Sharing their findings with the other two spurred the Lion into looking at the mon in case he recognized it from any battles he had studied. Its markings did not lend themselves to any of the Shiba mons or those of a martial bent. Asako, as a family had more to do in courtier circles than the bushi. He couldn’t discount a shugenja of the Asako also being the owner, but it seemed unlikely. Finding no additional information to be gleaned from the document they made the trek back during the Hour of the Serpent (10AM – Noon).
Unicorn attendants took the loaner horse and Yukiabo back to the tents where they’re being kept. During their return they stopped to hand the document with the stylized mon over to Shiba Sono sama’s care. One of his known attendants handled the matter for Donoha sama. Before they could leave for food a very recent missive was presented to the Dragon mentioning his horse feeling uneasy. The group indulged the Dragon to have Yukiabo checked out.
Making their way to the outskirts of the caravan, they came across the large, round, tents of the Unicorn Clan called a Ger. These were the makeshift stables the horselords have maintained and operated from since their departure from Otosan Uchi. According to the note the Dragon was looking for the Unicorn samurai known as Otaku Gunba.

With a bit of guidance he was led to the correct tent. Making introductions he found out that there was nothing acutely wrong with Yukiabo. It was a general sense of unease he could still feel among them. The Unicorn had hoped time from the last appearance of Dark Kami in the sky would stop leaving a lingering malaise, but it never really lifted. He went on to vague mention he’d been tasked with getting closer to the issue. So he asked to join the group on whatever mission they had undertaken.
As it would turn out they’re a shugenja of the Unicorn, and the Dragon was excited to another member of the Otaku family. Given how well he’d gotten along with Otaku Kai, he had high hopes this new addition would become a friend in time as well. Gunba san mentioned needing to clear a few items and leave instructions for the other horse attendants. Donoha sama said to meet him at the two wagons the group calls home and he would have a midday meal waiting.
This also gave the group a chance to get out of blood splattered clothing and armor. Everyone headed off to their respective destinations within camp. Attendants mending and cleaning kimonos and armor, while others prepared the meals for the samurai. Since the group had been decreased to three, Donoha sama had asked that the armor stand boxes be moved to the second wagon. It also gave the attendants a place to work, even with a fourth member once more it could still function as a utility wagon.
Once the midday meal was had, the group began to head into the higher end residential area of nobles’ houses. Querying a ashigaru spearmen outside one of the large houses. They found the directions to Lord Asako Takumi sama’s residence. Approaching the two ashigaru spearmen at the entrance to the home’s garden before the house proper.
“Do you have an appointment with our lord?”
Donoha replied, “No I do not but I would like to schedule a meeting with your lord if possible.”
One of the ashigaru nodded and headed off to the house to enquire about an appointment. The four samurai waited patiently for a significant amount of time. When they returned they informed the group, “Our master is ready to see you now it would appear. If you would follow me I will escort you to meet him.”
The group followed the ashigaru through gardens, courtyards, and one onsen! On a mostly enclosed part of the house with orange flowers floating upon its steam accented water. Finally they approached a room with a additional guard. The one slid a door open and inside was lord Asako Takumi.

