to pull back the sheet of night Lord Moon had cast. Two men found themselves on a horse given to the Unicorn shugenja when they ventured forth from the Emperor’s Gift caravan. Otaku Gunba san and Shosuro Hanzo san had made it up the ridge to the tall pine the village was named for. They had a brief conversation before beginning to meditate as the village began to rise. Then they heard the rumble and roar! Looking into the sky they saw a star falling from it!

To say that things happened quickly at that point may be the understatement of the whole year! The Unicorn shugenja leapt upon their steed and the Scorpion courtier was right behind them! You’ll be hard pressed to find a better battle tested shugenja that Otaku Gunba san. Using just their legs they called upon the Earth Kami to make a path straight down the side! Bypassing the switch back trail then came the miracle of Otaku Gunba sama!

Working their prayers with the Earth Kami they lifted and slid the whole village out of immediate danger! Following that they made a wall to deflect most of the blast from wiping the village off the face of Rokugan! Once danger from the falling star passed it slowly began to move as close as it could back to its original spot. The amount of lives saved is frankly, everyone present that day!

In the village, chaos was mostly directed by Kitsuki Donoha sama ordering villagers to flee as he and Isawa Tamaki san ran towards the crash site. They soon met up with Gunba sama and Hanzo san and made their way to the crash site. Upon reaching the location they found a rock that had made a “hot springs” of sorts with its crater and instantly melted snow!

The Phoenix shugenja began to reach out to the kami to examine the rock while the Unicorn shugenja kept the villagers occupied and away from something that may be dangerous. Through the Reflections of Pan Ku and Read the Essence spells they were able to determine this was not a portent from the Kami or Fortunes. It was simply traveling through the void and landed here by happenstance. Donoha sama had tested the rock with Chikai kodzuchi 誓い小槌 the Oath-hammer, and his bare finger which was burned.

After talking with the village leaders they learned from Gunba sama they were in the lands of Mirumoto Masashige sama. Hanzo san began to look for a cart nearby at Donoha sama’s direction and Gunba sama headed back to the village to try and find chains. This was due to Donoha sama deciding to take the rock to the Dragon Clan Champion and let them decide what to do with it. Hanzo san was able to find a cart and the family loading it to leave. He politely encouraged them to help bring the rock to the High House of Light.

There was a discussion about how to move forward between the Phoenix and the Dragon. They eventually worked out a plan to remove the Fire Kami in the rock in hopes they could move it. However, once it rose out to make a miniature version of Lady Sun, several things began to happen!

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 45

The Twin Blademasters, a Damaged Doji, and New Friends

On the 26th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster in Low Rokugani {OOC: October}), the wind and snow at the hour of the Horse (Hour of Akodo in High Rokugani {OOC: 12pm – 2pm}) made the air brisk and sharp. As the two participants walked to the center of the recently constructed ring. Donoha sama mused over Hanzo san’s warning. “Remember, he will try like Jigoku to get in the first hit using that move I showed you. I recommend simply shifting to the oblique rather than attempting to parry, then counter strike to his exposed sword arm flank,” warns Hanzo. Deftly sliding a small pouch into the Dragon’s kimono, “If you are hit even for a SCRATCH, immediately rub this powder into the wound! The Bayushi bushi are artisans that paint in blood, and not to be trusted. They will kill even their loved ones.” Hanzo san’s eyes looked down and away in a pained expression, then return to meet Donoha sama’s.

It was Isawa Tamaki san that approached Donoha sama next and told him to just breath in and out as he tore a small ofuda from his hat. Asking permission to touch the Dragon before pressing it to Donoha sama’s forehead and praying. Mystically giving him the sleep and rest he had missed out upon! The Dragon was worried it was a boost and the Phoenix shugenja assured him it was not.

Donoha sama confided in me that he had been pondering using one of the abilities of Mittsu Tamashi 三魂 the Three Souled Katana. Before anyone thinks ill of Donoha sama for his thoughts, or me for breaking his trust. I was given permission to share this as a means of teaching others how to handle power wisely and with honor. Donoha sama did not want to harm Bayushi Koruma san since they were innocent of the crime and had been forced into the duel as a yojimbo by Mirumoto Renjiro sama. He alluded that the power granted by the soul of Akodo Chun san would help him get the first strike if he made use of it. Since the duel was to first blood it would allow him to win and prevent harm to an innocent man.

However, was winning more important or avoiding pain? Some scholars mention that life is pain, and when you no longer feel pain you’re dead. There was the thought of avoiding the first hit so this could become a standard skirmish, and then he could fare better. Then he realized having his sword awaken had somehow shaken his faith in his own skill. He knew his sword better than anyone. This duel would be a reminder to have faith in himself and his abilities. Looking at his opponent they bowed to each other and then to Renjiro sama. Lastly, to Doji Kyouji san, the accused.

Once the young lord declared a start, the only sensation anyone I have spoken to aside from Donoha sama felt was a sense that time had slowed to a crawl. The swordsmen clad in green and red observed each other. Donoha sama reversed their grip upon Mittsu Tamashi as though they were going to draw a tanto! Then both Hanzo san and Tamaki san described the Bayushi bushi as having a slight smile as their cheeks moved.

Then they both disappeared! In their place were small sprays of white snow. Everything between them was a blur of color against a white scroll ready for calligraphy! The Dragon’s arm had swung out wide and allowing the very tip of the black blade with its copper hamon to come to a rest on Komura san’s left temple! A thin trickle of blood running down the side of their face.

With absolutely equal speed the Scorpion’s had made a thrust into Donoha sama’s emerald colored jinbaori (OOC: A surcoat worn traditionally over armor) and yellow hakama-shita (OOC: The shirt you wear with Hakama leggings) beneath it. His mint juban-shitagi (OOC: The under-shirt kimono) had not been touched!

Fate, and the kami, had favored Donoha sama yet again! It seems Otaku Gunba san’s prayers were heard. For the two duelists it was as though they had become a single sculpture. With slow, graceful movements they separated and Bayushi Koruma san turned and walked over to show the trickle of blood running down his face. Kitsuki Donoha sama used three zanshin (OOC: State of Awareness) stances to back up and sheath Mittsu Tamashi. Brushing the tip lighty through the snow to remove any blood. The Scorpion was his equal and he knew his opponent would appreciate the honor showed to him.

The Dragon then stepped forward to show the cut garments. Next, he removed his left left arm and bared his torso. No mark was upon him! Several things began to happen at this moment. However, the “ichi-maru” or “first glance” in Low Rokugani is famous for not letting things escape Kitsuki Donoha sama’s attention.

For the Dragon investigator this was the actual moment of truth. How would the three react now that the challenge had been won. In truth he felt that he’d already learned the measure of the Scorpion as an honorable man. Now came the younger Dragon and the Crane. Doji Kyouji eyes had gone wide, as Donoha sama had seen many times before – shock, horror, and disbelief!

He ran.

Having not been given the permission to leave or the young lord’s verdict Donoha sama did move to follow, he used this time to slide his arm back into his clothing and survey the scene unfolding around him. Not just with his eyes but with his ears. He noticed Shosuro Hanzo san reach into one of his pocket sleeves and pull something out. As he gaze returned to the fleeing Crane he heard what sounded similar to a bow string, but he was certain Hanzo san did not have a bow stashed in their kimono! Still full of mystery the Scorpion was.

As the Crane came into view his friends were beginning to move but the Crane looked something had hit him! No arrows were sticking out of him which made Donoha excited at world. There was always something new to learn about. The Crane tried to move a few more steps and then fell face first into the snow.

Between Isawa Tamaki san, Otaku Gunba san, Agasha Tamori san, and Taro san at the young lord’s direction. The Crane courtier was taken into custody as Mirumoto Renjiro declared the winner and stated he wished to dine with Donoha sama and Koruma san as honored guests. He expected the Phoenix, Unicorn, and Scorpion to attend as well. To Agasha Tamori san, Haru san, and Tetsuo san invitations were extended but not a requirement. With that he returned to the castle and left everyone, Bayushi Koruma san was right behind him.

When Donoha sama caught up to everyone that had taken the Doji into custody. The group had them tied up and they were still unconscious. Hanzo san had supervised the tying technique Taro san used. Apparently he provided Haru san with tea that helps with going to sleep. That should keep their prisoner subdued and compliant.

Heading into the castle food had already been prepared for whomever the victor would have been. Donoha sama and Koruma san sat on either side of the young lord. While the others sat across from them. Renjiro sama mentioned needing to ask a favor and Donoha sama replied that if it please the young lord he would like to ask one as well, in private.

After the meal the young lord asked for Tamaki san, Gunba san, and Hanzo san to make sure to take Doji Kyouji san with them back to the Emperor’s Gift. This way his own clan could pass judgement upon him. He did not want to task Donoha sama with this extra burden after he uncovered the crime and proved his case. They agreed and then he offered to meet with Donoha on the balcony so they could discuss his request.

While they were gone the Phoenix shugenja asked the Scorpion bushi if they would like to keep the scar. Koruma san asked for it to me kept and he would have his hair shorn on that side to preserve it. Gunba san was quiet through most of this as he had been trying to get sleep and had been interrupted by the duel. Hanzo san was helping them by engaging them in conversation.

On the balcony Donoha sama explained the mine, the five nemurani, the jade gift of Osano-Wo. Then he went on about its connection to the events of his father’s murder. Renjiro sama queried if he was worried about the Scorpion, and got a flat affirmative as a reply. Having a jade mine was going to change things. The young lord asked about his family’s copper mine and Donoha sama confirmed they stilled maintained it. He asked for letters of introduction and aid. Donoha sama also offered to request his dueling instructor, Mirumoto Uesugi san, to help hire and rebuild the forces of the city.

