Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 20


As though everything accomplished so far wasn’t enough. During the Hour of the Boar (Hida 10pm-Midnight) a kami of the air appeared as a small twister whose voice was a combination of wind and debris spinning around and clashing into one another. It was likely from the Oracle of Air after having encouraged her to lift the curse. It offered us a chance to witness the Dark One’s ultimate dream. Bayushi Airi san was having trepidations as this could be a trap. Donoha san wanted information on what Fu Leng the Dark One would consider the worst thing it could do.

Eventually the information about their enemy won out and the Scorpion, Dragon, Lion, and the Crab were given jade pendants allowing each to see the aura of a person they were looking at! You could see the taint or purity of one’s soul. The Crane was put to sleep because in this “other world” the Emerald Champion has not had any children. So he could not go to a world he never existed in. Another would join them once they arrived. As they accepted their pendants the wind kicked up a enough to make everyone cover their eyes. When it cleared they were standing in a shrine!

They had arrived in this alternate world’s Cliffside Shrine located just outside of monastery of Sanpuku Seidō. The last stop north and east in the Phoenix lands before facing the rest of the Great Wall of the North mountains. Located within these peaks via winding trails and nestled amongst pine trees the shrine is connected by a stone bridge. The monastery was roughly two city blocks of Otosan Uchi in size. The four samurai appeared around a lone Scorpion bushi whom had been meditating. Introducing himself as Bayushi Hitamukina, the others returned the gesture. Donoha san might have been a little to excited adding “i’m an investigator…” to his introduction.

Picture from the Legend of the Five Rings Game

They had quickly gathered onlookers as appearing out of thin air was never a common occurrence in our world or this alternate version of history. Especially since the shrine only has one feasible way into it via the stone bridge from the monastery. The eldest among the shugenja approached as the introductions were wrapping up. While trying to be polite they wanted to know if they were of the shadow.

Now the pendants allowed our four interlopers the ability to see the auras of those present. Everyone except Bayushi Hitamukina san had a faint, light gray aura where the scorpion’s was a bright green jade color. It would seem taint of shadow in this alternate world was much more pervasive. Our group was beginning to understand what Fu Leng’s darkest dream would be. It only got worse from there the longer they stayed.

The elderly Shugenja of the Kaito vassal family to the Isawa proposed a duel with a bushi trained monk by the name of Kaito Tofu san. The Dragon asked if anyone would mind if he took this challenge. No one objected and he took his place in the very small courtyard of the shrine. All of the other monks and shugenja gathered around as witnesses and spectators. Kaito san and Kitsuki san sized each other up and both nodded that their assessment of each would not be enough to stop the duel and acknowledge a victor. They were both in the center stance of focus before the strike.

Then a flash of the copper hamon of the Dragon’s blackened steel blade shone brightly in the setting sun. What had stunned everyone was the deliberate sakabato, or reverse hand draw as though he intended to strike with the mune blunted side of his katana, Mittsu Tamashi. Very much like the stinger of a scorpion he struck Kaito Tofu san’s left hand holding his blade’s saya with just the kissaki tip. There were five hyper quick flicks of his wrist holding Mittsu Tamashi. All of this happened in the span of Kaito san only getting his blade a tenth of a shaku out of his saya!

By the time it was halfway out he was returning Mittsu Tamashi to it’s saya! Kaito Tofu san looked back his left hand finally realizing what happened. The monks and Tofu san were astonished to see not only had he drawn first blood and won but the Dragon had written the kanji for peace 平 on the top of his hand with Tofu san’s own blood!

“May there be peace between us,” uttered a bowing Kitsuki Donoha san.

After this display leaving nearly everyone speechless, Kaito Tofu san returned the bow while Bayushi Hitamukina san gives a whisper to Akodo Asahi san, “Your cousin said he was an investigator! (with awe)”

Akodo Asahi san whispered back to Bayushi Hitamukina san, “He is, he investigates all things, to include how best to swing his katana.”

A look given to Bayushi Airi that implies that he has questions…
…Bayushi Airi san returned a slight smile to Hitamukina san but said nothing.

