8th of Akodo (Month of the Horse)
It was just after dawn when the caravan arrive the entrance to the Valley of the Centipede Clan. Donoha had been riding Yukiabo on the patrol that morning and had seen both Akodo Maki and Matsu Mayumi ride past him several times as they were apart of the roving patrols. Kai was also apart of the roving caravan patrols because of her skill with the horse.
The night had been passed with a little game between the three samurai. Mayumi had heard about he haiku Donoha had written for Maki. Donoha had to come up with new haiku by the time Maki or Mayumi would ride up on their rounds. Some of the ones Donoha came up with were the following.
The lion’s mane flows
Through the swirling night sky’s brushstrokes
A queen among stars
The mountain wind howls cold
The path is narrow and steep
One wrong step, death.
A female samurai
Stands at the edge of the dawn
A new day to fight
The snow-capped peaks loom
A treacherous path to the sky
Death awaits the fool
A great queen gazes down
On the swirling night sky’s dance
The stars her subjects
The sun’s first rays touch
The peaks, like a kiss of gold
A new day begins
They dance in her honor
Their steps light as the sunbeams
Their hearts pure as gold
A thousand legs creep
Across the rocks at break of day
A new world awakens
As dawn was starting to rise and day shift was changing out the three gathered. Mayumi apologized for doubting Donoha, and he just replied that he was grateful. When Maki and her shared an odd glance to each other he mentioned, “This was a delightful way to pass the time and a great mental exercise.” He bowed to each and rode back to his wagon to trade out and tie his horse up. Being around Maki or Mayumi was difficult for him because he continued to think of Chiasa when he talked with either of them. His dreams that morning were of tea ceremonies and the thoughts of having a kiss with someone he could love.
The outpost was the biggest illusion Donoha had witnessed in traveling to the outpost of the Centipede clan. It belied the beauty of Tani Senshio (Valley of the Centipede). The valley and the town that had grown up around Kyuden Moshi no Machi. Plus this was a port town to the ocean though you had to use the large cranes on the cliffside to get supplies from the boats. Multiple cranes could be used to haul a smaller boat out of the water! They arrived at the outpost in the morning hours but made it to Kyuden Moshi no Machi as the sun was setting and painting the world is a swath of color!
Eiji and Hoto were on the evening setup and patrol shift. Most of the setup part was finding spots to beak up the caravan train and get the wagons turned around so that when they were ready to leave it would be easy. The patrols would move from enclave to enclave of wagons leaving the Centipede, Mantis, and Ronin Otokodate (fellowships) samurai yojimbo to guard the rest.
Donoha got permission to have Shànzi take Mui to see the town before it got to dark. Donoha had been hatching a plan talking to the merchants while working on the sets of sword fittings. He learned the main branch of the Library of the Fiery Centipede might have a scroll that would teach Kai a flaming arrow spell! So after overcoming her concerns, which would have been valid any other time. As one must normally be invited to look a a repository of Shugenja knowledge from another school. The library had been made open to the samurai of the Emperor’s Gift!
Taking this rare chance they ascended the steps to the three story structure with no windows. As they walked a Crab clan Kuni Witchhunter noticed the hammer Donoha had in his obi and nodded his appreciation. Donoha returned the nod and they continued on their way. He saw the damiyo of Centipede clan and approached their seneschal asking about presenting a their gift. They were told each clan would be allowed a few members to do so tonight. He thanked them hoping he would get a chance for the Dragon and let them be.
Once inside the library they began pouring over scrolls and clearly were not alone as many Shugenja and other were here. Donoha left Kai at a table and went to find one of the librarians to help him. He managed to finally be meddlesome in a helpful way. The librarian took him to a corner of the library and found a scroll containing such a spell. He thanked her before she was absconded by the next person needing help.
When he returned to Kai to show her the treasure he had found, though he absolutely pointed out the librarian that had actually done the work. They jumped up and hugged him before remembering they were in public. They set to reading the scroll when Shànzi showed up with Mui. Donoha had gotten a quill and piece of washi paper and begun drawing the librarian as a way to say thanks more thoroughly.