Finally, the young lord mentioned he intended to take Agasha Tamori san as an advisor but he would tell them both about the jade. Donoha sama asked him to wait one day and visit with his father at the rebuilt shrine. Then on the following day whatever decision he decided would be the right one for him. They formed a bond of friendship and allies as they returned inside.

The meal was over and Tamaki san half carried Gunba san back to the house they were using, so the Unicorn could finally sleep. It was decided that in three days they would travel to the mine while Agasha Tamori san and Bayushi Koruma san would watch over the city. So, over the next three days from the 27th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}) to the 1st of Shinjo (Month of the Dog {OOC: November}). Donoha sama worked at Haru san’s forge and made two items.

He made for Bayushi Koruma san a kogatana knife with a custom kozuka out of iron. In the kozuka is engraved a dragon grabbing the pincers of a scorpion. He wasn’t worried about him needing to have a new saya made to fit it into his katana. It was a city of craftspeople after all.

Next, he made a set of iron chopsticks with gold inlayed to make them appear as though they’d been repaired with kintsugi. It was a deeply layered gift for the young daimyo on how he came to power. Given how his father had been poisoned and the mine he was to maintain. It would never let him forget that he was no longer a youth.

They arrived at Serpent’s Tail Mine in the late afternoon of 2nd of Shinjo (Month of the Dog {OOC: November}). Jiro san was confirmed as the headman by Renjiro sama. Next, he was shown around the site with a complete tour. Going over the repairs, nemurani, the shrine, and on the following morning the jade mine. Donoha then made a request to take 10 fingers worth of jade and the un-tainted obsidian, which was granted.

Doji Kyouji during this time was being kept passive and in a 20 shaku deep pit made by the magic of Isawa Tamaki san. The first night they had sprung it on the prisoner as a surprise and the fall caused him to break their arm. Donoha sama went and retrieved the kimono’s from the Doji’s residence in the city. He gave one over to Tamaki san to make into a sling for the arm. The Dragon took immense joy in seeing the Crane watch as the kimono was torn asunder to make the sling.

It took another three days to arrive at Tall Pine Village in the evening of the 5th of Shinjo (Month of the Dog {OOC: November}). During the trek to the village Donoha sama spent the time teaching Taro san the basics of reading and calligraphy. He wanted to make sure he did not end up like his bother and tried to get him excited about learning. He hoped it would allow him to succeed Jiro san as the mine’s headman one day.

The group settles into the Pine Needle Retreat Tea House while the Doji is watched over by Taro san and Tetsuo san. The Pine Needle Retreat Tea House is a cozy establishment offering fine teas, hearty meals, and modest but clean rooms for weary travelers. The tea house is adorned with wooden carvings of pine branches and traditional paper lanterns that glow warmly in the evenings, making it a hub of activity and hospitality in the village.

The proprietor, Hoshi san, is a short, wiry man in his late fifties, with a face weathered by years of laughter and worry. Was quick to make sure the samurai were seated and that food and drink would be forth coming. Their apprentice, Miko san, was the one to bring it out. However, Miko san had an issue of rushing and being clumsy when excited. Soon her nature roused the curiosity of the two shugenja.

While the Unicorn and the Phoenix consulted the kami about the serving girl’s nature. Donoha sama met with the village headman, Sanjiro san, and arranged for lodgings. It seems Gunba san had already dealt with the horses before coming in. The headman mentioned he would let those outside know where to go and then come back to escort them when they were ready to rest.

While they awaited the headman’s returned the group was entertained by Tamae san, a traveling entertainer with an array of hand-painted fans and a repertoire of folktales and songs. Tonight was special because she was retelling a new tail she’d picked up in the Phoenix lands. It was “In Defense of Honor” and Donoha sama’s face flushed when she began.

Hanzo san was having and amazing time with the food and tea brought, having developed new favorite dishes. Being regaled with Donoha sama’s history was sweet drizzle on the mochi to him. Tamaki had taken the time to compose a haiku for the pretty apprentice, Miko san.

Porcelain teacups,
Graceful hands, a gentle spill
Charm in her chaos.

While Gunba san had gotten the water kami to play a game with any liquids Miko san carried. They would just not spill! Every time she had an accident the liquid would just fall back into the cup she was carrying. He even made her a small charm that would reverse her fortunes. Given her clumsy nature it seem to balance her out.

Soon, Sanjiro san would return to take them to the house they were to be lodged in. Tamaki san made the Doji’s special, deep, bed and Tetsuo san kept watch trading out with Taro san. Before leaving Donoha sama made sure that the headman would pass on a message to Tamae san. That the owner of Mittsu Tamashi was in town and wished to speak with her. Not more than an hour of the day later was there a rap upon the door.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 44

Herbalist Assessments Lead to Duel Inspiring Accusations

They entered the pantry from the home of the Doji attendant to the young lord. The Scorpion courtier checked the herbs hanging as they had practiced herbal medicine. Nothing in here could do any more harm than making food taste bad at the least. At the most causing incontinence if taken in a large enough dose or a prolonged period.

Seeing the home was not well lit, Donoha sama took a lantern and handed it to Hanzo san. Asking him to see about getting it lit and bringing it back. While the Scorpion was away the Dragon began checking the front room and found nothing of note. Moving through the main hallway to the back residence wing they came upon a small family shrine. A number of small haiku were kept upon it among some incense burning in a bowl. Donoha sama quietly chuckled to themself about the light source he had sent Hanzo san on an errand for.

When Hanzo san returned with the Crane’s ornately made and now lit lantern. He found the Dragon in a room filled with stands, each holding an incredibly ornate kimono. Each were thoroughly searched to make sure nothing had been hidden within the stands, sleeve pockets, or the lining. From there they moved to the residential room in the back of the abode.

Behind a shoji screen in the room, Donoha sama found a covered plant. He asked Hanzo san to check it out and discovered it was a yama kaji 山火事 pierisu, or mountain fire pierisu on low Rokugani. Once the Scorpion saw this they put gloves on! While the plant could come in many colors the red flowers is what earned this version the name – mountain fire.

The Dragon asked the Scorpion why the need for gloves, and he mentioned it was his herbalist training. Explaining the plant was found in many gardens throughout the empire because of the color and beauty it can have. However, his teachers explained that it could not be cultivated for teas or food. Ingesting even one piece of the flower or leaf can cause voracious amounts of drool, headaches, and vomiting. Any more than that has been known to cause spasms and death. What Hanzo san said he was unsure about is if physical contact would do the same thing.

Donoha sama had the Scorpion cover the plant up and they left the Crane’s dwelling, with Hanzo san safe-guarding the plant. Intent to go and check out the domicile of Bayushi Koruma san. He now knew why the cook the former lord favored had been made to help. He knew the Crane was involved and he needed to know if they were working with the Scorpion.

During the time of the investigation Otaku Gunba san had walked over toward Tetsuo san and Haru san. Wanting to casually speak with them about what he felt in stillness and how he thinks his senses could feel yet further. They felt comfortable doing so after being in a conversation with Haru san and Donoha sama about working on some smith work in the next day or two. Taro san had been hanging around the two shugenja after noticing Donoha sama disappearing into the Crane’s house. Isawa Tamaki san kept their watch on both the pool fed by the waterfall and the road back to the castle.

As the Dragon and the Scorpion emerged his new master suggested the boy hang out around both Tetsuo san and Haru san. There was a tone in his voice that Taro san had heard from people in charge many times when trying to phrase an order as a request. He fell in step behind them until he saw the two monks and dutifully broke off to follow the command. He tried to absorb any wisdom they might discuss but Haru san, the former Mantis samurai was reflecting on the errors of their life, including some time as a pirate.

Tamaki san had informed the Dragon and the Scorpion that Gunba san had gone to lay down to be ready for watch tonight. The three samurai went to collect their fourth member before going into Koruma san’s rather modest, single room dwelling. Hanzo san tried to warn Donoha sama about the little things a member of their clan would leave in a room to know if it was touched or disturbed in some fashion. However, the Dragon slid the door as wide open as he could and made it clear he wanted people to know he walked into two homes because there were no ashigaru or samurai guarding this place.

In a box that had a puzzle locked compartment in the lid Donoha sama found two scrolls. Upon checking them both he instantly recognized the writing he saw in the Crane’s home. It was the same handwriting from the haikus on the family shrine! The first scroll detailed to a mentor how they had gotten control of the young lord and would soon rule the city of Mountain’s Anvil through them as a puppet. The mentor’s reply cautioned this was a risky path to attempt. Then they laid out some steps to try in the second scroll!

Inside he also found some candies that Hanzo san confirmed were just what they appeared to be. It would seem this particular Scorpion bushi had a sweet tooth. The Dragon gathered up the candies and tucked them into his kimono. The group headed back to the loaned house to discuss everything and make their next move. That meeting ended with Donoha sama saying, “Time to go and pick a fight.”

I feel as the author I should remind my readers that if you meet the Dragon Investigator and they looked pleased with themselves. The same way the Ise Zumi monks of the Togashi family look before they leap off a cliff! Guard yourselves because if they have a tell when a plan is going their way, it is that. Now thinking that makes them predictable would be a mistake, it makes him dangerous. When he told me the next part of the story he had that look! He got exactly what he wanted from that encounter.

Few people can say they out maneuvered a Doji in ANY court within the Emerald Empire. Kitsuki Donoha sama is one of them. No one in that room expected the Dragon Inquisition! They were invited in and he flatly explained to the servant that he had found out how the lord actually died. He bid them let their lord know and they were quickly shown upstairs! He delivered the news with all the gracefulness of a two-handed tetsubo crushing in your opponent’s face.

