Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 30

The Return and the Rot.

It was three additional days when the four samurai and their rescued companion finally made it out of Mori Isawa. Given the girl’s amnesia and chance at a fresh start he gave her his mother’s given name of Hana. After further discussion it was decided to head on the road back to the Temple of Brilliant Rebirth (Striking this from any publications to protect the victimized woman). It would allow her the grace and anonymity to start a fresh life. The temple idea was proposed by Otaku Gunba san, or as they have stated in kawaii fashion, “I’m just that Unicorn guy.” Ladies that Unicorn has manners and is humble to boot. Just so we’re clear they’re also very easy on the eyes!

When they exited the forest by the fate of the kami they ran straight into the area of my encampment. I have had a friendly wager that the forest did not consume them despite how long they had been missing despite the curse being stopped. I informed them it was not the 16th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}), but in fact the 16th of Shiba in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Monkey {OOC: September})! They were stunned by a time jump as I was to see them stunned. I joined up moved into the wagon and we headed south once more.

During the travel weather appeared to be perfect so it only took a day to make it to the temple. I went inside to escort the woman known as Hana and explain why the group was leaving her in the monks’ care. An important distinction is that in their presence no ritual of Jade Strike or any fingers of jade hurt Hana or changed colors to black. Remarkably, no taint has befallen her! Donoha sama keeps saying he did not save her, because Isawa Tamaki san healed her wounds. However, his actions of removing her from the ritual area is likely what saved her from taint seeping in!

Oh, one needs to also mention that Akodo Asahi sama has been blessed by the neko sama from the hidden village in Mori Kuroi. The kawaii neko they named Kitagawa and despite every attempt to proven them wrong it understands low Rokugani! Surely the kami of cats has blessed this adorable kawaii neko! While it seems to like everyone in the group it follows Asahi sama everywhere it can.

On the 17th of Shiba in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Monkey {OOC: September}) the group departed to catch up to the Emperor’s Gft caravan which had set its sights on Kyuden Tonbo, Palace of the Dragonfly Clan! Also known as the gatekeepers of the path to the Dragon Clan. In order to try and catch up Donoha sama had an interesting plan when he asked Gunba san if they would like to visit the Shrine of the Ki-Rin! The Unicorn shugenja agreed and the Dragon courtier did some math and stated we could likely spend three days there if we left soon that morning.

I want to say the adventure was fraught with peril, but in a lovely change of pace this trek to catch up to the caravan may have been one of the nicest travels in my life. We saw a number of sight through the road through Mori Isawa on the way to Aojiroi Oku Shiro (Pale Oak Castle). Where Emperor Hantei the XVII is buried beneath the pale oak tree that is said to have bark which can be made into healing tea! It is also said to be the place where Donoha sama fell in love for the first time.

Once back in Mori Isawa, Otaku Gunba san noticed an old, weathered torii gate stands alone on a hilltop, its wood cracked and faded by time. One of the gate’s pillars had fallen, lying across the path it stood over leading away from the road. The remaining structure of the torii still stands tall. The area around the torii was barren of trees as though the clearing was the shrine, with only a few tufts of grass and scattered stones. The Unicorn crafted the following haiku:
Broken but unbowed
Immobile but a gateway
Sister, do you see?

At the western side of the forest another path, winding through the forest away from the road was spotted. Consisting of vibrant red maple trees. Within this autumnal season, the entire area was ablaze with the colors of the leaves, creating a tunnel of red, orange, and gold. The ground was carpeted with fallen leaves, and the crisp air carried the scent of earth and wood. The Phoenix crafted the following haiku:
Path of red and gold,
Whispers in the autumn breeze,
Peace found in each step.

