Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 42

Journey to the Mountain’s Anvil

On the morning of the 20th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}) the four samurai made their way back into the mine. They left the Bell of Air at its repaired station by the entrance. There were plans to add a small shrine into the wall next to it, but Tatsu san had not started on it yet. Continuing on to the chamber with the jade and obsidian they made their way deeper.

Otaku Gunba san recommended sealing the chamber back up until they could figure out how to handle the situation. Isawa Tamaki san agreed and they both thought the Stone Mask of Water and the Lantern of the Void should be sealed up inside. This would prevent someone else from finding this and exploiting it before steps could be taken to secure the safety of the jade and the kami.

Shosuro Hanzo san was moved once again upon seeing such a deliberate sign of the power of the kami. Turning to Donoha sama as they rested their hand upon the jade floor that had been changed into un-tainted obsidian during the pacification of the kami. Well known for their aversion to being dirty or unclean this was surprising behavior to say the least. Turning to the Dragon, “Donoha sama, have you ever seen something so beautiful that everything else you looked upon afterward faded a little, as though other things somehow lessened in clarity and importance?”

The Dragon nodded, “I understand exactly what you’re going through.” The Dragon made a note about things that made his newest friend tick. Setting the Stone Mask of Water and the Lantern of the Void within the jade cavern opening, they asked the Unicorn and Phoenix shugenja to seal the opening once more. It was done and Tamaki san added mons for the Fortune Osana-Wo, Fire, Earth, and the clan mons of the five samurai that helped this village in the stone.

Jiro san would be told to not touch the wall with the mons etched upon it until their return from Suigeki Toshi. The group returned to the village and by the 24th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}), everything had been repaired and upgraded slightly. The buildings all had stone filters to collect snow and rainwater. It would filter into the small gardens and produce food to help feed the villagers. None of the buildings were drafty. The shrine was visited everyday now and Jiro san was leading everyone in exercises at the beginning of the workday. When they were off their work they wore and treasured the kimonos they had been gifted. The two spares that were left were kept as permanent offerings in the shrine. Should the kami ever wish to wear them and walk among the people.

During the 20th to the 24th Taro san had been exclusively helping as Donoha sama’s assistant. Fetching things for him while he was at the forge teaching Tatsu san his craft. Both with the Hammer of Earth and without so he could appreciate what a gift he was being tasked with wielding. This also served in allowing Donoha sama to the chance to experiment with what the nemurani hammer was capable of.

When it came time to depart the mining village of the Serpent’s Tail mine. Donoha sama requested Tetsuo san to let Jiro san know that he would be taking Taro san with him as his retainer. Of course no one complained but the Dragon was fond of having his intentions known by all so their could be little debate.

Thus the last member of the six people that had tried to kill Donoha sama became his retainer as the left towards Suigeki Toshi or Water Hammer City is low Rokugani. The name has been change fairly recently to Mountain’s Anvil Castle as it has grown into a full city with a castle and lord. Becoming one of the largest metal manufacturing centers in the Dragon lands. Not wishing to push themselves the group arrived on the 25th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}). The Dragon knew they had arrived before ever seeing the towers of the buildings built on and into the mountains. The ringing of anvils gave away their location and it was one of the sound Donoha sama always equated with sheer joy.

Upon arriving to the center of the city which had a small castle for governing the day to day affairs of the city. The group was approached by a young male in a very fine but subtlety embroidered kimono of shades of green. They stopped a short distance as Donoha sama broke away from his companions leaving his horse with Taro san to hold the reins while Hanzo san waited next to it. The others had been leading their mounts as well. The entire city streets had been cleared of snow and it was obvious there were people dedicated to not just removing snow but keeping them clean of all debris!

The young male introduced themselves as Mirumoto Renjiro, acting governor of Mountain’s Anvil as his father has passed away. Donoha sama introduced themselves and expressed condolences for the passing of the young Mirumoto’s father. Sharing that their fathers likely knew of each other. Prompting Mirumoto sama to ask if Donoha sama’s family ran the copper mine he had heard about. The Dragon courtier confirmed as such.

Next, the Mirumoto introduce a member of the Crane and the Scorpion clans, which notedly surprised Donoha sama! This far into Dragon lands to have retainers from other clans seemed strange but would have been normal in Otosan Uchi. Doji Kyouji san from the Crane Clan and Bayushi Koruma from the Scorpion clan. The Crane looked as graceful and elegant as Doji Hoto had once appeared, but this obvious courtier carried no Kakita blade at their side. In fact, they carried no weapon of any kind. Inwardly, the Dragon courtier had to remind himself to not instantly dislike the man based on his interactions with the imposter Crane, Hoto.