The accusation of the Crane courtier was as swift as his exoneration of the Scorpion bushi. His flourish for the Scorpion and the young Dragon lord was tossing the candies at the older bushi mentioning, “I believe these belong to you.” The Kitsuki had thrown oil on the fire and just stood there to watch the social fire burn. Waiting patiently for the moment he wanted since he learned of the foul play. The Crane was as offended as you could expect and demanded trial by combat. The young lord quieted everyone and stated that Koruma san would stand in as the yojimbo for Kyouji san. A duel would be set up behind the castle and in front of the shrine. Everyone was to meet there in one half hour of the day.

As they were leaving Hanzo san was going to watch the exits of the city in case the Crane tried to flee but the Unicorn shugenja was quick to point out that would cause him to die on the road. Otaku Gunba went on to engaged their Phoenix counterpart while making their way out of the main castle doors, “Tamaki-sama, what a great time to inspect the shrine… what do you think? Maybe a half-hour?”

While the two shugenja headed off towards the shrine, and Hanzo san pursued their concerns. Donoha sama took the time to have tea with Agasha Tamori san, Haru san, Tetsuo san. Taro san waited patiently in the corner of the room. He brought everyone up to speed as they enjoyed tea together. Afterwards he spent time crafting another haiku.

Steel clashes in night,
Dragon roars, Scorpion stings,
One will fall to shade.

As everyone gathered for the duel. Hanzo san noticed the Unicorn shugenja offering quiet prayers to Osano-Wo and his attention through this storm. All present watching as they determine the fate of his child.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 43

Mysteries Deepen Upon Murder Most Foul

Tetsuo san provided more details about how the father died at the shrine behind the governor’s castle. Apparently, the former governor is the one that broke the shrine behind the castle as he died. That happened three months ago. Which just happen to coincide with the time table at the Serpent’s Tail mine! This information from Haru san was getting progressively more complex. Also, during this time the peasant chef the former lord was fond of disappeared! This was quickly turning from a string of coincidences to a plot to seize power. Quite possibly through the young, acting, governor.

It was decided to sleep in shifts tonight and Donaha sama was quick to volunteer for the second watch. Hanzo san offered to take the second watch and show the Dragon how the Scorpion fight. The Unicorn shugenja opted to go and meditate at the waterfall. One other very odd scenario noticed by a few members of the troupe, no guards patrolling the city. Hanzo san mention they would check on this as Gunba san left the loaned house for the waterfall in the light snowfall. As everyone began to settle down, night crashed upon the mountain city.

Upon his return Gunba san asked him in what direction he had wandered as he heard a person walk from one location to another behind him. Had there not been snow this might have escaped his notice. Alas he was in the middle of meditation and the steps never came closer to him. The Scorpion mentioned he would tell Donoha sama, but he had to wake him to go over some techniques for his sparring match tomorrow.

Donoha sama roused at the touch from Hanzo san. When the Scorpion tried to begin explaining things in earnest. The Dragon stopped mentioning he was good with a sword, but even he did not want to practice anything in a room full of sleeping people. They share a smile and Hanzo san took him to the shrine he had passed during his wanderings behind the castle. Taking one of the two bokken wooden swords Donoha sama carried he began to go over how a Scorpion bushi would attack.

Wielding the other bokken and Chikai kodzuchi 誓い小槌 the Oath-hammer in his off hand. The wakizashi from his tied to his back to be access from his left shoulder. While the jade katana was tied to his back for access from the right shoulder. Thus making it clear he had no intention of using the jade katana. Mittsu Tamashi 三魂 the Three Souls Katana was still on his left hip in his obi. Hanzo san came after him again and again.

After some time Donoha asked him to use the shorter, straight sword he seemed fond of. The Scorpion agreed but had to clean it in the snow first for some reason. It looked as though it had an acid etched blade similar to his making it dark. However, it seemed to come off much easier than he suspected it should. Perhaps he’d not kept up on its maintenance. Regardless, once he was done the Dragon took the center stance and told him to strike him!

It was clear in an instant that Hanzo san had his own skill with the blade as he did manage to strike him, and leave a scratch. When the Dragon launched into action as a reply he deliberately struck the hand holding the blade so hard it went flying. He left a scratch with the wooden blade that matches the damage done by real weapon of his opponent! Hanzo san tried to apply a powder to Donoha sama’s scratch. While he appreciated the offer he told him he felt fine. In truth, Donoha sama learned everything he’d wanted to know about Hanzo san and his skills. Quietly, he wondered whom was more deadly, Shosuro Hanzo san or Bayushi Airi san.

Hanzo san, went to head and bed down. This finally allowed Donoha to focus on the other item that had caught his attention. The state of the shrine that was designed for communal use so any number of fortunes or kami could be honored at it. The one at the mine had been damaged far worse, but if he grabbed his supplies he could fix this completely – tonight! He finished about a full hour of the day before sunrise. He had found incense and lit offerings to Earth, Fire for the shrine. Water for the city, and to the fortune of Osano-Wo. Since the event at the shrine clearly had ties here he would meditate and recover his spirit if he could not get sleep.

Having used the last of his adhesives kit, the Dragon headed back after the glory of Amaterasu’s gaze touched his face. Hanzo san was very concerned about him not getting enough sleep and made some tea that should hold him over for a few hours of the day. Taro san was tasked with holding his two bokken while he left the jade katana upon the missives and then piled his armor on top. Kitagawa-neko sama took rest upon the pile like a watch-dog.

Gearing up to poke this administration to see what might shake loose between the Crane and the Scorpion. More than a little worried the young governor that might have helped to murder his father in a power grab. He had to start figuring out where everyone stood on the father. The group headed over to the governor’s castle and a different servant let them in and bid them toward the stairs.

The expected three were waiting and rice among other dishes were laid out as everyone waited for their arrival. While all of the pleasantries were maintained, Donoha sama knew the Doji and the Bayushi would not miss the unspoken message. Donoha sama had knelt to eat and chat about the morning but his katana was still in his obi on his left, his wakizashi was in the back, and the hammer was in the front. The grace he showed eating all the while being armed sent an unspoken message about how he felt in this home!

The young governor did not mention anything about it, so he mentioned having repaired the complete shrine behind the castle. It was clear the topic pained the young lord to discuss and they confirmed his father died there. They confirmed the thrashing about and that was how the shrine fell into disrepair. The more he heard it sounded like poison causing muscle spasms to the Kitsuki investigator and justiciar.

He continued with offering to pray with the young governor at the repaired shrine. Mirumoto Renjiro sama thanked him and said he would think about it. The feeling was a surprise this morning and still hurt more than he would like to admit. However, he was grateful for the offer and then excused everyone as he had topics to discuss with his advisor. Those same advisors were trying to glare tantos at the Dragon subtly, but Donoha sama had been trained to recognize such gestures. Inwardly, he smiled.

The Dragon wished everyone a good day and mentioned to the Bayushi about where they might meet for sparring. He was a little sad to be brushed off but decided not to call him scared for wanting to push off their sparring match. Instead, they mentioned the group was going to talk with the Water Kami about some dark visions they had been having. To most people it would seem like a passing thought, but again the subtext he once more intended for the Crane and the Scorpion. The message was he was not leaving, he was going to be digging into things.

Once outside, the group headed over to the waterfall’s pool. Where Gunba san communed with the Water Kami about the dark vision. What they were able to learn was that a person with an educated manner of speech was coercing a peasant into doing something for them. Also that the person doing the coercion had been here less time than the person being coerced.

This instantly ruled out Haru san and Agasha Tamori san because they founded Suigeki Toshi! While it did not completely rule out the young governor. It certainly pointed closer to the Crane and or the Scorpion as being the one coercing the peasant, and able to make them disappear. Next, Gunba san communed with the Earth Kami to find out the path the person behind him took last night.

A crack appeared in the ground leading from the window of one building, across the city center to the steps of another. Donoha sama stopped a peasant and asked about each building. It turns out the building where the crack stopped at the window belongs to the Doji and the other belongs to the Bayushi. The Dragon thanked them and allowed them to continue on with their day.

Upon examining the window of Doji Kyouji’s domicile it appears something heavy broke the window sill and it had been pushed back together. Opening the window and looking inside revealed a storage area with herbs drying and hung up. Seeing the entrance to the room was inside, Donoha sama headed right up the the door and opened it to head inside. Hanzo san was standing nearby as a look out while Gunba san and Tamaki san stay back closer to the city center and the waterfall for early warning. The game was getting interesting!

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 42

Journey to the Mountain’s Anvil

On the morning of the 20th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}) the four samurai made their way back into the mine. They left the Bell of Air at its repaired station by the entrance. There were plans to add a small shrine into the wall next to it, but Tatsu san had not started on it yet. Continuing on to the chamber with the jade and obsidian they made their way deeper.

Otaku Gunba san recommended sealing the chamber back up until they could figure out how to handle the situation. Isawa Tamaki san agreed and they both thought the Stone Mask of Water and the Lantern of the Void should be sealed up inside. This would prevent someone else from finding this and exploiting it before steps could be taken to secure the safety of the jade and the kami.

Shosuro Hanzo san was moved once again upon seeing such a deliberate sign of the power of the kami. Turning to Donoha sama as they rested their hand upon the jade floor that had been changed into un-tainted obsidian during the pacification of the kami. Well known for their aversion to being dirty or unclean this was surprising behavior to say the least. Turning to the Dragon, “Donoha sama, have you ever seen something so beautiful that everything else you looked upon afterward faded a little, as though other things somehow lessened in clarity and importance?”

The Dragon nodded, “I understand exactly what you’re going through.” The Dragon made a note about things that made his newest friend tick. Setting the Stone Mask of Water and the Lantern of the Void within the jade cavern opening, they asked the Unicorn and Phoenix shugenja to seal the opening once more. It was done and Tamaki san added mons for the Fortune Osana-Wo, Fire, Earth, and the clan mons of the five samurai that helped this village in the stone.