The group was graciously welcomed. Donoha noted the same mon embroidered upon haori (samurai jacket) as on the document left with Shiba Sono sama. After they were seated and weapons placed on the right of the wielder to make them harder to draw. Takumi sama made it clear to thank Donoha for their service to the Phoenix clan. Clearing out problems that had plagued them for 150 years. He mentioned he considered himself honored to be visited by the Dragon and Lion spoken of among the populace. Afterwards he wondered what had brought him to his home.
“Do you know of Shiba Sono sama,” queried Donoha sama.
“Certainly,” replied Takumi sama.
“I have been tasked with the investigation of Asako Eiko’s murder. My assignment is to clear names off a suspect list by ascertaining where certain people were at the time of the murder.” Donoha realized to late that Lord Takumi sama was Roku-Dan or 6th rank, with quite a bit of status and glory to go with their rank. He had to keep calm, make sure he didn’t cause a scene that would force Shiba Sono sama’s hand, and prevent anyone with him from suffering social backlash. In fact this may be a bigger wave than Shiba Sono sama would like.
“Dreadful business that was, such a shame,” said the Phoenix lord with a sorrowful look draped across his face as though he was a Noh theatre performer.
“I’ll try my best to make my questions brief, I don’t want to waste your time,” Donoha sama bowed his said as he then dropped the proverbial hammer. “There was a document that had a stylized mon on it. Found in the lair of a group of thugs my team and I had finished eliminating. Perhaps you could help me to identify it?”
Takumi sama gestured for him to continue, and Donoha pulled out a small piece of washi paper with Lord Takumi sama’s mon upon it.
“Begging your pardon but until I came in here I had no idea this was a close match for your mon.”
“It was on the document directing the group of thugs to interrupt and thwart the investigation of Asako Eiko sama.”
“WHERE, where is this document now?”
“It is with Shiba Sono sama.”
Standing he began pacing back and forth, “Donoha san, it is very rude to suggest I had anything to do with this you understand.”
The Dragon nodded, “Again, as I have said this entire time. I am trying to get your name off this list and came hearing seeking your aid in doing so.” Donoha sama needed him to see a clandestine offer of help in order to get him to confess his involvement. The reason Donoha sama had a group here is to have witnesses of the events.
Pacing back and forth once more while the Dragon strained his hearing. Concerned there may be additional guards showing up due to the lord’s outbursts. The tension in the room could be cut with a tanto. Lord Takumi sama stopped and turned to the Dragon with a smile, “Donoha san, what is it that you desire most?”
He had taken the bait!
“I suppose it would be to know my family is doing well,” Donoha tried to reply with an answer that would leave crumbs for the rat to follow.
“Ah, I see, so if money could be directed to your family then. I’m sure that can be arranged,” then turning to face the Lion and golden, braided mane of black hair, “and you Akodo san, what is it that you desire?”
Asahi sama spoke succinctly, “My desires align with my cousin.” There was a brief tilt of the head toward Donoha sama.
“Uncommon bond but certainly not unheard of,” remarked Tamuki sama, “and what of you two in the back.”
Unsure if the two new commers had caught on to what Donoha had been working out on the fly. He spoke up, “They are my new retainers and I will see to their desires as their lord.” He quietly prayed they didn’t speak, and was delighted by their continued silence. He was going to have to get to know each of them better in order for them to work in harmony.
“Then you’ll take responsibility seeing to their needs?”
“Then all that remains is to see how that “false” document can be dealt with.”
Donoha sama stood, leaving Mittsu Tamashi, and took the washi paper with Tamuki sama’s mon upon it. Heading over to a nearby lantern he dipped it into the flame. As it caught he held it and looked back at the thick bodied Phoenix lord, “I think I understand what you’re wishing for.”
Watching it evaporate the lord replied, “I believe you do.”
Donoha sama walked back over to his blade as the conversation came to an end. The group left and were escorted out by the ashigaru spearman that had been stationed at the door. Donoha sama half expected to have to fight his way out. Once they were at least at the next house he whispered to everyone that he’d explain everything at the caravan. He asked Tamaki san and Gunba san to make sure they are not followed.
Gunba san asked Donoha sama to take a circuitous route back through the city to the caravan. The group veered to take the long way back. Unicorn magics are strange even to other Rokugani. It seemed like a spell was cast but no one could tell. About midway back the group stopped at a shrine to the Fortune of Rice and Good harvest, Inari. Tamaki san succeeded in casting a difficult spell to spy on a room he’d only just been in. His eyes rolled up as his gaze was tossed back to the Phoenix Lord’s house. He saw him preparing letters warning his compatriots and crafting a defense for himself if he needed such an out.
Back at the caravan Donoha sama sent an attendant to seek an audience with Shiba Sono sama. The reply that came back was he would be available at the crack of dawn. In one of the wagons Donoha explained that he acted nefariously in order get Tamuki sama to admit his involvement and incriminate himself in front of witnesses.
When the attendants mentioned being done with the blood cleaning. The group had been talking about nemurani they had come across, and how much they missed Gombei sama’s tokkuri of endless sake. Donoha mentioned his smithing hammer, Chikai no kodzuchi 誓いの小槌 (Oath-hammer), his ancestor received from the Crab’s Kaiu family. Gunba san asked Donoha sama if he could see his armor. The Dragon was more than happy to oblige the Unicorn. While he did not understand what the Unicorn shugenja did, magic happened nonetheless. When it was done his armor was pristine clean and every repair that could have been made was finished!
As the 7th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) wound to a close the group began to change into sleeping attire. Akodo Asahi sama found a gift left upon his armor stand. A small, unremarkable, but well made tokkuri. No missive accompanied the gift, but the Lion knew it could only come from one person. Hiruma Gombei sama had left his prize possession with the Lion samurai! When he brought it over for everyone to see, the shugenja were fascinated with it! Upon checking it out with magic it was determined to be nearly as old as the Emerald Empire! What tales could it tell if it could speak about its travels, but night descends. The four decided sleeping together in one of the wagons was best. Attendants were told to rouse them an hour before dawn and have rice ready at that time.
8th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) – Sunrise came in its allotted time during the Hour of the Tiger (Tenth Kami / 4am to 6am). While Gunba san and Tamaki san felt fine, both Donoha sama and Asahi sama felt off physically. There has been a light partaking of Gombei sama’s gift, but nothing that would cause the food they ate to taste like ashes of a fire. Test by the two shugenja cleared them of taint, but a warning was given to carry jade upon themselves. Donoha broke out the last of their jade fingers, giving three to his cousin and keeping the other three on his person.
They made haste to the area of the caravan that was the encircled wagons of the Emerald ambassadors. Informing an attendant, they were escorted to the Phoenix wagon. Internally Donoha sama felt an eagerness to get Shiba Sono sama’s take on things and how to proceed. When they entered, Lord Asako Takumi was sitting next to the Phoenix Emerald ambassador. The Dragon felt the churn in his stomach of anxiety while he kept his face calm. Donoha sama needed a plan IMMEDIATELY!

