6th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) – Isawa Tamaki san rose first among the wagon compatriots. Preparing their ofuda talismans used in their spellcraft while watching the Dragon and Lion cousins decide how morning practice would go. The air was light with clouds and dappled the ground in a mix of light and shadow. A light breeze was blowing in from the coast. Even his rice was the perfect texture for a morning meal.
He began to practice his calligraphy when Donoha sama asked him to write a report for Shiba Sono sama. The Dragon noticed his calligraphy skills exceeded his own. Tamaki san agreed to help and quickly realized why the Dragon needed the help. Donoha’s writing style is akin to a financial accountant. Meticulous, thorough, and completely dry. Tamaki san took it upon himself to enrich the reading experience to make the investigator look good.
Donoha sama had promised Asahi sama another match but a skirmish. However, his cousin asked for another duel to start the skirmish off. The Dragon promised not to disarm him this time. Inwardly to himself he knew that if he was incapable of knocking his cousin out with his first strike. Then the longer the fight went the more likely his cousin was going to win. For a courtier of the Dragon clan Kitsuki Donoha sama was exceptional with a katana. Watching his cousin battle his way through hordes of enemies, he knew the Lion had the upper hand on him in any skirmish.
The crack and ear popping the Dragon left on the side of the Lion’s head with their bokken. Is the only reason it took four strikes from the Lion to make the Dragon concede the match. Maybe with Lions amongst the first or second Dan ranks could he still win, but large scales skirmishes he’d be hard pressed to stand toe to toe with veteran bushi. Still both of them went over things to learn, improve upon, and it was a bonding experience for the cousins.
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After another half an Hour of the Day (OOC: Rokugan is on a 12 hour clock where Earth is 24 hours, so time units should be doubled) on horseback with Yukiabo going over polearms and spears. Tamaki san had finished the report and Donoha sama went to turn it into Shiba Sono sama. When he returned they talked about the next steps in pursuing Asako Takumi sama.
In order to gather information Donoha sama thought of the working tradesman for information. They would be the ones to do the labor and skilled laborers needs plans and instructions to carry out their tasks. This means that they would know a base structure of how the plan will work on the day to day. Thus began a venture to the working tradesman’s saki houses.
It was worth noting that first sake house did not have any useful info but their patrons speak now of Donoha sama, the dragon samurai that can breathe fire! It was a trick down with spitting the overly potent saki out of his mouth and through a candle flame – igniting it! He pulled the same trick off at the second bar with the help of Isawa Tamaki san urging the fire kami to help him out. He overheard one table discussing items about a new river trade deal. Inviting them over to drink with the three samurai. There was the three offers and two refusals before they accepted and join people far above their station in life.
The group shut the bar down and they learned a great deal. That this new trade deal Asako Takumi sama put together would affect sea and river trafficking of goods and services. If people decided they were against it then they would often disappear! The deal had not been finalized just yet but it should be soon and then the flow of koku would begin!
7th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) – When Donoha sama and Asahi sama awoke they felt hungover from the amount of saki, fermented fruit drinks, and other forms liquor they went through last night. Having rice in the morning made them feel better but training that day was skipped. Their next moves was the topic of conversation.
They decided to go and visit the prisoner they had taken from the Slaughter on the Hill. This has been the name that’s become the descriptor of the battle. Agasha Re has confirmed it was Kitsuki Donoha sama, Akodo Asahi sama, and Hiruma Gombei sama that performed the bloody deed. It’s only been two days and Donoha’s legend involves flying off cliffs to cut the head off an opponent in a dive before a spinning landing on their feet! Breathing fire thanks to the tales from the lower end saki houses! As they left Donoha had a camp attendant send word to Shiba Sono sama they would visit with a report after the interrogation.
Arriving at a repurposed home in a reclusive district of Shiro Shiba did our three samurai find themselves. One of a few guards offered to escort them to the prisoner, which the group accepted. When they entered the room the prisoner looked upon the three with angered contempt. The Lion and his wooden bokken, tinged with the sneer of authority. The Phoenix and his half hidden face staring out from the ofuda talismans hanging from their hat’s brim. Last but not least, the Dragon with the scar over their left eye and his thin smile.
He soon gave up his name to the Dragon, after hearing him describe how an investigation was not unlike forging a rokuganto (sword). I believe the removing of the smithing hammer nemurani from his obi. Accentuating his sentences smacking it into their hands as they talked may have influenced a more communicative attitude. Fujiwara, fled an accident in his village deep within the Phoenix lands. Donoha noted his first crime was travel without permission of one’s lord.
He grew hungry and desperate and became a robber, his second admission of a crime. Then he robbed a noble that decided to hire him after he caught him in the act. Recruited into a group the noble used to remove obstacles to their ambitions. From waylaying a Lion merchant transporting blades, to scaring and cajoling merchants, tradesmen, and even some public officials. The third type of crime in the given confession.
It was when he mentioned that they would make people disappear with murder or cover up murders the lord had outsourced. His fourth admission of a type of crime. Then he said it. The night of the murder of Asako Eiko they were to cover the tracks of the assassin! In addition the majority of them were told to go to the hill with the Shrine of Eternal Flame and obstruct the investigation. While a calm smile remained on Donoha’s scarred face, internally he was elated to see events aligning with the investigation.