With the concerns dealt with everyone was brought inside the monastery across the bridge. They were able to bathe finally after the days of fighting. Their gear was tended to by the monks that had been smiths and tradesmen among the Phoenix clan of this alternate world. Rice was had and drink shared. Fish had been available since the shrine was not far from the coastline. It was a wonderful respite from the battlefield of Mori Kage Toshi against the shadow of our world.

During the Hour of the Rat (Togashi Midnight-2am) their rest was interrupted by a raid of Shadowland Oni! The small town sized monastery had alarm bells ringing throughout giving our samurai time to get ready before heading out. Coming into the chaos of smaller armored cockroach-like Oni running through the pathways and a single, larger, multi-armed insectoid, Oni that looked like an overseer directing their efforts. Quickly flanking our group from both sides when they noticed Hitamukina san. It would appear the monsters were looking for HIM!

It became clear that with their jade aura, Hitamukina was someone the Dark Lord wanted stopped. However, Hiruma Gombei san was the all knowing sage for this encounter. Their knowledge of the Shadowlands allowed them to explain these creatures would have had to infiltrate the country months ago. What’s more they had a weak spot in their armored carapaces at the small of their back! This was the turning point for our group as tactics could change to help even the field.

The Dragon, Crab, and Lion focused on the group closer to the large, multi-armed insectoid, Oni. Bayushi Airi took their bow to the roof of the closest building to provide ranged cover from above. A few of the multi-armed, insectoid, Oni followed her. Bayushi Hitamukina headed to the rear of the group to protect their backs from three of multi-armed, insectoid, Oni closing in.

While it is no mistake the Crab excelled at crushing the human sized, insectoid, Oni. Both the Lion and the Dragon had their fair share of Oni they took care of. The Lion and Crab were starting to outpace Donoha in the number of enemies slain, both being bushi it was only a matter of time. Donoha san was looking to where he could help his friends and found a spot. He threw his wakizashi from his Investigator mentor, Kitsuki Inoki sama. It slammed into one of the multi-armed, insectoid, Oni harassing Bayushi Airi san, embedding deep. This caused the Oni to miss our Scorpion archer allowing her to dance away and fire at it, sending the Oni to its end.

Bayushi Hitamukina san acquitted himself well against the Oni. The larger, multi-armed insectoid, Oni that towered over the Crab at eleven shaku to his six and a half shaku in height. The beast was felled in a group effort, but the Crab and the Lion did the most to bring it low, sending it back to Jigoku. Cries of victory began to ring out across the monastery. Those that had helped to defeat the Oni were treated as honored guests for such aid. In the later morning cresting almost to the sun’s zenith did they make their way out of the mountains. The five headed to Otosan Uchi over the next month.

7th of Bayushi in the spirit world version of Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}) The troupe of five samurai arrived in Otosan Uchi. They were given the customary treatment of all samurai with bathing and mending to their gear. Then they were given temporary kimono to wear as they were taken to a house in the inner city under the purview of this world’s interpretation of Yogo Junzo sama.

Author’s Note: To my readers I cannot stress enough this is the events in a spirit world version of a possible future for Rokugan. It should not reflect upon the people we may know and trust in the real Ningen-do.

The tale of how they arrived was related and after that first day their gear was returned but nothing further provided. The Dragon had asked about new kimono and was told, no. He graciously accepted this wisdom, but realized pushing the issue may means his death. They were provided every comfort, allowed to keep their weapons, but were “asked” to stay hidden until the beginning of Winter Court. The 38th Hantei Emperor was planning a party to celebrate Bayushi Shoju sama’s accomplishments and they were to be guests of the Scorpion Clan during the event.

Airi san, Asahi san, and Hitamukina san shared notes about each other’s worlds. Donoha san spent time trying to learn the meaning and lore of the Scorpion masks. Gombei san had possibly the most fun as he was provided women, drink, and song. It was clear to others the Scorpion were trying to learn all the could about the Crab samurai. However, he only talked about the food and delights in front of him. Being fully in the moment of bliss.

When the 14th of Bayushi in the spirit world version of Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}) had arrived. The group was escorted by Scorpion bushi to the event kicking off Winter Court. Everyone had their weapons with them but on the right side to showcase it would be harder to draw as being left handed was rare in this world as it is in ours. The group was wearing all of the gear they arrived in and more than a few found it odd to show up to court in armor.

