The Perils of the Climb
Festival of Lady Doji and Lord Kakita and the 1st of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}). You think the Dragon and Lion cousins would remember to have rice every day, but guess whom left with their companions without a morning bowl of rice. Fate made sure this was noted as they passed the gates of Kyuden Tonbo on their way up the great climb to Shiro Kitsuki, otherwise known as Last Step Castle. The official gateway into the lands of the Dragon Clan. They were entrusted with several scrolls of discourse between the Emerald Ambassadors and the Dragon Clan champion. All of them were sealed in a chest they were bringing to the High House of Light, Kyuden Togashi.
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About and half and hour of the day (OOC: 60 minutes. Remember a Rokugani day only has 12 hours so that is two earth hours) north of Kyuden Tonbo they came upon a most peculiar sight! An incredibly handsome man standing on the side of the road, freezing because they were unprepared for the cold weather they found themselves in. Wearing a beautiful black, metallic, mask and the mon of the Scorpion clan upon their crimson, silken, kimono. Donoha sama pulled the beleaguered Scorpion up onto Yukiabo, his personal horse. Also providing this person his bedroll so they could stop shivering. Once on the back of his horse with their belongings they learned this Scorpion’s name was Shosuro Hanzo san.
After a short period of time and a promise to take Hanzo san to Shiro Kitsuki for aid. The four companions came to understand that magic had whisked the Shosuro from a tea house in the Scorpion lands! Only to dump them on the side of a well protected road between the Dragonfly Clan and the Dragon Clan! If you ever meet Donoha sama please make sure he eats rice in the morning or fate may whisk you away to whatever adventure he is upon!
Around the time a full hour of the day had passed (OOC: 120 minutes. Remember a Rokugani day only has 12 hours so that is two earth hours), the sounds of battle began to fill the air! Some of them were monstrous and others appeared to be from a human or humans, it was hard to tell. Donoha sama with Hanzo san behind him, Asahi Sama, and Tamaki san raced ahead. Otaku Gunba san had to stay at a slower pace because his Unicorn horse was carrying their supplies and he was riding another Rokugani smaller horse that had a similar breed as the Dragon. While smaller these horses had been bred in either Dragon or Phoenix lands and were used to the terrain.
The Unicorn shugenja was not far behind them as our tale will tell, so fear not he has his hand on the share of glory inbound. Initially Donoha thought the monstrous sounds might belong to trolls, but to his surprise they were Yeti! Facing off against four Yeti was a lone Dragon bushi whom had just been knocked back upon the ground after killing three of the four Yeti BY THEMSELVES! Truly a magnifcent battle was underway, and the samurai present wasted no time to render aid. The Lion and the Dragon cousins raced to face against the last Yeti. Following the battlefield acumen of Asahi sama, Donoha sama changed directions to help the Dragon bushi. Isawa Tamaki got into an advantageous position should he need to call upon the kami for aid. Even Shosuro Hanzo san, only slightly less frozen found a defensible position from which to fire arrows in support of the bushi and the courtier rushing into the fray!
The Dragon bushi told Donoha sama to return to the fight for he would live and the blood on him was from the dead creatures he had slain. With a quick nod the sword and hammer wielding courtier spun to aid his Lion cousin. Only by that time his cousin had deliver a set of strikes to fell the fourth Yeti on his own merit! A shout from Gunba san alerted the group to another Yeti approaching from a nearby ridge. When it burst through the tree line, our Unicorn shugenja was getting up to the fight in progress.
Tamaki san threw fire magic at it and Hanzo san let arrows fly, which caused the Yeti to jump down to where he was! Talk about your day taking a hard turn. From teahouse to snow bound fight with a monstrous beast many think are folk tales, welcome to the Dragon lands!
Donoha leapt down after the Yeti and would have cut the creature in half if their katana had been an Odachi! As the red spray of the creature’s blood painted the snow. Gunba san used their magics to hurl rocks from the surroing area at it toppling it over! Calling out to his cousin not to help Donoha strode up and beheaded the snow beast and bringing the fight to a conclusion.
The introductions to the amazing bushi that had felled three of these beasts caused Donoha sama to bow so deep his face was in the snow. Standing before everyone was Togashi Hoshi, the son of the current Dragon Clan Champion! He knew everyone by name which was a little off-putting for the assembled samurai. Our Dragon investigator was only slightly less surprised because of his knowledge of the Dragonfly Clan and his own family were experts at gathering information. Certainly someone had provided this information to the son of the Clan Champion.
Togashi sama made an off-hand comment that the group was not supposed to run into Shosuro san until they were leaving for the caravan. That bit of knowledge was leading Donoha sama to other questions but manners would not let him ask them at this point. The very impressive Dragon offered to share his camp with everyone and it would be found on a shortcut to Shiro Kitsuki. When they arrived they only had to set up the tent Asahi sama had brought to accommodate Hanzo san. While Gunba san tended to the animals where they were far more comfortable, the rest of the group shared a meal and tea.
During the meal Hanzo san began to act strangely upon learning of Asahi’s family name. This sparked a line of questioning from Donoha sama which culminated in learning that Shosuro san maybe have been born in a spirit realm that looks nearly identical to our own Ningen-do! Donoha flatly refused to share any further details about that world he visited and is fairly certain this Scorpion is from there! Needing a break he brought food and tea to Gunba san before returning to the fire. Not long after sitting down everyone began to feel sleepy as they felt the warm taste of a Scorpion spice, known as cinnamon.