While he was drawing Mui was eventually noticed staring at him big eyes! When he asked her what she was up to she held up a circular fan Shànzi had gotten her as they had wandered the town. She blew on it and it began to spin making the characters on it look like they were moving. She motioned for him to try and Donoha deliberately got it wrong. Mui shook her head and showed him again and Donoha deliberately failed telling his “sensei” that she so much to teach him.
She giggled but ran over to Shànzi, whom to Donoha’s surprised to see buried into research next to Kai and helping her understand parts of the scroll! This was working out better than expected. He went back to drawing the librarian in his specific style and it took him about two hours and then time to let it dry near a candle. Mui served an important purpose of getting both to open up to her and sharing things they may not have otherwise. Shànzi talked about being a specialist in ancestor spirits and ghosts of the dead.
Kai talked about how she became adopted into the Dragon clan. It was Donoha’s family that sent her to learn at the Agasha School for Fire Magic. In many ways Donoha was like an adoptive brother to her. When they turned to check on Donoha he was not at the table. They noticed him across the way going to the librarian he had pointed out earlier. The Centipede librarian was shocked at the picture and Donoha’s memory.

It was going to take the about a week of study to learn, and Shànzi offered to help Kai in hopes they could shorten the time needed. They went back to working on the scroll and Shànzi watched the librarian looking at Donoha as he left her with the picture and a sincere bow. He was the only one that made a legitimate show of thanks. She made it a point to tell the Lion Emerald Ambassador as soon as possible.
It was not longer after the scroll was copied and they had left the library. That a messenger informed Shànzi that both Otaku Kai and he were to be at the Centipede damiyo’s welcome banquet on behalf of the Dragon clan. The plan had worked and the damiyo was super pleased about someone choosing to honor the bushi that protected the Centipede. The tsuba and kozuka caught their eye but they noticed the care of each piece. The bushi Centipede thump their weapons to their chest in approval.
After the dinner four samurai remained and learned about some of the samurai missing on their gempukku in the mountains. Anyone watching Donoha (author’s note: Kai told me about this later) could see their demeanor and body posture change. Their was normally a calm about him, but after being told people could be kidnapped it turned predatory. He was ready to hunt something or someone. As everyone was leaving he told Mirumoto Tanetsu sama that he needed Shànzi and he was told he would have his retainer, Hida Eiji, and Doji Hoto. “Excellent, Mirumoto sama,” he bowed and backed up to the doorway before turning to leave with Kai.
Later that night Shànzi pulled Donoha discreetly aside and apologized for how they had acted around Kai. She was not a bad person and her lord was a good judge of character. Donoha smiled and brushed a bit of hair out of her face. “Some tales say the stars,” as he turned to look out and up, “are the windows of the celestial realm the Kami use to watch us. They will shine for you tonight because even kami have made mistakes, some not learning how to forgive, others nuzzling ill will that they don’t see has corrupted them. Each time we figure out something about ourselves we may inadvertently help one of them solve a problem they are having. That is why I believe the heavens and this world are connected. As our soul strives to enlighten itself, does the heart not also feel more for the mind to quantify and comprehend. You should be happy and proud of yourself to recognize growth. I know I am of you.”
Shànzi stood there and watched him move away to his wagon, with Hoto, Eiji, Gru’Vi as his companions. As a breeze picked up she could feel herself grow cold except where his hand had grazed her face to move her hair. Shànzi returned to her wagon with Kai and Mui. Donoha was troubled with dreams of tea ceremonies and trying to not think about Chiasa to much.
9th of Akoko (Month of the Horse) Before 12 hours of the day (META NOTE: that’s 24 Earth hours) had past from being given their assignment. The Emperor’s Gift proved their worth. Come let me tell a tale of pirates, gempukku, maidens, a duel, and the karma of poor life choices.