Upon arriving at town surrounding Pale Oak castle Donoha visited briefly with Unmei san and acquired a single bokken for his cousin Asahi sama made of the same pale oak as his were. Biding Chiasa’s father a farewell they continued onward to the shrine. Upon leaving on the path that would be the final leg of the journey to the shrine he showed everyone a grove of cedar trees shown to him by Chiasa. Dense, the air within the grove was filled with the sound of rustling leaves, which he mentioned that some locals say are the whispers of ancient spirits. The trees were unusually tall and straight, with soft, moss-covered roots that seem to invite rest and reflection. A small stream ran through the grove, its clear water reflecting the sunlight in dappled patterns. The Dragon also mentioned local legend speaks of a group of shugenja who once meditated here, seeking wisdom from the kami. It was said that those who sit quietly within the grove may hear the advice of long-passed ancestors. He also crafted a haiku regarding this beautiful location:
Cedar giants stand,
Whispers of spirits in the air,
Moss invites to dream.

There are a total of three waterfalls that feed the waterway funneling into the lake south of the Shrine to the Ki-Rin. The shrine was located on a remote mountaintop in westernmost Phoenix lands, roughly a half-day’s travel from Shiro Gisu in the mountainous Asako provinces, with the Dragon Heart Plains unfurling due west. It boasted a massive torii arch, clearly visible above the surrounding lands. While there was no main road, the path was subtly marked at regular intervals by stone lanterns. Beyond the second peak was a plateau, where several housing living quarters and the shrine’s priest had a single room administrative office. The shrine consisted of a single statue, a marble Ki-Rin entwined with sculpted flames facing the Great Wall of the North Mountains. Its eyes are set with jade, and a thick shimenawa rope encircled its neck. Across the stone pedestal it was carved: “Look to the horizon, for the visions there are footsteps of the future.”

While it only took a day to reach it from Pale Oak Castle, along the path they took in the distance a solitary stone watchtower stands on a hill overlooking the surrounding countryside. Though the tower was empty, and upon investigation by the group. Found the stairs within have crumbled, the view from its base is still magnificent. The surrounding area was a peaceful meadow dotted with wildflowers and tall grasses swaying in the wind. The Lion crafted the following haiku:
Ancient stone sentinel,
Silent in the wildflower breeze,
Time’s whispers linger.

Once they arrived Donoha sama sought out a Monk tending to the shrine and was given an introduction to a senior member. The senior monk confirm that in three days a would be arriving with a few supplies on its return from Shiro Gisu up north. This river barge is how he crossed from Nanashi Mura to Ukabu Mura during his gempukku. Since it was on its returning trip then they would be able to use it to load the wagon and traverse all the way back to Toshi Ranbo wo Shien Shite Reigisaho on the northern edge of Lion Clan territory!

While the city is hotly debated between the Lion and the Crane it is currently a Crane held location since Rokugan’s year 1120. In the days leading up to the barge’s return Otaku Gunba san began to seek martial training and even he was surprised at the courtier being the one he knew the most about hand to hand combat. The Dragon nodded when he was asked to be his sensei and began to instruct him with a focus on improvised weaponry. During the river trip he practiced a technique called slow form, where both the teacher and the student never went above a quarter speed. It allowed for instruction to be given during motion.

When he wasn’t training Gunba san in the evening he was building a new saya for the jade katana in Asahi’s possession. Using wood collected in Mori Isawa he constructed it in three segments. Leaving the small rings of bark to separate three sections. He carved the haiku Asahi sama had created into the publc facing side of the saya to commemorate the event: Ancient stone sentinel, Silent in the wildflower breeze, Time’s whispers linger. On the side that faces Asahi’s leg he carved: Jade fangs, claws of green, A king of beasts, a creature rare, Power in his eyes.

Our arrival in Toshi Ranbo was brief, we hit the docks on the eastern side of the city and I paid for the extra help getting the oxen and wagon back onto dry land. While I can’t be one hundred percent sure I believe some of the helpers were from the ronin group known as the Iron Fans. Well, basing that on the iron tessen stuck in their obi and a complete lack of swords. All of us were forced to leave any, and all blades inside the wagon once we had docked. We were told we could retrieve them once we left the city and having the wagon bearing the Seppun mon on a small plaque above the door. Along with papers proving we were a part of the Emperor’s Gift, allowed us to avoid a bureaucratic nightmare. Peace in that city felt like a gilded cage.