Jiro san would be told to not touch the wall with the mons etched upon it until their return from Suigeki Toshi. The group returned to the village and by the 24th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}), everything had been repaired and upgraded slightly. The buildings all had stone filters to collect snow and rainwater. It would filter into the small gardens and produce food to help feed the villagers. None of the buildings were drafty. The shrine was visited everyday now and Jiro san was leading everyone in exercises at the beginning of the workday. When they were off their work they wore and treasured the kimonos they had been gifted. The two spares that were left were kept as permanent offerings in the shrine. Should the kami ever wish to wear them and walk among the people.

During the 20th to the 24th Taro san had been exclusively helping as Donoha sama’s assistant. Fetching things for him while he was at the forge teaching Tatsu san his craft. Both with the Hammer of Earth and without so he could appreciate what a gift he was being tasked with wielding. This also served in allowing Donoha sama to the chance to experiment with what the nemurani hammer was capable of.

When it came time to depart the mining village of the Serpent’s Tail mine. Donoha sama requested Tetsuo san to let Jiro san know that he would be taking Taro san with him as his retainer. Of course no one complained but the Dragon was fond of having his intentions known by all so their could be little debate.

Thus the last member of the six people that had tried to kill Donoha sama became his retainer as the left towards Suigeki Toshi or Water Hammer City is low Rokugani. The name has been change fairly recently to Mountain’s Anvil Castle as it has grown into a full city with a castle and lord. Becoming one of the largest metal manufacturing centers in the Dragon lands. Not wishing to push themselves the group arrived on the 25th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}). The Dragon knew they had arrived before ever seeing the towers of the buildings built on and into the mountains. The ringing of anvils gave away their location and it was one of the sound Donoha sama always equated with sheer joy.

Upon arriving to the center of the city which had a small castle for governing the day to day affairs of the city. The group was approached by a young male in a very fine but subtlety embroidered kimono of shades of green. They stopped a short distance as Donoha sama broke away from his companions leaving his horse with Taro san to hold the reins while Hanzo san waited next to it. The others had been leading their mounts as well. The entire city streets had been cleared of snow and it was obvious there were people dedicated to not just removing snow but keeping them clean of all debris!

The young male introduced themselves as Mirumoto Renjiro, acting governor of Mountain’s Anvil as his father has passed away. Donoha sama introduced themselves and expressed condolences for the passing of the young Mirumoto’s father. Sharing that their fathers likely knew of each other. Prompting Mirumoto sama to ask if Donoha sama’s family ran the copper mine he had heard about. The Dragon courtier confirmed as such.

Next, the Mirumoto introduce a member of the Crane and the Scorpion clans, which notedly surprised Donoha sama! This far into Dragon lands to have retainers from other clans seemed strange but would have been normal in Otosan Uchi. Doji Kyouji san from the Crane Clan and Bayushi Koruma from the Scorpion clan. The Crane looked as graceful and elegant as Doji Hoto had once appeared, but this obvious courtier carried no Kakita blade at their side. In fact, they carried no weapon of any kind. Inwardly, the Dragon courtier had to remind himself to not instantly dislike the man based on his interactions with the imposter Crane, Hoto.

The Scorpion on the other hand had a the appearance of a hunched back, carried a daisho. This was the kind of man you warned your children to be wary of when they went outside. It was a textbook description of how most people would describe a Scorpion to someone not of that clan. Even knowing this was likely a facade the man put on when in public. Donoha sama found himself liking him for such a well portrayed falsehood.

Donoha sama in turn introduced each of his traveling in the most unusual way, he started with Kitagawa-neko sama! Getting permission from the Mirumoto governor to display a small portion of the katana upon their back. He revealed the jade infused blade, which glinted green in the light of Amaterasu gaze. Then explaining the cat would follow whomever held the blade. Returning the blade to his back, he then introduced everyone in order of their arrival to the group.

It was discussed about how the young governor was stepping up to fill the role of their late father until the Mirumoto and Kitsuki families could decide upon whom the next governor would be. Donoha sama mentioned their group was with the Emperor’s Gift caravan and they were being led to the High House of Light by Tetsuo san. In order to meet with the Clan Champion on the Emperor’s behalf. He was deliberately leaving out the part about carrying messages to safeguard their cargo.

Then he explained their work on the mine and how it had been run down, attack by the snowmen or yeti of the mountains. Apparently, the Scorpion bushi had faced one while in the service of the young governor’s father and during this acting governor’s tenure. He continued about how the mine and its shrine had been wrecked, and the kami were angered causing the miners to become unable to continue their work. Next, he explained how the Phoenix and the Unicorn shugenja along with their Scorpion courtier were able to pacify the kami while he helped to rebuild the village.

The young governor nodded and explained that their last shipment had been late but these events would easily explain such a delay. Upon asking if the village needed more help Donoha sama said they absolutely would. He explained he had taken Taro san as his retainer in case things needed to be accomplished that samurai could not do. The young governor nodded but did not question the choice.

Donoha sama was studying the advisors during all of this. His trained eye and the *ichi-maru* of the Kitsuki investigators allowed him to see that both the Crane and the Scorpion were looking after this boy the way a parent would. It was also clear that each of them disliked the other. He imagined this is what an Imperial court looked like on a much smaller scale.

Donoha sama offered a gift of craftsmanship before he left. The young governor could provide some iron and he would make something from it before leaving. With being offered such a generous gift the young governor offered them an unused building and they would have lodgings setup while they dined and Donoha sama regaled everyone with tales of his exploits.

With that arrangement made everyone bowed and they parted ways. Tetsuo san had spotted another monk from the Brotherhood of Shinsei, and excused themselves to go and converse. Everyone began to head to their lodgings. The samurai found the house pointed out to them on the cliffside that had been referred to. It was very clean and empty but would have furnishings provided. They set their gear upon and surrounding the box with the missive at Gunba san’s suggestion so it would remain hidden. Afterwards, they tried to seek out if there was a bath-house available somewhere in the city.

They were directed to the waterfall and soon found Tetsuo san engaged with a monk that turned out to be one of the two founders, Haru san! Leaving him to their conversation they soon met the other founder, Agasha Tamori san! It would seem the young governor asked him to come and heat the waterfall for the guests to bath in. Donoha sama tried to gently find out why the Agasha family had defected to the Phoenix. Alas he did not find out that answer as Tamori san did not have it. He did learn that not all of the Agasha had left which was a relief to know the Dragon Clan was not without shugenja!

Explaining each item he left Mittsu Tamashi and the jade katana in the Dragon shugenja’s care. They were honored and Kitagawa-neko sama curled up for a nap upon Donoha sama’s items. He kept his smithing hammer in his hand just as he had done with in the last two hot springs in Phoenix lands. Because the area they were bathing in was secluded from public view they were able to relax. Hanzo san began to play a song for the Water Kami. As Gunba san made sure to commune with the kami and make sure they could hear and enjoy the gift.

During their commune though the Water Kami was sharing visions with Gunba san. During this a dark vision popped up that was very recent but the kami seemed to apologize. Pushing it aside because they did not want to convey something dark when the song was so beautiful to them. After that was over the Unicorn tried to talk with the Phoenix but he had a blissful look on his face. Turning to the Dragon he asked Donoha sama if they could chat for a minute.

The Dragon got out, dried off and collected their belongings. Joining the Unicorn after letting everyone know they shouldn’t keep their host waiting. They discussed in their building about the dark vision and the Dragon made plans to gently poke the bee hive during the upcoming meeting. With everyone soon back together they headed into the governor’s castle.

Upon entering the foyer of the castle they were greeted by a graying haired servant of the young governor. She bowed and stepped aside to welcome them in with a practiced wave of their arm. The Dragon looked for empty sword racks to leave is weapons in. The only sword stand or rack was next to very nice suit of armor that was likely worn by the young governor’s father. It had been positioned on its armor box to look as though it were sitting. Donoha sama knelt before the armor and bowed his head to the floor.

“Thank you for allowing us into your home and the home of your son.”

He removed Mittsu Tamashi and placed it in the lap of the armor, wrapping the gauntlets around the tsuka and saya. Noticing a bowl with incense burning in it he turned to see if he could get some more. The servant was clearly practiced in her craft as she was holding three sticks for him. Donoha sama thanked them and lit the incense before leading the group up the steps to the second floor indicated by the servant. Taro san waited just outside the castle’s door in case he would be called for service.

Everyone enjoyed a well-appointed meal. The Crane courtier and the group’s Scorpion courtier hit it off upon learning both had the same aversion to dirt and uncleanliness. Donoha sama managed to pique the interest of the Scorpion bushi by asking if they could spar in the morning since his cousin had been called away by the Fortunes. He tried to up the ante by baiting him into an actual duel. However, that idea was denied by the young governor. Then he launched into his tales!

The creation of Mittsu Tamashi, traveling Rokugan, the journey back, making history being the only other person to make an Eight-Man-Cut! Following it up with joining the Emperor’s Gift, saving Matsu Mayumi san in Shiro Akodo, the Battle of the Emerald Shades outside of Otosan Unchi. The travels and saving the Moshi shugenja on their gempukku. The numerous times facing the Oni of Remembrance. The liberation of Mori Kage Toshi, the murder investigation of Shiro Shiba. Clashing blades with a Kakita duelist and winning, plus the gifting of their kimono signifying their loss. Traversing Mori Kuroi and arriving in Kyuden Tonbo. Finally the tale of their travels in Meido and Gaki-do. Ending with saving of the miners and rebuilding Serpent’s Tail mine village.

For now, nothing was mentioned of the jade that had been found. That tale lasted well into the evening and everyone enjoyed the telling. Some of Donoha sama’s companions got to hear some events for the first time as they had not been present for everything. Upon returning to their building it was indeed furnished and none of their belongings had been touch, just as the young governor had promised. The Unicorn verified the missives were still there as Tetsuo san was let in by Taro san. He bore news there is suspicion about how the father of the acting governor passed away. Gunba san mentioned what he learned from the Water Kami and Donoha sama nodded, the game was afoot!

