Kitsuki Donoha left Kyuden Ikoma on the 15th of Hantei or the Month of the Serpent. He’d begun practicing the duel wielding kenjutsu style with the Smith Hammer while he was staying among the Lion clan but it had proven difficult to master an unusual style. Still his clan was known for wielding two swords at once and he had to balance that with never letting the hammer get away from him. Now that Mittsu Tamashi was done he would have to try working on the technique again. Since he was told to never let the hammer out of his possession it occupies the spot his Wakizashi normally would. The shorter blade in his Daisho now rests on his back side within the obi sash. Shirogane’s training has gone well as it is perched on his right shoulder as though it was another limb.
While still very cold in the morning it felt like summer to the child of the Dragon clan. Spring began to whittle away the winter of the savannah plains in the Lion clan’s territory. The farther he travel the less traffic he would see. Carrying little in the way of supplies when it would come to food because he would stop merchant caravans to ask for food. Unlike some samurai he never asked for more than he needed and always thanked them for trying to offer more than asked. For long stretches of the first day he was alone moving through a sea of golden grass as most of the color was still gone from winter. The road had the look of great magic as it could part this golden sea.
As the day progress he had finished a haiku of the day.
Savannah, endless green
Where the wind whispers through the trees
Life abounds in peace

Donoha smiled to himself, knowing he had written the poem for the wrong season by using the word “green.” In the late spring and summer the haiku’s recital would find its place. However, in the way plants grow into bloom so to would this picture. Less frost was an artistic choice. He slept in the headman’s house in their front room of a village he passed by at nightfall. By candle light with a bowl water and a cloth from his iron box he added diluted ink tones for shading to the picture to give it the depth of life.
On the 16th of Hantei (Month of the Serpent) before the sun had completely reached its zenith in the hour of Hantei (Serpent). Donoha heard a commotion ahead. In no way trying to disguise his approach he came upon three ronin bully a young woman wearing the mon (crest) of the Lion clan on her rather well made leather backpack. When he was closer and could intervene from horse back the three turned to Donoha. Shirogane sitting on his right shoulder.
“This is none of your business, we all gotta eat,” the lady’s bag had been toss on the ground by one of the ronin looking for coin. One of the men was still casting a side eye at the bag. While the other two had the full attention affixed to Donoha.
Ignoring the three ronin he looked down to the lady, “Lion-san, do you require any assistance?”

The Lion courtier was clearly of the samurai class, verified when she spoke, “Yes, but if we can avoid any violence p, please.” Their gempukku as a Lion had to involve testing one’s self but were they faced with an unfair situation to overcome? Donoha wondered because here was the wide opened world and no one was around to tell it to stop, the difficulty was to high.
Donoha confirmed that she would like help but preferred a non-violent outcome. When she gave that confirmation with a nod he turned to the three men, “Since the Lion would prefer an outcome that does not involve the three of you dying today. Let me know what caused you to accost this lady?”
Their stories were of times are hard for wave-men with no one to call a master. They need to eat as well. Donoha mentioned the town he left this morning as a place to work out an arrangement to get food. Or they could become his retainers! This made everyone pause, but Donoha had heard the mandate of Hantei the XXXVIII about ronin needing to fine work with lords. Refusal to accept offers were punishable by death.
One of the three blurted out, “You look a little young to be granting the title of samurai to ronin, boy!”
Donoha nodded and without uttering a word he got off his horse and led it to the side of the road. Shirogane flew up and around landing on the pack tied to Yukiabo’s rump. Turning to the lady Lion briefly to mention they should gather their belongings and join his horse. At which point he turned away from her confident they understood his statement was not a request.
He then removed two pale-oak bokken (wooden swords; pale-oak only comes from one province in all of Rokugan. Aoijiro Province in the Phoenix lands. From the single and largest oak in the province that grows over the site where Emperor Hantei XVII was buried! Its bark is believed to have miraculous curative properties.) from his white dosanko horse’s saddle. Next, with his other hand drew his sword slowly and held above his head so they could get a good look at its unique blade.
