The Twin Blademasters, a Damaged Doji, and New Friends
On the 26th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster in Low Rokugani {OOC: October}), the wind and snow at the hour of the Horse (Hour of Akodo in High Rokugani {OOC: 12pm – 2pm}) made the air brisk and sharp. As the two participants walked to the center of the recently constructed ring. Donoha sama mused over Hanzo san’s warning. “Remember, he will try like Jigoku to get in the first hit using that move I showed you. I recommend simply shifting to the oblique rather than attempting to parry, then counter strike to his exposed sword arm flank,” warns Hanzo. Deftly sliding a small pouch into the Dragon’s kimono, “If you are hit even for a SCRATCH, immediately rub this powder into the wound! The Bayushi bushi are artisans that paint in blood, and not to be trusted. They will kill even their loved ones.” Hanzo san’s eyes looked down and away in a pained expression, then return to meet Donoha sama’s.
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It was Isawa Tamaki san that approached Donoha sama next and told him to just breath in and out as he tore a small ofuda from his hat. Asking permission to touch the Dragon before pressing it to Donoha sama’s forehead and praying. Mystically giving him the sleep and rest he had missed out upon! The Dragon was worried it was a boost and the Phoenix shugenja assured him it was not.
Donoha sama confided in me that he had been pondering using one of the abilities of Mittsu Tamashi 三魂 the Three Souled Katana. Before anyone thinks ill of Donoha sama for his thoughts, or me for breaking his trust. I was given permission to share this as a means of teaching others how to handle power wisely and with honor. Donoha sama did not want to harm Bayushi Koruma san since they were innocent of the crime and had been forced into the duel as a yojimbo by Mirumoto Renjiro sama. He alluded that the power granted by the soul of Akodo Chun san would help him get the first strike if he made use of it. Since the duel was to first blood it would allow him to win and prevent harm to an innocent man.
However, was winning more important or avoiding pain? Some scholars mention that life is pain, and when you no longer feel pain you’re dead. There was the thought of avoiding the first hit so this could become a standard skirmish, and then he could fare better. Then he realized having his sword awaken had somehow shaken his faith in his own skill. He knew his sword better than anyone. This duel would be a reminder to have faith in himself and his abilities. Looking at his opponent they bowed to each other and then to Renjiro sama. Lastly, to Doji Kyouji san, the accused.
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Once the young lord declared a start, the only sensation anyone I have spoken to aside from Donoha sama felt was a sense that time had slowed to a crawl. The swordsmen clad in green and red observed each other. Donoha sama reversed their grip upon Mittsu Tamashi as though they were going to draw a tanto! Then both Hanzo san and Tamaki san described the Bayushi bushi as having a slight smile as their cheeks moved.
Then they both disappeared! In their place were small sprays of white snow. Everything between them was a blur of color against a white scroll ready for calligraphy! The Dragon’s arm had swung out wide and allowing the very tip of the black blade with its copper hamon to come to a rest on Komura san’s left temple! A thin trickle of blood running down the side of their face.
With absolutely equal speed the Scorpion’s had made a thrust into Donoha sama’s emerald colored jinbaori (OOC: A surcoat worn traditionally over armor) and yellow hakama-shita (OOC: The shirt you wear with Hakama leggings) beneath it. His mint juban-shitagi (OOC: The under-shirt kimono) had not been touched!
Fate, and the kami, had favored Donoha sama yet again! It seems Otaku Gunba san’s prayers were heard. For the two duelists it was as though they had become a single sculpture. With slow, graceful movements they separated and Bayushi Koruma san turned and walked over to show the trickle of blood running down his face. Kitsuki Donoha sama used three zanshin (OOC: State of Awareness) stances to back up and sheath Mittsu Tamashi. Brushing the tip lighty through the snow to remove any blood. The Scorpion was his equal and he knew his opponent would appreciate the honor showed to him.
The Dragon then stepped forward to show the cut garments. Next, he removed his left left arm and bared his torso. No mark was upon him! Several things began to happen at this moment. However, the “ichi-maru” or “first glance” in Low Rokugani is famous for not letting things escape Kitsuki Donoha sama’s attention.