This prompted Fujiwara to begin spilling all the secrets he could. A hideout about three quarters of an Hour of the Day (OOC: Earth time 1hr30min) north by northwest of Shiro Shiba. A cave hidden in a cove along the coast. Next came further information about the leader of this band of criminals. The noble was a member of the Asako family, and they went by a moniker never said to their face – the Fat Man.
Having been emotionally broken by Donoha talking about smithing, Fujiwara nearly wet himself at Donoha’s promise when he insulted a noble, even one that was a guilty of crime. That he would live a full and long life. Many Rokugani consider death the return to the karmic cycle and the chance at a better existence in the next life. By denying someone a return to the cycle they must endure their existence. Donoha made sure he knew that no matter happened to him here, he would be healed to full health to live out his days in a cell.
To flesh out some of the details Donoha’s Lion cousin asked some follow up points. Getting clarification they left and Isawa Tamaki san followed a few moments later. Having tried to offer the man some solace that the right path could be found again. This left Fujwara in a sobbing heap upon the floor. Asahi sama told the guard to have him bathe and double his food for today. The guard nodded and the group left for their meeting with the Phoenix Emerald Ambassador.
The meeting was straight forward if a pleasant respite. The Dragon presented his findings to the Emerald Ambassador. Shiba Sono sama was happy to learn about the reason for the Slaughter on the Hill. What surprised him was Donoha san’s willingness to mingle among heimen (merchants and tradesmen) and eta (untouchable peasants) to find information. Most Dragon Clan samurai are stoic, loathe to speak, and enigmatic, at best. However, getting information from the one in front of him was as simple as asking for tea. It was this dichotomy that made him an even greater mystery.
As discussed in the meeting the group made their way to the hideout of the brigands when they left. The Dragon on his trusted Rokugani pony, Yukiabo. The Phoenix shugenja rode behind him on the same northern horse, while the Lion rode alone on a loaned mount. The trip there was uneventful and the group secured the two mounts where they could graze a bit. Checking their gear, with the Lion and Dragon in heavy armor, while the Phoenix shugenja made sure they had adorned their hat with enough of the ofuda talismans along the brim.
Fujiwara mentioned the cave was very small and if standing might be able to squeeze in 12 to 15 people. The layout was reported as a circular room with carved stairs on both sides from the mouth of the cave. Leading to a raised area for a speaker to address those present. Below the raised area was a small alcove for important items to be stored there.
Upon arrival there were six members present and one of them was arguing about something. Feeling confident the Dragon decided to try and leap into the room surprising them and then defend himself as his cousin shoot them with arrows. It was arrogant to actually not think of their shugenja companion as a combatant. Hyped to finally put the last of the brigands down and removed the pieces of the rotund Asako noble from the board. Donoha sama rushed in declaring his intent to finish what they started on Slaughter on the Hill.
Followed quickly by the Lion bushi and Phoenix shugenja. To say a fight in a cave poorly lit by lanterns, holding now nine combatants swinging weapons, was dangerous to all was an understatement. Things took a turn for the worst when a lucky shot from a brigand stabbed Akodo Asahi sama in armpit after he loosed an arrow into another brigand! It nearly killed him with that thrust and the nature of the fight’s tone shifted from bravado to surviving the conditions of the battle.
It cannot be overstated in saying Isawa Tamaki changed the landscape of the fight by summoning kami of fire and air! Causing balls of flame to erupt or create boiling pockets of steam to blind and broil the enemy. The Lion was forced into dropping his bow and defending himself and the Phoenix while the Dragon swung the black blade, Mittsu Tamashi, the three soul katana!
Each stroke of Mittsu Tamashi did not just kill the opponent, but cut the brigand in HALF! Of the six brigands four were cut in half by Donoha. One burned to death in the Phoenix’s fire spell. The last one was a joint effort where the Lion whittled him down and the Dragon dealt the final blow. The fight was a humbling lesson not to get to full of one’s self.
After a moment of gathering their breath Donoha sama went to Asahi sama and began to bandage their wounds. As he applied the bandage there was a flash of light as though a beam made of the starry night sky erupted! Bathing the Lion in starlight during the day! After a second or two it was gone, the bandage applied, but all of Asahi’s wounds were gone!
“I did not know you had a kami of the Void watching over you Donoha,” uttered Tamaki san.
“I do indeed and their name is Chiasa,” replied Donoha sama, “cousin make sure to thank her for that gift when you meet her.”
“I will indeed,” said Asahi sama.
With that out of the way, the Dragon began to explore the alcove below the raised area. In there he found instructions to gather on the hill to impede the investigation surrounding the murder of Asako Eiko upon a scroll. What is more is that scroll bore a customized mon of the Phoenix! Finally, they had evidence and just needed to tie the mon to its owner. Tamaki san offered to check the scroll further with the help of the kami. The Dragon was all to happy to hold the scroll up so the Phoenix could inspect it.
Taking another of their ofuda talismans Tamaki san performed a spell slightly different from the Reflections of Pan Ku. This one would show the essence surrounding the document. As the kami began to swirl in an unseen dance to all but Isawa Tamaki san. They began to feel the emotional context as the document was being written. Sensations of haste and anxiety began to flood them as the feelings gave way to a vision of an indoor onsen with orange flowers floating within. The vision fades as the stamp of the highly stylized Asako mon is stamped upon it.