“If you doubt my prowess or skill you have two choices. One, face me as a retainer in training and I’ll use these bokken. Two, face me as a person refusing the order of Emperor Hantei the Thirty-eight of his line for ronin to find masters to serve. In which case I will use the above blade and my hammer. Regardless of your choice the lady Lion is leaving here with me.”
The leader stepped forward putting his hand on the shoulder of the one that spoke out, “We would need a few days to put our affairs in order. Where is your destination and we could meet you there? By then we can also decide whether or not to serve you.”
Donoha put his sword back as slowly as he took it out. By acknowledging the lady Lion’s request he should find every avenue to pursue a peaceful resolution. Tucking the pale-oak bokken up under and arm should he still need them in a minute. He gave a curt but purposeful bow of just his head, “Shiro Akodo, and then on to Otosan-Uchi. I have been asked to travel with the Emperor’s Gift.”
The “Emperor’s Gift” is an open caravan of various forms of aid & entertainment, with their passage also given permission to use the Emperor’s Roads. They will be visiting each clan in reverse compass order as follows: Phoenix, Dragon, Unicorn, Scorpion, Crab, Lion, Crane. To be asked to join such a endeavor is a great honor. His offer had even more merit when Donoha produced a letter from under his light tatami (tatami = foldable) armor showing the seal of the Voice of the Emperor. Even the lady Lion had raised eyebrows, but Donoha knew this was the work of his Grandfather and Grandmother securing documentation and leaving it with his father to pass to him.
The ronin leader of the three wave-men said, “It should take you another three days to reach Shiro Akodo. We’ll meet you either just before the gates. Or barring bad timing will wait on the road that will lead to Otosan-Uchi. Is this acceptable?”
Donoha nodded and put the bokken back and mounted his horse. He offered a hand to the lady Lion and pulled her up into the saddle in front of him. He rode on with the same slow but purposeful gait he had been on the entire time. Shriogane returned to his right shoulder and just turned its head to watch the ronin as they left. It was not until the change between the hours of the Akodo (or Horse / 12pm – 2pm) and Doji (or Goat / 2pm-4pm) that he finally spoke to her.
Matsu Shànzi was their name and they too, were headed to Otosan-Uchi for the Emperor’s Gift. She had felt bad for the ronin but did not have any coin to spare. She lamented that while a Lion samurai she did not have a master to call her own and Donoha replied she should become his retainer. She was clearly and artisan that pursue at least calligraphy from what he had seen strewn on the ground. She accepted and formal introductions were made.
Shànzi loved to talk and they spoke about each others gempukku’s taken. She began writing down what she learned of Donoha when they stopped for the night at another village. Donoha often wondered if the Lion had such villages made as a way to not only reap the rewards of the land. Secondly, to provide the samurai and imperial messengers waypoints between larger settlements.
The Dragon lands were very mountainous and cities often made terraced going up the sides from valleys. It was cold in summer but in winter it was like a maze that was covered in snow! There reasons court times happened during winter when people often could not leave their homes. This was almost summer weather from back home near Great Fall Castle.
The 17th and 18th of Hantei (Month of the Serpent) had a routine that awoke Shànzi. The sounds of Donoha using one of his pale-oak bokken and his smithing hammer to create and unusual style based upon the two weapons the Mirumoto duelists of the Dragon clan are known for. Watching him move between slow-play and burst-action poses reminds of a quiet kabuki theater fight.
They traveled across the Lion clan lands with the two sitting back to back on Yukiabo. His steady, even, pace allowed Shànzi the opportunity to work on her notes with her pack on top of Donoha’s as a makeshift desk of sorts. With countless scraps of washi (plant-based paper) she would jot down things he would talk about and to her amazement there was nothing he would not answer. Since he had traveled much more than her she focused on the sword called “Three Souls” or Mittsu Tamashi. The story of its creation and Donoha’s gempukku was astounding to her.