The Jade Pendant’s the wind kami had bequeathed to the four samurai from Ningen-Do continued to show everyone possessing some level of taint of the Shadow. Aside from Hitamukina san it was only a matter of how dark a person’s aura was that distinguished them apart in that aspect. This spirit world was indeed a dark reflection of our world, because it implies the Crab clan had failed allowing the Oni across the Kaiu Kabe, or unthinkably, helped them across! Donoha san mentioned in their recounting that he wondered how much of Jigoku influenced this spirit realm.

To say what happened next was all of the hells breaking loose would not be an inaccurate statement. In this spirit world Winter Court during the awarding of Bayushi Shoju any one thing he wished for. Shoju sama requested to ask a question, which was granted. He asked for permission to take any steps necessary to prevent a dark future for the spirit world’s Rokugan. It was allowed which prompted Shoju sama to CUT OFF THE EMPEROR’S HEAD!

Bayushi Shoju then declared themselves Shoju the First! Taking the Emerald Throne as the court was thrown into chaos! The five samurai saw the son of the now late emperor dressed in white. They battled to his side and spirited the heir to the empire away. They met Akodo Toturi sama during time and while the Lion lord left to fight the insurrection. The Hantei heir told them of a secret way out of the city. Donoha san and everyone else refused to share any details about it on the off chance some of it may be real in Ningen-Do.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 19


27th of Akodo in 1123 (Month of the Horse)

In the morning Airi san return to their role as healer. Asahi san was a horrible patient trying to work out a battle plan with Gombei san. The Crab bushi listened and then asked why no one mentioned jade? He brought forth a finger of jade to show what he was talking about. The Dragon asked the Crane if he still had that bag of jade fingers they got from the allege person calling themself, Doji Hengo. He brought it forth and handed it to Donoha san. The Crab got a smile at all the jade and began to go over why to wear it. A piece was given to the Scorpion, Lion, Crane, and Dragon.

With five fingers of jade left, the Dragon mentioned that they could perhaps make a weapon of jade Airi san could use, a jade tanto of sorts. He mentioned it would take him the entire day, only because his pack had been recovered along with his hammer. He slowly recovered his chisels, whetstones, and his adhesives kit. This may be one of the few times people outside the Dragon clan have watched Donoha san “make” something. He took his saya (sheath) off of his katana and measured it after looking at the Scorpion and then brough his katana through it!

He picked up the piece that fell off as everyone looked at him and asked Airi san to hold it like a tanto. When she did he asked if it felt good in the hand? Nodding in the affirmative she handed it back and mentioned she kinda understood what he was going to do. His hands were a blur with the piece of wood from his saya. Asahi began preparing a meal as Donoha finished the tanto. He turned to Airi san and said, “I present Hisui Fukushū (翡翠復讐 Jade Vengeance). Underneath all the lacquer and dotsugi (copper joinery) the wood is Pale Oak. It’s from the singular tree where Hantei the XVII was buried to be next to the woman he loved, not his wife. It would seem there’s a pattern to this arc of the tale.”

Bayushi Airi san bowed their head and accepted this masterpiece of craftsmanship that everyone got to watch him make. Mixing resin adhesives, carve and shape his segregated saya into a tanto, knap and polish three jade fingers into perfectly fitting blade edges. Engraving his makers mark for the third time ever. “I will put it to good use,” was her reply.

The jade tanto was wrapped in one of Donoha san’s mint colored cloths he use for cleaning his sword. Despite some minor objections and concern for making they can mount a return to the temple tomorrow. The Lion allowed the Scorpion to scout the Temple and attempt to see what was on the second floor and if the Emerald shades had replenished their numbers. She returned and informed everyone she had seen their friends on the second floor! Arranged in a ring around yet another Maho shugenja!

There were a few more Emerald shades with him as well. Their friends looked gaunt and pale, so whatever was happening took time to finish, but they would not have long. The Lion was finishing the simple meal they would have this night. Before everyone sat down to eat, Bayushi Airi san removed their mask to enjoy the meal and relax their face. The Scorpion began to clean it and their own face. The Dragon was the first to notice and while sitting he bowed his head figuring it was an honor to see one do so among outsiders.

