Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 37

Road Back to Ningen-dō

Donoha sama had long thought the souls belonging to owners of the blades that make up Mittsu Tamashi were inside the blade already. It had not occurred to him that what he’d managed to perform was creating a tether to those souls. A link to them in Gaki-do! In some ways he was destined to have to journey to Gaki-do in order to save them and bring them forth from the punishment of the realm of the hungry dead.

The three shadowy souls of Hida Nagahide san, Shiba Tsukasa san, and Akodo Chun san fell in line behind the Dragon courtier as musical bells began to ring out. Donoha sama was becoming convinced that one of Hanzo san’s relatives or close family friends had been a monk in his world’s Brotherhood of Shinsei. Their knowledge of rites typically done by monks whom focused on rituals for points in one’s life seemed prolific to put a word to it.

They all returned in mass to the shrine where Donoha reverently replaced the Karmic Key. After bowing in a show of respect to his part in helping the five samurai defeat the Queen of Hunger. He retreated to allow the others to make their feelings known. They have, after all, saved the process of reincarnation! Hanzo continued their performance with the bells used by monks to help guide souls to their place in reincarnation. Normally done from Ningen-do or Rokugan depending upon how the scholar wishes to describe the world.

Outside the shrine’s entry the mist parted to form a column of golden light. They were being granted passage back to Meido. With the constant echo of bells helping the shadowy souls find their place in a train behind the heroic samurai. Once everyone returns to the realm of waiting the one known as Tenth Kami appeared before them once more. The shadowy souls immediately began to find their way back into the line to be weighed again by Emma-O, the fortune of Death. This time their suffering in Gaki-do would be weighed as well and their chance at reincarnation seemed almost a given!

When the Tenth Kami turning their attention back to the group. The Lion bushi was knelt on one knee. The Dragon courtier in a kneeling bow with his head low and hand in gesture of contemplation. The others had deferred their gazes respectfully, and three lone souls stood behind Donoha sama watching him.

“Kitsuki Donoha san why have these three souls decided to remain with you?”

To be addressed directly by one of the Great Kami is a rarity for anyone in Rokugan since the founding of the empire. The Dragon courtier refused to touch his sword in the presence of the Tenth Kami when he answered.

“I believe these are the souls of Shiba Tsukasa san, Hida Nagahide san, and Akodo Chun san. Either their blades failed them and broke during their time as bushi samurai, or they failed their lord in their service. I was gifted each of their katana and used it to make the katana at my side, Mittsu Tamashi. I wanted to serve the empire by making swords that could be used to redeem the souls of samurai that had fallen. To give them another shot at reincarnation.”

The Tenth Kami spoke, “They have that chance and have decide to stay and serve you within the blade. I shall bind them to that fate they have chosen.”

With a raise of their hand each of the souls took the shape they had in life. Constructed by an outline of tiny pieces of light as though drawn in the dark sky. Then they became a bright mist that was absorbed into the handle of Mittsu Tamashi. Each time making it glow before settling down.

The Tenth Kami continued, “You have all done a service to every soul here and ones having gone through reincarnation. I will grant a boon to speak with a soul that has passed on.”

The first to choose was Akodo Asahi sama and they chose to speak with their father, Akodo Isoroku. Once their soul took form the two were allowed to wander off and have a private conversation. Hanzo and Donoha talk about the fact he came from a different history. Without meaning to the Dragon mentioned the Emperor had a vision and put the Emperor’s Gift Caravan together for forestall or alter that fate. According to Shosuro Hanzo san that moment is the event that led this world in a better direction than his.

Isawa Tamaki san asked to speak to the original Thunder Isawa sama themself! Only to be informed they had gone through reincarnation and were on Ningen-do actively at this moment! The Phoenix shugenja then asked for a private conversation with the Tenth Kami after everyone else was done, and was granted their request. I wish I knew what they asked but alas somethings must remain private.

Thinking about what he wanted Donoha sama missed what both Otaku Gunba san and Shosuro Hanzo san asked for. He gathered they seemed happy, or maybe relieved at the outcomes of those discussions. The Scorpion courtier seemed to think this world was a blessing to him now. The Unicorn shugenja seemed a bit more contemplative about his their result.