Especially the part about Kenson Gakka or “Humility’s Lesson” and saving the daughter of the Ikoma family’s daimyo! When asked he showed her the scar from where the Scorpion’s katana had gone through his shoulder. Then he flexed his left shoulder to make it pop and showed a rare smile. He mentioned it was his first real fight but he learned so much from it words fail to explain its wisdom. He reminded her of his motto on Mittsu Tamashi that “Pain is traded for Wisdom.”
When they stopped to eat each day after a caravan had been stopped to ask for some fruit and slices of meat. Again with them offering more and Donoha refusing because his stomach was so small he could only take a little. Shànzi realized he only took what they would need and never more. When she asked him about it he said it was a way to practice Bushido. Jin was the act of compassion to not abuse the authority bestowed to them by the fortune of their birth and the grace of the Emperor. Rei is the act of courtesy to respect the efforts of the hiemen and eta in their roles within the Celestial Order. Makoto is the notion of being sincere and making sure what was asked is all that is taken despite being offered more. Therefore his words are his bond and his truth. Then there is Gi where one must be honest in all things.
As the Lady Sun begins to exchange rule of the sky with Lord Moon on the 18th of Hantei (Month of the Serpent), they arrived at a Temple to Benten, Fortune of Romantic Love. Donoha stops the horse when he hears a piece of pottery hit a stone floor! Followed very quickly by the crying of a woman!
Shànzi follows him as he approaches two Ashigaru Spearmen in colors of the Lion clan. Donoha enquires about their charge and he told it is the lady Akodo Maki they serve. He requests permission to approach and offer assistance regarding the sound of something breaking. They part for him to approach.
The maiden of the Lion clan and a samurai-ko, Akodo Maki, is kneeling at the temple, a simple roadside establishment adorned by Lion arches and a covered altar. It could be more accurate to say it was a gazebo than full building. A broken vase lies next to her at the temple altar, and she is holding a couple of the pieces as her tears and cries fall without regard to the world.

“Akodo-sama, my name is Kitsuki Donoha, and I have been trained in the art of restoring broken items. I happen to have my supplies with me and would be honored to render aid unto you, if you wish it.” Donoha chose to not acknowledge her tears for concern it would only cause her to feel further loss. He also made it her choice because its possible she wished to break the vase.
She pulled a folded cloth and in a clearly practiced move she had cleared her face of tears by the time she spun to meet his gaze, “I do wish it, please Kitsuki-san, if you can fix this I would be in your debt.”
Donoha bowed and got to work with the Ashigaru Spearmen to create a makeshift table he could set up braziers from the shrine around for light. Retrieving his iron box he pulled out adhesives and powdered copper dust. Matsu Shànzi sat with Maki san and records her tale about her love, Akodo Funaki, has been pledged to marry a Unicorn clan samurai-ko, in an effort to create peace between clans and families. He will be taking her family name – Otaku. She was paying tribute here to honor her love. She had long thought ssince Maki was owed a favor by their Daimyo. In addition to each of them being the youngest among their respective siblings they would be able to marry.
However, she has given up hope, and simply wants happiness for herself and Akodo Funaki. The Unicorn battle maiden or samurai-ko is Otaku Ito. Matsu Shànzi shared how the Unicorn destroyed a village of the Lion and that’s how she lost her home and nearly became a ronin were it not for Donoha. Both women had heard rumors that Otaku Ito is mean, spiteful, and not particularly fair person.
For several hours into the night Donoha worked on understanding “how” it went back together and using washi paper he sketched how to repair and beautify the vase. It would take three of his twelve rations of copper powder, but he gave up a fourth ration to make it into a tree of copper mending the vase and put his mon (crest) on the base to sign his work. His heart bled for Maki quietly having lost contact with his love but he would say nothing as he did not want to make this about himself. He would pour his heart into helping another mend hers. He could think of no better prayer to the divine Benten. He finished in the hour of the Hida (or Boar / 10pm – Midnight).