The Scorpion on the other hand had a the appearance of a hunched back, carried a daisho. This was the kind of man you warned your children to be wary of when they went outside. It was a textbook description of how most people would describe a Scorpion to someone not of that clan. Even knowing this was likely a facade the man put on when in public. Donoha sama found himself liking him for such a well portrayed falsehood.

Donoha sama in turn introduced each of his traveling in the most unusual way, he started with Kitagawa-neko sama! Getting permission from the Mirumoto governor to display a small portion of the katana upon their back. He revealed the jade infused blade, which glinted green in the light of Amaterasu gaze. Then explaining the cat would follow whomever held the blade. Returning the blade to his back, he then introduced everyone in order of their arrival to the group.

It was discussed about how the young governor was stepping up to fill the role of their late father until the Mirumoto and Kitsuki families could decide upon whom the next governor would be. Donoha sama mentioned their group was with the Emperor’s Gift caravan and they were being led to the High House of Light by Tetsuo san. In order to meet with the Clan Champion on the Emperor’s behalf. He was deliberately leaving out the part about carrying messages to safeguard their cargo.

Then he explained their work on the mine and how it had been run down, attack by the snowmen or yeti of the mountains. Apparently, the Scorpion bushi had faced one while in the service of the young governor’s father and during this acting governor’s tenure. He continued about how the mine and its shrine had been wrecked, and the kami were angered causing the miners to become unable to continue their work. Next, he explained how the Phoenix and the Unicorn shugenja along with their Scorpion courtier were able to pacify the kami while he helped to rebuild the village.

The young governor nodded and explained that their last shipment had been late but these events would easily explain such a delay. Upon asking if the village needed more help Donoha sama said they absolutely would. He explained he had taken Taro san as his retainer in case things needed to be accomplished that samurai could not do. The young governor nodded but did not question the choice.

Donoha sama was studying the advisors during all of this. His trained eye and the *ichi-maru* of the Kitsuki investigators allowed him to see that both the Crane and the Scorpion were looking after this boy the way a parent would. It was also clear that each of them disliked the other. He imagined this is what an Imperial court looked like on a much smaller scale.

Donoha sama offered a gift of craftsmanship before he left. The young governor could provide some iron and he would make something from it before leaving. With being offered such a generous gift the young governor offered them an unused building and they would have lodgings setup while they dined and Donoha sama regaled everyone with tales of his exploits.

With that arrangement made everyone bowed and they parted ways. Tetsuo san had spotted another monk from the Brotherhood of Shinsei, and excused themselves to go and converse. Everyone began to head to their lodgings. The samurai found the house pointed out to them on the cliffside that had been referred to. It was very clean and empty but would have furnishings provided. They set their gear upon and surrounding the box with the missive at Gunba san’s suggestion so it would remain hidden. Afterwards, they tried to seek out if there was a bath-house available somewhere in the city.

They were directed to the waterfall and soon found Tetsuo san engaged with a monk that turned out to be one of the two founders, Haru san! Leaving him to their conversation they soon met the other founder, Agasha Tamori san! It would seem the young governor asked him to come and heat the waterfall for the guests to bath in. Donoha sama tried to gently find out why the Agasha family had defected to the Phoenix. Alas he did not find out that answer as Tamori san did not have it. He did learn that not all of the Agasha had left which was a relief to know the Dragon Clan was not without shugenja!

Explaining each item he left Mittsu Tamashi and the jade katana in the Dragon shugenja’s care. They were honored and Kitagawa-neko sama curled up for a nap upon Donoha sama’s items. He kept his smithing hammer in his hand just as he had done with in the last two hot springs in Phoenix lands. Because the area they were bathing in was secluded from public view they were able to relax. Hanzo san began to play a song for the Water Kami. As Gunba san made sure to commune with the kami and make sure they could hear and enjoy the gift.

During their commune though the Water Kami was sharing visions with Gunba san. During this a dark vision popped up that was very recent but the kami seemed to apologize. Pushing it aside because they did not want to convey something dark when the song was so beautiful to them. After that was over the Unicorn tried to talk with the Phoenix but he had a blissful look on his face. Turning to the Dragon he asked Donoha sama if they could chat for a minute.

