The word was sent out to the attendants of the Emerald Ambassadors about the poison being applied to the communal food. Next, the four samurai shared it with the healers of their respective clans knowing word would soon spread that there was no curse following them, and more lives could be saved. Word came back soon that the Dragon, Phoenix, and Unicorn ambassadors would meet with the group in the morning for a report about the news. The morning of the 28th of Shiba in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Monkey {OOC: September}) entered the sky to close out the month as attendants brought the four to the Emerald Ambassadors at dawn where they were given rice, cooked meats and a tea that would provide a small boost of energy.
Upon leaving the encounter they met back up with three members of the Ronin Otokodate known as the Iron Fans. Our group had seen their members briefly as they had docked and then left Toshi Ranbo wo Shien Shite Reigisaho on their way here to Kyuden Tonbo. This group had asked an eta among the caravan to lead them to Akodo Asahi sama as they felt a need to pledge themselves to work for a reputable samurai among the Lion clan. Among them was:
- Okita Noburo that used the name Koseki as a traveling ronin,
- Hideyoshi Takao that used the name Sekisui as a traveling ronin,
- Kana Kiyoshi the sole woman among the group that used the name Ginzan as a traveling ronin.
They brought additional news of a group of bandits that had broken away from the caravan and where to find their encampment. The Dragon investigator was eager to learn more about this group and their machinations. Quickly the group gather means and headed out as a band of seven samurai.
To say fate is forging the souls of Kitsuki Donoha sama and those that travel with him may be the biggest understatement of this current decade! Fourteen well trained bandits comprised of assassins, swordsmen, and archers descended upon our troop about a half an hour of the day from the camp. The group began to regret their life choices as Isawa Tamaki san let loose with a kami-gifted fireball engulfing four of them! Throughout the battle the Phoenix rained fire down upon various groups softening them up for the rest of the team, and one did fall to just his flames.
In the most awkward, spontaneous, competition the Akodo bushi and the Otaku shugenja began to see whom could kill more bandits! Where Tamaki san had large areas on fire to control the mobs. Gunba san used fire more akin to a skilled archer and sniped targets to death individually with controlled flame bursts! Clearly used to moving around in battle and making use of his fiery, ranged attacks. Not to be left out was Asahi sama’s new cat companion, Kitagawa. The cat managed to take down one of the assassins that Tamaki san had lit on fire!
The three Iron Fans took down an Assassin using nothing but their iron tessen fans! It was a gorgeous display that almost looked like dancers whittling away their target. Then they were directed to subdue another assassin but keep them alive for questioning. A task they performed with ease!
The Dragon was not left out during all the fighting. He moved through the opponents like a specter of death, removing two heads! Then injuring the one he left for the Iron Fans to capture. He almost had a third kill but an arrow from his Lion cousin claimed it with skilled precision. The final tally ended up as a tie for Asahi sama and Gunba san at four kills each, Donoha sama with two and the others with one each.
The interrogation of the last assassin brought forth statements that the group which had backed Asako Takumi was still after Donoha sama! Even more disturbing was their wish to sabotage the caravan! Claims were made they had been with the Emperor’s Gift since Otosan Uchi! The Dragon had Ginzan the ronin kill him once they were done. Upon returning to the caravan he asked the Iron Fans to write their testimony down so he could submit it along with his report to he Ambassadors. Portents of doom about a potential peasant cult trying to overthrow the whole of Rokugan was not the news he wanted to bring to light but there it was.
This was all reported to the same Dragon, Phoenix, and Unicorn ambassadors. After which the group was told to rest because they had received word the four of them – and only the four of them – had been granted permission to enter the Dragon lands and they would leave tomorrow. Upon the Festival of Lady Doji and Lord Kakita and the start of the Month of Bayushi, or Rooster in low Rokugani.
They returned to the wagons and Donoha asked his cousin to have them watch wagons alongside Agasha Re. Ginzan would be allowed to stay in the wagon with Re san while the two men would make a tent outside. Donoha wanted to give the ronin a chance to prove they could make decent retainers for his cousin. He cited to me that merit and skill should not be overlooked when finding a good team. It also followed the orders of the Emperor that all ronin should seek service among a lord. Donoha sama saw great potential in his teammates and never doubted his cousin would be a powerful lord or general someday. Growing that powerbase now was important and setting the cornerstone to build upon had to start at some point, why not now. Next, they began to go about the steps to prepare for such a journey as the last day of Shiba wore on.