He apologized as he handed her the vase saying he used a reagent to make everything cure to a solid state quicker. But it would likely be done and the smell will vanish by morning. Maki could feel the warmth as copper laden adhesive was working and realizing as it cooled it was also pulling excess copper into the cracks! By the brazier light both Maki and Shànzi could see the copper tree holding the pieces together! Shànzi pointed out his mon on the bottom.
A lone lioness cries
Her mate is gone, her heart is torn
She will never forget.
He gave Maki a small scroll with this haiku and reminded her to live and learn to love again. He was really tyring to reassure himself. Maki swore if he ever needed aid the Akodo would be there to help. He was honored to help a member of the Akodo he reminded me later because one of his cousins is an Akodo. He bowed deeply in return and as she went back to prayer. The Ashigaru Spearmen helped him pack everything back up and the two travelers left in silence.
It was unspoken but neither could sleep after such an emotional event. They rode onward to Shiro Akodo arriving about an hour before dawn. There was no sign of the ronin and what was more is the gates were shut! Shànzi confirmed that was unusual even for night time given no active wars were happening within at least several days ride. As they rode up on Yukiabo’s back. Donoha notice the tension level of the guards were high thanks to his training in Ichi-Maru (First Glance).

As calmly as he had ridden up to the Ronin, he approached the gate of Shiro Akodo. “Battle does not wait for the rested soul,” he thought to himself. Adrenaline poured through his limbs like hot oil quenching a blade. Sleep would be delayed a little longer. When the guard told him to halt he did so. Seeing the gate samurai performing their Chugo or duty demanded nothing less than Rei or courtesy in return.
When queried by Donoha, the samurai of the gate said their had been a murder and Shiro Akodo was on lock down. He thanked him for the information, “Please tell your daimyo my name is Kitsuki Donoha of the Dragon Clan. We are known for being investigators, and I would be honored if your lord allowed me to assist in bringing the murderer to justice.” At which point he bowed.
One of the other samurai in the back with the Ashigaru soldiers stepped forward and whispered something into the other’s ear. The first Lion samurai asked him to wait as the other would bring Donoha sama’s offer to their daimyo. Both Shànzi and he dismounted and waited by Yukiabo as Shriogane settled back down on Donoha’s shoulder after his dismount. It was now the Hour of the Sun (Hare / 6am – 8am) when the guard returned and the Kitsuki was asked to help their lord.
Shiro Akodo at dawn – Thanks to @Game Master & the L5R game for the image.

As they were allowed inside with the gate being opened only as wide as to let them in and then shut once more. With his Ichi-Maru (First Glance) scanning the city for signs about what is out of place. He introduces Matsu Shànzi as his note taker, and to her credit Shànzi quickly gathered what she would need to perform this role from her pack on Yukiabo. The horse was handed to a guard to be stabled and cared for by the daimyo’s order. He never acknowledged Shirogane, as the great potoo bird (from claw to head was just under two “shaku” or feet) sat stoically on his right shoulder.
Into the district of the castle city went Donoha noticing how empty it was and what it should look like based on buildings, carts, and other signs. The hiemen would be in their homes likely above or in the back of their businesses. The eta would be in the villages outside the city walls, aside from those kept to perform tasks like moving the dead. When they arrived at the district damiyo’s estate they were led inside. Shànzi and Donoha removed their sandals and Donoha tied his to the side of his obi (belt). Shànzi left her’s at the entrance likely thinking Donoha strange for skirting the common custom. He did a good job scrapping them before attaching them but this was the first thing he did that was very strange.
Shirogane would adjust on his shoulder but was careful with placement of its claws. They were brought to second floor where an extra guard was outside the room the gate samurai had been leading them to. Both guards nodded to each other and Donoha noted this had likely been worked out in the last visit. The guard spoke to someone just beyond the wooden and paper door, “Jōkamachi-sama (castle town lord) I have brought the Kitsuki-san.”
“Yes, bring them in,” was the reply and the voice almost sounded like the growl of a lion.