Donoha thought about the people they could talk to that were dead and decided to try and make this a gift. He asked if he could pass this gift to the Ikoma. He tries to get a boon for the Ikoma family daimyo, Ikoma Anakazu sama. Acknowledging how much the Ikoma damiyo has done for him in the last year he asked the Tenth Kami if such a boon was possible. The answer was that it may be possible for them to grant such a desire. He would have to pray when he was near the person and hopefully the Tenth Kami would hear the prayer.

After all conversations were had, the group headed back into the mist and became one with it again as they were once greeted by the Maiden of the Void, Chiasa. Donoha and she shared a brief moment, although this author is sure it felt much longer to the Dragon than it was. She told him their would be a time in the future they could be together but her duties would not allow it yet. At the mention of possibly infringing on her duty to her cause or lord. He stilled his spirit and apologized for he would not wish to cause her any harm. It was a look shared of two people in love. The mist swirled as she sent them home to Ningen-do.

Back in the Dragon lands each of them came to on the 4th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}), 1123. Three days had past and Togashi Hoshi sama had been caring for them and their mounts while their souls had been away. As everyone was beginning to realize how hungry they were for not eating for three days! Donoha sama and Gunba san shared a brief look about the journey. The Unicorn wandered off to the horses is soon joined by Donoha as he goes to groom Yukiabo, his personal horse. When he asked if the Unicorn shugenja was alright, Gunba san assured him it was nothing of import. The Dragon courtier leaned back and rubbed his eye apologizing for snow getting in it.

Togashi Hoshi welcomes us back as Donoha sama returns. Asahi sama begins cooking food with provisions. They are so talented at cooking one wonders if they had not cooked for a Hantei in a past life. The Dragon and Scorpion courtiers play a game of Go to pass the time. Donoha won the game, and its been a fair amount of time since the game they played in the Valley of the Centipede in Moshi no Machi against the Mantis captain, Yoritomo Sekimoto san.

As everyone was eating the food Donoha sama praises his cousin’s cooking alongside Hanzo san. After their food was done the Scorpion acted out one of the classic tales done normally in kabuki or noh mask theatre. They are an accomplished actor and everyone enjoyed the tale. Tamaki wanted to try and meditate during most of the meal. even going as far with magic of the kami to pull a flaming log up to him through the air to keep warm. Eventually, the log was not enough and they had to leave their spot they had claimed on a rock column. Even Gunba returned when the group was given our next destination on the way to the High House of Light.

The group was informed there is a shrine on a lake to Fukuro-kujin, the fortune or Wisdom and Mercy. There we will meet our next guide, Tetsuo san. Donoha sama asked about a few details of the shrine. Togashi sama confirmed and the Kitsuki nodded that he’d seen the shrine before but it was never on his way to or from Copper River Manor where he was born. The group decided that since the day was only coming upon highsun they begin their journey with haste. They packed up being rested, refreshed, and fed most importantly.

As they began to travel Asahi broke into song several times with amazing renditions of ballads heard around the Empire! Their voice is a joy to listen to, clearly another past life coming through this very talented samurai. Donoha sama gathered a thick branch and began to carve it in his lap on Yukiabo with his chisels and smithing hammer. He finished it on the following day of the 5th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}), 1123. He presented a three compartment stackable inro box to be worn from their obi. A scorpion was carved upon both its sides and stretched over the three compartments.

During the trek the group shared a number of shared moments between the group. When they arrived at the shrine on the 8th of Bayushi (Month of the Rooster {OOC: October}). Both the Lion and Dragon were inspired to come up with a haiku which I will record below. Donoha’s Haiku:
Quiet mind at peace.
Peaceful heart, a knowing smile.
Wisdom’s gentle light.

Asahi’s Haiku:
Cold Snow Falls So Clear
A Statue’s Silent Gazing
Mercy and Wisdom

Tetsuo introduced themselves to the group. Then offered them a chance to visit and pay their respects. The Lion and the Dragon bow and kneel at the stairs to offer their prayers. The Scorpion took some wonderful incense to burn at the alter of the fortune. After their prayers the Phoenix offered some of theirs as well. The Unicorn took the most time but he carved a token to add to the altar. They did a job that made them feel the Fortune would be happy with the offering. As they came out Shosuro Hanzo was beginning a divination by the nearby lake.