When the two made eye contact Takumi sama was nothing but smiles. This was a man that felt he had all of his pieces in order. Donoha sama knew he had one avenue left before his companions paid for his learning how to deal with opponents that out rank you. Full attack stance was what went through his head because the worse they could do to him was demand his death. As long as he could shield his friends then that would be fine for him.
The group was asked to be seated, and they were offered tea. Shiba Sono sama offered tea to everyone new to the gathering. Then it was couched as a question that Donoha was to make an accusation toward Takumi sama? The Dragon nodded in the affirmative and then asked permission to make his case. The Phoenix Emerald ambassador nodded and Donoha began.

It was exhaustive as Donoha described the battle becoming know as the Slaughter on the hill. The isolation of suspects, the interrogation of the one Donoha sama kept from dying. Then came the trek to the cove and finding the scroll bearing the custom mon of Asako Takumi sama. Unlike nearly every other member of his clan, Donoha sama is detailed, clear, and very courteous while slamming the facts they had learned. Then came the attempted bribery and Donoha sama had mentioned his witnesses. After everything was laid out the stoutly framed Phoenix was still smiling. It was at this point Mirumoto Tanetsu sama made his presence known.

They politely suggested that everything should be discussed now and everyone should leave and wait outside. The Dragon, Lion, Phoenix, and the Unicorn left first and were shown to a bench where they could wait. Asako Takumi sama left afterward and were shown to a different seating area a bit closer to the wagons. The time then was well into the waning portion of the Hour of the Hare (Sun / 6am to 8am). It was not until the waning portion of the Hour of the Dragon (Moon / 8am to 10 am) that the two Emerald ambassadors came out and discussed something with Takumi sama first and then Mirumoto Tanetsu peeled away from the group and began approaching Donoha sama.
“You seem to have seen the storm coming Donoha san and have stepped in it.” Tanetsu sama continued with the statement Takumi sama believes the Dragon courtier set this up to provoke a duel. Donoha sama admitted he tried to angle for it when he saw him at the meeting and panicked regarding options to move forward. It was decided a duel would be had tomorrow evening at sunset. Tanetsu sama asked if the young Dragon would represent himself. Given that he bore a katana which he made himself, Mittsu Tamashi.

Donoha sama affirmed he would represent himself, and the group was informed a distant cousin of Asako Tamaki would be representing him from the Crane clan. With that the parties were dismissed to see to their affairs. By the time the group of four made it back to Donoha sama’s two wagons it was the Hour of the Serpent (Hantei / 10am to Noon) . The Dragon made a request of the others to go into the city as a group and find out what they could about their opponent. Asahi sama and Gunba san agreed to go and look. Tamaki san decided they wished to pursue the mysterious ailment afflicting both the Lion and the Dragon. When they asked Donoha what he was going to do he mentioned calligraphy and iajutsu practice. As the wrist motion of the brush nearly mimics those of the sword.