Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 46

星が落ちる Hoshi ga Ochiru, the Starfall

Tamae, the Wandering Storyteller, stood upon the other side of the door panel as it was moved out of the way by the Dragon. Donoha sama invited her into the house’s engawa (veranda or porch in low Rokugani). Thankfully he had begun to heat a tea pot so even with the mostly wooden shoji to protect from the elements it began to heat up.

He explained that his purpose for greeting her was to congratulate her on telling his story. This garnered the same look of disbelief. Not one of surprise, but more akin to – you can’t possibly be him. As courteously as his training taught him he explained that if she knew the story then seeing Mittsu Tamashi 三つ魂 the Three Souls Katana should solve this. Setting it down so she could verify the engravings, and calling upon Akodo Chun san’s spirit to make them flash in green light. They exclaimed that the burst of light had not been written about and the Dragon told her to check out book six when it is released in the Crab lands.

When the conversation and questions finished about his identity and some of the adventures. He realized most people would not believe him, or the tales. Inwardly, he thanked Akodo Chun for their help in validating his identity, releasing them from active duty. After seeing his guest out he finished his tea, cleaned the set, and settled into sleep. Outside, by the pit, both Isawa Tamaki san and Taro san watched over their prisoner, Doji Kyouji san. The Phoenix shugenja made sure the peasant boy went and bathed because for some reason Donoha sama wanted to try and educate the only survivor of the most recent attack upon their person.

When the 6th of Shinjo (Month of the Dog {OOC: November}) began as Lady Sun started to pull back the sheet of night Lord Moon had cast. Two men found themselves on a horse given to the Unicorn shugenja when they ventured forth from the Emperor’s Gift caravan. Otaku Gunba san and Shosuro Hanzo san had made it up the ridge to the tall pine the village was named for. They had a brief conversation before beginning to meditate as the village began to rise. Then they heard the rumble and roar! Looking into the sky they saw a star falling from it!

To say that things happened quickly at that point may be the understatement of the whole year! The Unicorn shugenja leapt upon their steed and the Scorpion courtier was right behind them! You’ll be hard pressed to find a better battle tested shugenja that Otaku Gunba san. Using just their legs they called upon the Earth Kami to make a path straight down the side! Bypassing the switch back trail then came the miracle of Otaku Gunba sama!

Working their prayers with the Earth Kami they lifted and slid the whole village out of immediate danger! Following that they made a wall to deflect most of the blast from wiping the village off the face of Rokugan! Once danger from the falling star passed it slowly began to move as close as it could back to its original spot. The amount of lives saved is frankly, everyone present that day!

In the village, chaos was mostly directed by Kitsuki Donoha sama ordering villagers to flee as he and Isawa Tamaki san ran towards the crash site. They soon met up with Gunba sama and Hanzo san and made their way to the crash site. Upon reaching the location they found a rock that had made a “hot springs” of sorts with its crater and instantly melted snow!

The Phoenix shugenja began to reach out to the kami to examine the rock while the Unicorn shugenja kept the villagers occupied and away from something that may be dangerous. Through the Reflections of Pan Ku and Read the Essence spells they were able to determine this was not a portent from the Kami or Fortunes. It was simply traveling through the void and landed here by happenstance. Donoha sama had tested the rock with Chikai kodzuchi 誓い小槌 the Oath-hammer, and his bare finger which was burned.

After talking with the village leaders they learned from Gunba sama they were in the lands of Mirumoto Masashige sama. Hanzo san began to look for a cart nearby at Donoha sama’s direction and Gunba sama headed back to the village to try and find chains. This was due to Donoha sama deciding to take the rock to the Dragon Clan Champion and let them decide what to do with it. Hanzo san was able to find a cart and the family loading it to leave. He politely encouraged them to help bring the rock to the High House of Light.

There was a discussion about how to move forward between the Phoenix and the Dragon. They eventually worked out a plan to remove the Fire Kami in the rock in hopes they could move it. However, once it rose out to make a miniature version of Lady Sun, several things began to happen!