The Crane and the Crab swallowed a simultaneous gasp at the same time. To say her beauty was dangerous would be an understatement. The Dragon looked unmoved as the Scorpion returned their bow. Donoha san held their food and ate having nearly died yesterday and was still quite sore. There was some talk about tomorrow but the battle plans worked out by Akodo & Hiruma sans were set. They left once more after the night’s rest.

28th of Akodo in 1123 (Month of the Horse) On the final day of the Month of the Horse they made the push to conquer the shrine and return with their friends and companions. The Phoenix shugenja was made as comfortable as one could be made but they left him the building they had made their forward camp. The two dead and ripening Ogres in the courtyard made for a distinct landmark.

Resolute they climbed the steps and once they made it to the archway leading inside. The made their plan into a three prong assault. Doji Hoto san and Bayushi Airi san were to strike at the Maho shugenja once Akodo Asahi san and Kitsuki Donoha san drew the attention of the Emerald shades. Hiruma Gombei san was going to come in from or should I say through an adjacent wall!

The signal for the three groups to launch their attack was the Lion making a bird call. What he did not tell them was that it would take the form of a crane’s call. When he let loose his warbling cacophony of a call. Everyone thought it was a real bird! Even the Lion’s Dragon cousin looked around and he watched him make the call.

THWAP! An arrow flew across the room from the Lion’s bow and drew the attention of the Emerald shades and the Maho Shugenja. The blood magic caster beckoned his minions to attack with a rasping hiss for their voice, “GET THEM!” Of the six four surround the Maho user while two began to head toward the Lion and the Dragon. Donoha san had stepped just inside to lure more of them close enough for his cousin’s curse to take effect. As two more arrows found their marks in the shadow priest from the Lion’s bow, the Crab came through the wall! Yes, I mean the wall! Stopping just inside the chamber’s perimeter he attracted one of the Emerald shades toward him.

It was at this moment the Crane and the Scorpion struck! Timing their strikes Doji Hoto san beheaded the Maho shugenja and Bayushi Airi san took Hisui Fukushū (翡翠復讐 Jade Vengeance) and thrust the jade knife into a Emerald shadow, which froze it in mid swing! It could also not coalesce its form to cover the wound after being struck like that.

Despite that amazing win against the now dead Maho user and proof that Donoha san can craft a very capable jade weapon. The remain three mobile shades struck and laid them out to the near brink of death! The Dragon saw the Scorpion and Crane fall and he rushed to their rescue! Sheathing his Oath-hammer and Mittsu Tamashi, he raced over to them to drag them out of the fight. Shouldering Airi san and dragging Hoto san out of the fight. The Crab and Lion had moved closer to the center of the room with their engagement. Akodo Asahi was like water move. Deftly deflecting the raining blows from the other five specters. Their strikes being repelled as though raindrops on a tiled roof.

Donoha san mentioned to me he thought the Scorpion filled out the loaned light armor rather aptly, having a closer look draped over him. Donoha san kept Airi san on his left shoulder and went back to slay the frozen shade before setting her down and proving he’d been paying attention when she had been bandaging people. With enough focus, luck, and some newfound skill he brought her back from the brink! When she came around, he apologized to her but told her she was number ten on his list of saved damsels!

She might have had more quips if she did not have to go and tend to one of the sons of the Emerald Champion in Doji Hoto! In the background the fighting sounded muted because the shades did not make any noise. While the Lion did a masterful at defense Gombei san and later Donoha san help him to mop the the remaining shades up. The plan had in fact, worked!

As though to add more good news Airi san brought a nearly dying Hoto san back to the land of the living. Despite being a charmer one might think Hoto san is becoming enamored of the Scorpion. Donoha threw in a quip but stopped when his injured friend asked him to let him have his moment. Not a single time did Hoto san cry out in the obvious pain he was enduring.

In the glow of a victory well earned it was decided that the Crane and the Scorpion would go back. To watch over the Phoenix that had been left alone. The Crab, Dragon, and Lion would head to the second floor and face down the other Maho shugenja. Before the groups went their different paths, Airi san pulled Donoha san aside and said something to him that neither he nor she would tell me.