In order have Shànzi on his team Mirumoto Tanetsu sama had to give Otaku Kai to the Centipede bushi for the day so they could study Unicorn horsemanship with their scouts as they looked to the edges of the Valley of the Centipede. The other members of the Unicorn were not enough to scour the valley’s edges in case the maidens could be found there. Kai was hopeful this might lead to meeting a Unicorn clan member in the wild and figuring out if everyone still hated her. Even though he tried to spare her any unpleasant moments. The Unicorn Ambassador said they would be in separate areas, so it shouldn’t matter. It’s unclear what deal the Lion and Unicorn struck to arrange that.
Hida Eiji, Doji Hoto, Kitsuki Donoha, and Matsu Shànzi set out just after a quick morning meal from the hiemen assigned to care for our section of the wagons. Donoha asked one of the heimin that was good with animals to run through some exercises with Shirogane. He told him to stay behind this time because the last thing he wanted was for Shirogane to be hurt.
They were tasked with investigating the shrine that the gempukku was to take place at. When they arrived mid morning at Yama Sano Amaterasu. Everyone began to fan out except Shànzi, whom just watched Donoha to see if he could do it again or if it was a fluke. Donoha did not fail her, his eyes zoomed left and right as he stood in the courtyard.
She knew everything was about to kick off when he spoke, “Shànzi-san, I need the spare quill.”
Eiji stood watch for people while Doji Hoto looked interested at such a request. Donoha stalked over to point out sweeping marks done poorly, items put back with scuff marks, signs of a struggle and shody cover up. Then he moved over to a rug on floor of the main building at the shrine and it had a stain he was all to familiar with, blood.
While pointing out the what he’d been trained to look for as a magistrate, Donoha saw a scuff mark on the sliding door frame. He could see it wasn’t blood but Hoto looked perplexed when he got down to sniff at it. Then he stood and leaned out the door and pointed to the woods behind the shrine, “We need to go there for the next piece of information.”
He handed the quill back to Shànzi and the group made their way to a clearing. Once there, Donoha pointed to a mound of freshly turned dirt that was likely a grave for the shrine caretaker, Taiyo, a member of the Brotherhood of Shinsei. Everyone could see the logs used for seating and a stamped out fire pit. Donoha noticed some pits on the ground and held one up for Hoto to look at. The Crane confirmed that most fruit into the Emerald Empire did indeed come from the islands of the Mantis Clan.
Donoha queried Hoto, “There are members of the Mantis clan that help guard the Valley of the Centipede, are we going to accuse them of abducting the ladies on their Gempukku?”
“Donoha-san we would never “accuse” the Mantis of being raiders. No, these are merely pirates, posing as Mantis most assuredly,” was the reply by Hoto. However it was how he said it and was left out that actually conveyed more information, crucial information about how to proceed from the Crane’s time as son of the Emerald Champion.
With that in mind Donoha began to lead the group back down the trail to the town around Kyuden Moshi no Machi. He was looking for ways to circumvent the town and get the ladies to the docks. The arrival of kyūjūsan (93) wagons certainly complicated the search as most ways off the trail were now obscured before reaching the bottom. Donoha wished to go to the docks when Hoto asked him about his plan. He had remembered something a Mantis courtier had said during an imperial court to another attendee. Something about the Centipede Retirement, where the Mantis retiring from active service would come to the Centipede and acquire a wife.
“Donoha-san in what manner do you think they took the girls?”
“The docks are cliff based, so they would need sacks or boxes to have the dock workers unknowingly smuggle them over the edge in front of everyone.”
Eiji watched them talk as Shànzi tried to make notes.
“The Centipede retirement talks of taking brides of this clan by the Mantis, I feel going to the docks is correct but we should be looking for newlywed couples seeking passage.”
Donoha nodded as that was information he had not thought of, “Then if that’s right provided they haven’t left, then they may still be hiding in the town.” The group began to make haste to the cliffside docks.