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 41


Before the group of Isawa Tamaki san, Otaku Gunba san, Shosuro Hanzo san, and Tetsuo san could enter the mine a snow storm blew in and it was decided they would wait for it to pass. Tetsuo san spoke with the villagers and it appears these storms happen, but typically don’t last much longer than half a day. The journey should be able to be attempted in the morning. It was agreed they would rest and go in the morning after having rice. Donoha used the storm as an excuse to focus on the forge and tools that would be needed. He received many hidden stares from the villagers, but no one questioned the Dragon as he wielded Chikai kodzuchi 誓い小槌 the Oath-hammer again and again.

It was dark and cloudy before Donoha sama turned for the night. On the morning of the 15th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}), Donoha sama and the group awoke to bowls of steaming rice and vegetables. In front of the Dragon was a letter from the Lion samurai.

To my esteemed cousin, Kitsuki Donoha
The Fortunes have spoken to me in a vision, compelling my steps to another path. I have departed in the quiet hours of the night, unwilling to burden you with farewell. Know that my absence is not born of doubt but of duty; the road ahead is mine alone to tread.
I entrust the jade sword to your care. Its weight is not merely in steel and stone but in the honor it represents. Guard it with all the vigilance that flows in our blood. Be resolute, for the journey will demand the strength of your heart and clarity of your mind.
When the winds carry the scent of spring blossoms once more, I trust the heavens will guide us to stand side by side again. Until then, may the Fortunes bless you with steadfast resolve, and may their protection shelter you from all ill tides.
Walk with honor, cousin.
Akodo Asahi

There were two other items left in there spot within the barracks. The jade katana, and Kitagawa-neko sama. The Dragon would realized that the cat would follow whomever held the jade katana. Tamaki san mentioned that Donoha sama was now his Yojimbo based on the agreement he had with Asahi sama. The Dragon nodded, mentioning he was welcome to take possession of the Katana but wearing such a weapon would invite its own share of issues.

Going back to the group Tamaki san follows the suggestions Donoha sama has given him. He will carry the Pickaxe of Fire, Gunba san will carry the Hammer of Earth, and Hanzo san would use two at different times. First they would make use of the Bell of Air to make the kami aware of their arrival and procession the the chamber holding the jade. Then they would switch to the Stone Mask of Water so they could see the kami. Tamaki san would set the Lantern of the Void in between everyone to illuminate the darkness.

Well, once the group entered the mine, Hanzo san did not just ring the Bell of air with its clapper made of stone. He made it a performance based on a dance he knew that used bells he referred to as the Dance of the Gentle Breeze. Music can vibrate the air, shake water, bounce off the earth, and even affect the flicker of fire burning air as food. Their knowledge of monk teachings is really rather impressive.

Donoha sama saw the entire thing as a familial dispute and suggested treating it that way. While they ventured forth he took command of the village and continued working alongside the peasants. Before the day officially began he led them in a very quick prayer to the kami of the mine and made it clear they would do so every day going forward. He would correct things quietly, but when praise was due he would make a big deal about it. The work on the village continue throughout the day. His constant companion because of the jade katana on his back was of course, Kitagawa-neko sama.

When they made their way into the chamber that had the opening to the jade. They setup their joint ritual to bring forth the Fire and Earth Kami. The Bell of Air and the Dance of the Gentle Breeze apparently helped. Both spirits arrived when the commune spell was performed by the Unicorn and the Phoenix.

Tamaki san gets the Kami to discuss their origins and how the jade was made. The visions were shared with everyone in the chamber. Gunba san then began to explain to the Kami that this gift of jade in such an unusual way is a gift from Osana-Wo the Fortune of Fire and Thunder. As this happened after a lightning strike where the veins were embedded into the mountains. Gold tied to the Fire Kami as a blessing and the same for iron to the Earth Kami. While this was happening Hanzo san performed a dance to try and convey unity to spirits that communicated in a visual medium of visions. He was very successful.

The amount of spiritual energy they had pushed into communing effectively with the Fire and Earth Kami was immense from Tamaki san and Gunba san. As they had successfully convinced the spirits of the gift that the Fortune of Fire and Thunder had granted to them. They in turn presented another unique and astounding gift. In the smallest, slowest, earthquake ever seen in the history of Rokugan. Shards of obsidian began to exit the cave and make a path of shards as wide as the two shugenja were sitting on the ground! Yet none of the shugenja could feel the curse of Onnotangu! Gunba san conveyed thanks and appreciation alongside Tamaki san.

Back in the village of the Serpent’s Tail Mine the Dragon was organizing the people into groups. Having their morning prayer at the shrine and then split off to work on the well, shrine, finish removing the building not being lived in down to their framework. Then it was fixing any of the frame work that could be salvaged. If salvaging was not an option they would use the old piece as a form of template to craft a replacement piece.

Every time they would finish a building frame, the Dragon stopped his work, came over and celebrated everyone on that team. It surprised them all when he’d list details he noticed and whom was responsible for each part! Apparently his observational skills were just as sharp as ever before. He was trying to get them to feel pride and confidence again. They needed hope that things could get better and finally they could really see the results of their labors.

Every building except for the warehouse the villagers were using and the barracks the samurai had been provided had functional frames and high pitched roofs to help with snowfall sliding off them. Troughs with crushed rocks from buildings torn down, and loose mine debris were made to catch the snow and then it would melt and run down the angle portions to a main trough that fed back to the water source of the village.

Donoha sama mentioned to Jiro san that the varying size of rocks would help act as a simple form of purification for the water. Small gardens were built between the buildings with troughs and holes were made so rain water could help grow some food to supplement the villagers. Never in his life had he been so happy to grow up where he did at Copper River Manor. He uttered several prayers throughout the day to various Fortunes for allowing him the chance and opportunity to help these people.

As the day was drawing to a close the shrine had both the fire and earth statues for the kami nearly put back together using wood scrap to frame the area and molten iron to fill in the cracks and provide support for the stone. Kintsugi was the High Rokugani term for gold joinery. Tetsutsugi or iron joinery was being used in the stonework for the kami statues.

Then Donoha sama would use gold joinery on some of the smallest pieces to repair the statues with both ores. Showing them to be more beautiful for the struggles, not in spite of them. Hopefully this thought process would seep into the villager minds and hearts. They’re stronger together, and can overcome problems by working as a team.

When the group of three samurai and one monk emerged from the mine they were surprised to realize how much time had actually passed. Tetsuo san had been mentioning how surprised and pleased he was in their success at calming the kami and helping them understand their purpose here. They had not completely decided how to deal with the jade discovery. They thought Donoha sama should come and see this himself.

They found the villagers mostly around the latrine which had been torn down and the Dragon was working on a large bar of iron at the forge. Tamaki san gathered his attention and he put his all his work down except for his smithing hammer. The group explained – in detail – what happened in the cave. The Dragon nodded and mentioned, upon hearing their suggestions, that miniature shrines should be constructed in the mine for the Bell of Air and the Lantern of the Void. The Hammer of Earth would go to the person working in the forge. The Pickaxe of Fire would go to the village headman, and the Stone Mask of Water would be kept in the shrine until needed.

He then asked Tetsuo to let Jiro san know he would be over to start the ceremony in a few minutes. When the monk nodded and headed over Donoha sama explained he was trying to become an Emerald Magistrate so he could take a more active role in helping the Empire. He needed his companions to know how amazing they are so he deliberately excluded himself from the investigations. This way Hanzo san could find reasons to call this world his home. Gunba san could grow from his normally quiet shell. Tamaki could expand his horizons learning and using his talents in possibly new ways.

They joined the villagers and Donoha sama requested the Pickaxe of Fire, officially proclaiming Jiro san the headman of the village. Then he spoke about the burning of the latrine as a way of shedding the old problems of the village. Tomorrow they would reconstruct it in another location and continue with the rebuilding efforts over all. Then he produced the infamous saki cup left with the group by his cousin. Explaining that it should be returned to Tetsuo san when they were done tonight. A festival began to commence with saki flowing freely for all that wished to partake.

Gunba san took a third of the left over kimono from the five that attempted to attack Donoha sama. Using it he cast his spell and fixed the last of the Inari fox statues for the shrine. After that was placed Tamaki san and he discussed topics with each other until the late evening. While Hanzo san and Donoha sama talked about his place in this world. The Scorpion considered it a blessing because someone they cared for deeply is alive in this Ningen-Do where they had passed in their version of Ningen-Do.

From the 16th through the 19th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}) they completely finished the shrine. Including a small iron statue of Osana-Wo affixed to two, curved iron poles from the rear corners of the shrine to just above the center of the shrine’s roof. Supported by shaped stone on the roof’s apex. Donoha mentioned his family had a similar structure and it allow lightning to strike the iron but leave the building safe. It was a gift from an Agasha scholar of the fortunes.

Other items that got accomplished were the opening of the well being repaired by Gunba san using a fourth of the spare five kimono. The latrine had been reconstructed farther away to make the village cleaner overall. The foxes found by the villagers, during the time Asahi sama was still in the village, had a small house built for them and they could come and go safely. Lastly, most of the other buildings had new walls. Donoha sama showed Tatsu san how to make and repair the tools of the mine. Donoha sama promised to have priests sent to help with the miniature shrines in the mine for the relics.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 40

Compassion’s Conclusion, Corrective Consequences

The six villagers and Donoha sama made it quite the distance into the nearby forest. The Dragon was pointing out to Saburo san, his brother Taro san, and four other villagers, which trees he thought would needed to be felled and then hauled back. They had arrived at a small clearing not visible by a road but with heavy worn foot traffic. Donoha sama thought this must be a common location to get wood for mine supports and to burn. The chest with the missives for the Dragon Clan champion secured to his back with rope was not nearly as heavy as he thought it might be.