The group arrives at Kyuden Tonbo on the 26th of Shiba in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Monkey {OOC: September}). Donoha sama appeared very excited to be back in lands he was familiar with. We first visited with an attendant of the Emerald Ambassadors. We were instructed to get baths, eat, rest and we would have dinner in the evening. Both Otaku Gunba san and Donoha sama visited the stables. The Unicorn checked in on animals left behind by owners that had succumbed to the plague. The Dragon reconnected with his great potoo bird, Shirogane and his horse, Yukiabo.

When the baths were set up it was in a line at our wagons with small dividers. The food was good but everything seemed a bit demure and less than the onset of the caravan’s opulence. Afterwards Donoha sama wrote a thank you letter to his Grandmother, Seppun Sora, asking about his eldest aunt and Grandfather. Then another letter to let his parents know of his arrival at Kyuden Tonbo. Asahi sama spent the time either training or shadowing his cousin when he trained Gunba san. Tamaki san wrote to the master that had trained him as a shugenja.

When evening fell they were brought to a dinner with Mirumoto Tanetsu sama and Shinjo Akiba sama. The Dragon and Unicorn Emerald Ambassadors. Shiba Sono sama had sent word to Tamaki san to meet with him tomorrow morning at dawn. Kitsu Tsuguri sama had left Asahi sama a note to report if anything felt worthy to pass on, otherwise they were to stay the course they had chosen. The Dragon and Unicorn Ambassadors explained how morale had dropped with the group’s disappearance. They also explained the plague had ravaged the caravan’s supplies and everything was being managed and allocated in a more strict manner. They talked about the time distortion effect of the woods in Mori Isawa. Once that was done the current problems had been shared regarding, supplies, morale, and awaiting word from the Dragonfly clan to allow them passage to Shiro Kitsuki.

The group made plans after leaving the dinner with Donoha sama letting the craft trades people know he was back and ready to help. They kept him for a few rounds of sake before allowing him to find sleep. The others were excited about seeing a teahouse Donoha has visited a few times and enjoyed for either a midday or evening meal. The Dragon was also awaiting a reply from his parents asking him to come home so he could easily bypass Kyuden Tonbo and show his friends the Dragon lands.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 28

What’s One More Curse?

As the evening of the 9th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) was coming to a sunset. The sky over Shiro Shiba was inundated with hundreds of birds that fell to the ground. Upon hitting every last one turned to ash! Our group of intrepid samurai raced off to the Temple of Eternal wisdom to track down Shiba Ayame sama and coonsult her once more.

While the avian calamity appeared to be continuing, the four were led to the same internal chamber. Donoha sama got on his knees and bowed to the floor, “Shiba sama, it appears the curse you’re following has made its way to the city.”

Even with signs of a lack of sleep Shiba Ayame sama straightened their kimono and the air of a noblewoman adorned them as though it was the finest silk. The Lion followed his cousin in action and the two shugenja bowed at the waist. After the pleasantries were exchanged, the newer points of her researched was discussed. The hidden castle or fortress Tamaki san had uncovered on the map was indeed the source of the curse in Kuroi Mori (Black Forest). It would take days to reach as the length of all of Isawa Mori, of which the Kuroi Mori lies in its northern most part, is over 150 miles. Pressed against the Northern Wall Mountains that mark the northern border of the Phoenix, Dragon, and Unicorn lands. While not all maps are equal in their quality, the distance of the trip was thought to be about 49 Ri (120 Mi).

It would seem there has been a seal or gate to the realm of oni. This oni’s aura is what is spreading the disease affecting Shiro Shiba, and probably all of the northern Phoenix lands. It seems to be a curse on the Phoenix clan for when the Phoenix shugenja called upon the void kami is what brought the disease down on those around them but not the shugenja in question. However, cruel irony of the oni is that to keep it from spreading you must keep those that spread the plague around you!

The group knew they needed to do something but wanted to check in with Shiba Sono sama first. Leaving with the blessings of Shiba Ayame for success in resolving this. The four samurai made it to the cluster of caravan wagons and the Dragon was to direct, scarring an attendant. The next time he remained vague and the attendant mentioned they were expected and led them to the Phoenix ambassador’s wagon. When they entered Phoenix ambassador had the placements arranged minus a criminal Asako courtier among them. With bows everyone took their seats and tea was poured. While it tasted to the Lion and the Dragon as horrible their faces kept a stoic expression. Both the Unicorn and Phoenix shugenja thought it was some of the finest tea they ever had.