Once at the cliffside docks, the group noticed the dock-master was a middle age woman. Given the matriarchal nature of the clan this was not surprising. They were barking orders at all the workers and making sure all the chaos was moving as a dance might. Doji Hoto mentioned that while important this position could be relegated to a skilled hiemin to perform, seeing this shugenja here seemed like a sort of punishment. Shànzi was told to hang back and record what they could, and listen to the area for changes in patterns as Hoto will approach the dock-master. Donoha turned to Eiji and began to engage him in a discussion about stance and grip techniques for the tetsubo.
Shànzi would later remark to Donoha watching Hoto have a conversation was like watching a dance frozen in ice! He even got the dock-master to reach out to the other shugenja of the Centipede. Using their combined connections to the Kami to cause a storm to roll in shutting down the port till tomorrow! They also gained a clue that perhaps one of two contributions to the investigation. Not to say either were small or of little import, both helped moved the investigation forward and were integral in solving it. The hitotsu (first) item leads to the futatsu (second) and a potentially large change in Donoha’s life.
Hitotsu, Doji Hoto, garnered the name of a sake house called: Akarui Umi (Bright Sea). Warned this was visited by the sailors and dock workers so it was a place a Crane would stand out, but a Crab not so much. It was these preconceived notions the Emperor’s gift was supposed to dispel. Oh and it did so dear reader just wait!
When the group got close Doji Hoto turned to Kitsuki Donoha and asked, “I have a plan, but you would be offended if I ask for you to be my Yojimbo?”
Donoha raised his eyebrows in thought for a few seconds and shook his head that no insult would be made. Then even in the heavy green lacquered and shakudō embellished armor he shook his shoulders, contorted his face and jaw, then rotated his head down, around and back up like someone stretching before exercise. When he looked up his gaze was intimidating and the scar certainly didn’t hurt over his left eye.
“How good is your kenjutsu Donoha-san?”
Almost an octave lower in tone came the reply “I doubt there is anyone in a 100 shaku of me that could win.”
Shànzi noted it was not lost on Doji Hoto that would include him, the nod and raised eyebrow, “Alright let’s go in.”
Donoha asked the Doji-sama to wait, turned to Shànzi, “Even though this may be temporary since you work for me as long as I work for Doji-sama you work for Doji-sama. Please stay close to Eiji if things get rough.” When Shànzi nodded their understanding the group slid open the door to the Akarui Umi sake house.
To say that we tried the survey the establishment would be a gross, miscarriage of justice. Hoto-sama walked him and pronounced we were looking for some pirates posing as Mantis sailors! Ones that had acquired new brides for their retirement illegally. Wow! I could not believe my eyes or ears. In many ways it was the most samurai thing to do, no deception, clearly stated intent, even Eiji nodded in approval at the straight forward approach. He continued with his actual lineage making clear he was the son of the Emerald Champion! Then he went on to say that his Yojimbo would duel everyone here until we got answers, everyone was dead, or he lost. To his credit my master never flinched at that statement and emotionlessly scanned the room using the Kitsuki Ichi-Maru technique.
A samurai in the back of the room stood up and people looked to him and began to quiet down. Hoto-sama and he spoke about information to be exchanged in another place than here if Donoha could beat him in a contest of wits. Donoha leaned into Hoto’s ear and said… something, as a Go board was placed on the table. Hoto nodded and agreed they would escort him out if Donoha-san won.
My master would never want me to sweeten a story about him so I will not. The two were evenly matched. Where Donoha excelled was focus of task. Hoto-sama began to enjoy the wager he had made which was 5-koku versus the information they sought. Eiji stood guard to make sure no one tried to run and warn anyone. It did not take long for the whole saki house to become engrossed in the game. Copper zeni coins trade hands as bets were made between the patrons.
The five koku bet got the saki ladies of the house to swarm Hoto-sama and keep his cup filled. I was tossed a sack to deal with payment. One was pretty enough I would have considered pillow time with her that night!