Anyway, the Crab, Dragon, and Lion made their way up to the second floor. There was a slightly raised area in the center with the corrupted shrine against its north side. Arrayed around the lone Maho shugenja was Seia san, Isawa Kyoko san, Shiba Ogawa san, Bayushi Akiyama san, and Matsu Shànzi san. All of them were floating about a shaku off the floor as though invisible ropes were suspending them. Upon seeing the three samurai they raised an arm and hissed their spells out. Both Ogawa san’s and Akiyama san’s bodies withered into husks dropping to the floor. Their souls visibly escaping their bodies as a white smoke and to the left of the maho user appeared the creature their sacrifice paid for. The Oni of Remembrance that Hoto san and Donoha san vanquished has been re-summoned from Jigoku! This time powered up by two souls instead of being a starving oni.

28th of Akodo in 1123 (Month of the Horse) The thing about documenting a prolonged fight is everyone getting a little tired with all of your questions about points they feel they have given you. My companions were very gracious, but I am sure being acknowledged as a rank higher than them had something to help with it. This is the section where the rescue happens!

It was decided the the Crab and the Lion would take on the Oni of Remembrance while the Dragon would tackle the Maho Shugenja. In a FLASH Donoha san was off and standing over Seia san and looking at the Maho user with his green, hazel eyes sparkling with vengeance on his mind. Mittsu Tamashi (Three Souls) in his right hand and Hisui Fukushū (Jade Vengeance) in his left. The Maho shugenja looked startled and cast a cloud of darkness only he could see within.

So began a game of Moto Marco sama, a famous Unicorn warrior that was half gaijin (outsider) but is one known for discovering hidden enemies, such was their powers of perception. To play the game one person whom is blindfolded in a room or hotspring calls out “Marco!” And, the others reply “Moto!” Then the “Marco” player tries to find and touch the “Moto” players. The touch was symbolic of the kill by Marco sama of the hidden assailant.

As this was the point where the Oni of Remembrance clawed his way through the shadowy cloud to engage the Crab and Lion. Asahi san quick with the arrow fire to begin the process of whittling it back down. In short order he dropped Kuri’s Bite, their yumi, and moved in with his katana to begin cutting as Gombei moved up with their Tetsubo. Soon after they began attacking Gombei san noticed the Lion was having better result with their katana. They moved to guard Asahi san so the Akodo could do what they do best, attack.

What I have begun to see in collecting these tales of the battles is the apparent lack of ego among the group. For all their chaffing and differences. When the koku is on the Go table they work remarkably well together! I am not just saying that because they saved my life. Even when things get frustrating they keep at it.

Donoha san is a perfect example as he and the Maho shugenja continued their very advanced and lethal game of Moto Marco. The added complexity was the moving target along with spells leveled at the blind Dragon. He suffered having his left arm go limp which was holding Hisui Fukushū (Jade Vengeance), pain which made him pause but no one recounted hearing him scream and I interviewed everyone separately. One spell actually failed to latch on to him! I’ll get to the final spell that did affect him in the battle when I catch up the others’ tales.

In this part of the fight a surprise occurred! Rarely in a skirmish is a surprise welcomed but this one was most assuredly the case. Both Bayushi Airi san and Doji Hoto san returned! Coming into the fray from opposite sides with Scorpion trying to rescue the captives and the Crane backing up the Crab and Lion with their bow. The Scorpion found the magic levitating the captives a shaku above the ground was also preventing them from being pulled away. The Crane realized the Oni he fought before had been re-summoned! He helped them put it down and its spirit was forced back to Jigoku as its material carcass rolled into the open area of the second floor.

The Crab entered the darkness and self admittedly nearly crushed me under heel. However, footwork is something most bushi are taught and clearly Hiruma Gombei san did not miss this day! The fortune of Megumi guided him away from sending me back to the cycle! By this point the Lion and Crane were guarding the south, east, and west for signs of the Maho shugenja. The Dragon and the Crab briefly met on the northeastern side of the cloud before both had plunged back in.

Only by this time Donoha had been hit with a maho spell of supernatural fear of sharp objects! So he sheathed Mittsu Tamashi and Hisui Fukushū. This way they could not harm him or anyone else. He would use Naze-do the Dragon version of Jujitsu to capture the Maho shugenja having zoned in on his sounds! He began calling out for someone to come help and kill this villain since he had him in a lock with one disabled left arm!