Scroll of Kitsuki Donoha Part 34

A Starlight Quest

Donoha sama described being pulled into and through the Void into the sprit realm of Meido. The land where the dead go before they meet Emma-O the Fortune of Death. Initially the new group of five samurai could not see each other or much of anything. A voice spoke to them explaining a problem of a karmic nature. The Dragon could tell to voice of the woman he loved anytime he heard it. The group soon knew the love of the Dragon as their guide and quest giver.

Composed of stars and light against what appeared to the the black of night or the Void. Hard to be certain if one or the other, perhaps both. As they focused upon her they became little orbs of light that could discern each other. If not directly “see” because they did not have eyes in this form.

How Chiasa san and Togashi Hoshi sama were apparently working together was a question the Dragon wanted to ask but weighed it as selfish compared to the task laid before them. There is an issue within the spirit realm of Gaki-do wear the hungry dead wander. It threatens the balance of the karmic cycle. In order to set the spirit realms back to the way they function. The group must go to the Gate of the Dead and convince the Fortune Emma-O to get passage to Gaki-do and retrieve the Karmic Key to defeat the Queen of Hunger.

Chiasa san warns everyone she has cast a spell to make us see Gaki-do in a manner different than how it would truly appear. To keep from possibly going mad and breaking the group’s minds! While the group asked after points of the challenge before them. Donoha sama made sure she knew her father was doing well, and if she felt safe where she was. She thanked him and assured him she was safe where she was. After she left the group to proceed their march toward the gate. Donoha reminded his Lion cousin of the time he healed Asahi sama in the cave with the stairs. A beam of what appeared to be stars shown down and he was completely healed when the bandage was applied. His cousin acknowledged the memory and Donoha sama mentioned that Chiasa san whom just left was the one he was talking about.

The group had been told about finding the Tori (Gate) of the Dead. Apparently, every path one could take would lead to the gate and the speed at which you would find it had to do with the purity of your soul. After moving through what appeared to them as a barren wasteland they found lines of people filing into a common direction. Everyone in the group had slightly different ideas on how to approach this but Donoha sama simply walked up to one and got in line with the souls of the dead.

When Gunba san, Tamaki san, and Hanzo san looked upon the faces of those in the line they found something unsettling. They had no face to speak of! The legends about this spirit world mention the wiping of your old identity to make way for your reincarnation and that was the closest guess the group could make about what was happening here.

Upon reaching the Tori (Gate) of the Dead the five samurai approached and stood before the throne of Emma-O, Fortune of the Dead. Once proper reverence was given to the fortune sitting upon their throne. They queried the group about why the living were traveling where they should not be? When they gave their explanation about the Karmic Key and the Queen of Hunger, the Fortune of Death’s tone changed to a more pleasant one. They welcomed the champions and bid them pass one and meet the one that would grant them entry into Gaki-do.

Donoha sama said that this part has to be vague. In part because the name of the individual they met was stricken from the imperial records by the first Hantei. This was told to them by the one they met! The person guarding the entry into Gaki-do was the tenth and youngest child of the Sun and Moon! The Tenth Kami, according to an excerpt from the Tao of Shinsei.

“Of the nine children of the Sun and Moon; myself, Doji, Akodo, Shinjo, Hida, Togashi, Bayushi, Shiba, and Fu Leng…” began the Emperor.
“No,” said Shinsei”
“No?” my brother asked quizzically.
“The Sun and Moon had ten children, though you will never know your youngest brother.”

The Tenth Kami stated he would only let pure souls through the gate to Gaki-do to prevent their corruption by Jigoku’s taint. The group’s souls were tested and Donoha sama was the first to pass with Asahi sami passing just after him. The other three began to fade out of existence! The Tenth Kami asked the Dragon and the Lion if they would be willing to bear the others karmic burdens. When they do the others become solid once more.

The Tenth Kami asked if we need anything before entering Gaki-do. Donoha sama was not sure if his sword, Mittsu Tamashi 三つ魂, the Three Soul katana, would be able to harm creatures that you would normally use jade or crystal for. His Lion cousin had that jade katana now, and both the Unicorn and Phoenix shugenja had access to the kami spirits. Tamaki san also had Hisuitsume 翡翠爪, the Jade Talon, that Donoha sama had made for him. Hanzo san was without a weapon he could discern that would harm the creatures they were anticipating meeting!