Back to focus being a discipline, the Mantis captain did not have such discipline with their focus. A little bit miffed seeing the girls that had been fawning over him now more interested in Hoto-sama. Donoha’s head and attention never wavered. He barely won the game and the margin was slim, both had avoided the Ko attack maneuver in their game the exact same way.

Captain Sekimoto-san stood and bowed to Donoha when he realized he lost. Donoha return the bow without speaking. More coins changed hands as out group escorted the Mantis samurai outside for a walk to talk about information in the midday sun. It looked to be the Hour of the Akodo (Horse / Noon-2PM), perhaps getting closer to the Hour of the Doji (Goat / 2PM-4PM).
Sekimoto-san went on to explain about the small draw back to the cliffside docks is when there are to many ships. Many sailors had to find other means because it was not unheard of to be delayed by a day, more if the weather faired poorly. They explained that south of the town that had sprung up around Kyuden Moshi no Machi were a number of small beaches with switch backs that allowed people to make the trek from the tiny southern beaches to town when such a thing happened.
They believed they knew of such a beach that could accommodate rogue Mantis clan with passengers. He asked how many girls we were talking about and Hoto-sama mentioned 5 women. Sekimoto nodded and suspected the crew was around 9-12 in size. Donoha looked at Eiji and they just nodded to each other that this would be no issue for them. Hoto-sama grinned and mentioned he had a plan to approach the group as smugglers posing as samurai.
Eiji nearly objected until he told him to get a barrel of shochu. He perked up and that and when he returned he said they were nice and gave him a keg tap to go with it! Donoha kept an eye on Sekimoto and even scared him so much with a glare the Mantis fell over. This had been a very different set of mannerisms Donoha was displaying. No one got within a rokuganto’s (sword’s) length of Doji Hoto while they waited to pursue. Shànzi had been sent to bring the horses they would need back from their caravan spot.
Once they mounted up and headed south along the trails it was definitely in the Hour of the Doji (Goat / 2PM-4PM). When they finally found the beach in question it had moved into the Hour of the Shiba (Monkey / 4PM-6PM) judging by the sun. The cliffside beaches were bathed in shade at this point that fires had begun to sprout up. The smoke trails of two such fires confirmed there were people down on this beach so the horses were tied off near the bottom of the switch back trail where some trees had managed to grow from the cliffside.
The four heroes gathered in a small glade and saw that the two fires did indeed have Mantis that had turned to piracy! With them were the itsutsu (five) shugenja missing from their gempukku. The maidens looked to be unharmed but huddle up as a group without a fire. Following the same plan as the Saki House it would seem. Doji Hoto-sama had his yojimbo, Donoha-san walk behind him and Eiji carried the Shochu barrel. Which now had the tap placed in it and some had been spilt on the ground. Eiji looked sad as a kitten over spilt cream. Sekimoto and Shànzi were told to stay next to Eiji in case something were to go wrong.
The leader of the pirates was named Sanada. One of his mouthy underlings went by the name Tatsu. An archer that had a bow not meant for riding a horse. Though they were commonly at sea and if rumors were true traded with outsiders from Rokugan. Many had the kama (sickle) that many of the Mantis were known for as much as the Crab were known for their Tetsubo usage. Sanada and Hoto tried to negotiate but Tatsu kept mentioning they had seen the girls, gesturing at their ill-gotten gains. This broke things down till Sanada challenged Doji Hoto-sama to a duel which he accepted!
Shànzi realized she should have seen the following coming, but she thought they were going to see a Crane samurai duel someone. Then he called for his Yojimbo and Donoha walked up. Careful to not say anything out loud, however, they felt like Sanada was about to receive karmic justice.
The duel is something Shànzi had seen Donoha do before, Donoha never missed practice a single day and always found a way to stay in top shape. Shànzi had to hide the fact that the two scars were kind of attractive on his sculpted, muscular, chest. Traveling alone on the road and checking on him while he was resting in Akodo Tozawa-sama’s home did afford her more knowledge of him than most.