The door was slid open by its guard and they stood to the side. The gate guard motioned and then left to return to their post. This room was as sparse as those in the most dragon castles. A futon lay tossed aside, there was a small pool of blood maybe one and a half koku wide in front of an armor stand displaying a grand o-yoroi (armor) bearing the Matsu mon as its maedate (crest on the helmet). It clearly belonged to a great member of that family. The room was otherwise empty save for the man that had spoken earlier slightly shorter than Donoha. However, his presence was a beast waiting and watching, the district Jōkamachi daimyo, Akodo Tozawa.

After introductions were made, Donoha requested to be allowed to begin. Tozawa nodded and made a gesture with their iron tessen (war fan) that the room was his. He walked still dressed in his tatami light armor from the road. He squated down close to the blood asking Shànzi for a spare quill from her yatate (portatble ink-cotton writing kit), to which she provided. When he got within a few inches of the blood he noticed an indentation in tatami floor mat. It was definitely not enough blood if a head was bashed in or throat cut. Also why preserve the scene if you were going to move the body?
“Kitsuki-san, we can call an eta if you need to check the blood,” Tozawa offered with a raised eyebrow at Donoha clearly sniffing the air around the stain on the floor.
Using the feather of the quill to help push the scent of the blood into his nose, “No need Akodo-sama, after all this isn’t a murder is it? This person was taken from here. This happened no longer than last night but over a few hours ago.” Speaking to a daimyo without eye-contact was considered rude enough but then Donoha had begun to stand and while looking at the o-yoroi their head whipped to the other side of the room and rather than facing the Daimyo they walked over to an exterior wall. Then they slid two fingers from each hand through notches made in the wall panel and pulled it completely free from the supports with EASE!
Setting it to the side he turned to the district daimyo, “Akodo-sama, I believe this Matsu Mayumi is not dead but kidnapped. You called it a murder so they would trip up and make a mistake not being able to ask for ransom.” Donoha then pointed out the blood stains on the column by the panel that nearly blended into the lacquer of the wood. Tozawa had both eyebrows raised as they stalked over, “Your ways are strange Kitsuki-san but clearly have merit.”
Donoha slipped on his sandals, handing the quill back, and swung out on one arm and saying, “High watch, Shirogane.” The great bird flew to the roof and perched in the morning sun. Donoha saw where a rope had been once attached to the wooden second floor wall. Pulling some strands from the wall he showed it to Tozawa whom spurted out “Eta” with disdain. Donoha was quick to point out they typically don’t have this skill. But if he was going to pull this off he would want to make it seem like the Eta were to blame.
“Well, it would appear we need to go this way,” then let go of the wall and leapt down to the ground below!
The landing was a little rougher than he would like and his kimono was damaged near the knee with a tear. However, he found some orange clumps of clay that did not match the ground and he took some and brought it out to the walkway that surrounded the estate. Both Tozawa and Shànzi were missing and presumably taking the stairs to come around and meet him.
When Tozawa sama and Shànzi san arrived he had six ashigaru spearmen with him. Donoha san showed him the orange clay and the Jōkamachi-sama growled. According to him this was indeed mud used for some pottery in the castle. The Jōkamachi-sama asked if any of his ashigaru knew which town this was from and one gave the affirmative. He was assigned to help us. Donoha san had Shànzi san document his name for the investigation – Minoru.
They headed off as a group and Donoha san mentioned keeping the guard of Matsu Mayumi san’s room under watch in case they were an accomplice. Tozawa sama nodded mentioning they were being treated for their injures currently. He’d acknowledged his caution and act on it when he got back. They came to a side gate of the district that would also lead them outside of Shiro Akodo.
Donoha’s Ichi-Maru detected a problem with the gate’s hinge. When they queried the guards it had been broken off yesterday and been repaired. Donoha nodded, “Matsu-san get their names so I can tell their lord they were helpful. Now if one of you can open the gate so Ashigaru-san here may lead us to our destination.” Shànzi did as she was instructed and recorded: Akodo Kashin and Akodo Kanemoto. She proceed on following behind the two as soon as she had stored her quill on her yatate (portatble ink-cotton writing kit).