Airi san responded after something nicked her in the darkness. I know from Asahi san’s report that it was likely and arrow he shot into the cloud at his Itoko-san’s behest for aid. She stabbed the Maho shugenja in the throat killing them. When the cloud dropped and the still ensorcelled Donoha san saw the tanto he backed up several feet and began breathing exercises to regain composure. Those still barely alive dropped back to the ground as the faded with a subdued “thud” and no further damage.

As the spirit left the Oni’s physical form it began to crumble like before. Donoha gathered some branches from bushes in the second floor gardens. As the others were taken back to where the Phoenix shugenja was sleeping. Donoha and Asahi sans stayed behind a bit to offer the deceased burial rights in the Fortune – Megumi’s name.

Donoha san’s Haiku:
Loyal hands outstretched,
One life yields for another’s sun,
Stars whisper their names.

Asahi san’s rendition of a famous dirge sung by the artisan Saigyo in 190 by the Imperial Calender (OOC: From Saigyo in Japan 1190 AD)
I wish to die
in spring, beneath
the cherry blossoms,
while the springtime moon
is full.

All whom heard Asahi sing admitted it was beautiful as it was haunting. After which Donoha lit both bodies on fire with the branches they had collected earlier. In hopes of preventing the desecration of their bodies by dark forces. Then both of them caught up with the group.

Once back at the courtyard with the dead ogres they gathered in the abandoned house the Phoenix shugenja had been lying within. The Lion and Scorpion prepared gruel to coat chopsticks with and feed everyone slowly. They would live but had been horribly malnourished within the couple days they were captive. For now the group stopped to rest and recuperate. With gruel being made from rice rations and spoon fed to those needing sustenance.

During the rest of the day watching over their friends and comrades. Donoha san returned Hisui Fukushū (翡翠復讐 Jade Vengeance) to its owner, Airi san. The Scorpion mentioned she would repay his kindness as she mostly stayed by Seia’s side. During my interview with Airi they stated she had been referring to the part where she was able to stab the maho user in the throat because Donoha had used his jiujitsu to grapple him. Donoha thought she meant saving Seia when I was getting him to talk details. Unless he reads this he’ll never know her true intent.

The night begins its climb as the go-ri no samurai (五人の侍 five samurai) made the hard choice to leave their recovering charges for the assault on the castle of Mori Kage Toshi. Moving through the now quiet streets still with an eye out for interlopers. The cloud of fog grows denser as they ascend the switchback trail leading to their destination. Eventually making it to the castle’s gatehouse which was wide open! The signs around their suggested it remained opened more than being shut.

Peering into the courtyard to get a view of what they were up against. They noticed six of the Emerald shades stationed in pairs at the landings of the steps to the castle proper. Inky black forms that have an almost two dimensional form surrounded by a sickly green glow.

The Dragon and Crab flanked the Lion as he used his curse of the undead to pull them closer for the three of them to over-power one pair at a time. The Crane and the Scorpion were in the rearguard with yumi at the ready with cover fire and softening up the Emerald shades. Again the plan worked, mostly, because almost no plan survives contact with the enemy.

The first pair was brought in and it would appear many of the trials have awoken lessons among Donoha’s companions. Their teamwork was far more in sync with each other. The Crab learned how to swing their tetsubo more effectively. Even Airi whom was thrust into a Bowyer’s role has picked up good talent with it. You could say the fire of this crucible has forged strong samurai indeed. The pair of adversaries were dispatched before the others could make it to us.

Hoto san demonstrated their skill with a bow many times that battle. Airi san again standing with others proving how brave and versatile they are. Asahi may be one of the best defensive kenjutsu practitioners of this era. Gombei san figured out how to swing the tetsubo twice as fast helping to crush the enemy. Donoha san was the gap filler of this fight getting any stragglers trying to out flank the group. His offensive kenjutsu skills rival Asahi san’s defensive ones. During the fight he made what was perhaps the most perfectly executed strike anyone present had seen. Causing him to break into a haiku.
Whirlwind blade paints night,
No flesh to mar, just spectral shriek,
Banished to oblivion.
In the end the Emerald shades were sent back to Jigoku.

As night fully controlled the sky clouds began to make it even darker. A green light began to emanate from within them as a few began to part revealing the face of the Dark One – Fu Leng! To have a kami take the time to address a mortal directly should be a sign they are a threat to a kami’s plans. For it is rarely wise to become embroiled in the affairs of the kami directly. However, our group has taken several steps on the Go board where the kami our the players and we the pieces being moved!