For the Dragon investigator this was the actual moment of truth. How would the three react now that the challenge had been won. In truth he felt that he’d already learned the measure of the Scorpion as an honorable man. Now came the younger Dragon and the Crane. Doji Kyouji eyes had gone wide, as Donoha sama had seen many times before – shock, horror, and disbelief!
He ran.
Having not been given the permission to leave or the young lord’s verdict Donoha sama did move to follow, he used this time to slide his arm back into his clothing and survey the scene unfolding around him. Not just with his eyes but with his ears. He noticed Shosuro Hanzo san reach into one of his pocket sleeves and pull something out. As he gaze returned to the fleeing Crane he heard what sounded similar to a bow string, but he was certain Hanzo san did not have a bow stashed in their kimono! Still full of mystery the Scorpion was.
As the Crane came into view his friends were beginning to move but the Crane looked something had hit him! No arrows were sticking out of him which made Donoha excited at world. There was always something new to learn about. The Crane tried to move a few more steps and then fell face first into the snow.
Between Isawa Tamaki san, Otaku Gunba san, Agasha Tamori san, and Taro san at the young lord’s direction. The Crane courtier was taken into custody as Mirumoto Renjiro declared the winner and stated he wished to dine with Donoha sama and Koruma san as honored guests. He expected the Phoenix, Unicorn, and Scorpion to attend as well. To Agasha Tamori san, Haru san, and Tetsuo san invitations were extended but not a requirement. With that he returned to the castle and left everyone, Bayushi Koruma san was right behind him.
When Donoha sama caught up to everyone that had taken the Doji into custody. The group had them tied up and they were still unconscious. Hanzo san had supervised the tying technique Taro san used. Apparently he provided Haru san with tea that helps with going to sleep. That should keep their prisoner subdued and compliant.
Heading into the castle food had already been prepared for whomever the victor would have been. Donoha sama and Koruma san sat on either side of the young lord. While the others sat across from them. Renjiro sama mentioned needing to ask a favor and Donoha sama replied that if it please the young lord he would like to ask one as well, in private.
After the meal the young lord asked for Tamaki san, Gunba san, and Hanzo san to make sure to take Doji Kyouji san with them back to the Emperor’s Gift. This way his own clan could pass judgement upon him. He did not want to task Donoha sama with this extra burden after he uncovered the crime and proved his case. They agreed and then he offered to meet with Donoha on the balcony so they could discuss his request.
While they were gone the Phoenix shugenja asked the Scorpion bushi if they would like to keep the scar. Koruma san asked for it to me kept and he would have his hair shorn on that side to preserve it. Gunba san was quiet through most of this as he had been trying to get sleep and had been interrupted by the duel. Hanzo san was helping them by engaging them in conversation.
On the balcony Donoha sama explained the mine, the five nemurani, the jade gift of Osano-Wo. Then he went on about its connection to the events of his father’s murder. Renjiro sama queried if he was worried about the Scorpion, and got a flat affirmative as a reply. Having a jade mine was going to change things. The young lord asked about his family’s copper mine and Donoha sama confirmed they stilled maintained it. He asked for letters of introduction and aid. Donoha sama also offered to request his dueling instructor, Mirumoto Uesugi san, to help hire and rebuild the forces of the city.
Finally, the young lord mentioned he intended to take Agasha Tamori san as an advisor but he would tell them both about the jade. Donoha sama asked him to wait one day and visit with his father at the rebuilt shrine. Then on the following day whatever decision he decided would be the right one for him. They formed a bond of friendship and allies as they returned inside.
The meal was over and Tamaki san half carried Gunba san back to the house they were using, so the Unicorn could finally sleep. It was decided that in three days they would travel to the mine while Agasha Tamori san and Bayushi Koruma san would watch over the city. So, over the next three days from the 27th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}) to the 1st of Shinjo (Month of the Dog {OOC: November}). Donoha sama worked at Haru san’s forge and made two items.