What caught his attention was the villagers all pulling from their packs katana in various stages of deterioration. Clearly these weapons had not been maintained well. Then they all turned to face him as Saburo san spoke, “This is where it ends for you Kitsuki san, just hand over the chest and we’ll use it to buy a new life for ourselves!”

Unfazed by the weapons and wielders, the Dragon just had a hard believing how stupid these peasants were. Five of the six looked like they had steeled themselves for a fight, yet Taro san looked hesitant and shaky in their resolve. No one here was an actual threat, but he remembered the lucky strike one peasant Lord Asako Takumi had employed nearly killed his cousin. Resting his hand upon Mittsu Tamashi he mentioned Hida Nagahide’s name and the silk-wrapped tsuka felt warm in his grip.

“Please tell me you all are not actually this stupid,” retorted the Dragon samurai lifting his hammer with his left hand while his right remained ready on the three souled katana. They droned on about how they are mistreated by the lords of the land and Donoha sama made a mental note to definitely visit Mountain’s Anvil Castle. He tried to find a peaceful solution, but one of the men rushed him hoping to catch him off guard. Their head was still sailing through the air as the Dragon mentioned it did not have to go this way.

The rest charged except for Taro san, until his brother cried out for him to quit being a coward. From Taro san’s perspective more heads kept flying into the air but he did as his brother commanded. Making the potentially worst swing with a katana in the history of the weapon. It was clear to the dragon he did not agree with these actions but did not want to dishonor his brother. Four heads were sailing through the air as red rain began to fall upon the stark white, snow covered, forest floor.

“Taro, step back and drop your sword if you wish to live today,” the words were the final bit of compassion Donoha had left. Being betray by those he tried to help, wearing the very kimono he had gifted to them. He deliberately had left the “san” off when he addressed the peasant boy. Taro san wisely follow the ultimatum as the Kitsuki delivered on the wishes of the others in granting them a new life. Saburo san’s head left their body, spinning and turning in the air. The thud came in a pair of noises as the first one had hit the ground in conjunction with Saburo san’s body.

“Are you making a statement Itoko-san?”

While Taro san was dropping to a kneeling position and prostrating himself in the snow. Donoha sama turned to the voice that spoke. Coming into the clearing was Asahi sama, Tamaki san, Gunba san, and Hanzo san. The Lion’s look and question was one of curiosity, while the others were far more stern, particularly the Unicorn and the Scorpion.

Hanzo san had his bow ready in case more of the villagers were hiding nearby. Donoha sama had Taro san gather the kimono of the fallen peasants. Prompting the Unicorn shugenja to ask him if he had beheaded the peasants to spare the kimono. The Dragon looked over and simply said, “Yes.”

Still very angry over the betrayal of this attack after everything his group had been doing for the peasants and their village. The Dragon had Taro san hold up one of the kimonos so he could wipe his blade on it. There wasn’t any blood to actually wipe off, the cuts and been so clean and precise that all of it was arrayed around him in the snow. A red bloom of death, gruesome art is normally the trade of the bushi, but with the help of the Crab soul in his sword. He was able to draw his own flower. The act of doing this was to psychologically drive home home how finished he was with being nice. One wrong step from anyone in the village and they could potentially all share the same fate.

When Donoha sama wonders out loud about where the villagers got the worn katana, it was Gunba san that asked if this was the first time the villagers had pulled a stunt like this? Taro san was tasked with gathering the six worn katana and wrap them up with the kimono. Donoha sama wondered if they did this before because of mistreatment at the hands of the daimyo for Mountain’s Anvil Castle? He did not voice his concerns at this time. He was beginning to trust Hanzo san’s fortune telling skills more and more. The group headed back to the Serpent’s Tail Mining village.

Upon their arrival everyone was gathered and kneeling in the presence of Tetsuo san, the monk of Shinsei. They approached the group expressing happiness that the four samurai were able to find their Dragon companion. Donoha sama stepped forward to address the crowd. Tamaki san tried to enhance his Dragon friend’s speech with fiery theatrics, as they had in the sake houses. This close to the mine, the Fire Kami would do nothing more than some sparks.

On the way back to the village Asahii sama had filled in Donoha sama about the items they found in the mine and the discovery of Jade! There was the bell which the Dragon explained was often used in signaling people throughout the mine with needed information. Then the stone head hammer with iron and gold ore veins running through it. Followed by the pickaxe with the elemental symbol for fire etched into it and matches the symbol on Tamaki san’s staff. Then came the stone mask that would allow its wearer to see through rock as though they were swimming in water. Lastly, there was the iron lantern with glass-like panels of crystal and jade!

Donoha sama was nurturing a guess about the items but had to deal with the village first. He stepped forward and addressed everyone with his full name, and that he came from Copper River Manor. This ccopper mine had been in his family for a long time. He was very familiar with miner’s work and metalworking, smelting, crafting the ore into works of art. However, his compassion had just run out with the attack that had been carried out against him.

He made it very clear that if anyone steps out of line he would be inclined to wipe out the village and get new workers to start over. Furthermore, they have one last chance to rebuild their lives and village. Taro san was to be allowed back into the village and no harm was to befall him for trying to honor his brother even though he clearly disagreed with him. The five kimono he had would be given to Jiro san to redistribute among the villagers as needed. The six katana would be kept in the house they were using. If there were any more katana in the village turn them over now or pay the price if found later.

Tatsu san and Jiro san moved to help Taro san with the items in question. Donoha gave rough assignments to the villagers. The group being sent out to cut the trees were also to bury the bodies. While done out of earshot from any of the samurai word spread about how proficient the Dragon courtier was with his katana. While he deliberately did not always acknowledge it, if a villager passed his line of sight they would bow quickly and hurry along.

When a moment presented itself, Donoha sama has Asahi sama test the “earth-hammer” on a rock and confirms his suspicion of these being nemurani of the Agasha when they found the shrine centuries ago. Now this part is Donoha sama’s best guess based on the evidence presented to him. It was likely revealed by some of the kami in the mine. In hopes the samurai would partake in stopping the fighting between the Earth Kami and Fire Kami over whom has rights to the jade that has appeared.

While Tamaki san and Donoha sama work on the shrine, Gunba is the one that managed to succeed in getting the Fire Kami to finally speak with him. While Donoha sama was not sure of what was offered it appeared to be one of the kimono gifted to the villagers. The spirits of fire said they were watching and to tread carefully but they would not interfere with the shrine’s reconstruction. This amazing turn of events allowed him to use another kimono to effect repairs on the four smaller Inari “fox” statues. Using the fire magic of the kami to returned them to a new state as though they had just been made.

While Gunba san retired to the barracks to meditate. Donoha sama asked his Lion cousin over and did something I never expected. He instructed him on how to chisel a hole in a column of wood so he could say he helped with the shrine’s construction. The hammer he allowed him to use was the same hammer he made his katana with, Chikai kodzuchi 誓い小槌 the Oath-hammer! According to our Dragon since the hammer never left his sight he had not broken the oath. I know what your thinking and he explained how he sleeps but that isn’t interesting to write about.

Watching his cousin work and talking with him allowed Donoha to see another opportunity for him to gain experience leading people. He explained that there ware plenty of villagers needing guidance about what to do. It wasn’t that they were lazy, but they needed direction and did not want to overstep or anger the samurai after this morning’s incident. The Dragon suggested it might be good practice for his cousin to treat them like soldiers and keeping the base camp clean and orderly.

The Lion heads out with a renewed sense of purpose and gathers anyone not engaged in a task and they begin on the warehouse clearing and then move to the latrine. This way sanitary conditions with waste can be addressed. During the clearing of the warehouse the come across a small group of foxes and the peasants are instructed to leave them be. While Donoha sama was not aware of them at this time, he had asked Tetsuo san about foxes in the mountains and was told it would be rare to see any this far north.

Now, I have not forgotten about our watchful courtier. While Gunba san meditates our Scorpion patrolled the village and kept a watchful eye on his companions and the villagers. It was far less about keeping everyone safe and far more about making sure if anyone in the village breathed the wrong direction. It would be the last breath they ever took.

After some time, Gunba san awakens or self-rouses from their trance. Having recovered some of their spiritual energy they entreat with the Fire Kami once more and learn things are going poorly in the cavern and they should work out the issue between the Earth and Fire Kami sooner than later. Gunba convinces Tamaki san to join him and when the Phoenix mentions they could use a courtier, Hanzo san offers to join them.

Tamaki san confers with Donoha sama, and the Dragon mentions the nemurani: the Bell of Air, the Hammer of Earth, the Pickaxe of Fire, the Mask of Water, and the Lantern of the Void. Offering suggestions about whom should use each one when dealing with the Kami. The mask he mentioned should go to Hanzo san this time so they can likely see the kami in question. He also wanted to know if the kami want the items left in the mine when they were done or to be kept safely at the shrine? With this information the group of the Unicorn, Phoenix, Scorpion, the Shinsei Monk get ready to depart as Donoha sama and Asahi sama stay work on the village.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 39

Village of the Serpent’s Tail Mine

When Tetsuo san and Jiro san saw the group had found their spots within the large being gifted to them for the duration of their stay. The two mentioned a brief tour of the village. The group was lead around to the barracks where they were currently staying. Then the latrine area, which had collapsed, posing health risks. Next was the warehouse where the miners had moved into but it was damp and unusable for due to broken doors and roof leaks.

Followed up by the forge, with its rusted anvil and decaying tools. The miners were having a hard time maintaining tools or creating new ones. Donoha sama nodded his head quietly, but his face was poorly masking anger mixed with frustration. The scar on the left side of his face helped to mask it as he always appeared slightly perturbed or deep in thought brooding.