Compelled to have a better view than last time where she had not seen Donoha duel previously. Shànzi moved around the large mound on the shoreline. Taking a position close to where the waves lapped the shore. It was clear the Centipede shugenja had kept their word about closing the port till tomorrow morning to aid the investigation. Storm clouds filled with the power and lightning the Kami Fourtune: Osano-Wo was known for. Perhaps they were watching this fight? Who can say.
Eiji and Sekimoto stayed at the rocky boulder outcropping. Eiji set the shochu barrel down and just grinned at any pirate thinking about trying to flee! Flexing their arm holding the tetsubo. Hoto stood to the side between the Centipede shugenja and the pirates. Sanada moved up to a spot on the beach and nodded his head as he took his stance. Donoha walked up with a look of contempt on his face you could taste with a glance.
When Donoha nodded Sanada shouted, “Shūchū (focus)!”
Donoha turn to face Hoto, still in stance but no longer looking at Sanada! This was known among Iaijutsu duelists as a right handed draw. All of Donoha’s right side was now facing Sanada!
Donoha replied calmly, “Shūchū (focus).”
Insulted and shock may be the best way Sanada look at this clearly younger man thinking they were better than him! Sanada shouted, “Shūchū (focus)!”
Donoha replied calmly for the second time, “Shūchū (focus).”
Sanada shouted, “Sutoraiku (strike)!”
It is important to look at the picture below and then come back to understand Donoha spoke to Doji Hoto-sama as he made his cut. Which ended before he was a third of the way through the sentence below.
“Did you know my sister studies at a Kakita School?”

Shànzi shrieked loudly when the head went flying! In the picture above Shànzi would have been obscured by the figure of Sanada and the spray of blood! The head landed half sunk in an incoming wave. Practice appears to have paid off as Sanada’s katana never left its saya. Donoha had to pick his up out of the ground behind where it had impaled the sand. Dusting off his saya and wiping the blade off after the “flick” to get any large drops of blood off.
As the headless body of Sanada fell sideways toward the sea, Donoha turned his gaze of contempt upon the seven remaining pirates. They all dropped to their knees and prostrated themselves on the ground! Doji Hoto-sama had moved over to talk with the Centipede shugenja. I learned later they had made a pact to burn the beach if they could not figure a way out and turn the sand into GLASS!
They were grateful in a reserved way and were happy to head home since their gempukku was over. Donoha never tried to interact with them, even on the way back. He was really leaning into the Yojimbo role, Shànzi wondered if he had ever tried acting? In order to see if there were any samurai left among them he went up to one that called himself Tatsu. When he told him to take the items and garments off Sanada’s body he refused and knelt awaiting a beheading or a weapon to commit seppuku. Donoha yelled that if he had to kill him he would go through everyone here and ask the same thing!
That anger curbed by dedication to bushido was frightening to watch but the lesson was deep. Tatsu lost their head that day but no one else moved to accept the option to die as samurai. Then he shouted at them the purpose, “The last samurai among you just DIED! They will be given a chance to figure it out in their next life. The rest of you knew I would make you touch a dead man as the Eta do and did nothing but grovel! None of you are samurai anymore!”
Doji Hoto-sama offered the kobune (ship) of the pirates to Sekimoto-san. He mentioned if it survived the storm tonight, he would come and claim it. By the time our group made it back to Kyuden Moshi no Machi it was the Hour of the Bayushi (Rooster / 6PM-8PM). Our group made its way for the palace! Even without an invitation the Centipede Damiyo would want to know of the safe return of the five shugenja and the death of the monk, Taiyo, a Brother of Shinsei.
Hoto-sama had gathered some flowers on the way back and Donoha asked permission to duck off for a few seconds. I actually thought he was going to relieve himself but a few seconds later he was back with what he sought. A plant with white flower buds and the roots were wrapped in what was likely his last silk cloth. He had more back at the wagon that had been cleaned but he typically only carried two and the other had some blood on it.