He went on at length about how they had been using Mori Kage Toshi as a training ground for their disciples of maho. It appears the group had just put a stop to all of that! One wonders though how many more ruins might the Dark One be using for similar sinister plans?

The Dark One proved something to Donoha, that he had succeeded and bound three spirits to Mittsu Tamashī 三つ魂 the blade of Three Souls. When the Dark One drew forth the three spirits and made them fight us. First was Shiba Tsukasa: Tsukasa had died protecting their assigned to a Phoenix Shugenja. Second was Hida Nagahide: From fallen warriors on the Kaiu Kabe (Carpenter’s Wall) he had blades from many but the soul of Hida Nagahide had chosen bound itself to the blade. Third was Akodo Chun: From the Lion he had the current reigning Ikoma Daimyo’s wakizashi and his Yojimbo’s katana. Seeing the spirit of Akodo Chun told him that the Daimyo’s yojimbo had committed seppuku. Likely the reason he did not see him during the last Winter Court at Kyuden Ikoma.

Doji Hoto san tried to challenge Shiba Tsukasa’s ghost to a duel but it looks as though intelligence on that level was denied them. So he stepped aside and allowed the Lion, Dragon and Crab line up for the fight. Gombei stating a death haiku as he’s been inspired by Asahi’s singing when he saw his opponent.
In Hida’s embrace,
Death whispers with gentle grace,
Life’s final embrace.
The go-ri no samurai (五人の侍 five samurai) took similar tactics as the Crane readied their bow, the Scorpion swung out wide drawing the jade dagger, Hisui Fukushū.

The Lion faced off with the ghost of Shiba Tsukasa, the Crab took on the ghost of Hida Nagahide, and the Dragon lamented at seeing the ghost of Akodo Chun. Donoha san explained the story behind each and asked to take Akodo Chun’s ghost because he actually knew him in life. The three frontliners held their stances and actions till the spirits approached. Donoha san was the first to reclaim one of the three souls. Stating a death haiku as he too has been inspired by Asahi’s singing:
Zen focus bares teeth,
Flawless arc cleaves through malice,
Silence reclaims dawn.
Striking down the ghost of Akodo Chun before he could be hit in an all out attack. He was a testament to the Dojo of the Mirror.

The second ghost to be reclaimed was Shiba Tsukasa. Akodo Asahi san finished them off, assisted by arrows from Doji Hoto san. The ghost of Hida Nagahide was beaten down by Hiruma Gombei san and it was when the ghost stood up that the Scorpion struck throwing the jade dagger, Hisui Fukushū! There was an explosion of light and the last ghost had been reclaimed! Clattering to the crushed stone steps the jade dagger is all that remained.

As Airi san reclaimed Hisui Fukushū as the question was posed by others as to what was next. Donoha san drew forth the Crown of the Oracle of Air from one obi pouch and from his shoulder slung bag he removed a rolled scroll of some size when unfurled it was almost three shaku long! The painting showed a tree with bloody leaves and the rear side of the castle. The Dragon believed going to the rear side of the castle would reveal the tree. There they would appeal to the Oracle of Air to lift their curse.

Indeed they found the tree with more blood red and dripping either blood or a deep red sap. It was truly hard to tell which it was as they approached its base. Putting the scroll away and stabbing his katana into the dirt. Kneeling and putting the crown gently on his head. Wrapping his hands around the blade of Mittsu Tamashi he began to beseech the Oracle of Air.

He begged the Oracle of Air to lift the curse for a few reasons:

  • they had cleared the taint of evil,
  • they had the blessing of their descendant to try this,
  • if the Agasha are now in the same clan as the Shiba. Perhaps it is time for a new destiny to be made.

There was a powerful rush of Air that ran through the area and the crown vanished along with ALL of the decay and taint! The curse was lifted! For a brief time Donoha san glowed as bright as daylight, but that dimmed along with the wind’s passing and restoration of the land! Akodo Asahi san asked Donoha san for one of his books and he took a leaf and pressed it between pages in the middle. They headed back to their friends that were left in their temporary camp. An impressive way to wrap up the month of the Horse.