This led to the mineral and processing building. It was a mess of unusable workstations under collapsed beams. Jiro san mentioned they had a partial output of gold and iron buried underneath the beams, but not enough for the full delivery. Which left to last spot of the tour, a small shrine and tori gate to the local kami in ruins. no roof, shattered statues, and broken pillars. The miners had forgotten how important the spiritual side of things were as it was just a pit stop mention because they walked past it.

Having been into the spirit realms and knowing how real the kami are made this a hard sight for the samurai to see so casually disregarded. They headed back into their quarters, the barracks, and Jiro san began with an explanation of the history surrounding the mine. Tetsuo san was present but really only nodded in affirmation as lending support to the village headman’s words.

Jiro san continued with a story about how the former Dragon family of the Agasha discovered the mine searching for ore. Depending on whom tells the tale it was either iron ore or gold ore, but to their surprise they found both. When it was discovered how far the twisting veins of ore went into the earth. The peasant workers named the gold vein Miko and the iron vein Mako.

Donoha sama was really hoping to learn why the Agasha had left the clan. They were after all one of the founding families that followed the great kami Togashi. However, those questions would have to wait until they finished the tasks they had been assigned.

Jiro san continued on that the ore processed there is brought to Mountain’s Anvil Castle, before being sent out to the other lands. After some further discussion amongst the five samurai when the monk and the headman left. Donoha sama suggested a two pronged approach. He had the skills to rebuild the village and just needed additional hands, which the peasants could provide. The other four should be more than capable of exploring a mine.

If they encountered the angry kami they had two shugenja that could handle the issue. If they ran into physical trouble both Asahi sama and Hanzo san were capable in a fight. Both could react to a developing situation and protect the shugenja as yojimbo. What Donoha sama did not explain to anyone was that he had a few private motivations.

He wanted Asahi sama to get time leading the group and working with people with very different backgrounds. This knowledge would only aid him when he became a general and dealt with interpersonal conflicts. Hanzo san would need knowledge when he met his superiors of this world’s Scorpion clan. This should give him the chance to gather secrets. Gunba san had a withdrawn he felt needed to get out more. Tamaki san was as inquisitive as he was. This would be a chance to scratch that itch. Finally both Asahi sama and Tamaki san were becoming great investigators and fostering talented teammates was always a good idea.

As the group was settling back in to tackle the mine in the morning. Donoha sama realize some safety issues and shared some tips about safety with the group going into a mine. Hanzo san began to talk with Gunba san and Tamaki san regarding a quick trip to the ruined shrine for another look. It was almost kabuki like how quickly the three of them left as a group.

While the three would be eventually joined by Asahi sama, Donoha sama spoke with Jiro san about using some of the men to repair the shrine with him. Next, he asked about lanterns and rope for the mine to traverse it. Upon finding out the mine’s current condition he then asks for Tetsuo san’s help in handing out all of the kimonos he had been gifted by Hoto san. I think it speaks to the growing minimalist within Donoha sama and his penchant for the virtue of compassion. He did not want to keep such expensive garments when he was unsure of how Hoto san had acquired the money to get them. He now only possessed two fine kimonos. One was granted to him by Akodo Tozawa sama and the other was presented by his cousin, which is also on the cover of Book Four – In Defense of Honor.

Donoha sama explained to Tetsuo that if someone is taking upon themselves the position, even temporarily, of lord over an area. Then they had better be prepared to provide for their subordinates. While feeling his offering was meager, and to be clear to the reader, it was not. Each kimono was worth several koku, it was likely more money than they had ever seen in their lives.

Once that was completed he bid everyone a good evening and headed back to the barracks they had been set up in. On the way though he was called out to by Hanzo san and asked to come over to the shrine. During Gunba san’s departure to the shrine he had taken over responsibility for watching the missives from the Emerald Ambassadors. Upon arriving at the ruined shrine he could see they had been busy at clearing out debris and snow.

While Donoha sama had been away the two shugenja had tried to entreat with the Kami of Earth and Fire, only to be rebuffed for their efforts. That left consorting with Kami of Air, Water, and Void to help sort out the broken statues to the Kami of Fire and Earth. It was Tamaki san that aided in this endeavor, using their magical incantations to move the broken statue pieces into an order the Dragon could figure out how to put back together using a method similar to kintsugi or gold joinery. Only this time he would use iron and then apply the gold using the mix metal technique of shakudo.

On the morning of the 14th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}), the group of Dragon, Lion, Phoenix, Unicorn, and Scorpion found steaming rice set next to where they sleep along with some small amount of boiled vegetables. They ate and the four heading into the mine made their way down while the Dragon got dressed in their simplest kimono and hakama. Using rope from the miners to perform tasuki gake to wrap their shins and kimono sleeves out of the way. The next half an hour of the day (OOC: Rokugan only has a twelve hour day, so 60 minutes) was having few villagers help him cut down trees from a nearby grove. Then drag them back so they could begin repairs.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 38

Truth in Observation

As Shosuro Hanzo san went through the rote and ritual of their divination. The others gave him space as they set up their camp for the evening. The plan according to Tetsuo was to head out in the morning. Akodo Asahi sama was preparing dinner for everyone when our Scorpion companion finished with their divination ritual and packed everything up and made their way over to the camp.

They explained that they could feel kami, one, perhaps more. They were in a cold and dark place. Whatever problem they were facing the group should find a way to help. Soon our group will run across an unfortunate place and if we try and rush things we’ll create unfortunate ripples for ourselves. Then there was something about a small village very near the High House of Light. We should absolutely stop their and bring calm to some problem that appears to be non-violent.

Donoha sama continues to wonder if perhaps Hanzo san started their life in their alternate Ningen-do as a monk and somehow became adopted into the Scorpion clan and trained as a courtier. The reason for his line of thought is that the Brother of Shinsei, Tetsuo san, explained that their were some problems reported at the Serpent’s Tail mine not to many days travel ahead and their true purpose was to report to Togashi Hoshi sama how the five samurai dealt with the situation! He then shared the instructions from the Dragon Clan Damiyo was – I will be here when you arrive, no need to rush.

Togashi Hoshi sama alluded to having familial relations with the Scorpion clan, perhaps his mother. Donoha sama did not wish to broach the topic further in order to be polite and respectful. So far every interaction he’s had with the Scorpion clan, regardless of being negative or positive, has drastically altered fate in their favor. Hanzo san appears to be the next one to provide critical information allowing for a positive outcome it seems.

The meal was delicious but Tetsuo san ate and then retired to a small grouping of trees to rest and meditate. Despite offers being made of letting him sleep in one of the tents with the samurai. The monk mentioned this would be a good way to test himself and his training. The Dragon informed everyone he would be heading off to train, but not with bokken this time. He’d learned some new things about the sword he made in the spirit realms. He was going off to train with it so combat would go smooth rather than surprising himself.

The Scorpion followed after a fashion and watch the practice from a safe distance. At the beginning of what appeared like bushi studying a new school technique there were emerald green flashes coming from both sides of the blade. Their keen archers eyes could make out the marks after repeated flashes when he would reset from a technique. One side read “Mittsu Tamashi” or “Three Souls” in low Rokugani. The other was a bit longer spelling out “Itami wa chie to hikikae ni sa reru” or “Pain is traded for wisdom” in low Rokugani.

Some of the movements the Dragon practiced reminded him of how the Lion fought, others seemed to be training how to defend a person or a space from multiple attackers. Then the came the one with brutal bursts of speed where he appeared to strike twice with each swing. When the Scorpion began to chat with the Dragon he did not seem to mind the added complexity of maintaining a conversation while trying out techniques. When he finished practicing both of them turned in for the night.

On the 9th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}), the group was making their way along a trail when they came across a group of 8 peasants. The closer they got the more hurt and haggard they looked. Donoha sama had been leading Yukiabo while he had Hanzo san on the horse and Tetsuo on its other side. The Dragon had everyone pause as he approached the group waving his hand and calling out. The group moved to the side with the mountain and he approached. They were clearly trying to let the samurai pass by but this Dragon was a Kitsuki.

Intrigued by what got them in this state, he squatted and asked which one spoke for the group. Tatsu san was the one that spoke up and mentioned they had come from the Serpent’s Tail Mine. Problems had begun occurring in the mine. According to the Dragon, he was told they had seeking help to fix the problem but two days back two of their companions had been taken in the night. It seems the assailants match the description of yeti.

Donoha sama engaged his group and Tetsuo acted as the mediator between the samurai and the peasants. It seems they were worried their attempt to get help could be seen as abandoning their duties. Hanzo san was quick to point out that depending on how one looks at it that could very well mean a swift death at their lord’s hand even if help was found. There was a tense discussion between the two courtiers as each took opposite stances on the issue. The Dragon made it clear he would see it as seeking help and make sure the lord of the area saw it in the same light. The Scorpion apologized if he had offended the Dragon, but Donoha sama told him anyone not willing to listen to an opposing point of view was unwise. He reiterated that he valued Hanzo san’s opinions.

Otaku Gunba san had stayed back guarding the box with the missives from the Emerald Ambassadors. While Isawa Tamaki san moved up to heal them with the Lion assisting him. Next, Akodo Asahi sama made rice for everyone with boiled beans and root vegetables. Tetsuo san made sure to convey this in a manner to let them know they had succeeded in finding help. We made it clear we would go back and find either their companions, or at least confirmation of their death. Then the samurai would move on to the Serpent’s Tail Mine and help there as well.

It took about a day and a half to reach the ambush site on the 11th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}). During that time Donoha sama has taken some of the extra padded kimono he had for layering in colder weather and gifted one to a miner. Mint green with dark green sashiko quilting this was still worth a few koku. To another he passed an obi that they could wrap around their face to keep the snow out. At the location it was decided the Phoenix and the Dragon would be the ones to descend over the side into the snowy mist in search of the yeti and the missing members, Shige san and Yohei san.