When it came time to discuss the dilemma the elder samurai wasted no time, “How long do you feel you’ll be gone this time?”

It was easy for everyone to see that the Dragon was happy at such a frank opening to the discussion. The caravan was preparing to leave in the morning and begin making their way west and south to Kyuden Asako, the Morning Glory Castle. Requests were made of supplies and tools for the road including a bag of jade finger stones since they knew they would be facing another Oni. Throughout the evening attendant brought the needed tools and supplies. Asahi sama spent time help Takami san into wearing a suit of light armor he had. Donoha was working on coordinating but would make his back up light armor available to Gunba san if they requested such. The Unicorn shugenja was busy arranging the mounts because they were taking one of the two wagons for this trek!

Agasha Re was loaned the other wagon for their lodgings in turn for keeping it safe and secure while they were gone. Donoha sama was happy to loan it to a distant cousin in the Agasha family, but it was Tamaki san that delivered the news and updated her as to the fate of Asako Takumi sama. Re san was fired up for vengeance, but Tamaki san extracted a promise she would work her fury through Shiba Sono sama and do nothing rash. With supplies set at the dawn of the 10th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) the caravan began to head west as Donoha sama’s group began to trek north.

They were told they were not allowed to stop at Kyuden Isawa or any other northern settlement unless it was a dire emergency. The settlements farther north had already been inundated with the plague and were struggling in helping their own populations. The last thing they needed were outsiders taxing their resources further. On the road that day Asahi sama requested his cousin make some jade arrowheads. After a discussion that these would be his first arrowheads from a piece of jade he agreed to try. Each arrowhead consumed a jade finger and was styled to match an armor piercing tip and then affixed to two shafts from the supplies acquired from the caravan. Being on the road was good as cleared 16 and a third Ri (40 miles) that day.

11th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) led to a discussion during breakfast to distract from the food’s taste for the Lion and the Dragon. About what would happen if a shugenja ran out of spells. Donoha sama asked Tamaki san if they felt they could learn the basics of wielding a knife in a fight. The Phoenix said they felt confident they could pick up the basics. Thus began their day of training with the Dragon courtier with his vast knowledge of weapons. It’s really no wonder many confuse him for being a bushi. At the end of the training some five hours of the day (10 hours to us) later. Tamaki san did indeed have the basics down but was physically and mentally exhausted! What surprised him the most was the dual focus of breathing and situational awareness. The Dragon kept beating into him all day that if you can’t breathe, you can’t fight. That day they made just over 12 and a quarter Ri (30 miles).

On the 12th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) Donoha sama took three fingers of jade and made a jade dagger in the shape of a tanto with a sheath. In a form of reward for Tamaki san for their work of learning the knife fighting basics. Named Hisuitsume 翡翠爪 for the Jade Talon. For their time while Gunba san was keeping the wagon moving, Tamaki san had been pondering the nature of the curse with meditation. They came to the conclusion that this may not be a thing that can be stabbed as much as a door or gate that needs to be closed and sealed once again. It was during this day that they entered Isawa Mori followed by the southern portion of Kuroi Mori.

It was the 13th of Doji in Rokugan’s year 1123 (Month of the Goat {OOC: August}) when the group had to start clearing the way forward. Eventually they found the hidden pathway in the Kuroi Mori to the location obscured in Shiba Ayame sama’s research. They began following it as the afternoon began to continue onward. It was then they encountered truly their first obstacle, six animated vines that began attacking them. The battle was fierce but the Lion was skilled at engaging with multiple targets with the Phoenix combining water and fire magics to prevent burning the forest down but hurting their foes. The dragon’s black and copper blade made purchase and severed two of the vines so perfectly it looked as though something of the blade’s kami had been awakened. Onward they would push with Gunba san bringing the wagon up behind them.