The real reason he wanted their name was he considered them possible accomplices. He’d use the Kitsuki brand of investigation or Nazado to determine if Lion’s were at fault. One thing he knew for certain is he did not want to play Go with Tozawa.
When they got to the Eta town outside Shiro Akodo’s jōkamachi (castle town). Donoha san had the group stop, they – meaning other than him – would approach quietly. Shànzi san was to hang back and record and seek reinforcements should the need arise. Minoru san’s job was to locate Matsu Mayumi san and either get her out or protect her until help could come. Donoha san would deal with whatever the threat was they would face. It was not lost on him that this was the same setup as the Second Battle of Kenson Gakka only he was the one tackling a crowd so someone else might secure the target’s safety.
Now was not the time for worry or doubt. Now was time for Yu (courage), Chugo (duty), and Meyo (honor). Donoha walked into the village ring of huts and saw the same three ronin from his first encounter with Shànzi. Stopping about 20 shaku (each shaku is roughly one foot) from the trio he addressed them as he drew his katana and hammer, “Well, it would seem you’ve made up your minds.”
There leader, again in the back chuckled as he replied, “Lady Shosuru said you would find us but it was quicker than I thought it would be. Her offer had more coin behind it rather than the promise of redemption.”
Sighing that it had come to this the young Dragon retorted, “Fine, then who wishes to die first?”
The leader tried to go on about numbers and intimidation and Donoha san ignored them completely turned around and told Shànzi san to make sure she got all of this. With a shout of the affirmative from the young Lion he turned back to the now enraged ronin as their leader shouted for the two subordinates to charge Donoha! Using the hammer like a tonfa he would use the strong steel head to parry anything while he swung Mittsu Tamashi at the one telegraphing his movements.
Their head went sailing through the air akin to a tossed sack of rice!
His counterpart struck Donoha in the right side but the tatami light armor kept the blow from being fatal. Donoha’s return swing missed it’s mark of their neck but so did his second opponent swing wide trying to avoid the black river of death that was Mittsu Tamashi’s black edge, the copper hamon line flashing in the night! Then the assailant noticed to late that Donoha had made each strike with counters should he miss. Mittsu Tamashi went right through his chest and out the back! The ronin’s final view of the world was being tossed off the blade as Donoha simply rotated the blade. Then with a flick simply cut his way out of the dead man’s chest.

Matsu Shànzi san was stunned at how fast and brutal his attacks had been! She had never seen him fight before and now understood why he had sounded a little full of himself when they met. He had allowed them to leave alive, not the other way around. She pitied the Eta villagers that were all bowed in prostration outside their homes. Minoru san waved to Shànzi san that they had made it to Matsu Mayumi! It felt like time had slowed down but the grains in the hour glass were surely falling regardless of their perception.
“The nerve, the audacity!” Shànzi san thought to herself. The ronin leader was asking for a duel, they did not deserve such an honor but her master merely bowed. Then using a mint green cloth he wiped his blade down an sheathed it. He stepped forward to the appropriate distance and took his stance.
The ronin shouted, “Shūchū (focus)!” Donoha never broke eye contact with the slight nod. Next the ronin shouted, “Sutoraiku (strike)!” Donoha swung and had the ronin been any less of a brickhouse of a man they would be dead! From his left shoulder out their right hip was the gash of crimson beginning to color everything they were wearing!
He swung and it was able to tear away some of Donoha’s light tatami armor from his chest leaving a significant wound! He dropped to a knee the tip of Mittsu Tamashi thrust into the dirt to keep him from dropping to the ground. Shànzi saw some of her master blood fall to the dirt on his left side from their vantage. The she saw something amazing happen! She saw Mittsu Tamashi slightly awaken as a nemuranai! Smoke poured from where the copper touched the hard black edge. It then swirled up the blade and Donoha’s arm as he stood making his strike!
