Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 36

The Queen of Hunger

Shosuro Hanzo san performed a divination to see if he could find a way to remove the Karmic Key from the pedestal. It matched the same result of Donoha’s investigation. There did not appear to be a non-supernatural way to take the disc off. What they did learn was that the stone was different but fused in a way masons were unable to do.

Isawa Tamaki san offered to use their spell, Reads the Essence, on the disc and they were granted a vision. In it they learned the disc and the pedestal are fused using the four elemental kami with the first being air, followed by earth, fire, and water. They explained upon coming out of their vision they would need to figure out how to unlock it to remove the disc.

Gunba san and Tamaki san discuss the options and the use of the spell, Reflections of Pan Ku. Tamaki san was trepidatious because their was no confirmation yet this disc was the Karmic Key. Being in another spirit realm how would their magics behave? Donoha sama mentions to Tamaki san to practice Yu (Courage) and do the thing because they’re afraid not because it is safe and easy. Tamaki san thanks the Dragon for their wisdom and performs the spell. The Phoenix confirms Hanzo san’s divination.

Asahi sama and Donoha sama acted as guards during this time. Gunba san shares the concern of Tamaki san that this may not be the Karmic Key. They begin discussing his concerns and it is decided to try and entreat the kami in the reverse order of the seal. The Phoenix shugenja begins to communes with the Water Kami, via a bowl and a waterskin he keeps for such purposes. The water becomes a misty cloud, but to the Phoenix they saw the kami before them. The Water Kami shows how to unlock the key. When asked about if they were forced to perform the sealing they said they were made offerings and accepted to help in exchange for the tributes paid unto them. Tamaki san asked if they would help and they said they would once the other three elementals kami had found a host. The Water Kami chose Tamaki san as their vessel.

Otaku Gunba san goes for the Fire Kami next and Asahi sama donates some cherished letters he swore he could re-create as an offering. With their questions they confirm two important things. One, the disc is the dormant state of the Karmic Key. Two, they are doing the ritual correctly to unlock it. Their next question explains that if the Queen of Hunger continues to devour the souls of Gaki-do then they will have the power to move to other realms and destroy the karmic cycle of reincarnation! Death would become permanent there would be no chance to redeem your soul in your next life! The Fire Kami agrees to help if Asahi sama is their vessel. The Lion agrees and is surrounded by a swirling mote of flame.

There was some talk about whom the last two vessels will be. Gunba san felt he would be a sure fit for earth. A few thought Donoha would be the one to represent air. The Dragon thought and suggest they would like choose Hanzo san for being more dexterous than he was, despite the surprise from his cousin. When looking for actual earth to use, because the ground around him was being adjusted mystically to prevent a state of madness from setting in. Donoha sama offers up his last finger of jade to the Unicorn shugenja in order to invoke the Kami of Earth. The jade dissolves into a fine grain jade sand and they swirls into a cloud. The Earth Kami was quite pleased with such an offering and chooses Gunba san for their vessel.

The Phoenix shugenja then performs the commune for the Air Kami using a deep breath and then exhaling to offer the wind of their body. The first question informed them and later shared with the group. They will need to put the Karmic Key inside of the Queen of Hunger to prevent them from using foul, dark magics against the five samurai. The kami spirit is willing to help if Hanzo is the vessel and the Scorpion agrees.

There was some trepidation on how to apply the kami spirits to the stone pedestal. Donoha sama suggested everyone to stand around the pedestal and take their left arm. Then use it to touch the person to their left forming a connection between them all. Next, take their right hand and place on the pedestal in reverse order: Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. This process works and the disc transforms back into its oval shape with engravings denoting the cosmos upon it!

Stepping in between the four Donoha takes the key gently in both hands and lifts it free from the pedestal. The others then broke their connections to the pedestal to gaze upon what the group had suffered for. When Tamaki san asked to cast the Reflections of Pan Ku upon it the Dragon handed him the Karmic Key and once his hand let go. The artifact yanked Tamaki san’s arm straight down as it made a whopping thud into the ground! Donoha sama could lift it as though it was light as a wooden tray. When they let Asahi sama try the result was the same. Apparently, the Dragon was the one virtuous enough to wield it.

To help the Phoenix shugenja, Donoha sama sits and allows Tamaki san to cast Reflections of Pan Ku upon the Karmic Key. Tamaki san described it as a religious experience, as he saw the history of the Karmic Key! It’s taken on many forms throughout history, but without it the cycle of reincarnation will stop! Only Tamaki san has seen this and managed to keep his sanity. Afterwards, the the group took one more rest before heading out to face the Queen of Hunger.

They left the temple and came upon further corruption of Gaki-Do. Hidden from driving our heroes mad with the illusion affecting their sight. Chiasa’s power to commune with the kami for such a boon is powerful indeed. Coming upon a valley in the shape of a circle as the mists parted to reveal the battlefield. Across the way was a gigantic, but vaguely humanoid shape of shadow. Dark and wispy, thick tentacles of shadow writhed forth from its back and limbs! Eyes made of burning hate, a mouth that exuded a bone chilling breath as though it could still the warmth that was your soul.

Otaku Gunba san prepared everyone with the spell Courage of Seven Thunders. The two Dragon and Lion cousins realized they could not defend against the Queen of Hunger’s physical strikes effectively. Decided it would have to be a full on attack. Tamaki first cast the Embrace of Kenro-Ji-Jin upon Hanzo san. Thus, granting them the ability to swim through the ground and get in closer with the bow and the jade arrows. Next, the Phoenix shugenja cast the Fires of Purity spell upon Asahi sama. Wreathing him in flame to aid in his attack and rebuke strikes upon him with the pure flame of the kami’s blessing!

The battle began with the Lion and the Dragon rushing across the valley. The Unicorn shugenja began a spell called the Tomb of Jade which takes significant concentration to invoke. The Queen of Hunger attempted to invoke fear among them but the spell of Otaku Gunba held firm! Tamaki san began to move in with a Jade Strike spell as the Queen turned their wrath on Asahi sama by causing him to begin turning to stone! Jade flashed overhead from wherever Hanzo san was shooting from! Their shriek from the impact was made worse when the Dragon brought Mittsu Tamashi down upon one of the shadow tentacles while holding the Karmic Key in their left arm.

Tamaki san raced to Asahi sama’s side and pulled the magic from the Lion unto himself using a spell of Void origin! Donoha sama was able to press the Karmic Key against the creature causing it to wail in paint momentarily pause its movement. When the Lion was able to join the fray wielding the ancient jade katana suffused in fire as well! One could have called him the divine judgement of Tengoku! With their flaming strikes they began to tear into the Queen of Hunger! Coordinating with the direction of his Dragon cousin. Asahi sama was able to allow an opening for Donoha sama to use his training with Kaze-Do martial arts and improvised weapons to push the Karmic Key inside the Queen of Hunger!

The shrill howl of pain could be felt in every bone of the samurai present! In what seemed like an explosion of shadow, with no shockwave to follow. The Queen was shriveled up and pulled inside the as though consumed by it, and set back into the karmic cycle from whence it came. The exploded droplets of shadow began to take forms briefly before being freed and set back to the karmic cycle once again. All the consumed souls were being freed not just from the Queen, but from Gaki-Do! As this realization settled upon those witnessing it, or being freed from magics of the Queen. Three droplets of shadow landed in front of the Dragon as they took human form. In unison they began to bow.