Once the group entered Kyuden Moshi no Machi, Hida Eiji san and Shànzi san went with the six pirates purporting to be Mantis and made sure they made it to the magistrate. Sekimoto san went back to the Akarui Umi sake house in order to get up early and go check on the kobune that just became his in the morning with some of his crew. Hoto sama and Donoha accompanied the five shugenja back to the Damiyo’s palace and no one stopped them as they walked through the open, front-gate. There were several gasps as they passed.
When they arrived at the hall of Damiyo Moshi Jukio sama the group waited and asked an attendant to let the damiyo know we’ve returned. They quickly did so and after a few minutes the noise in the hall quieted down. Hoto sama had taken that time to move his daisho to the right invoking a gesture of piece. Donoha used the saego cord on his saya to peace bond Mittsu Tamashi (Three Souls).
The door slid open and Hoto and Donoha waited at the entrance as the five shugenja walked in and had a miniature audience with their Daimyo. They all bore the same family name of Moshi but Hikaru, Syuri, Inoue, Kondo, and Takako were home safe now. It was unclear to the samurai at the door what was said but they had not been given permission to enter here. A period of time passed that they spoke and soon arrayed themselves at various tables with others of the Centipede clan in the room.
Then the two of them were called into the room. Donoha stood behind the Doji samurai and to their right. Hoto spoke when addressed to and presented each of the five Centipede shugenja one of the flowers they picked up. Then he went over in brief detail, but did elaborate that Donoha was the one whom figured out the mystery of their disappearance. Jukio-sama turned their gaze to Donoha and ask if they had anything to add.
Donoha stunned the court with the most un-Dragon clan like response in the history of well, Rokugan!
“I prefer facts and evidence over anyone’s word. Well, we began early Hoto-sama,” he recovered fast but Hoto could tell Donoha felt pain accidentally saying Hoto’s given name. Deftly ‘sama’ was slapped on as fast as one could do.
“Eiji-san, Shànzi -san, and I headed to the Temple – Yama Sano Amaterasu. Upon arrival my companions spread out but I was reconstructing the fight that had taken place. Based on how everything was shoddily cleaned up. What is clear is the fight with someone from inside the temple, likely Brother Taiyo, whom died and was buried by the bandits or the ladies behind the shrine. What was not clear is if the fight occurred while they were there or before they arrived. My suspicions lean toward before they arrived and the pirate bandits buried him out of fear of the haunting by the dead. The blood stains were small but they could not clean everything. Its what led me to the grave in the back behind the shrine. A small glade that I suspect is used erstwhile for meditation. Finding the fruit pits on the ground,” which he produced one from under his armor, “the Doji was able to tell me about them and they come from the Mantis islands. I informed everyone we needed to head back to the docks before it was to late. On the way I learned from the Doji the practice of the Centipede retirement the Mantis practice. So instead of looking for smugglers we began looking for newlyweds. Through the Doji’s efforts the Centipede shugenja shut the port down for the day with a storm and where we might find a lead at the Akarui Umi. I won a Go game against a Mantis captain that came with us to aid the search, Sekimoto-san. The Mantis showed us one beach he thought might be large enough to hold the numbers we were talking about. It appears these hidden beaches to the south of here are used to get goods into town when the port and cranes get too busy. With everyone working together we found the right beach on the first try and Sekimoto-san stayed with us till we recovered the shugenja and returned here.”
He took a breath to the astonishment of the court.
“This plant with white blossoms is the only thing I could think of to bring to honor the loss of one life with the birth of another.”
As he held it out the Centipede Damiyo gestured for it to be brought to her. She cradled it and looked at Donoha, “You have said more than I have ever heard any other Dragon speak in my whole life.” It was not chastisement but astonishment.
“Hai, Moshi-sama,” was the only reply he gave as he bowed once more.