He cut clean through from the right shoulder out the left hip completing the “X” in the body before it slid in half to fall in two parts! Then the smoke pulled itself back into the sword! Donoha slumped to his knees leaning on his sword.
Minoru had Matsu Mayumi over his shoulder if it was straining him the Ashigaru never showed it. Shànzi ran to the Dragon and saw how bad the cut was. She roused him from falling asleep and he stood. He told the Eta of the village they were not to be buried with their heads. Then the heavens would know to punish them in their next incarnation. They made their way back to Lord Tozawa’s estate within his district of Shiro Akodo.
He cut clean through from the right shoulder out the left hip completing the “X” in the body before it slid in half to fall in two parts! Then the smoke pulled itself back into the sword! Donoha slumped to his knees leaning on his sword.
Minoru had Matsu Mayumi over his shoulder if it was straining him the Ashigaru never showed it. Shànzi ran to the Dragon and saw how bad the cut was. She roused him from falling asleep and he stood. He told the Eta of the village they were not to be buried with their heads. Then the heavens would know to punish them in their next incarnation. They made their way back to Lord Tozawa’s estate within his district of Shiro Akodo.
Donoha had Shànzi write down his haiku on the way back:
Bandits threaten fair maid,
A hero steps forward to save,
She is grateful, safe.
Donoha apologized for bringing danger to his house. A perplexed Tozawa raised an eyebrow at that. When he explained that his family fought on the side of of the Lion at Kenson Gakka, Tozawa smiled and clapped his shoulder. Next he extoled the virtues of Minoru and the two Akodo samurai at the gate. He also felt the healing guard under watch was no longer a threat.
Despite his wounds he accepted the toast to him of sake for restoring the honor and face of the house. Then he left with an attendant to a room to rest and get aid. Before leaving he told Shànzi to give him her unvarnished assessment since meeting him on the road. Leave out no detail (letting her know it was okay to tell Maki’s tale), Lion to Lion. He asked Tozawa if someone might be able to mend his gear. Tozawa bowed to him and a speechless Donoha slid the door shut.
Donoha was tended to while he slept and did not wake until the Hour of the Akodo (Horse / 12 noon – 2pm) on the 20th of Hantei (Month of the Serpent). The physician treating his wounds made it clear another tenth of a Shaku and he’d be dead. His wounds were healed and while there would be scarring it would not be visible under normal circumstances. Donoha considered getting a Tattoo later to cover it up with ink.
Donoha mentioned to Shànzi they would leave bright and early on the 21st and should make it by night fall on the 22nd. When she asked about lodgings he said they would be staying with his Obachan and Ojīsan (Grandmother and Grandfather) when they arrived. She had discussed it with him when she had handed him the invitation to join the Emperor’s Gift. They would have someone meet them at the Northern gate.
One of the Ashigaru assigned to attend Donoha did knock when he heard them talking and informed them because of Donoha’s mon, a runner had been sent on to Otosan Uchi to let Seppun Sora (Donoha’s Grandmother on his father’s side) know of his delay because he had helped Tozawa sama. Matsu Shànzi had yet to see his mon have any affect on people, but after the service he provided Tozawa sama. The Akodo samurai spared no expense when one of the heimin craftspeople asked if they were allowed to work on clothing of a person related to the Imperial family.
Even Shànzi had been questioned about their travel plans and knew he was related to the Seppun, but it did not take historians long to figure out the connection was A) real, and B) whom it was. Shànzi was allowed to read the scrolls about Seppun Yūshū, whom used to be Kitsuki Yūshū before marrying into the Seppun because valorous and glorious deeds for the Emerald Empire.
They learned about the first born being given to the Seppun line and the second born would be given back to the Dragon. All subsequent children would be in the Dragon family. Most thought the boy would be a Seppun but the first boy ended up being the second child and Kitsuki Orochi was Donoha’s father. Where the first born child was Seppun Mariko and Donoha’s elder aunt. There third child was Kitsuki Hotaro and was married off to the Akodo family!