The Dragon got out, dried off and collected their belongings. Joining the Unicorn after letting everyone know they shouldn’t keep their host waiting. They discussed in their building about the dark vision and the Dragon made plans to gently poke the bee hive during the upcoming meeting. With everyone soon back together they headed into the governor’s castle.

Upon entering the foyer of the castle they were greeted by a graying haired servant of the young governor. She bowed and stepped aside to welcome them in with a practiced wave of their arm. The Dragon looked for empty sword racks to leave is weapons in. The only sword stand or rack was next to very nice suit of armor that was likely worn by the young governor’s father. It had been positioned on its armor box to look as though it were sitting. Donoha sama knelt before the armor and bowed his head to the floor.

“Thank you for allowing us into your home and the home of your son.”

He removed Mittsu Tamashi and placed it in the lap of the armor, wrapping the gauntlets around the tsuka and saya. Noticing a bowl with incense burning in it he turned to see if he could get some more. The servant was clearly practiced in her craft as she was holding three sticks for him. Donoha sama thanked them and lit the incense before leading the group up the steps to the second floor indicated by the servant. Taro san waited just outside the castle’s door in case he would be called for service.

Everyone enjoyed a well-appointed meal. The Crane courtier and the group’s Scorpion courtier hit it off upon learning both had the same aversion to dirt and uncleanliness. Donoha sama managed to pique the interest of the Scorpion bushi by asking if they could spar in the morning since his cousin had been called away by the Fortunes. He tried to up the ante by baiting him into an actual duel. However, that idea was denied by the young governor. Then he launched into his tales!

The creation of Mittsu Tamashi, traveling Rokugan, the journey back, making history being the only other person to make an Eight-Man-Cut! Following it up with joining the Emperor’s Gift, saving Matsu Mayumi san in Shiro Akodo, the Battle of the Emerald Shades outside of Otosan Unchi. The travels and saving the Moshi shugenja on their gempukku. The numerous times facing the Oni of Remembrance. The liberation of Mori Kage Toshi, the murder investigation of Shiro Shiba. Clashing blades with a Kakita duelist and winning, plus the gifting of their kimono signifying their loss. Traversing Mori Kuroi and arriving in Kyuden Tonbo. Finally the tale of their travels in Meido and Gaki-do. Ending with saving of the miners and rebuilding Serpent’s Tail mine village.

For now, nothing was mentioned of the jade that had been found. That tale lasted well into the evening and everyone enjoyed the telling. Some of Donoha sama’s companions got to hear some events for the first time as they had not been present for everything. Upon returning to their building it was indeed furnished and none of their belongings had been touch, just as the young governor had promised. The Unicorn verified the missives were still there as Tetsuo san was let in by Taro san. He bore news there is suspicion about how the father of the acting governor passed away. Gunba san mentioned what he learned from the Water Kami and Donoha sama nodded, the game was afoot!

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 41


Before the group of Isawa Tamaki san, Otaku Gunba san, Shosuro Hanzo san, and Tetsuo san could enter the mine a snow storm blew in and it was decided they would wait for it to pass. Tetsuo san spoke with the villagers and it appears these storms happen, but typically don’t last much longer than half a day. The journey should be able to be attempted in the morning. It was agreed they would rest and go in the morning after having rice. Donoha used the storm as an excuse to focus on the forge and tools that would be needed. He received many hidden stares from the villagers, but no one questioned the Dragon as he wielded Chikai kodzuchi 誓い小槌 the Oath-hammer again and again.

It was dark and cloudy before Donoha sama turned for the night. On the morning of the 15th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}), Donoha sama and the group awoke to bowls of steaming rice and vegetables. In front of the Dragon was a letter from the Lion samurai.

To my esteemed cousin, Kitsuki Donoha
The Fortunes have spoken to me in a vision, compelling my steps to another path. I have departed in the quiet hours of the night, unwilling to burden you with farewell. Know that my absence is not born of doubt but of duty; the road ahead is mine alone to tread.
I entrust the jade sword to your care. Its weight is not merely in steel and stone but in the honor it represents. Guard it with all the vigilance that flows in our blood. Be resolute, for the journey will demand the strength of your heart and clarity of your mind.
When the winds carry the scent of spring blossoms once more, I trust the heavens will guide us to stand side by side again. Until then, may the Fortunes bless you with steadfast resolve, and may their protection shelter you from all ill tides.
Walk with honor, cousin.
Akodo Asahi

There were two other items left in there spot within the barracks. The jade katana, and Kitagawa-neko sama. The Dragon would realized that the cat would follow whomever held the jade katana. Tamaki san mentioned that Donoha sama was now his Yojimbo based on the agreement he had with Asahi sama. The Dragon nodded, mentioning he was welcome to take possession of the Katana but wearing such a weapon would invite its own share of issues.