Then came the slap felt in the Mantis islands by anyone that had a Centipede bride, mother, or grandmother! Doji-Hoto offered one final piece of evidence taken from the leader of the pirates, Sanada. He presented the daisho wrapped in his silk Kimono and set them on the floor. Both tsuba (handguards) on each sword were clearly of the Mantis clan.
The two were told to have the others that joined them on this quest make use of the bathhouse and then return and join them for dinner. The way the Damiyo said made both Hoto and Donoha realize that they were aware of the Nezumi present in their wagons. Gru’Vi was not being invited to dinner. They bowed and it was not until the made it to the road a servant explained which building was the bathhouse, then left.
“I’m so sorry I said your given name, Hoto-san.”
Hoto looked around and no one was paying them any mind, “It’s okay Donoha-san lets get the others and get cleaned up.”
They rounded up Eiji san and Shànzi san. Heading back to get changed before going to the bathhouse. They informed Gru’Vi they were going to sneak extra food out for him so he could try the delicacies of the various parts of the empire. The group discussed where they would hide it and Eiji would bring it out during a trip to relieve himself.
Once that plan was put in place Eiji mentioned he was surprised how much Hoto was warming up the Nezumi. Hoto replied, “If words could have broken your bond then it was never there at all. Since the bond is there and we are a team then he is my problem to bear as well.” Hoto smiled and shared a mutual bow to the rat-like anthromorph of mutual respect.
Once back at dinner in everyone’s best kimono. Hoto began to mingle and Donoha was filling Shànzi in until Hoto moved into Mantis conversation. Donoha stopped and walked over and sat down. Even though it was below the table he did nothing to hide removing the Three Souls katana from his obi and setting down on his right side (making it harder to use) but the handle was facing the head of the Mantis clan in Kyuden Moshi no Machi, Yoritomo Okada.
That move of outright polite hostility in a Damiyo’s grand hall would carry serious repercussions. Were it not for the Mantis clan theme Daisho sitting in the middle of the room behind him. The fact “NO ONE” said anything to Donoha at that act, spoke volumes about Okada’s current standing in the Centipede court.
Hoto and he began to verbally spar and it was clear Okada was practiced but Hoto won the engagement. During each toast the only thing Donoha would say is, “HAI!” Gossiping later anyone that could see his face said his green hazel eyes could write scrolls and never need a quill. His hand never strayed near his katana but everyone knew if Hoto said the word their could be blood in the hall. Shànzi absolutely let their knowledge of the duel slip into conversations asking about the rescue.
At a certain point Hoto left with Okada to talk in the garden. Once they departed Donoha san puts his katana back on his right side and does not join them but waits nearby. Eiji san heads back for the night while Shànzi san takes the time to spread the prowess of her master to the wives with to much time on their hands.
10th of Akoko (Month of the Horse) – During the day Donoha focused on the Phoenix gift of a ring with a red stone to evoke the essence of the firebird of legend. Hoto and he were brought into a private meeting between the Centipede damiyo and Yoritomo Okada. They would not share with me the contents but it was declared that the Mantis daisho would wait for Yoritomo’s family head to show up and remove them!
That evening the ceremony of the gempukku’s completion is held and a banquet to honor the heroes that helped to save them. Okada looked relived to see Sekimoto at that table in order to show Mantis can clean their own house. The shugenja put on a show of fire and Donoha scrawled a picture I can add here of Moshi Takako making a fiery wheel in the air behind them!

The heroes were gifted with copper fans bearing the Mon of the Centipede. Apparently, they got the copper from the Dragon clan which evoked the smallest grin from Donoha. He mentioned his family governed a copper mine in the Dragon clan’s lands near Great Water Fall castle. Perhaps it is the only copper mine in use? The White sprig for the Monk is presented as Shànzi in her role as an Ikoma Bard display her grief of mourning openly for the Shugenja and the Damiyo while everyone else remains as stoic as ever.