Just before they were ready to descend Tamaki snapped their fingers and mentioned they had this covered. They removed an ofuda charm from their hat and cast the spell they refer to as Embrace of Kenro-Ji-Jin to swim through the rock! To say the miners were stunned to see him leave and return from the earth was an understatement.

They were able to find one of the arms of the miners and returned with the unfortunate news of their confirmed deaths. Time was taken to build to graves with piled stones and each peasant was given time to pray at them as they began to grieve the loss. Tamaki san offers rice & candles at each pile of stones with names on ofuda charms anchored tot he rocks. Gunba san honors them in the way of the Unicorn, before returning to the missive box and trading out with Asahi sama. Hanzo san rang their bells for the souls to find their way to Emma-O’s gate, and Donoha sama prays to Emma-O.

It was another two days before arriving at the mine’s village on the 13th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}). The only reason everyone was far more hearty upon arriving was Otaku Gunba san repeatedly using Inari’s Blessing to create food and drink. Once the group got close the miners and Tetsuo offered to move on ahead and get the village ready for the samurai’s arrival. Consent was given to do so and when the five samurai made it to the village it was the Hour of the Goat or Doji in High Rokugani (OOC: 2-4 PM).

The group met Jiro san, the village’s foreman for the mine and the miners were clearing out a large bunk house for the samurai to use. The Dragon knew it was useless to stop them, so he just made sure no one was going without shelter. Preferring to carry his own items in he tasked Tatsu san with putting together his collapsible sword stand. Everyone began to settle in before they learned about the history of the Serpent’s Tail Mine.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 37

Road Back to Ningen-dō

Donoha sama had long thought the souls belonging to owners of the blades that make up Mittsu Tamashi were inside the blade already. It had not occurred to him that what he’d managed to perform was creating a tether to those souls. A link to them in Gaki-do! In some ways he was destined to have to journey to Gaki-do in order to save them and bring them forth from the punishment of the realm of the hungry dead.

The three shadowy souls of Hida Nagahide san, Shiba Tsukasa san, and Akodo Chun san fell in line behind the Dragon courtier as musical bells began to ring out. Donoha sama was becoming convinced that one of Hanzo san’s relatives or close family friends had been a monk in his world’s Brotherhood of Shinsei. Their knowledge of rites typically done by monks whom focused on rituals for points in one’s life seemed prolific to put a word to it.

They all returned in mass to the shrine where Donoha reverently replaced the Karmic Key. After bowing in a show of respect to his part in helping the five samurai defeat the Queen of Hunger. He retreated to allow the others to make their feelings known. They have, after all, saved the process of reincarnation! Hanzo continued their performance with the bells used by monks to help guide souls to their place in reincarnation. Normally done from Ningen-do or Rokugan depending upon how the scholar wishes to describe the world.

Outside the shrine’s entry the mist parted to form a column of golden light. They were being granted passage back to Meido. With the constant echo of bells helping the shadowy souls find their place in a train behind the heroic samurai. Once everyone returns to the realm of waiting the one known as Tenth Kami appeared before them once more. The shadowy souls immediately began to find their way back into the line to be weighed again by Emma-O, the fortune of Death. This time their suffering in Gaki-do would be weighed as well and their chance at reincarnation seemed almost a given!

When the Tenth Kami turning their attention back to the group. The Lion bushi was knelt on one knee. The Dragon courtier in a kneeling bow with his head low and hand in gesture of contemplation. The others had deferred their gazes respectfully, and three lone souls stood behind Donoha sama watching him.

“Kitsuki Donoha san why have these three souls decided to remain with you?”

To be addressed directly by one of the Great Kami is a rarity for anyone in Rokugan since the founding of the empire. The Dragon courtier refused to touch his sword in the presence of the Tenth Kami when he answered.

“I believe these are the souls of Shiba Tsukasa san, Hida Nagahide san, and Akodo Chun san. Either their blades failed them and broke during their time as bushi samurai, or they failed their lord in their service. I was gifted each of their katana and used it to make the katana at my side, Mittsu Tamashi. I wanted to serve the empire by making swords that could be used to redeem the souls of samurai that had fallen. To give them another shot at reincarnation.”

The Tenth Kami spoke, “They have that chance and have decide to stay and serve you within the blade. I shall bind them to that fate they have chosen.”

With a raise of their hand each of the souls took the shape they had in life. Constructed by an outline of tiny pieces of light as though drawn in the dark sky. Then they became a bright mist that was absorbed into the handle of Mittsu Tamashi. Each time making it glow before settling down.

The Tenth Kami continued, “You have all done a service to every soul here and ones having gone through reincarnation. I will grant a boon to speak with a soul that has passed on.”

The first to choose was Akodo Asahi sama and they chose to speak with their father, Akodo Isoroku. Once their soul took form the two were allowed to wander off and have a private conversation. Hanzo and Donoha talk about the fact he came from a different history. Without meaning to the Dragon mentioned the Emperor had a vision and put the Emperor’s Gift Caravan together for forestall or alter that fate. According to Shosuro Hanzo san that moment is the event that led this world in a better direction than his.

Isawa Tamaki san asked to speak to the original Thunder Isawa sama themself! Only to be informed they had gone through reincarnation and were on Ningen-do actively at this moment! The Phoenix shugenja then asked for a private conversation with the Tenth Kami after everyone else was done, and was granted their request. I wish I knew what they asked but alas somethings must remain private.

Thinking about what he wanted Donoha sama missed what both Otaku Gunba san and Shosuro Hanzo san asked for. He gathered they seemed happy, or maybe relieved at the outcomes of those discussions. The Scorpion courtier seemed to think this world was a blessing to him now. The Unicorn shugenja seemed a bit more contemplative about his their result.

Donoha thought about the people they could talk to that were dead and decided to try and make this a gift. He asked if he could pass this gift to the Ikoma. He tries to get a boon for the Ikoma family daimyo, Ikoma Anakazu sama. Acknowledging how much the Ikoma damiyo has done for him in the last year he asked the Tenth Kami if such a boon was possible. The answer was that it may be possible for them to grant such a desire. He would have to pray when he was near the person and hopefully the Tenth Kami would hear the prayer.

After all conversations were had, the group headed back into the mist and became one with it again as they were once greeted by the Maiden of the Void, Chiasa. Donoha and she shared a brief moment, although this author is sure it felt much longer to the Dragon than it was. She told him their would be a time in the future they could be together but her duties would not allow it yet. At the mention of possibly infringing on her duty to her cause or lord. He stilled his spirit and apologized for he would not wish to cause her any harm. It was a look shared of two people in love. The mist swirled as she sent them home to Ningen-do.

Back in the Dragon lands each of them came to on the 4th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}), 1123. Three days had past and Togashi Hoshi sama had been caring for them and their mounts while their souls had been away. As everyone was beginning to realize how hungry they were for not eating for three days! Donoha sama and Gunba san shared a brief look about the journey. The Unicorn wandered off to the horses is soon joined by Donoha as he goes to groom Yukiabo, his personal horse. When he asked if the Unicorn shugenja was alright, Gunba san assured him it was nothing of import. The Dragon courtier leaned back and rubbed his eye apologizing for snow getting in it.

Togashi Hoshi welcomes us back as Donoha sama returns. Asahi sama begins cooking food with provisions. They are so talented at cooking one wonders if they had not cooked for a Hantei in a past life. The Dragon and Scorpion courtiers play a game of Go to pass the time. Donoha won the game, and its been a fair amount of time since the game they played in the Valley of the Centipede in Moshi no Machi against the Mantis captain, Yoritomo Sekimoto san.

As everyone was eating the food Donoha sama praises his cousin’s cooking alongside Hanzo san. After their food was done the Scorpion acted out one of the classic tales done normally in kabuki or noh mask theatre. They are an accomplished actor and everyone enjoyed the tale. Tamaki wanted to try and meditate during most of the meal. even going as far with magic of the kami to pull a flaming log up to him through the air to keep warm. Eventually, the log was not enough and they had to leave their spot they had claimed on a rock column. Even Gunba returned when the group was given our next destination on the way to the High House of Light.

The group was informed there is a shrine on a lake to Fukuro-kujin, the fortune or Wisdom and Mercy. There we will meet our next guide, Tetsuo san. Donoha sama asked about a few details of the shrine. Togashi sama confirmed and the Kitsuki nodded that he’d seen the shrine before but it was never on his way to or from Copper River Manor where he was born. The group decided that since the day was only coming upon highsun they begin their journey with haste. They packed up being rested, refreshed, and fed most importantly.

As they began to travel Asahi broke into song several times with amazing renditions of ballads heard around the Empire! Their voice is a joy to listen to, clearly another past life coming through this very talented samurai. Donoha sama gathered a thick branch and began to carve it in his lap on Yukiabo with his chisels and smithing hammer. He finished it on the following day of the 5th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}), 1123. He presented a three compartment stackable inro box to be worn from their obi. A scorpion was carved upon both its sides and stretched over the three compartments.

During the trek the group shared a number of shared moments between the group. When they arrived at the shrine on the 8th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}). Both the Lion and Dragon were inspired to come up with a haiku which I will record below. Donoha’s Haiku:
Quiet mind at peace.
Peaceful heart, a knowing smile.
Wisdom’s gentle light.

Asahi’s Haiku:
Cold Snow Falls So Clear
A Statue’s Silent Gazing
Mercy and Wisdom

Tetsuo introduced themselves to the group. Then offered them a chance to visit and pay their respects. The Lion and the Dragon bow and kneel at the stairs to offer their prayers. The Scorpion took some wonderful incense to burn at the alter of the fortune. After their prayers the Phoenix offered some of theirs as well. The Unicorn took the most time but he carved a token to add to the altar. They did a job that made them feel the Fortune would be happy with the offering. As they came out Shosuro Hanzo was beginning a divination by the nearby lake.