Going back to the group Tamaki san follows the suggestions Donoha sama has given him. He will carry the Pickaxe of Fire, Gunba san will carry the Hammer of Earth, and Hanzo san would use two at different times. First they would make use of the Bell of Air to make the kami aware of their arrival and procession the the chamber holding the jade. Then they would switch to the Stone Mask of Water so they could see the kami. Tamaki san would set the Lantern of the Void in between everyone to illuminate the darkness.

Well, once the group entered the mine, Hanzo san did not just ring the Bell of air with its clapper made of stone. He made it a performance based on a dance he knew that used bells he referred to as the Dance of the Gentle Breeze. Music can vibrate the air, shake water, bounce off the earth, and even affect the flicker of fire burning air as food. Their knowledge of monk teachings is really rather impressive.

Donoha sama saw the entire thing as a familial dispute and suggested treating it that way. While they ventured forth he took command of the village and continued working alongside the peasants. Before the day officially began he led them in a very quick prayer to the kami of the mine and made it clear they would do so every day going forward. He would correct things quietly, but when praise was due he would make a big deal about it. The work on the village continue throughout the day. His constant companion because of the jade katana on his back was of course, Kitagawa-neko sama.

When they made their way into the chamber that had the opening to the jade. They setup their joint ritual to bring forth the Fire and Earth Kami. The Bell of Air and the Dance of the Gentle Breeze apparently helped. Both spirits arrived when the commune spell was performed by the Unicorn and the Phoenix.

Tamaki san gets the Kami to discuss their origins and how the jade was made. The visions were shared with everyone in the chamber. Gunba san then began to explain to the Kami that this gift of jade in such an unusual way is a gift from Osana-Wo the Fortune of Fire and Thunder. As this happened after a lightning strike where the veins were embedded into the mountains. Gold tied to the Fire Kami as a blessing and the same for iron to the Earth Kami. While this was happening Hanzo san performed a dance to try and convey unity to spirits that communicated in a visual medium of visions. He was very successful.

The amount of spiritual energy they had pushed into communing effectively with the Fire and Earth Kami was immense from Tamaki san and Gunba san. As they had successfully convinced the spirits of the gift that the Fortune of Fire and Thunder had granted to them. They in turn presented another unique and astounding gift. In the smallest, slowest, earthquake ever seen in the history of Rokugan. Shards of obsidian began to exit the cave and make a path of shards as wide as the two shugenja were sitting on the ground! Yet none of the shugenja could feel the curse of Onnotangu! Gunba san conveyed thanks and appreciation alongside Tamaki san.

Back in the village of the Serpent’s Tail Mine the Dragon was organizing the people into groups. Having their morning prayer at the shrine and then split off to work on the well, shrine, finish removing the building not being lived in down to their framework. Then it was fixing any of the frame work that could be salvaged. If salvaging was not an option they would use the old piece as a form of template to craft a replacement piece.

Every time they would finish a building frame, the Dragon stopped his work, came over and celebrated everyone on that team. It surprised them all when he’d list details he noticed and whom was responsible for each part! Apparently his observational skills were just as sharp as ever before. He was trying to get them to feel pride and confidence again. They needed hope that things could get better and finally they could really see the results of their labors.

Every building except for the warehouse the villagers were using and the barracks the samurai had been provided had functional frames and high pitched roofs to help with snowfall sliding off them. Troughs with crushed rocks from buildings torn down, and loose mine debris were made to catch the snow and then it would melt and run down the angle portions to a main trough that fed back to the water source of the village.

Donoha sama mentioned to Jiro san that the varying size of rocks would help act as a simple form of purification for the water. Small gardens were built between the buildings with troughs and holes were made so rain water could help grow some food to supplement the villagers. Never in his life had he been so happy to grow up where he did at Copper River Manor. He uttered several prayers throughout the day to various Fortunes for allowing him the chance and opportunity to help these people.