As far as Shànzi san was concerned it was unlikely for samurai to lie, but what were the odds of meeting a relative of the imperial family? Just making their way with no entourage to the empire’s capital city and needing a retainer! Now she was not just going to see the capital of the empire but she would likely be one of the few to see the inside of the Forbidden City where the Emperor lives! As a bard of the Lion Clan this was astounding!
All of his equipment had been repaired: the tatami light armor, he had been gifted and average quality kimono set (pants, under shirt, and obi) of yellow with green shashiko stitching on the trim in geometric shapes. It was the additional fine kimono that had taken her breath away. She stare at it on the stand before he had woken up for whole hour (two hours for us) of the day!

Donoha made it a point of trying at least twice to refuse such a fine kimono given the yellow one would have been fine. Alas, Tozawa sama would not hear of it and Donoha made it a point to wear it out on the 21st when they left at dawn. It was the least armored Shànzi had seen him. They had made a detachable right shoulder plate of lacquer leather for Shirogane to sit on which would tie across his chest and his right upper arm!
Yukiabo looked at though they were primed for a parade. Donoha had Shànzi sit in fornt this time as he had to have several stretches on Yukiabo of faster pace to reach Mura Kita Chushin (North Hub Village) by nightfall. They did sleep in a little bit but likely only three hours of the day’s worth (six hours for us). When they left Mura Kita Chushin it was only the beginning of the Hour of the Moon (Dragon / 8AM to 10AM). Once they crossed the great bridge over the waterway that feeds the River of the Sun which cuts through Otosan Uchi he slow the pace to a trot and they take a small break there to water and rest Yukiabo.
They arrived at the area with the assembled caravan out by the north gate of Otosan Uchi’s Hojize district. They arrived just after the Hour of Bayushi (Rooster / 6PM – 8PM) began. Along the road the road where the Emperor’s Gift caravan was being staged. They came to the official Clan Guide Houses where Donoha mentioned he would meet Shànzi after they had their bath.
However a strange presence was waiting by the Dragon and Lion guide houses. Samurai wearing the Mon of the Emporer were standing out side of each. It was the Miharu – the Imperial guard! There was a few heimin servants with each and a exceptionally dressed samurai of Dragon and Lion clans standing with them. The one of the heimin of each group had a sign with the names of each respective rider of Yukiabo. Shànzi looked at Donoha as the rode up with raised eyebrows to the Dragon guide house and dismounted.
When Donoha bowed to the Miharu Samurai (all of whom are inducted from the Seppun family and their relations) and introduced himself and Shànzi. Shirogane flew up and saw his master doing the “thing” again. When it landed on Yukiabo it spread it wings and bowed as well! The head of the Miharu (Seppun Honor Guard – alt name from resarch) samurai nodded and said, “Taka-san, any bird that shows respect like that is welcomed, go feed it.” A heimin in the group pulled a strip of meat and appraoched in a manner suggesting he handles animals for their work. Shirogane saw the outstretched hand with meat hanging and the great bird swooped in to grab it and landed on the same spot of the packs on Yukiabo.
Another heimin waved a flag that might have been mounted to a Samurai’s armored back. Made of golden silk, it alerted the other group their target had arrived. The two Emerald Ambassadors for the Dragon and Lion clans introduced themselves as Mirumoto Tanetsu and Kitsu Tsuguri. Shànzi san was very demure since Tsuguri sama was also the Family Damiyo for this branch of the Lion Clan! Kitsu heard about Donoha’s Lion retainer and that both had aided Tozawa sama of Shiro Akodo.
Donoha and Shànzi, well mostly Shànzi, was being explained about the house with bathing, clothes, and food to welcome them from there journey. When she was able to politely get Donoha to pay attention he nodded his understanding. Only after investigating a crime did Shànzi realized he had grasped everything and was not brushing her off. Details are his strong suite. He’d been engaged with talking to Tanetsu sama about his interest inspecting the only other sword that had made an eight man cut! One or two of Miharu betrayed themselves with a raised eyebrow but said nothing else.