Donoha sama asked for a weapon to be provided to Shosuro Hanzo san so they could defend themselves. The Tenth Kami said he did not have one to provide him. However, if they needed time to make one he could halt time for a bit around him to allow for such a task! Hanzo san mentioned being very good with a bow and between the Dragon and Lion they had enough fingers of jade to allow Donoha sama to craft eight jade arrows.

As the Dragon began to knap the jade using the edge of the head and handle of Chikai kodzuchi 誓い小槌 the Oath-hammer. Asahi sama began to sing song that somehow lasted the length of indeterminate time Donoha sama needed to make the eight jade arrows. I will list the song below.

In the mountains high and old
Kami’s whisper soft and bold
Waves of time in silence roll
Mysteries of nature unfold

Lanterns flicker in the shrine
Ancient spirits intertwine
Moonlit path our lives align
With hearts a humble sign

Oh Kami hear our song
Guide us where we belong
Your breath makes us strong
Oh Kami hear our song

Cherry blossoms kiss the breeze
Life and death a sacred tease
In the rustle of the leaves
We find truths that never freeze

In the stillness of the night
Kami’s presence pure in sight
Folded hands a prayer’s light
We honor ancient might

The Tenth Kami stretched there arm out to a rolling storm cloud and it tore in half. Through the cloudy cleft came a light that flickered not unlike flame. The five samurai approached feeling no heat but a chill in their very bones. With purpose they left Meido the realm of waiting and entered Gaki-do the realm of the hungry dead.

Chiasa san’s enchantment on the five samurai’s eyes went into effect. They saw a cracked and rocky, barren, wasteland. Despite the ground feeling like soft, and well… Donoha mentioned it felt the same as when he punched person in the stomach. While he was not sure what the other were thinking he was personally very thankful for the visual enchantment.

Then the sounds in the distance of people crying out, dying began to set in. When Hanzo san mentioned it, Donoha sama mentioned that he was having flashbacks to the time he was visiting Kaiu Kabe. He was given permission to visit and collect the blades of a group of fallen samurai.

Their blades had broken during a raid by goblins. Donoha had wanted to restore their honor in his new sword. Every name fresh in his memory: Hida Shimazu san, Hida Nagahide san, Hiruma Kenji san, Hida Moriyama san, Kuni Asakura san, and Yasuki Saigo san. He only had a small moment in time to share his memory of the screams before Asahi sama had sensed the hungry dead found them.

The Lion drew their jade katana as his Dragon cousin drew Mittsu Tamashi. Hanzo san knocked a jade arrow as the Phoenix and Unicorn prepared to draw on the might of the Kami. The plan had been to use the Lion as bait because the creatures of Gaki-do sought him out over everything else back in Rokugan. However, that soon fell apart as the creatures split equally to attack the Dragon and the Lion!

Six total monstrosities of the hungry dead approached and two had been transformed by Chikushudo to each have as many limbs as a spider! The skirmish was fierce and both the Lion bushi and the Dragon courtier were lucky for their armor, school training, and the respective war fan and smithing hammer they carried in their spare hands.

Even with all of this helping them they were getting hammered to keep the attention on themselves. Thus allowing Tamaki san to cast the spell, Jade Strike multiple times. Gunba san to rip rocks from the ground, transform them into jade and throw them at the enemy. Last but certainly not least Hanzo san proved their skill with their yumi bow sinking jade arrows through the creatures and they did not shatter upon landing. Now Donoha suspect part of that it from the true nature of Gaki-do since the ground feels soft to the touch. Only “looking” the part of a rocky wasteland.

This was definitely a team effort. Donoha sama learned something about Mittsu Tamashi during the fight. His sword was warming up when striking the creature only harmed by magic, jade, or crystal! When his blows landed they cut and hurt the creatures as much as the attacks made from jade did! It was a gamble because he was concerned more for the Scorpion courtier that got pulled into this than himself. He trusted his sword would get him through and its clearly an awakening nemurani at this point! After they won, Tamaki san had their magic available to heal both the Lion fully and the Dragon to nearly full health.