As the day was drawing to a close the shrine had both the fire and earth statues for the kami nearly put back together using wood scrap to frame the area and molten iron to fill in the cracks and provide support for the stone. Kintsugi was the High Rokugani term for gold joinery. Tetsutsugi or iron joinery was being used in the stonework for the kami statues.

Then Donoha sama would use gold joinery on some of the smallest pieces to repair the statues with both ores. Showing them to be more beautiful for the struggles, not in spite of them. Hopefully this thought process would seep into the villager minds and hearts. They’re stronger together, and can overcome problems by working as a team.

When the group of three samurai and one monk emerged from the mine they were surprised to realize how much time had actually passed. Tetsuo san had been mentioning how surprised and pleased he was in their success at calming the kami and helping them understand their purpose here. They had not completely decided how to deal with the jade discovery. They thought Donoha sama should come and see this himself.

They found the villagers mostly around the latrine which had been torn down and the Dragon was working on a large bar of iron at the forge. Tamaki san gathered his attention and he put his all his work down except for his smithing hammer. The group explained – in detail – what happened in the cave. The Dragon nodded and mentioned, upon hearing their suggestions, that miniature shrines should be constructed in the mine for the Bell of Air and the Lantern of the Void. The Hammer of Earth would go to the person working in the forge. The Pickaxe of Fire would go to the village headman, and the Stone Mask of Water would be kept in the shrine until needed.

He then asked Tetsuo to let Jiro san know he would be over to start the ceremony in a few minutes. When the monk nodded and headed over Donoha sama explained he was trying to become an Emerald Magistrate so he could take a more active role in helping the Empire. He needed his companions to know how amazing they are so he deliberately excluded himself from the investigations. This way Hanzo san could find reasons to call this world his home. Gunba san could grow from his normally quiet shell. Tamaki could expand his horizons learning and using his talents in possibly new ways.

They joined the villagers and Donoha sama requested the Pickaxe of Fire, officially proclaiming Jiro san the headman of the village. Then he spoke about the burning of the latrine as a way of shedding the old problems of the village. Tomorrow they would reconstruct it in another location and continue with the rebuilding efforts over all. Then he produced the infamous saki cup left with the group by his cousin. Explaining that it should be returned to Tetsuo san when they were done tonight. A festival began to commence with saki flowing freely for all that wished to partake.

Gunba san took a third of the left over kimono from the five that attempted to attack Donoha sama. Using it he cast his spell and fixed the last of the Inari fox statues for the shrine. After that was placed Tamaki san and he discussed topics with each other until the late evening. While Hanzo san and Donoha sama talked about his place in this world. The Scorpion considered it a blessing because someone they cared for deeply is alive in this Ningen-Do where they had passed in their version of Ningen-Do.

From the 16th through the 19th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}) they completely finished the shrine. Including a small iron statue of Osana-Wo affixed to two, curved iron poles from the rear corners of the shrine to just above the center of the shrine’s roof. Supported by shaped stone on the roof’s apex. Donoha mentioned his family had a similar structure and it allow lightning to strike the iron but leave the building safe. It was a gift from an Agasha scholar of the fortunes.

Other items that got accomplished were the opening of the well being repaired by Gunba san using a fourth of the spare five kimono. The latrine had been reconstructed farther away to make the village cleaner overall. The foxes found by the villagers, during the time Asahi sama was still in the village, had a small house built for them and they could come and go safely. Lastly, most of the other buildings had new walls. Donoha sama showed Tatsu san how to make and repair the tools of the mine. Donoha sama promised to have priests sent to help with the miniature shrines in the mine for the relics.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 36

The Queen of Hunger

Shosuro Hanzo san performed a divination to see if he could find a way to remove the Karmic Key from the pedestal. It matched the same result of Donoha’s investigation. There did not appear to be a non-supernatural way to take the disc off. What they did learn was that the stone was different but fused in a way masons were unable to do.

Isawa Tamaki san offered to use their spell, Reads the Essence, on the disc and they were granted a vision. In it they learned the disc and the pedestal are fused using the four elemental kami with the first being air, followed by earth, fire, and water. They explained upon coming out of their vision they would need to figure out how to unlock it to remove the disc.

Gunba san and Tamaki san discuss the options and the use of the spell, Reflections of Pan Ku. Tamaki san was trepidatious because their was no confirmation yet this disc was the Karmic Key. Being in another spirit realm how would their magics behave? Donoha sama mentions to Tamaki san to practice Yu (Courage) and do the thing because they’re afraid not because it is safe and easy. Tamaki san thanks the Dragon for their wisdom and performs the spell. The Phoenix confirms Hanzo san’s divination.