He made for Bayushi Koruma san a kogatana knife with a custom kozuka out of iron. In the kozuka is engraved a dragon grabbing the pincers of a scorpion. He wasn’t worried about him needing to have a new saya made to fit it into his katana. It was a city of craftspeople after all.
Next, he made a set of iron chopsticks with gold inlayed to make them appear as though they’d been repaired with kintsugi. It was a deeply layered gift for the young daimyo on how he came to power. Given how his father had been poisoned and the mine he was to maintain. It would never let him forget that he was no longer a youth.
They arrived at Serpent’s Tail Mine in the late afternoon of 2nd of Shinjo (Month of the Dog {OOC: November}). Jiro san was confirmed as the headman by Renjiro sama. Next, he was shown around the site with a complete tour. Going over the repairs, nemurani, the shrine, and on the following morning the jade mine. Donoha then made a request to take 10 fingers worth of jade and the un-tainted obsidian, which was granted.
Doji Kyouji during this time was being kept passive and in a 20 shaku deep pit made by the magic of Isawa Tamaki san. The first night they had sprung it on the prisoner as a surprise and the fall caused him to break their arm. Donoha sama went and retrieved the kimono’s from the Doji’s residence in the city. He gave one over to Tamaki san to make into a sling for the arm. The Dragon took immense joy in seeing the Crane watch as the kimono was torn asunder to make the sling.
It took another three days to arrive at Tall Pine Village in the evening of the 5th of Shinjo (Month of the Dog {OOC: November}). During the trek to the village Donoha sama spent the time teaching Taro san the basics of reading and calligraphy. He wanted to make sure he did not end up like his bother and tried to get him excited about learning. He hoped it would allow him to succeed Jiro san as the mine’s headman one day.
The group settles into the Pine Needle Retreat Tea House while the Doji is watched over by Taro san and Tetsuo san. The Pine Needle Retreat Tea House is a cozy establishment offering fine teas, hearty meals, and modest but clean rooms for weary travelers. The tea house is adorned with wooden carvings of pine branches and traditional paper lanterns that glow warmly in the evenings, making it a hub of activity and hospitality in the village.
The proprietor, Hoshi san, is a short, wiry man in his late fifties, with a face weathered by years of laughter and worry. Was quick to make sure the samurai were seated and that food and drink would be forth coming. Their apprentice, Miko san, was the one to bring it out. However, Miko san had an issue of rushing and being clumsy when excited. Soon her nature roused the curiosity of the two shugenja.
While the Unicorn and the Phoenix consulted the kami about the serving girl’s nature. Donoha sama met with the village headman, Sanjiro san, and arranged for lodgings. It seems Gunba san had already dealt with the horses before coming in. The headman mentioned he would let those outside know where to go and then come back to escort them when they were ready to rest.
While they awaited the headman’s returned the group was entertained by Tamae san, a traveling entertainer with an array of hand-painted fans and a repertoire of folktales and songs. Tonight was special because she was retelling a new tail she’d picked up in the Phoenix lands. It was “In Defense of Honor” and Donoha sama’s face flushed when she began.
Hanzo san was having and amazing time with the food and tea brought, having developed new favorite dishes. Being regaled with Donoha sama’s history was sweet drizzle on the mochi to him. Tamaki had taken the time to compose a haiku for the pretty apprentice, Miko san.
Porcelain teacups,
Graceful hands, a gentle spill
Charm in her chaos.
While Gunba san had gotten the water kami to play a game with any liquids Miko san carried. They would just not spill! Every time she had an accident the liquid would just fall back into the cup she was carrying. He even made her a small charm that would reverse her fortunes. Given her clumsy nature it seem to balance her out.
Soon, Sanjiro san would return to take them to the house they were to be lodged in. Tamaki san made the Doji’s special, deep, bed and Tetsuo san kept watch trading out with Taro san. Before leaving Donoha sama made sure that the headman would pass on a message to Tamae san. That the owner of Mittsu Tamashi was in town and wished to speak with her. Not more than an hour of the day later was there a rap upon the door.