Asahi sama and Donoha sama acted as guards during this time. Gunba san shares the concern of Tamaki san that this may not be the Karmic Key. They begin discussing his concerns and it is decided to try and entreat the kami in the reverse order of the seal. The Phoenix shugenja begins to communes with the Water Kami, via a bowl and a waterskin he keeps for such purposes. The water becomes a misty cloud, but to the Phoenix they saw the kami before them. The Water Kami shows how to unlock the key. When asked about if they were forced to perform the sealing they said they were made offerings and accepted to help in exchange for the tributes paid unto them. Tamaki san asked if they would help and they said they would once the other three elementals kami had found a host. The Water Kami chose Tamaki san as their vessel.

Otaku Gunba san goes for the Fire Kami next and Asahi sama donates some cherished letters he swore he could re-create as an offering. With their questions they confirm two important things. One, the disc is the dormant state of the Karmic Key. Two, they are doing the ritual correctly to unlock it. Their next question explains that if the Queen of Hunger continues to devour the souls of Gaki-do then they will have the power to move to other realms and destroy the karmic cycle of reincarnation! Death would become permanent there would be no chance to redeem your soul in your next life! The Fire Kami agrees to help if Asahi sama is their vessel. The Lion agrees and is surrounded by a swirling mote of flame.

There was some talk about whom the last two vessels will be. Gunba san felt he would be a sure fit for earth. A few thought Donoha would be the one to represent air. The Dragon thought and suggest they would like choose Hanzo san for being more dexterous than he was, despite the surprise from his cousin. When looking for actual earth to use, because the ground around him was being adjusted mystically to prevent a state of madness from setting in. Donoha sama offers up his last finger of jade to the Unicorn shugenja in order to invoke the Kami of Earth. The jade dissolves into a fine grain jade sand and they swirls into a cloud. The Earth Kami was quite pleased with such an offering and chooses Gunba san for their vessel.

The Phoenix shugenja then performs the commune for the Air Kami using a deep breath and then exhaling to offer the wind of their body. The first question informed them and later shared with the group. They will need to put the Karmic Key inside of the Queen of Hunger to prevent them from using foul, dark magics against the five samurai. The kami spirit is willing to help if Hanzo is the vessel and the Scorpion agrees.

There was some trepidation on how to apply the kami spirits to the stone pedestal. Donoha sama suggested everyone to stand around the pedestal and take their left arm. Then use it to touch the person to their left forming a connection between them all. Next, take their right hand and place on the pedestal in reverse order: Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. This process works and the disc transforms back into its oval shape with engravings denoting the cosmos upon it!

Stepping in between the four Donoha takes the key gently in both hands and lifts it free from the pedestal. The others then broke their connections to the pedestal to gaze upon what the group had suffered for. When Tamaki san asked to cast the Reflections of Pan Ku upon it the Dragon handed him the Karmic Key and once his hand let go. The artifact yanked Tamaki san’s arm straight down as it made a whopping thud into the ground! Donoha sama could lift it as though it was light as a wooden tray. When they let Asahi sama try the result was the same. Apparently, the Dragon was the one virtuous enough to wield it.

To help the Phoenix shugenja, Donoha sama sits and allows Tamaki san to cast Reflections of Pan Ku upon the Karmic Key. Tamaki san described it as a religious experience, as he saw the history of the Karmic Key! It’s taken on many forms throughout history, but without it the cycle of reincarnation will stop! Only Tamaki san has seen this and managed to keep his sanity. Afterwards, the the group took one more rest before heading out to face the Queen of Hunger.

They left the temple and came upon further corruption of Gaki-Do. Hidden from driving our heroes mad with the illusion affecting their sight. Chiasa’s power to commune with the kami for such a boon is powerful indeed. Coming upon a valley in the shape of a circle as the mists parted to reveal the battlefield. Across the way was a gigantic, but vaguely humanoid shape of shadow. Dark and wispy, thick tentacles of shadow writhed forth from its back and limbs! Eyes made of burning hate, a mouth that exuded a bone chilling breath as though it could still the warmth that was your soul.

Otaku Gunba san prepared everyone with the spell Courage of Seven Thunders. The two Dragon and Lion cousins realized they could not defend against the Queen of Hunger’s physical strikes effectively. Decided it would have to be a full on attack. Tamaki first cast the Embrace of Kenro-Ji-Jin upon Hanzo san. Thus, granting them the ability to swim through the ground and get in closer with the bow and the jade arrows. Next, the Phoenix shugenja cast the Fires of Purity spell upon Asahi sama. Wreathing him in flame to aid in his attack and rebuke strikes upon him with the pure flame of the kami’s blessing!

The battle began with the Lion and the Dragon rushing across the valley. The Unicorn shugenja began a spell called the Tomb of Jade which takes significant concentration to invoke. The Queen of Hunger attempted to invoke fear among them but the spell of Otaku Gunba held firm! Tamaki san began to move in with a Jade Strike spell as the Queen turned their wrath on Asahi sama by causing him to begin turning to stone! Jade flashed overhead from wherever Hanzo san was shooting from! Their shriek from the impact was made worse when the Dragon brought Mittsu Tamashi down upon one of the shadow tentacles while holding the Karmic Key in their left arm.

Tamaki san raced to Asahi sama’s side and pulled the magic from the Lion unto himself using a spell of Void origin! Donoha sama was able to press the Karmic Key against the creature causing it to wail in paint momentarily pause its movement. When the Lion was able to join the fray wielding the ancient jade katana suffused in fire as well! One could have called him the divine judgement of Tengoku! With their flaming strikes they began to tear into the Queen of Hunger! Coordinating with the direction of his Dragon cousin. Asahi sama was able to allow an opening for Donoha sama to use his training with Kaze-Do martial arts and improvised weapons to push the Karmic Key inside the Queen of Hunger!

The shrill howl of pain could be felt in every bone of the samurai present! In what seemed like an explosion of shadow, with no shockwave to follow. The Queen was shriveled up and pulled inside the as though consumed by it, and set back into the karmic cycle from whence it came. The exploded droplets of shadow began to take forms briefly before being freed and set back to the karmic cycle once again. All the consumed souls were being freed not just from the Queen, but from Gaki-Do! As this realization settled upon those witnessing it, or being freed from magics of the Queen. Three droplets of shadow landed in front of the Dragon as they took human form. In unison they began to bow.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 29

Closing a gate and a loose thread.

Eventually Gunba san mentioned the wagon could not get any closer and still be able to turn around. So they set for the return trip and moved forward on foot. Continuing on the group fought another collection of tree spirits animating fauna to attack. While they were successful in defeating this group as well, it was the aftermath that bears note.

Embedded in one of the vine’s larger trunks was katana with a thin, jade green, colored blade! Having studied nemurani weapons Donoha sama was familiar with the tales of the Phoenix blades that had jade permanently infused during their creation. These tales talked of wakizashi sized weapons, so the katana sized version was exceptionally rare. Asahi sama took possession of the jade katana until he could figure out how it might be returned.

While that was unfolding, Gunba san had been communing with earth kami that had been trapped and animating the trees and vines. There was no telling how long some of them had been bound to the roots, trunks, and vines here. Now they were free once more as we cut our way through the cursed land.

The quartet continued onward until they reached the lost village inside of Kuroi Mori. Unsure of what to expected the town did not look like a disaster had befallen it. It was more a sense of abandonment followed by the elements beginning to reclaim it over the years. A blessing of the kami upon the samurai was Kitagawa-neko. They found a rather curious cat living among the abandoned town. Until Asahi sama named it Kitagawa the others had been calling it neko sama.

The reason for such deference was not to any kawaii nature of the animal. It seemed to understand low Rokugani when spoken to. It then led the group through the city to the Gate of Jigoku! Inside a humble temple near to center of the town did a longstanding thread become tied up.

In a rather large lower chamber was a ghastly sight. A circle of salt marred by blood and the body of a woman. Donoha sama recognized her even though he’d only seen visions of her when she was younger. This was the sister of the man whom went by Doji Hengo! Her blood was being drawn from a wound on her, and moving of its own voalition to the center. Where floating just off the ground in a column of green light was the possessed form of the man known as Doji Hengo!

The group leapt into action even without the context of Donoha sama’s realization. Asahi sama began to shoot the jade arrows into the shifting form as differing personalities began to show themselves. Gunba san began to entreat the kami to aid his newfound friends. Donoha sama pulled the woman from the circle to prevent more blood from entering this dark ritual. Tamaki san aided Gunba san in a binding ritual to seal the portal once more. Part of which was entreating the kami to lift the small section of blood soaked salt away. Then it was reapplied to make it whole once more.